Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 160 Little Secrets And Big Scenes

Students in all Hogwarts year groups learn Werewolves: How to Spot a Werewolf and... How to Kill a Werewolf while Snape is acting as a substitute.

Professor Snape's hint was so obvious, it was almost explicit. Any student who reads the book carefully will understand that the obvious characteristics of the werewolf are almost the same as those of Professor Lupine, and the few days when Professor Lupine is absent is really too correct. This had to give the students some bad associations.

However, students seldom discuss this topic, because the observation ability of most students is really worrying. Even if there are a few smart students who notice this problem, they are wise to choose to stay silent. Students who can discover Professor Lupin's little secret are naturally not fools , they naturally know the severity.

Few of the Gryffindors found out about Lupin's little secret, most of them were cursing Snape and complaining about Professor Lupin. Yes, they thought that Snape was taking revenge on Lupine for giving them the Boggart class. It was a class that Gryffindor and Slytherin took together. In addition to targeting Lupin, Snape also targeted Gryffindor. These days The gemstone hourglass that Gryffindor scored was simply appalling, and Snape was teaching Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts now, so one could imagine how miserable Gryffindor's students were being punished.

Just look at the students in Slater 893 to see how miserable Gryffindor is. The happier they are, the more miserable Gryffindor is. In the past few days, the Slytherin common room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere. It was completely different from the usual quiet and quiet lounge, and instead looked like a Gryffindor common room.

"Tomorrow is Scarhead's match. Although it is said that there will be heavy rain tomorrow, I am still going to have a look." Draco smiled slyly while touching the bandage he had just removed. "Look how he lost."

"Oh, it's only been a few days? Why did you go back?" Solim put down the book in his hand speechlessly, "At first I thought you had matured a bit.

"It's nothing, I haven't relaxed in the practice of spells, but it's just fun during the competition." Draco argued.

"It's up to you, but I don't recommend going to the game tomorrow." Turning his head to look at his sister who was whispering to Astoria, "Sirna, are you going to watch the game tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? It's raining so much that I won't go. And it's not a Slytherin match, what should I watch?" (cfdh) After finishing speaking, Selna turned her head and chatted with Astoria.

"It's just raining." Draco said disdainfully, "Even if I don't bring an umbrella or a raincoat, I can go through the whole game without getting a drop of rain.

Draco's amulet has been somewhat effective. Although it is only the simplest amulet, it can only block prank spells and the like, but it is enough to block the rain.

"It's up to you, I think there will be a big scene tomorrow, remember to tell me when you come back." Solim continued to read the book in his hand while talking to Draco absently. Solim has been very concerned about Animagus recently. When he has time, he will study the theories in the book. His magic power has not been fully recovered, so he can only work on the theory.

"What big scene?" Draco asked puzzled.

"It's a big scene," Solim turned a page of the book, "Scared? Gloating? Worried? I don't know what mood you will be in then."

"You're bluffing." Draco looked at Solim suspiciously, revealing what the big deal is? Even just a little bit?"

"You know, Draco, I used to want to kill all the spoiler dogs. But I didn't have the ability at that time, but now I have, although it's still not possible to kill all of them, but one or two are still missing." Question." Solim looked at Draco and said, "Do you want me to kill myself?"

"Uh...what dog?" Draco had a question mark in his head, he hadn't heard the word Solim said just now.

"If I tell you what's going to happen tomorrow, then I'll be that dog, understand?" Solim gave Draco an annoyed look.

"Okay, but... how big is the big scene you're talking about? You have to prepare me a little bit." Seeing what Solim said was so serious, Draco couldn't help thinking crazily.

Solim tilted his head and stared into Draco's eyes and said slowly, "It's huge."

Hogwarts' first Quidditch match of the year was played in heavy rain.

Heavy rain? Sorry, the expression is wrong, it should be a torrential rain. The raindrops blown by the strong wind made people unable to open their eyes, but even so, this extreme weather did not stop everyone's enthusiasm for watching the game.

Draco was probably the most comfortable one among the third graders. Thanks to the training in the spell during this period, he didn't have a drop of rain on his body. Although Hermione on the opposite side of the stand was also like this, but today was a Gryffindor match, so she naturally couldn't watch the match with the excitement of Draco.

The team members flying in the sky worked very hard. In the strong wind, they struggled to control the broom under their buttocks so as not to deviate from the track. Things should be relatively better for the Chasers, since they always see the biggest Quaffles. But for a Seeker like Harry, the weather was a nightmare. If Hermione hadn't helped Harry move his eyes a little bit during the pause, he wouldn't be able to see anything now—although it's about the same now, but he can finally see people. As for the Snitch? Hehe, Harry said that he had never seen what a Snitch looked like until now. But that's okay, he just has to keep an eye on Hufflepuff's Cedric.

Facts have proved that this is indeed an effective method. Cedric had obviously spotted the Snitch, and Harry clung to it, and they flew higher and higher. The atmosphere on the court was driven by the two Seekers, and the audience knew that the most exciting moment was coming, and the students cheered for the team they supported with crazy shouts.

Suddenly something strange happened and the cheers from the pitch died away with astonishing speed, as if someone had just cast a large silencing spell. But the sound of the wind and rain remained the same, and the students felt that it was getting colder and colder. The coldness came from the inside out. The students still remembered this feeling.

Draco raised his head in horror, the raindrops bounced off his talisman, and he finally knew what the big scene Solim was talking about.

It was a mass of dementors flying in the sky--excited dementors. .

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