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"What's the background of this guy? Can you order this?"

"I know him like Fu Hang from the Fu family, why is he so powerful now?"

"Has this Fuhang been favored by the Fu family recently? Or is it a fortune?"

The cultivators present were all smart people, and Fu Hang indeed had an argument with Fu Xuanming, but his actions like this were tantamount to demonstrating his strength.

Just aiming at this background, it is also very impressive.

For a while, many people glanced at Fu Hanggao, after all, there is not enough confidence, no one can do such a thing.

The sight of some of the girls present at Fuhang also flashed a little light. If they could catch a beetle-in-law, that would be great.

After all, if he had money and received preferential treatment from the Fu family, his future strength would certainly not be bad.

Baili Hongzhuang's perception of this change is extremely obvious. Since this dish was ordered, the attitude of the people around has undergone a huge change.

"Sure enough, everyone is very powerful!"

Song Lao couldn't help sighing when he saw it. The contrast of this change was so great that there was almost no need to deliberately discover it, just a little bit of awareness and he knew it.

"Human nature." Song Qi is not surprised at all. Which of the people in the magic city is not a human being?

If a casual cultivator can wander in the magic city by himself, then it must be extraordinary. If it is not a casual cultivator, it is people of various forces.

All of them have been accustomed to seeing various scenes a long time ago, and they really know these things too well.

Seeing the wind makes the rudder, everyone is good at it.

"Xuanming, have you heard about what opportunities Fuhang has recently?" Fu Junxi asked.

Could it be that their recent news is too closed, and they haven't even heard of such a big thing.

Fu Xuanming shook his head. He also hadn't heard of this. It was indeed a bit strange.

When the signature dish came up, Baili Hongzhuang instantly understood why this dish was so expensive.

This is not just a gimmick, because it uses extremely precious ingredients. After using it, it will help the cultivator's promotion. To put it bluntly, it has almost the same effect as a pill.

It's just that it's slightly inferior to the effect of the pill.

"This dish is a recipe spread from the magic palace. It is said to have an excellent taste and help practitioners improve their cultivation."

Looking at this dish, Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help but remember that when Bei Chen brought her to the Demon World, the food she ate had a similar effect.

Although there is some vitality when tasting other dishes at this moment, there is obviously a big gap between the effect of the dishes tasted that day.

Could it be that... what she ate that night was a dish similar to that signature dish?

I had never thought about this before, but when I knew it at this moment, I only felt that it was really a luxury!

Fu Hang looked at the dish and felt the enviable gazes of everyone around him. The curvature of the corners of his lips gradually rose, only feeling extremely happy.

"Fu Xuanming, it's you."

Hearing, Fu Xuanming looked at Fu Hang in doubt, as if he didn't know what he was talking about.

"What is it for me?"

Fu Xuanming raised his eyebrows lazily, very puzzled.

"Don't pretend to be a fool for me, now I have ordered this dish, don't you dare to order it?" Fu Hang sneered.

Everyone was also attracted by this conversation, and their eyes fell on Fu Xuanming and his party, watching the excitement.

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