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Many people have noticed their movement before, but quarrels happen from time to time, so they didn't care too much.

It's just that now things have developed to this point, it's completely different.

"This person seems to be Fu Xuanming from the Gu family. I heard that he came from a separate family, but he has been quite popular in the Fu family recently."

"Fuhang should be aimed at him because of this, right?"

"At a glance, I knew that Fu Xuanming definitely couldn't afford it."

The Fu family is not far from here, and many people around are children of nearby forces, so you can recognize it at a glance.

He knew more or less about the Fu family, and he had guessed a bit by looking at the two of them.

It is absolutely impossible for the separated children to have so much money, and they can know it without thinking.

Fu Xuanming faced everyone's eyes, but didn't care at all.

"I didn't say I want to buy."

Fu Hang frowned slightly and looked at him dissatisfiedly, "What do you mean?"

"I just said that if you want to buy me, you have to prove that you can afford it.

Now that you have proved it, I also admit that you are great. "

Fu Xuanming stretched out his hands and looked at Fu Hang calmly.

Fu Hang couldn't help but stared at Fu Xuanming in disbelief. He didn't expect this guy to be so shameless!

What is all this that you do?

Looking at this scene, Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help but laugh, Fu Xuanming really is a great talent!

These two words made the matter clear and straightforward, and Fuhang was completely dumbfounded.

Fu Hang also came back to his senses at this moment, and naturally understood that what Fu Xuanming said before was putting him off.

He originally wanted to aggressively push Fu Xuanming to let him fall into this pit. After all, in front of the girl I like, no matter what, I don't want to lose face.

Who ever thought that this guy didn't play cards according to common sense at all, didn't have any scruples when he spoke, and didn't worry about losing face at all, but it made him completely dumbfounded.

"So you're talking about me?"

Fu Hang looked at Fu Xuanming angrily. What he hated most was this guy's appearance.

"Why am I talking about you?"

Fu Xuanming looked at Fu Hang suspiciously, with an extremely sincere expression.

"I'm complimenting you, I'm not as good as you, you are richer than me."

After listening to this, Fuhang's mood was extremely complicated.

The reason why he did this is to make Fu Xuanming admit this and admit that he is inferior to himself, but now Fu Xuanming admits it so straightforwardly, making him feel that things are always a little different from what he thought. .

What he wanted was Fu Xuanming, who admitted this embarrassingly, rather than acknowledging it as easily as before. On the contrary, it gave him a feeling of being treated as a joke.

Fu Xuanming had a smile in his eyes. Fu Hang was always silly, and he never regarded him as an opponent.

After all, the brain is a flaw.

This guy's brain can't keep up, so naturally there is no threat.

After Fuhang calmed down, his anger was still strong.

He definitely couldn't let Fu Xuanming go like this, otherwise he would have become a joke today.

The next moment, his face became cold.

"If you dare to point out today, I will promise you not to trouble Song Lao, otherwise, when you enter this secret realm, I will show her what is sinister in the world."

Fu Xuanming dared to play tricks on him like this, and didn't put him in the eyes at all, but he was not stupid, and he was equally sure of threat.

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