Is Tom Riddle a wise man? This question should not be asked, look at those wizards who have been deceived by him, look at those wizards who have been deceived to death by him, even Dumbledore has been deceived by him. It is impossible to become a great wizard without a smart mind. Riddle has already mastered a lot of magical knowledge when he was a student, and his magical knowledge is better than most wizards in terms of breadth and depth. era. It can even be said that even the current Solim, with the great treasure house of Selwyn

Can't compare to Riddle in this aspect either

What is Tom Riddle's origin? Mixed blood, although he has a once glorious family, but in his generation, Riddle did not get any help from the family, even though he bears the title of a descendant of Slytherin, but no matter Whether it is theoretical knowledge or other aspects, he has completely figured it out by himself. This is very remarkable, no matter what he has done, but on this point, no one will doubt Riddle's talent and hard work.

But it was such a talented wizard who chose to make Horcruxes when he was less than 20 years old. This is something that many wizards in the know don't understand. According to Riddle's talent, becoming a great wizard in the future is almost a certainty. Almost all great wizards will choose to work in the Presbyterian Council. As the saying goes, they can enjoy the shade by leaning on a big tree. With the support of such a giant as the Presbyterian Council, Riddle can obviously obtain Better resources and knowledge, but he did not choose this path.

Doesn’t Riddle know that there is such an organization as the Council of Elders? Obviously not, after all, he knows all Horcruxes that ordinary wizards have never heard of, and even got the exact method of making them. He will definitely not miss the Council of Elders such information. Solim couldn't think of an explanation other than that Riddle didn't want to be bound.

"Before you made a horcrux, did you know about the side effects of horcruxes? Or did you just do it on a whim after seeing the effect of horcruxes that can prevent people from dying?" Solim has always wanted to understand this question.

"It can keep me from dying. Riddle looked at Som calmly, "As long as it really has this effect, then nothing else is in my consideration.

With a sneer, Solim said: "Even if the price is to live like a walking dead? Has Headmaster Dumbledore ever told you about your current situation`"?"

Without waiting for Riddle to speak, Solim continued on his own: "Without a body, you can hardly use any magic, because you can't use a wand in that state, but if you want to regain your body, you must use a wand, unless someone helps you You, and this person can't be an ordinary wizard, at least you must have a deep knowledge of black magic, such a person can help you, and such a wizard cannot be forcibly controlled in that wandering state. You Are you really sure that this kind of immortality is what you want?"

"But I didn't die, did I? I'm still alive. Even if I get seriously injured, I still have the possibility of making a comeback. Maybe some wizards are stronger than me, but they die, they die, they have no chance, but I There is still a chance, as long as my horcrux is still there, I am immortal, I can fail once, fail twice, but as long as my horcrux is still there, I can start all over again." Riddle said conceitedly: "And Compared with this, what are the side effects of Horcruxes?"

"So? Headmaster Dumbledore promised to give you a body? What conditions did you meet?" This question can be said to be the most concerned question for Solim.

"It's nothing to tell you. In this incident, we will cooperate with the principal's plan, help find the horcruxes he made later, and then destroy the remaining horcruxes. Eliminate that lunatic. Using an ancient black magic, we will You can regain your physical body."

...... You are the horcruxes, and that 'lunatic' is also you, tell me, how to destroy all the horcruxes to eliminate that lunatic while preserving yourself?"

The diary is a horcrux. If you want to completely eliminate Voldemort, you must first destroy all the horcruxes, but Riddle is one of the horcruxes. That is to say, if you want to completely eliminate Voldemort

Riddle must be eliminated first.

"A horcrux is a horcrux, and I am me. Don't confuse me with a horcrux."

"You were separated from him. Even if you change the carrier, you are still his Horcrux." Solim thought he knew something about Horcruxes.

"You may have some knowledge about horcruxes, but certainly not as much as I know about horcruxes." Riddle said affirmatively: "The relationship between me and 'him' is mutual horcruxes, you can think of it this way: I It is the subject, and the madman is a Horcrux out of control, and there is no conflict in destroying him and keeping me.

Maybe Riddle was right, but Solim didn't take him lightly. And then again, whether Voldemort really dies or not has nothing to do with him. Even if Dumbledore fails in the end, there will be other people who will stand up against him, and there will be nothing for Solim. Solim handed Dumbledore the Horcrux mainly For himself, not for the so-called people and justice.

"Let's put this aside, anyway, it has nothing to do with me." Riddle's figure faded a little, which meant that the vitality provided by Solim's blood was almost exhausted. "Let's talk about the plan. You will definitely use your current form to meet Potter when the time comes. What are you going to do then? How do you want me to cooperate?"

Solim is not going to show his face at that time, but if he doesn't show his face, he doesn't show his face. What should be done is still to be done.

«The headmaster has prepared a fake diary, just ask Potter to destroy it when the time comes. Then I just pretend to be defeated, it's not difficult. I think you are worried about who should be blamed for the original attacker?" Riddle obviously knew what Solim wanted to ask, "Are you worried that the Headmaster will sell you out at the last minute? Indeed, Headmaster Dumbledore Not quite as straight as he usually is, and I think you and I know quite well what he's done. But you don't have to worry about the Chamber of Secrets, because at that time, as long as I 'die' in front of Potter, then the matter will be settled, and I can tell Potter that I have been placed in the school books In this way, the source problem has been solved, are you satisfied with the answer?”

Doing work for Dumbledore was no easy task, especially since Solim wasn't quite Dumbledore's man yet. Solim was worried that Dumbledore would sell himself out at the last minute and blame him for opening the Chamber of Secrets. Although this possibility is very small, Solim also has to consider how to deal with this situation.

While Solim and Riddle were comfortably chatting in the bedroom, Harry and Ronald were on (Lee's) frantic escape. These two silly children have no idea how dangerous the Forbidden Forest is at night, especially when they entered the territory of the acromantia. Although they got some clues from the giant spider named Aragog, the price was very high. It was their lives, which was obviously not something Harry and Ronald could accept, so they could only run wildly in the Forbidden Forest.

It is very strange that two little wizards with no magical ability were able to escape from the pursuit of a large number of acromantulas. Although the flying Ford car did help a lot, some details of the entire escape process The problem obviously didn't attract the attention of these two people. They just ran away, and naturally they didn't notice that some acromant spiders died inexplicably during their escape.

But no matter what, Harry and Ronald barely completed the task. They knew that the monster in the secret room was an ancient creature, and it was a creature that terrified the acromantula. What it was, Harry and the two didn't know, but they knew that there was someone who could help them in this regard. .

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