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"Why so many people gather here, is it possible that someone is looking for something after returning?"

Fu Junxi's face changed, and the things that happened in the past two days were more than usual and enough.

If there are still things waiting for them at this moment, it would be terrible.

"It looks like they are waiting for Miss Blue in this room."

Fu Guanyu glanced at the location of everyone, then immediately turned his gaze to Baili Hongzhuang.

It seems that these troubles have been one after another, and now the focus of attention has shifted to Miss Lan.

"Girl Blue is back!"

At this moment, many people noticed the appearance of Baili Hongzhuang and his party, and their faces suddenly showed interest.

"Miss Blue, you finally came back."

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the people in front of him, and Liu frowned slightly. It seemed that this should have happened when they were away.

"What's wrong? What are you all gathering here for?"

Fu Xuanming looked at everyone and asked aloud.

"The seventh elder wants to invite Lady Lan to visit the alchemy hall. This magic pill is very novel, and the seventh elder also wants to invite Lady Lan to study alchemy."

After hearing Baili Hongzhuang, he immediately understood.

At the dinner last night, the Great Elder already had this thought, but because of the contradiction between the Seventh Elder and the Sixth Elder, this matter was temporarily stranded.

At that time, the Seventh Elder didn't talk to each other at all, and all the attention was focused on the contest with the Sixth Elder.

It seems that after last night, this is what I want to understand again today!

"I think it must be no good for the seventh elder to find you today." Fu Xuanming said solemnly, "the seventh elder didn't take advantage of the confrontation with the sixth elder yesterday. I heard many children talking today.

He will look for you at this time and will target you in all likelihood. "

Fu Xuanming's heart is like a mirror. He has been in the master's house for such a long time, and he has a good understanding of the character of the Seventh Elder.

The Seventh Elder has never been a tolerant person, usually he will be repaid, and almost no one among the family alchemists dares to offend him.

After all, once this is offended, the consequences are really unaffordable.

Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly, knowing that.

"I know."

"I knew that, it's better not to come back today."

Fu Junxi couldn't help sighing again, it was the first time that he felt this kind of feeling no matter where he went.

It’s troublesome to stay outside and return to the family one after another.

"There is Fu Weixue outside, and there is a seventh elder in the clan. Their father and daughter are going to make us feel bad."

Fu Guanyu shook his head. In just a few days, so many things were really helpless.

"No way, Miss Blue will have to be careful next."

They have already come back and have been bumped into by so many people, even if they don't go today.

"If you come, you will be at ease. Since the Seventh Elder is determined to find me, even if you don't see me today, you will find me tomorrow."

Baili Hongzhuang is very calm, this kind of thing can't be avoided.

As long as they are still in the Fu family, the Seventh Elders can't hide them.

"Let's go, go and see."

When they set off, the other children of the branch also quietly walked to Lan Yixuan's side.

"Lady Lan, the Seventh Elder's surname is looking for an opportunity to target Liu Zhang. Today they are competing against alchemy, and you are also involved at this moment."

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