Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 114 Ins And Outs

Draco and Neville poked their heads out from the next door and looked at Solim and Hermione in amazement. But when they saw what happened here, then Draco dragged Neville away in a hurry.

" get up first, okay?" Solim didn't expect Hermione's reaction to be so big. After Solim lifted the magic on Hermione, Hermione yelled directly and threw Solim down. Hermione was stunned It was because Solim was so stunned that Solim didn't make any moves at all. By the time he realized it, Hermione was already on top of him.

This is totally wrong, not Hermione's character design at all! Solim's head is still a little dizzy. Besides, what I cast on Hermione was just a Silencing Curse, not a Binding Curse. If she wanted to pounce, Hermione would have pounced on her long ago, so why wait until she lifted the Silencing Curse to pounce on her.

"You big liar!" Hermione somehow got off Solim.

The heads of Draco and Neville popped out again.

"What are you looking at! Go back and practice your transfiguration!" Solim regretted it a bit, he and Hermione should find a place with no one "497" to talk about this matter, but luckily the people who saw it Only Neville and Draco, this incident also happened in the small classroom, otherwise there will be no rumors in the castle tomorrow.

"Okay! Just do it right." Solim pushed Hermione into a chair and sat down.

"Give me the answer now, and I'll tell you everything from beginning to end after you agree."

Hermione couldn't resist this, she was so curious, why Solim would do such a thing, what is the truth about the Chamber of Secrets, and what all this has to do with Harry... Hermione adjusted her mood , ready to listen to what Solim was going to say, since it was confirmed that the whole thing was not a vicious incident, then Hermione had nothing to worry about. Since the Chamber of Secrets is not true, Hermione will not resist helping Solim.

After getting a positive answer from Hermione, Solim is going to start talking to Hermione from the very beginning. It started when Riddle was a student at Hogwarts. They had to move, though, and Solim didn't want anyone but Hermione to know about it.

Fortunately, there are many empty classrooms in Hogwarts Castle.

Anyone who knew Riddle's past would not deny his talent in magic. Riddle or Voldemort, he can get to where he is today, entirely due to his own hard work. Let's not discuss the issue of good and evil here, because power is power. Riddle's transformation into Voldemort was his own choice, not what the power brought him.

A little half-breed wizard, who grew up in an orphanage, awakened magic power very early, and was able to control it to a certain extent. This is an incredible talent, and Solim couldn't do it at Riddle's age. With such an outstanding talent, after he entered Hogwarts, he frantically absorbed all kinds of magical knowledge like a sponge, but obviously, the young Riddle, like Solim, was not satisfied with the knowledge of ordinary people in the school. His appetite, he began to seek that more obscure, more powerful, more distinctive knowledge.

Some people gained power in the process of acquiring knowledge, while others accumulated rich knowledge in order to gain powerful power. To be honest, Solim didn’t know which situation Riddle belonged to at the beginning, but it was obvious that , Ever since he became Voldemort, all he pursued was strength.

But when Riddle was still in school, he was talented, sensible and eager to learn, and he would naturally be loved by the professors, except for Dumbledore, who was only a professor of Transfiguration at that time, and he was the only one in the school who knew what Riddle had done. Those misdeeds, young Riddle's performance in school -- or acting, has always been impeccable

of. The professors in the school all favor him, and the students also have a good impression of this personable, friendly and polite student.

He's a natural actor.

Solim didn't know where Riddle knew about the Chamber of Secrets. But there was no doubt that Riddle knew about the Chamber of Secrets and had found it. When Riddle was 5 years old, he opened the Chamber of Secrets and caused the death of Myrtle, and then blamed it on Hagrid, who was also studying at Hogwarts at the time. For this reason, Riddle even got a special gift from the school. Contribution Award. And with this murder, Riddle split his soul for the first time.

At this time, Riddle was only 16 years old. At the age of 16, he had the magic power and knowledge of making Horcruxes. Only wizards who really understand the magic of Horcruxes can truly appreciate the horror. After making the Horcrux, Riddle officially began to transform into Voldemort. His humanity was gradually lost, and his sanity was also gradually lost, which was also an important factor that led to his first failure.

Far away.

After the incident in the Chamber of Secrets, no one suspected that something was wrong, but in order to quickly suppress the panic, under the intervention of the Ministry of Magic, Hagrid was hastily arrested and the case was closed.

Myrtle's body is still there, with no wounds all over her body, and she didn't die from a curse, and she didn't die from poison-there was no Avada Kedavra at that time. Anyone who doesn't have a little bit of knowledge about magical creatures knows that this is not something that acromantula can do, but there is no way, Hagrid has been captured, and the Ministry of Magic has closed the case. At that time, it was just a professor of transfiguration Dumbledore didn't have much say.

Of course Dumbledore would have guessed about Riddle's role in this matter, and Riddle also knew that as long as Dumbledore was still in school, he would be unable to do anything, because the Chamber of Secrets made Dumbledore even more nervous. Pay attention to Riddle, Riddle gave up and continued to do things, but this does not mean that the matter of the secret room is over.

Maybe Riddle at that time still thought that one day Dumbledore was not in school, and he could still use this diary to achieve his original purpose, but when Riddle became Voldemort, he might not think so... ..taking that castle directly and killing all the wizards who are not purebloods is much more efficient than using your own diary, isn't it?

If it weren't for Solim, the diary might still be lying in Malfoy Manor. For some reason, Lucius might not take the initiative to take out the diary, which is why Solim went to Malfoy Manor in the first place.

Naturally, Dumbledore would not forget about the Chamber of Secrets. The impression and lesson Riddle gave him was so deep that Dumbledore was always thinking about how to kill him. After getting the diary, Dumbledore naturally wouldn't just destroy it so simply, without draining the remaining value of the diary, how could an old fox like Dumbledore let it go.

So a cut-down version of the Chamber of Secrets event planned by Dumbledore and executed by Solim is freshly released. Solim has already finished the previous work, and now there is only one last step left: get Harry into the secret room, and then he has nothing to do with Solim, and just leave the rest to Riddle.

But in order to make the whole thing look "natural", Harry has to find out the clues by himself and make his own decision. In order to strengthen Harry's determination, it is best for this person to be someone Harry is familiar with. Ronald and Hermione are both good Choice, but Solim obviously can't choose Ronald, so he can only choose Hermione, and Hermione's character can guarantee that he will not reveal this matter to others in the future.

"So you want me to pretend to be captured in the Chamber of Secrets, and then lure Harry to rescue me?" Hermione had finally heard all of Solim's ramblings.

"That's right, someone will explain everything to Harry at that time, you just have to pretend to be dizzy then. If you feel bored lying there, I can provide you with 4.4 water of life and death, and everything will be fine when you wake up." It's over. How is it?"

"You want me to lie down and sleep in the chamber?!" Hermione couldn't accept it. "Then how are you going to reveal the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets to Harry? Just as I told you, Myrtle has been petrified by you, from whom else can Harry know the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Himself." Solim said: "The disappearing Myrtle, the location of the two attacks is near the women's washroom, and the fact that Myrtle died there, with so many clues, if he still guesses If you don't come out, then this game will end in another way."

All the clues that could deduce where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets were already in front of Harry, if Harry was really so slow and still couldn't find the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, Solim would end the whole thing and I believe Dumbledore would not say anything. And Solim didn't believe that Dumbledore would do nothing.

"So there is nothing to worry about. Everything will be settled before the exam. Before I notify you, you should review well. I hope your grades will improve this year."

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