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Baili Hongzhuang is waiting outside. Every girl likes clothes naturally, but she bought them in Silverpine City last time, and now she doesn't care much about them.

After all, all thoughts are put on cultivation.

Soon, Song Lao had put on the clothes and walked out.

She was born cute and lovely, with fair skin. Under the background of this purple dress, her skin became as white as jade.

The tailoring of the clothes can be described as just right to set off her beautiful figure, and she looks more and more enchanting.

Almost just took a look, Song Luo immediately liked it.

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes are also filled with stunning colors, Song Lao really looks good in this dress, so she can't help but praise.

"It's so beautiful." Baili Hongzhuang smiled.

Song Lao looked at herself in the mirror and liked it very much. When she heard Baili Hongzhuang's words, she immediately became more happy, and the smile on her face gradually expanded.

This dress is almost as tailor-made. After so many years, I have never seen such a beautiful dress.

"The shopkeeper, how do you sell this skirt?" Song Lao asked happily.

"Ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones." The shopkeeper said.

As soon as she said this, Song Lao's face suddenly changed. She looked at the shopkeeper in disbelief, only wondering if she had heard it wrong.

"Treasurer, how much do you say?" Song Lao couldn't help asking again.

"Ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones."

The shopkeeper spoke again and repeated his answer again, his expression calm, as if this was a normal price.

However, whether it is Songluo or Baili Hongzhuang think this shopkeeper is crazy?

At such an expensive price, I don’t know how many clothes I can buy. What is the price for a piece of clothing here?

Even if this is a magic city, the price is not so outrageous.

After confirming that he had not misheard, Song Lao quickly said: "Then I will change it."

She couldn't afford so many spirit stones.

With this resource, she can use it for cultivation, and her strength can improve a lot.

However, after hearing her words, the shopkeeper couldn't help but change.

"Girl, since you have tried this dress, you must buy it. You can't break the rules!"

Song Lao was taken aback, his eyes filled with incredible colors.

"I just tried it and didn't break the clothes. Why do I have to buy them?"

She looked around and noticed a girl who had tried clothes but hadn't bought them. She couldn't help but said, "Didn't that girl also try it? She didn't buy it!"

The shopkeeper just took a look, but didn't take it seriously.

"Girl, the clothes she chooses are different from you, and you don't look at what clothes you choose."

Song Lao was slightly startled, his face filled with doubts.

What does it mean?

What is the difference in the dress she chose?

Baili Hongzhuang is also thinking about it, she really doesn't understand this, but she can notice that the dress Song Lao is looking at is placed in the most central position, is it a treasure of the town?

"It looks like this is another dumpling. Don't you know that this dress is the most expensive dress in the store?

Once you try it, you have to buy it. If the purse is not enough, don't think about it. "

A chuckle of contempt sounded from Song Lao's side, and he saw a girl coming out from inside, apparently trying on clothes too.

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