Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 107 Telling You To Spread Dog Food

Harry suffered quite a bit of embarrassment on Valentine's Day. His buddy Ronald's sister wrote him a... er, Valentine's Day card.

"His eyes are as green as freshly pickled toads..." Harry still remembered this sentence to this day. Harry tried to run away, but that damned dwarf got on his lap, yes, that damned goblin just sat on his lap, and finished reading that Valentine's Day card in full view.

What a shame! Harry would rather have a fight with Malfoy than suffer such embarrassment. Speaking of Malfoy, though, he was there, but he didn't take the opportunity to taunt himself, as he usually does, which was an anomaly.

In fact, it was not as complicated as Harry thought, but after hearing what Solim said, Draco knew that the headmaster and professors were all paying attention to Potter, so he naturally wouldn't go any further. But Solim thinks that Draco won't hold out for long before he's going to be in Potter's face again - in Solim's words: it's just nature.

However, thanks to this embarrassing incident, the ink bottle and the diary in Harry's school bag fell out when he was pulling, and the ink was spilled on the diary, which made Harry discover the meaning of the diary. something special.

Maybe it's Valentine's Day that cheers up the students, whose recent panic over the attack has eased nicely. Seeing how aroused their emotions were, Solim decided to let them cool down.

053 When did Percy Weasley and Penello of Ravenclaw get on good terms? Solim is not very clear, but the two of them have been wandering around the women's bathroom on the 2nd floor recently, which made Silna go to see Basque Not always convenient.

So Solim decides: Fuck him!

Through the Marauder's Map, Solim easily grasped the movements of these two people. Every time they would go on a date near the women's bathroom at night.

Solim is too lazy to complain about this, there are so many places in the castle to choose from, such as the astronomy tower, the lakeside, whichever is romantic is not good, but I like to choose near the toilet, no wonder Penello dumped Percy later , This is called what it deserves.

Solim and Sirna let Basque out ahead of time, and turned on all the faucets in the bathroom, and water was everywhere on the floor. When Percy pulled Penello into the door of the bathroom, they found that the ground was full of water. When they looked down, they found a pair of yellow lights in the water...then the two of them One is petrified.

"Okay, I'll throw them outside. The water stains don't need to be cleaned up. This can be regarded as a clue." Solim threw out a few roasted acromantula corpses and said, "Let Basque eat it quickly, Let him go back quickly after eating."

Solim used his wand to throw the two scatterers out into the hallway, believing they would be found soon. Professor McGonagall's office is on the second floor, not far from here.

Not long after Solim and Cyrna returned to the Slytherin common room, word spread that Percy of Gryffindor and Penello of Ravenclaw had been attacked in the hallway outside the ladies' washroom on the second floor.

The students who finally relaxed became nervous again. Filch's cat was attacked, but no students cared about it. Creevey was attacked, and the students didn't pay much attention to it. After all, he was a freshman. The attack on headless Nick made the students really nervous. After all, even the ghosts were petrified, which is beyond the knowledge of most students.

It wasn't until this time that Percy and Penello were attacked that the students really started to panic. No matter how unpopular the Weasley family was with pure-blood wizards, they were still pure-blood. Even the pure-blood Weasley was attacked, so who among the other pure-blood students can still enjoy the show? This time, not only the Muggle-born students, but also the Slytherin students started to get nervous. Since this so-called heir of the Slytherins will attack pure blood, who knows if they will be next.

Various versions of rumors spread wildly in the castle. Some people say that Gryffindor and Ravenclaw's were attacked, and Gryffindor and Hufflepuff's before that, that is to say, apart from the students of Slytherin, the other three colleges were attacked. The life of the Slytherin students is not easy now, it is simply confirmed that the attackers are the students of Slytherin, of course, it is true.

There are also rumors that the secret room left by Slytherin is near the women's bathroom on the second floor. Percy and Penello must have seen something they shouldn't have seen, which led to their death. It is relatively marketable, which has resulted in few students willing to go to the 2nd floor. Even in class, everyone is crowded with each other in the corridor on the 2nd floor, as if they will be attacked as soon as they place an order. of.

There are even rumors that Percy and Penello were attacked because of their improper relationship between men and women. This is simply... so true! This is simply to the point, the reason why Solim (cfbe) chose these two people is because he can't stand the fact that these two people always get bored in the women's bathroom, hindering He chose to attack them because he was doing something.

But no matter how many rumors there are, and how bizarre these rumors are, the school's professors have taken it seriously. They escort the students to and from get out of class, and there are special professors patrolling the second floor. This eased the panic of the students to a certain extent.

But this has nothing to do with Solim, he was responsible for the matter, and with the acquiescence of the headmaster, Dumbledore, he naturally wouldn't have any troubles. The magic spell is practiced, and the silk table does not hinder Solim's daily life and study.

Solim lives his life in a heartless way, but some people are going crazy. Evans, the special commissioner sent to Hogwarts by the subordinate unit of the Presbyterian Church, he had a hard time during this period. After Solim had come to see him, he was always on edge, and with so much going on at school during this time, he'd lost two quills just for the report—two. This caused his hand to hold the wand to be sore now.

Evans sometimes thinks when he is writing the report, if he continues like this, he will have tenosynovitis before he retires.

So for the sake of his body, Evans turned to Solim.

Solim's schedule was very regular, and for a wizard like Evans, it was too easy to find a student in the castle. Solim really didn't expect that Evans would come to him and take the initiative to find him, which caused him to be reimbursed for all the potion of Phydigan potion——Evans didn't knock on the door when he came in, which caused Solim, who was preparing for the critical moment, to distracted

Solim didn't feel sorry for the potion that had been simmering for 3 days [He Kangshi was very interested in Evans' arrival.

"I really didn't expect you to come to me." Solim extinguished the fire, since the potion was gone anyway.

"If I don't come to you again, you will throw all the students in the school to the school hospital." Evans said angrily.

Solim smiled. He didn't think that what he did could hide from Evans. It was in line with his identity and strength that Evans grasped the truth of some things.

"What? Are you going to capture me, the 'Heir of Slytherin', and bring me to the Ministry of Magic for trial?" Solim sat down.

"Don't be so hippie!" Evans roared, and it was obvious that he was very dissatisfied. "You told me that it would lighten my workload [right? You should remember that you said that Bar?"

"I'm really trying to lighten your workload. You know, things would have been more complicated than they are now." Solim fumbled around and tossed a bag to Evans

"Here, your reward, you came to me today, besides complaining, there should be other things, right?"

Evans opened the bag and took out its contents.

After seeing something, Evans stared wide-eyed, " this........ snake slough?" Looking at Solim, Evans asked: "So... .A thousand-year-old basilisk really like you said?"

"I never seem to have lied to you, Evans." Solim said, "Tell me what news you brought me.

Shaking his head, Evans took out a roll of parchment and said, "To be honest, when I received this information, I really couldn't believe that Hogwarts actually had a thousand-year-old basilisk, and Hogwarts Ci is still able to keep it, I personally don't think the elders will let go of such a valuable thing.

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