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Song Lao's expression changed as soon as he heard this.

She was indeed a newcomer, and she didn't know that there was such a situation before, but after listening to the girl's words, and looking at the expressions of other people around, it was obvious that this thing was really what she said.

What I saw at this glance turned out to be such a special dress?

Not to mention, the effect of this dress is indeed very good, and it makes people like it, but the price is too terrible.

"Do I have to buy it? Can I make up for your spiritual stone and then not buy it?" Song Lao lowered his voice and asked the shopkeeper.

She doesn't have so many spirit stones at all. Such a price is really terrible, and no one can afford it.

The shopkeeper's face was already cold, and he obviously didn't intend to pay attention to Song Lao's statement.

"Girl, you have asked me before if you are sure you want to buy it. You said it well, and now you do it again.

My shop has been here for so many years, and it has always been doing business like this. You can't break my rules! "

The girl also chuckled softly: "This girl is not strong enough, shouldn't she come out of the magic city, she doesn't understand the situation here?"

Song Lao was a little flustered because of this incident, and when she heard the girl's merciless mockery, her face suddenly became even more ugly.

She just fell in love with a piece of clothing and came in for a try, but she didn't expect to cause such a disaster. This is probably troublesome.

Fu Xuanming, who was waiting outside, couldn't help but turn his eyes when he heard the movement coming from inside. After seeing that something was wrong, he walked in quickly.

"Songluo, what's wrong?"

Song Lao was aggrieved and panicked, but at the moment he heard Fu Xuanming's voice, he almost cried.

"Xuanming, I got into trouble."

As soon as they heard the words, Fu Xuanming and others were filled with concern and asked: "What's wrong?"

At this time, the girl's somewhat surprised voice followed, "Fu Xuanming?"

Hearing this, Fu Xuanming couldn't help turning his head to look at the speaker, and his expression changed slightly.

"Wen Rongyuan?"

Wen Rongyuan chuckled lightly, and then his gaze fell on Song Lao's body, as if she understood something instantly.

"So this is Songluo? After hearing the name for so long, this is the first time I have seen a real person!"

Song Lao's eyes flowed between the two. Although he still didn't know the situation, he was sure that the two must know each other.

Not only that, but the girl's attitude was a bit ridiculous, and it was obvious that she didn't like her.

In other words, this is likely to be a joke!

In fact, they are not surprised by this situation. After all, Fu Xuanming has a lot of challenges in the main house, and he insists on liking a split girl, almost everyone is thinking of watching jokes.

So when Songluo came here, once you met these people, the possibility of encountering such a situation was undoubtedly too great.

However, what they didn't expect was that it was a coincidence that they just came out today, and they ran into such a person.

Baili Hongzhuang heard the girl's name, and couldn't help but think of what the five elders said today.

This time, the selection of the Secret Realm was jointly organized by the Han family, the Wen family, and the Fu family. Obviously, this girl should be the Wen family. The relationship between the three families is good, and there must be some contact between her and Fu Xuanming.

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