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"The sixth elder and the seventh elder are trying alchemy?"

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes were a little surprised when she heard this, but she soon became clear again.

The sixth elder and the seventh elder are both alchemists. I think that when the sixth elder was in the master's house, his alchemy skills were not weaker than that of the seventh elder.

It is precisely because of this that blocked the limelight of the Seven Elders at the beginning and deepened the conflict between them.

Now it seems that the Seventh Elder may not really like Fuwei, but because she knows that the person Fuwei likes is Elder Liu, so he deliberately wins love with a sword, just to make the Sixth Elder unhappy.

Thinking about it this way, the despicableness of the Seventh Elders really exceeded their expectations.

In contrast, Fu Weixue's actions seemed much softer.

Although... the situation of the two is really similar.

"It's really comparing alchemy, today's alchemy hall is lively, and many people have gathered.

Although we have not passed, we have heard many people mention it just now. "

The children of the separation were worried, and they had followed Liu Zhang this time.

Originally thinking of staying safe here, waiting for the selection of the secret realm to begin, I thought that there was no contradiction between them, but after the arrival of Liu Zhang, so many incidents had already occurred.

They have no background in the host's house, and worry that a little carelessness will cause trouble, so they just stay in their own house.

I was very curious in my heart, but didn't dare to go over and take a look.

"Let's take a look first. Since it is a confrontation between elders, we should just watch the excitement when we go."

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes filled with thoughtfulness, and this matter can only be read after understanding the specific situation.

Alchemy Hall.

When Baili Hongzhuang and his party arrived, they found that it was already very lively.

"Fu Songyang, I haven't seen you for so many years. Could it be that your strength has receded, since you dare not compete with me?"

Fu Xinghe looked at Fu Songyang coldly. Although these words were not too much, the expression alone was full of hostility.

He really underestimated Fu Songyang. This guy has been extremely quiet in the separation of houses for these years, and he has not heard of any remarkable achievements.

He thought that the cultivation resources in the division were not sufficient, and this guy had suffered such a big blow, and his strength would have not improved much.

If you really have that strength, you must have already come to the master's house.

I never imagined that when I was fighting yesterday, I suddenly realized that this guy had hidden his strength, and he was not very pleased. On the contrary, the injury was a bit more serious than this guy.

How can this other mouth be tolerated?

Not only that, he also heard that Fu Wei seemed to go to Fu Songyang later.

After so many years, I still can't hold back anymore.

I thought that something should happen today, but I didn't expect to hear the slightest movement all the time. He directly found Fu Songyang himself.

If this guy really has such guts, he will also let him understand that he cannot afford the consequences.

What he couldn't do many years ago, even after many years, he couldn't do it.

"Fuxinghe, you can say that by yourself, so you have to think about it clearly."

Fu Songyang chuckled, "Don't be like last night, if you send it to the door to slap your face, then I have no reason to refuse.

Anyway, you have some status in the main house now, don't blame me for not giving you face. "

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