Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 112: The Approaching Truth

What exactly is the monster in the Chamber of Secrets? Cuthbert Binns said that there was a monster in the Chamber of Secrets left by Salazar Slytherin himself to purge students of Muggle blood from the school. But after Weasley and Zabini were attacked, few believed Cuthbert Binns' words. Because no matter what the bloodline is, they will be attacked. What exactly does this so-called heir of Slytherin want to do and what purpose does it have? There have been many discussions among the students in private, but none of them are tenable.

Indeed, no student with a big brain would have guessed that this was done to train Harry Potter. But Hermione is different, she already knew that there was something hidden about this so-called chamber of secrets incident, it was even made by the school, it was made by the school, in a sense it could be said that it was done by Dumbledore, combined with Solim's previous attitude, Hermione was almost certain that the so-called Chamber of Secrets incident was aimed at Harry, so Hermione didn't want to participate in this matter.

But Hermione still had irrepressible curiosity: what was all this for, what petrified the student, and about the petrification, Solim had clearly told Hermione that it was not the effect of a spell. Although Hermione didn't want to get involved in these things, she couldn't deny that she was still curious about the Chamber of Secrets.

When Harry and Ronald told Hermione about the thrilling experience last night, Hermione no longer had the heart to scold them, because from Harry's words, Hermione felt that she had grasped something vaguely.

The escaping spider, Harry's Parseltongue, the strange petrification, the notebook of unknown origin... Hermione felt that 017 had grasped the key to the problem.

"I'm going to the library, I think we'll find out what the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is soon." Hermione stood up.

"But... Hermione, class will start soon." Harry looked at Hermione in surprise.

"A History of Magic by Cuthbert Binns," Hermione nodded, indicating that she hadn't forgotten that there was a class to attend, "but like Solim said: 'It's okay if you don't take History of Magic.' Although I wasn't about to give up History of Magic, But I don't think it's a big problem to miss a lesson occasionally. Besides, the teaching content of this semester has been finished, and the rest of the time is reviewing. There will be no new content in this class. Are you two following? Come with me!"

History of Magic? Who cares about that stuff? Anyway, Harry and Ronald don't care. Since Hermione asked for it, Harry and Ronald won't say anything, and they really want to know what the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is.

Irmapins, also known as Mrs. Pince, under her management, the Hogwarts library is not like a library, but a centralized country, and she is the dictator here . Mrs. Pince cares about one thing, and one thing only—whether her precious books are being mistreated by bad students. other than that

She doesn't care about anything.

Therefore, whether Hermione and the others (cfbg) skipped class or not would not arouse her interest, as long as Hermione and the others did not damage these books, Mrs. Pince would not care whether they skipped class or not.

With specific directions, some answers are easy to find out.

Under Mrs. Pince's suspicious eyes, the three left the library. Harry's heart was a little heavy. He already knew what was making the noise he heard in Lockhart's office that night, and why he was the only one who could hear it.

A basilisk...According to Hermione, if the basilisk is really left by Salazar Slytherin, then the basilisk in the secret room is at least 1,000 years old. The snake will grow up every time it casts its skin, and it will grow up in 1,000 years. How many times will the basilisk shed its skin over time? And how big will the basilisk grow?

"It doesn't make sense!" Ronald said in a low voice, "If a giant is walking around in the castle, it's impossible for no one to notice, not to mention that two of the attacks were on the second floor, and Professor McGonagall's is two corners away. The office, if it's really a giant basilisk like Hermione you say, how come no one has found any clues?"

".....the pipe...." Harry seemed to understand something.

"When I was in Lockhart's office writing a letter to his fans, I heard the sound coming from inside the walls. There must be pipes behind the walls of the castle, and the basilisk was moving through those pipes. So no one ever found out. The real face of the assailant."

"So what do we do now?" Ronald looked at Harry and then at Hermione, asking a silly question.

"We know that the monster in the secret room is a basilisk, but we don't know where the secret room is, and we don't know who opened the secret room. We only solved one of the three puzzles...

"But we are running out of time, the exam is coming soon..."

"Exam?" Ronald looked at Hermione incredulously, "When is this? You still care about the exam?"

Hermione looked at Ronald even more incredulously: "When is this, you don't care about the exam? If you don't study again..."

"Hermione!" Harry interrupted Hermione and Ronald, "Don't you understand? If you don't end the Chamber of Secrets, if you don't find out the heir, the school will be forced to close just like Professor McGonagall said. Then Time, everything is over..." Taking a deep breath, Harry continued: "If Hogwarts is closed, I can only go back to the Dursleys' house, and you don't have to worry about the exam, because There will be no more exams.

Harry was right - assuming the whole Chamber of Secrets incident was true. Hermione doesn't think the school will be closed, because Hermione can already confirm that the whole Chamber of Secrets incident was planned by Huiren, and the purpose of the Chamber of Secrets incident is not to eliminate the so-called people who don't accompany them to learn magic, but for another purpose, but these words Hermione Not to Harry and Ronald.

Compared to Hermione, Solim knew more and naturally thought more. In Solim's view, Dumbledore's temporary departure from Hogwarts may be to create the illusion that he is not at Hogwarts to some people, perhaps to put some pressure on Harry, and more likely to see if Riddle will be with him After leaving the school, he did some "inappropriate" things. Solim has several guesses about Dumbledore's reasons for leaving Hogwarts, but he has never considered the power of the Hogwarts board of directors. It caused Dumbledore to leave, because that was simply impossible, even though Lucius Malfoy was one of the school directors, he didn't have that much energy.

However, whether Dumbledore really left school or left in a fake way doesn't have much to do with Solim at the moment, he just needs to do what he should do well now, Harry has got enough clues, he just doesn't Know where the Chamber of Secrets is and who opened it. As long as there is a little guidance, Harry will naturally know the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets, and then Solim is ready to do the same as in the original book: catch someone related to Harry, and lure this impulsive and reckless savior into the Chamber of Secrets. Solim has nothing to do with it. 1056206025 Feilu 174562160]

The person to lure Harry into the Chamber of Secrets... Solim had chosen her long ago—it was Hermione, her relationship with Harry was close enough, and because of Solim's relationship, Hermione also had a partial understanding of the inside story, and compared Compared to Harry, Hermione is actually closer to Solim. More importantly: Hermione is not a talkative person, she can keep this a secret. Although there are countless ways to discover secrets in the wizarding world, it is obvious that the current Harry does not have these means. After the Chamber of Secrets incident is over, Solim can retire, and Tom Riddle and the diary will be responsible for all the blame. Riddle can be said to be under the control of Dumbledore at present, which is no choice for him, and Riddle will not be stupid enough to do bad things, so the matter in the final chamber will naturally come to a perfect conclusion.

Dumbledore took this opportunity to continue training Harry, Riddle took this opportunity to get some kind of promise from Dumbledore, Solim and Cyrna took this opportunity to get the Basque basilisk --- all happy. .

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