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Facing the great elder, many disciples were a little flustered when they spoke, and the girl in front of her was not worried at all.

The elder looked at Lan Yixuan in front of him, and sighed in his heart. This girl is really a powerful character, but it is a pity that she is not a child of their Fu family.

If this girl is a child of the Fu family, I am afraid that no one among the younger generation can compare to her.

The genius of this demon realm is also not to be underestimated!

Seeing Lan Yixuan directly turned this question to the Great Elder, Fu Weixue couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

In the presence of so many people, the Great Elder is here again. Once this matter is handed over to the Great Elder, there will obviously not be a second answer except to deal with it in accordance with the gambling agreement.

"Elder, we can pay other conditions, as long as we don't let Fu Haoqiang leave the family." Fu Weixue said quickly.

As she looked at the elder, she couldn't help but turn her gaze to her father. She was afraid that this matter would not work, and she had to ask her father to also start.

Fu Xinghe looked at the people in front of him, his expression was also very complicated.

This was not what he expected. If Fu Haoqiang succeeded, then everything is easy to say, but now it fails, it means that the opponent has caught the handle, which is very unfavorable to them.

The elder's sight also fell on Fu Xinghe. Fu Haoqiang was his apprentice, and today this matter should be the thought of their master and apprentice.

If Lan Yixuan doesn't give a satisfactory answer at this moment, the matter will definitely not end well.

"Miss Blue, are you acceptable to this proposal?" the elder asked.

Baili Hongzhuang smiled slightly, but remained unmoved.

"Since it is a right gambling, naturally it must be done in accordance with the pre-arranged conditions, otherwise the conditions can be changed at will after this is over, what is the gambling?

Fu Songyang opened his mouth suddenly and walked slowly to Baili Hongzhuang's side, with a playful smile on his face.

"Elder, do you think I am right?"

"Fu Haoqiang was originally a child of the Fu family, and he has always performed very well on weekdays, very well among the younger generation."

When Fu Xinghe saw this, he stood up and said, "His previous actions were indeed very inappropriate, and there were many mistakes, but also because he was too young to be too reckless and did not think carefully.

Change another bet, let him do anything else, and leave the Fu family. This is not only his loss, but also our Fu family's loss. "

Such a proud disciple, if the girl Fu Songyang found was squeezed away, it would be a heavy hand for them.

In this matter, he undoubtedly lost to Fu Songyang.

Everyone actually knows this, but from the standpoint of Lan Yixuan, this approach is indeed a bit excessive and makes people very unhappy.

Some of Fu Haoqiang's competitors in the Alchemy Palace wished that Lan Yixuan could take advantage of this opportunity to drive Fu Haoqiang away. They couldn't find such a good opportunity on weekdays.

Everyone has their own ideas, and no one dares to say anything at this moment.

If this makes the elders unhappy, they won't be able to eat.

If Lan Yixuan was originally a child of the Fu family, then naturally there is no need to say more about this matter, and the result can be directly concluded, but Lan Yixuan is not, they can't talk about personal ideas now, they have to talk about family interests.

Baili Hongzhuang was not surprised to hear Fu Xinghe's words.

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