Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 168 Three Brooms

"Speaking of Black." Rosmerta stood behind the bar, looking at Fudge with his hands on his hips: "Minister, I have to tell you about those dementors, they wander around here every evening, They scare all my guests away!"

"Oh, my dear, there is no way to do this." Fudge looked aggrieved: "I don't like them either, no one likes them, but you have to know it's necessary - I just met a few, they Very annoyed with Dumbledore."

"That's because they broke into the field first! Minister." Professor McGonagall looked sideways at Fudge, who was a head taller than Fudge even when he was sitting. "If they did get into the castle, we wouldn't be able to teach."

"That's right," Professor Flitwick said a little hard, even if he was sitting on a high chair, the bar was still a bit high for him. "The principal was furious when they broke into the field that day. I haven't seen that expression on 25's face for a long time. But the principal is still merciful. If I..."

"Filius." Professor McGonagall reminded Professor Flitwick.

"I still can't imagine..." Rosmerta said, shaking his glass, "...he would go with that group of people. I mean, if you told me he would If it becomes like this, then I will definitely say that you drank too much."

"You don't even half know the truth, my dear," said Fudge bluntly, and the mention of Blake puts Fudge in a particularly bad mood. "You probably don't know the worst thing he's ever done, if you do You won't be able to sleep at all the bad things he's done. "

"Oh? The worst? What do you mean?" Rosmerta asked curiously. "Are you talking about worse things than killing those poor Muggles?"

"Okay, let's not discuss these things in front of the students." Professor McGonagall knocked the cup on the bar with a little force.

"It's all right, Professor McGonagall." Solim smiled at Professor McGonagall, then looked at Fudge.

"Mr. Minister, to be honest, I'm curious. Did you check Black's wand with a flashback spell?" If the Ministry of Magic checked Black's wand at that time, it should know that the participation in the street has nothing to do with Black.

"Oh?" Fudge obviously didn't understand what Solim meant.

"I mean, when you caught him on that Muggle street, were you sure that the spell that caused the tragedy was cast by Black's wand?"

Fudge was stunned for a moment, he was indeed the first group to arrive at the scene, but at that time he was only the senior deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic. But he really didn't know if the Ministry of Magic had checked Black's wand, but after seeing Black, everyone agreed that he was the murderer, and he didn't file an appeal request, Crouch didn't try him, and Black himself didn't raise any objections.

"What does it matter, child?" Fudge said kindly: "I think everyone knows that Black is the murderer. After all, I was the first to arrive at the scene. I still remember the scene at that time: the dilapidated scene—— - It was definitely caused by a powerful dark magic, those poor Muggles didn't even know what happened. There were bloodstains and Muggle corpses all over the ground, and Black stood there laughing. We put him at that time Arrested.

"Did he not resist?"

"Oh, I don't think it would have done anything if he resisted," said Fudge. "There were a lot of Aurors there: Kingsley, Dawlish and Rufus, and of course he wasn't an Auror then." The director of Luo's office. By the way... by the way, Alastor came soon after. You don't think a dark wizard can escape in his hands, do you?

Alastor Moody, he hadn't retired from the Auror Division at the time, he hadn't retired until after the Death Eaters trials. It has to be said that Mad Eye is an extremely legendary Auror, and he captured more than half of the people in Azkaban. None of the wizards Voldemort could catch his eye were minor characters, but few of these powerful wizards escaped Moody's capture. Though Moody himself paid a little for this.

"But as far as I know." Solim looked at the professors, who were all looking at Solim. "After being arrested, Black seemed to be thrown into Azkaban without any trial. If I remember correctly, Barty Crouch should be the presiding judge at that time. Why didn't the Ministry of Magic try him?"

Fudge's face was very surprised. He never thought that a student could know so many things. Although these things were not considered secrets, they should not be known by a student. But considering the student's surname, Fudge was a little hesitant.

"Boy, Black is too dangerous." Fudge shook his head, "Maybe Barty has his considerations. I had no hand in the trial of those Death Eaters, and neither could many members of the Wizengamot. What do you mean, Batty looks at those Death Eaters so hard, no one can unblock their joints, and the entire wizarding world looks at it."

"The Lestranges were tried, and even their own son was tried. They attacked the Aurors, and Black... Well, according to the Ministry of Magic, it was the slaughter of Muggles. Who is dangerous? It's clear." Solim took a sip of his drink. 293

"Muggle slaughter?" Fudge shook his head. "No no no, like I just said to Rosmerta, you wouldn't be able to sleep if you knew the bad things Black did. And I don't think doing Blake who did those things needs to be judged."

"So what the hell is it?" Ms. Rosmerta looked at Fudge.

"Minister, are you referring to those rumors that Black betrayed the Potters?" Solim glanced out of the corner of his eye, the Christmas tree had just shaken.

"Oh my god, kid, how do you know this?" Fudge looked at Solim in amazement, but he quickly looked away when he thought of his surname. If possible, Fudge would like to have a good relationship with this student, In fact, Fudge is willing to strike up a good relationship with anyone as long as it doesn't threaten his power--provided you are useful to him.

Solim shrugged.

Glancing at Solim, Fudge turned his gaze to the still charming Rosmerta, "That person—of course, you know who I'm talking about, that person was looking for Potter's wife, and many people didn't know about it , but Dumbledore has a lot of eyeliners—very capable eyeliners, and they told Dumbledore about it, and Dumbledore made Potter's daughter-in-law hide. He told them that the best way was that spell—the Fidelity Curse." .

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