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Looking at the attitudes of the people around her, she was not originally her husband's family, and these people would naturally feel that it was no big deal.

It's just that... if you want to use cultivation resources to bet against her pill, that would really despise her too much.

At this time, the elder also said: "Lady Lan, Fu Haoqiang is also a child of the Fu family anyway. If he were to leave the family like this, it would be tantamount to making him not even recognize his parents. Proper."

Although this sounded like a negotiating tone, he was able to express his thoughts in this attitude.

Song Lao couldn't help being dumbfounded after hearing this, and said indignantly: "How can the great elder speak like this? Doesn't this mean favoring Fu Haoqiang?"

"Yixuan didn't want to bet at all. It was Fu Hao who pressed hard and forced her to bet. Now that she loses, she doesn't admit it. Don't you understand this bullying?"

She really didn't expect the host family to have such an attitude, it was too much!

Fu Xuanming's face was not good, but he could understand why the Great Elder would say such words.

From their standpoint, they have always looked at the interests of the entire family. If Fu Haoqiang was just an ordinary disciple of the family, that would be fine.

But he has a certain usefulness to the family, so the family won't give him up easily.

After seeing the great elder also speak for him, Fu Haoqiang breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he can not leave the family, as for other costs, now he can only admit it.

Fortunately, even if Lan Yixuan's talent for alchemy is strong, he is nothing more than a Keqing alchemist, how can he be compared with his direct descendants?

"According to what you said, because you are your husband's family, you can bully people casually?"

Baili Hongzhuang chuckled. She thought that this great elder would at least give a fair and just result in front of so many people, otherwise it would be too inappropriate.

What I didn't expect was that the great elder didn't really care about this, so he just said this.

"Elder, you..."

Fu Songyang's attitude towards the Great Elder was also very speechless. In the hearts of other people, the Great Elder was a symbol of majesty, but to him, this old fellow was nothing but a mere appearance.

They knew exactly what happened at the time, how despicable Fu Xinghe's methods were?

The great elder also opened one eye and closed one eye and let the matter pass, so he already knew the abomination of this old guy.

It's not a good thing at first, only the benefits.

After so many years, the situation has not changed at all, and even more shameless.

At that time, I pretended not to see, but now I see it, and I have to directly favor it.

Seeing that Fu Songyang was about to rush out, Fu Mingzhi couldn't help but grabbed him and reminded: "Be careful when you speak."

He also knows the character of the elder, even if it is the same husband's family, he is very disagree with this point, but the status of the elder in the Fu family is like the head of the family.

If he ran into him in front of so many people, there would be no good fruit.

"Any other conditions are okay?" Baili Hongzhuang repeated this sentence, turning his attention to Fu Xinghe.

"The conditions are open." Fu Xinghe said.

Everyone's eyes fell on Lan Yixuan's body. It seems that it is impossible for her to let Fu Haoqiang fulfill this result today.

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