Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 159 Substitute Teacher

When they woke up the next morning, many students didn't sleep well. Of course, they slept with clothes on and didn't have comfortable pillows. Naturally, few of them would sleep well.

The conversation at school for the next few days revolved around Black, how he got in, his past, and what he was trying to do when he broke into the school - while Dumbledore was there.

Harry has been closely monitored and protected since Black broke into the school. The professors found various excuses to walk with him in the corridors. Professor McGonagall even called Harry to her office to tell him something, but Harry already knew what Professor McGonagall was about to say. Before the start of school, Mr. Weasley had veiledly warned Harry about the situation he was going to face now, and Harry was already mentally prepared for this, but even though he knew that Black was looking for him, Harry still didn't know why Black didn't want to let him go. The insiders will not tell Harry everything, lest he do something stupid, although what the so-called "insiders" know may not be the truth.

Gryffindor's first Quidditch match is about to start, and Harry has been annoyed by Wood these days, Wood will talk to Harry about the Hufflepuff Seeker whenever he finds an opportunity. Gryffindor was supposed to fight Slytherin, but for some well-known reason, Hufflepuff was replaced. Ronald scolded the despicable Malfoy for that.

Draco's arm is indeed healed, but since there is such a good excuse, Draco will naturally use it, not only Quidditch, Draco has already used the excuse of his arm injury in Potions class He used Weasley before, and that time Draco managed to get Gryffindor to lose 20 points by Professor Snape.

Today Harry was late for Defense Against the Dark Arts because of Wood's chatter. Harry's mouth dropped in surprise when he saw Snape standing on the podium instead of Lupine.

"This lesson started ten minutes ago, Potter, and I think Gryffindor should be given ten points. Sit down." Snape looked at Harry with distaste, a look reserved for Harry.

But Harry didn't move.

"Where's Professor Lupine?"

"He said he was too ill to be in class today," Snape said, grinning grinningly. "Didn't I already tell you to sit down?"

"What's the matter with him?" Harry continued, scratching his neck.

Snape narrowed his eyes, with a dangerous gleam in them.

"It's not life-threatening." Snape's tone sounded like he was a little sorry that Lupine was not life-threatening, "Another 10 points from Gryffindor, and 20 points if you continue to stand there."

Staring at Snape's face, Harry walked to his seat and sat down.

"Before Potter interrupted me, I was saying that Professor Lupine didn't leave a record of your class's progress—"

"Professor Snape, we've already learned Boggarts, Red Hoods, Kabbahs, and Grindylows," said Hermione quickly, and we're just getting started..."

"Quiet," Snape said dryly, "I didn't ask you. I was just commenting on Professor Lupine's disorganized teaching."

"He's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had," said Dean Thomas boldly, and the rest of the class murmured their agreement.

Ah, you can't say that Mr. Thomas is wrong. After all, compared to Quirrell who stutters and Lockhart who only brags about himself and fixes his hair, as long as the person teaching this class is a normal person, the students will think that he teaches well.

But Snape was already very upset, anyone with a little discernment could tell that Snape was unhappy with Lupine. I don't know if the students like Gryffindor are blind or deliberately protesting in this way.

"Ten points from Gryffindor." Snape knew what to do to calm the restless Gryffindor students. "Because you interrupted me."

"You're all easygoing, I think a first grader should be able to handle Red Hat and Grindylow. And today, we're going to learn something appropriate for your age

"Turn the book to page three hundred and ninety-four." Snape spoke rhythmically.

"Werewolves..." The students all found out what Snape was going to teach today.

"Professor!" Hermione raised her hand high, "We shouldn't be learning werewolves yet, we should start learning Hinkpunk."

"Miss Granger," said Snape, in a tone of deathly calm, "I feel as though I were teaching the lesson, not you. I tell you all, turn to page three hundred and ninety-four." He looked around again, "You Everyone! Now!"

"And... 10 points from Gryffindor." Snape said blankly, "Because you once again interrupted me rudely."

The Slytherin students chuckled gloatingly. How long had it been? Gryffindor had already been deducted 40 points.

The students of Gryffindor had learned to be good now, they opened their books obediently, and exchanged glances with each other from time to time.

"It's a looks like you've learned your lesson. Then we'll start the class." Snape would have liked to lose a few more Gryffindor points.

"Can any of you tell me how to tell the difference between a werewolf and a real wolf?"

An arm went up so quickly that no one in the class was surprised, not even Snape. Because everyone knows whose arm this is.

But Snape turned a blind eye, this is also Snape's old way of dealing with Hermione, I just won't call you, but as long as you dare to speak without authorization, I will deduct your points.

"No?" Snape gave a sarcastic smile, "Are you trying to tell me that Lupine didn't teach you these basics before?"

"We haven't learned that chapter yet - we're today..." Parvati couldn't help it.

You ask questions, that's fine, but Hermione's hand is raised so high that you can't see it, and then she comes to mock us, this is unbearable for anyone. Not to mention impulsive students like Gryffindor.

"Professor, Professor Snape." Hermione replied while raising her hand: "Werewolves and real wolves are very different (Normo's)...nephew"

"Quiet!" Snape growled loudly, and then gave a triumphant grin: "Twenty points from Gryffindor for interrupting me rudely, both of you - again.

This time the Gryffindor students were breathing heavily, and they were about to explode. 60 points just gone, this is more torture than potions class.

Ronald gritted his teeth even more, he couldn't help it anymore, he didn't care about the consequences now, he really hated Snape, the old bat.

"If you ask us a question, and Hermione knows the answer! If you don't want the answer, why don't you ask?" Ronald was desperate.

There was a chorus of Gryffindor students in the classroom.

Snape slowly walked in front of Ronald, and said in a gentle tone: "Stay after class, if you criticize my teaching methods again, I promise you: you will regret it very much."

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