Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 241 Crowded Room

The most popular candidate for the Hogwarts Warriors is Cedric. I have to say that this handsome guy is really good. Especially his transfiguration, even a strict person like Professor McGonagall often praised him highly. Not to mention that Cedric has excellent popularity at Hogwarts, and his voice is the highest. Next is Gryffindor's Angelina, but there's nothing much to say about this girl. It's all because of her good popularity.

In the silence, the auditorium was filled with an excitement so intense that you could almost taste it. Now it's the turn of the Hogwarts warriors. This is a historic moment, which will be written into the history of Hogwarts.

At this time, the Goblet of Fire turned red again, sparks burst out, tongues of fire shot high into the air, and Dumbledore caught it quickly.

"Hogwarts Champion: Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore read aloud.

Suddenly the cheers in the entire auditorium were deafening. Every Hufflepuff student was jumping up and down, screaming and stomping their feet, when Cedric walked past them, smiling broadly, toward the room behind the staff desk. Hufflepuff has not received honors for a long, long time, and this opportunity is hard-won.

If the Goblet of Fire hadn't started to change again, they could have continued cheering.

"The second Champion of Hogwarts is—" Dumbledore glanced at the Slytherin table, "Solim Selwyn!"

Although Solim's social circle is very small and he doesn't interact much with other people in Slytherin, the Slytherin students still gave Solim a lot of attention on this occasion - mainly Draco and his two followers, who were jumping up and down. Three baboons. The other three colleges are also very generous. At this time, there is no distinction between colleges. Everyone is a student of Gwarts.

Solim stood up and walked calmly towards the ajar door~.

Solim was also the first to come to the faculty lounge next to the banquet hall, but Solim knew the purpose of this room very well. Normally, this so-called lounge is used as a warehouse, and some broken tables and chairs are thrown here. There is also a staircase at the back of this room. Professors sometimes go out directly from here instead of talking to the students. Go and crowd the gate together -.

The room is not big, maybe because there are already eight people in it, it seems a bit crowded. The fire in the fireplace is burning brightly, and the room is warmer than outside.

When Solim came in, most of the people in the room were a little surprised, because they found that Solim was obviously younger than them. Richie and Remus Johnton stood in a dark corner, keeping their distance from the others. Krum was standing alone, and also standing alone was Fleur, who didn't seem to get along with the two other Beauxbatons warriors. Only Cedric came up and enthusiastically congratulated Solim. Cedric knew something about Solim, the younger boy. At least Solim was ranked first in his grade every year on the performance list. From this point of view, Solim’s name was actually Not unfamiliar to Hogwarts students.

"I really didn't expect it to be you." Digory was very enthusiastic, and outsiders could not tell that this was his first time talking to Solim.

"Then you should look at him more." A hoarse voice came to mind in the corner, "He won't live long anyway."

Hearing this voice, Solim felt sick to his stomach. But he didn't plan to say anything to those two people. Solim had already let go of the harsh words, and the rest was up to each other according to their own methods.

Cedric frowned and was about to say something for Solim when another person came through the door.

But this man looked younger than Solim—and not just in age. The man who came in was the shortest and thinnest in the room. Poor Harry has been on a nutritious diet since he was a child. After arriving at Hogwarts, his food kept up and things got better.

"Harry?!" Cedric looked at the person who came in in surprise.

Although Cedric didn't expect Solim, he could still accept it. But Harry...although he has the title of "Savior", his academic reputation is not that outstanding - in fact, excluding the titles that outsiders have given him, Harry is actually a pretty ordinary student.

As soon as Harry said hello to Solim, another large group of people crowded in, filling the already small room to the brim.

The headmasters of the three schools: Dumbledore, Karkaroff, Maxim and the officials of the Ministry of Magic: Crouch and Bagman.

"First of all, I want to congratulate you. You have successfully become a warrior recognized by the Goblet of Fire." Crouch said expressionlessly.

"But these two are obviously different from us." Fleur said arrogantly, "Especially this one——"

She pointed at Harry rudely, "He looks a little malnourished, is that really okay?"

Harry wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it, while Solim also twitched his lips.

"Miss Delacour. Their names are spit out from the Goblet of Fire like yours, which means that like you, they have concluded a competition contract with the Goblet of Fire." Crouch was a little impatient, but still Answered Huang Rong's question.

0...Please give me flowers...

"Huh, maybe." With a shake of her head, Furong stopped talking.

"Okay, I think we should give you some guidance now..." Bagman tried to smooth things over. He rubbed his hands and looked at Crouch aside, "Come on, Barty, you have already prepared those regulations." It's so memorized."

"Okay." Crouch took a few steps forward. Against the backdrop of the fire, he looked very haggard. There are two deep shadows under the eyes, and the wrinkled skin is as white and transparent as paper.

Harry had seen him at the Quidditch World Cup, and he didn't look like this at that time.

"The first project will be carried out on November 24th, and will be completed in front of other students and the judging panel." Crouch's tone was flat, as if he was endorsing.

"When completing the competition events, the warriors are not allowed to ask or accept any help from their teachers. When the warriors face the first round of challenges, the only weapon in their hands is their own wand. After the first event is over, they will understand Regarding the situation of the second event. Due to the high requirements and long duration of the competition, the warriors will not participate in the academic year examination."

There was no need for exams, so this news didn't matter to Solim and Cedric, two top academics, and Harry was very happy after hearing it.

Mr. Crouch turned and looked at Dumbledore.

"That's it, do you think that's okay? Albus?"

Crouch's perfunctory attitude was obvious and everyone could see it.

"Okay," Dumbledore said, looking at Mr. Crouch with some concern, "Are you sure you don't want to stay at Hogwarts tonight, Barty? You look terrible, and you should get some rest. "

"Come on, Barty, I'm staying here!" Bagman said happily, "It all finally happened in Hogwarts, right? It's much more exciting and interesting here than the office!"

"I disagree, Ludo," Crouch said, with his usual impatience in his tone. "There are still many things waiting for me to do in the department. You have to know that the department I am in is not a leisurely sports team.

Bagman wasn't angry after hearing this, he just shrugged regretfully.

"Okay, I think your classmates are waiting for you to go back to celebrate." Dumbledore glanced at Crouch, then looked at the warriors, "Just don't make it too late. You know, tomorrow will be normal. My husband is in class."

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