Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 169 Three Broomsticks 2

"The Loyalty Curse?" Rosmerta asked curiously, "Does that work?"

"A very complicated spell." Professor Flitwick added, "Hide the secret in the soul of a living person—that is, the secret keeper. If the secret keeper chooses Shen Qi, there is no way for the secret keeper to reveal the secret." , Neither Veritaserum nor the Imperius Curse will work. If you want to know the secret, only the keeper will take the initiative to speak.

"So... Black is Potter's secret-keeper?" Rosmerta said.

"That's right," Professor McGonagall said with an ugly face, "Albus...I mean, Headmaster Dumbledore was actually opposed to Black being the Secret Keeper at the time, and he was more inclined to be Potter's Secret Keeper himself. Because at that time we Information here has been leaked all the time, and Black is one of the suspects."

"Look at their family!" Hagrid said angrily, but he deliberately lowered his voice, but as far as Hagrid was concerned, no matter how soft he spoke, it was enough for the people in the bar to hear clearly.

"His two older sisters are both Death Eaters, and so is his younger brother, why does he need to say that!" After he finished speaking, he hammered the bar counter, Solim clearly saw that the bar counter was cracked by him, you know, this is solid wood...

"But Potter insisted on Black, didn't he?"

"That's right," said Fudge gravely, "however, it's not been two weeks . . . "

"He betrayed?"

"Indeed." Fudge nodded, "I think he may be tired of the double-faced role, and he is going to publicly announce his support for the You-Know-Who. But he never thought that his master would miss, as we all know—— —The mysterious man failed with little Harry, he lost his mana, and had no choice but to run away..."

"So... that man he's not dead, is he? Minister?" Solim interjected abruptly, which was rude, but Fudge didn't pursue the issue. Because the question Solim asks is kind of scary.

...uh, but, I think... I mean, after all these years, the guy hasn't shown up, I think he's dead..." Everyone I can see Fudge's uneasiness,...yes, he's definitely dead."

Solim smiled and said nothing, but Mrs. Rosmerta ordered another glass of canyon water. Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick looked at Solim suspiciously, the two of them - not only them, but even Hagrid knew that Voldemort was not dead. And the professors also know that the little wizard in front of him once faced Voldemort in the first grade. He asked Fudge this question obviously for some purpose, but after seeing Fudge's ugly face, Professor Flitwick nodded, He already understood why the student Solim asked Fudge that question.

In the original book, Fudge desperately denied the fact that Voldemort was still alive, but what he said just now said that Voldemort ran away after losing his mana. This intrigued Solim, whether Fuji really thought Voldemort was dead, or if he was trying to avoid the question. Because if Voldemort wasn't dead, but was licking his wounds somewhere and waiting for a chance to make a comeback, then Fudge was in big trouble. He would rather face the plight of Azkaban's prisoners running out collectively than face the situation of Voldemort's return. No matter how bad a group of dark wizards escape from prison, it is not as bad as a terrifying Dark Lord. Fudge didn't even want to think about what would happen if Voldemort were still alive.

Seeing Fudge's performance, Solim knew it. It is no secret that Voldemort is not dead, and as the Minister of Magic, Fudge must have heard the rumors, but he has always wanted to characterize the matter of Voldemort's "death", especially after receiving a series of stimuli in the future, Fudge's This behavior is getting worse. It was not so much that he was afraid of the bad situation he would have to face when Voldemort returned, but rather that he was deliberately avoiding the fact that Voldemort was still alive.

"The mysterious man fell unexpectedly, and this made Black unable to advance or retreat." Fudge took a sip of what was in his glass, "As soon as Black stood up to express his position, his master fell, so he can only escaped."

"That filthy stinking traitor!" Hagrid yelled.

Now everyone in the bar is looking this way.

"Hush!" Professor McGonagall stared at Hagrid, frowning disapprovingly. However, Hagrid, who was caught in the memories of the past, obviously didn't notice this.

"I met him!" Hagrid's voice was still loud: "Before he killed many people, I must be the last to see him! After all those people were killed, it was me from James and Lily Rescued Harry from his home! I pulled him out of the wreckage, poor little thing, with a long gash on his forehead, and his parents were both 53..."

Having said that, Hagrid sniffed.

"That's when Sirius Black showed up, on his usual flying bike. I never knew what he was doing there. I didn't know he was James and Lily's secret keeper. I thought he'd heard I got the news of the attack by You-Know-Who and went there to see what he could do. He was pale and trembling. Do you know what I did? I comforted the murderous traitor!" Hagrid snarled.

w Don't do this!" Professor McGonagall couldn't bear it anymore, "Hold down!"

"He said to me at the time: 'Hagrid, give me Harry, I'm his godfather, and I'll take care of him.' But Dumbledore told me that I should send little Harry to his aunt's house. Black didn't agree at the time , but he finally relented and gave me his precious badass flying bike. I don't think I'll ever need it again.' That's what he told me at the time, and I didn't know it was What do you mean, but I soon understood that he was about to start fleeing at that time, so naturally he didn’t need that motorcycle, did he? (Hi Wang)”

Although Solim knew what happened back then, it was a different feeling to hear these old stories told by people who had experienced it personally. However, Solim couldn't hold back what Hagrid said, but luckily he used his own cup to cover it up. one time.

Even if Black betrayed him, wouldn't he really need the speed bike when he escaped? Some of what Hagrid has to say is worth listening to, but some of it is not.

Hagrid's subjective consciousness is too strong when he talks about things, and it's easy to mislead some people who don't have independent opinions and thinking ability—for example, Harry who is currently hiding behind the Christmas tree.

"If only we had caught him in the first place." Seeing some silence, Fudge took over the conversation and said, "But it wasn't us who found Black first, but another friend of Mrs. Peter's."

Solim twitched the corner of his mouth—the meat scene is coming. .

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