On Sunday morning, Harry woke up and dressed absentmindedly. It took him a while to realize that he was putting his hat on his feet as a sock. He finally put on each piece of clothing in the right place and hurried out to the auditorium.

He came back too late this morning, and Ronald was already asleep when Harry returned to the dormitory. Harry couldn't wait to share everything he saw with his friends.

Hermione was sitting with Ginny having breakfast when Harry sat down.

"Oh Harry, you're finally here." Ronald was chewing a piece of apple pie.

"I have something to tell you—" Harry picked up the goblet in front of him and drank it all in one gulp. He hadn't drunk the water since he got up.

"its about--"

"Ginny, sit aside, you can't listen to this." Ronald pointed at his sister.

"Even if you are my brother, you can't interfere with my freedom! I can sit wherever I want!" Ginny held the fork in her hand and glanced at Harry, "If you want to say something, don't think so. If you want others to hear you, why not find a hidden place?"

"Okay, Ronald, everyone will know the news soon anyway." Harry quickly tried to smooth things over, "There's no difference between knowing it earlier or knowing it later.

"So..." Hermione looked at Harry, "You confirmed everything last night? It was indeed——"

Hermione stared at Harry and motioned for him to continue.

"That's right - it's the fire dragon, there are nine of them in total." Harry couldn't calm down yet, knowing that what he was about to face was a fire dragon and seeing those behemoths with his own eyes was a completely different concept.

Ginny was so frightened that she knocked over the cup in her hand when she heard that Harry was about to face the fire dragon on the first project.

"Oh my God! How could they do this?" Ginny said anxiously, "You will die!"

The surrounding students looked here after hearing the movement.

"Shut up! Ginny!" Ronald slapped the table. "Do you want everyone to know?"

Ginny didn't quarrel with Ronald this time, her thoughts were all on Harry.

"Okay, it's no big deal." Hermione tried to lighten the mood, "Harry, you're ready, aren't you?"

Harry hesitated and said, "Yes, I'm ready. As long as nothing happens, I can indeed pass the first project.

"Okay, we'll take your Firebolt to the stand then. You can eat first and think about these things later." Hermione pushed a plate of mashed potatoes in front of Harry

As Harry ate, he recounted what he had seen and heard last night.

...So, the principals of the other two schools also know about it?" Ronald frowned, feeling that this was a bit unfair, "Then what is this? Collective cheating?"

"Don't say that. If there is no preparation in advance, many warriors will suffer." Harry could now understand what Solim said before: the Triwizard Tournament has always had a tradition of cheating.

"Do you think Digory knows about this?"

"He's probably still in the dark," Hermione said, "Are you going to inform him?"

"Yes, now that everyone knows, he should also be prepared, otherwise something will definitely happen if he faces those behemoths without knowing it.

Although Harry already knew about the fire dragons before, the group of behemoths he saw last night made Harry completely lose his confidence. Especially what Hagrid said at that time made Harry not fall asleep since he came back:

"Oh, Harry, you definitely don't want to face the black dragon of the Heshidry Islands. The black dragon is the most aggressive dragon species, and it is also the most dangerous among these fire dragons - not even a tree peak can compare. Get on her, oh - look at her dark scales, how beautiful they are -"

Hungarian Tree Peak, Harry knew at the first sight that this guy was very dangerous. The body is covered with black scales and looks like a lizard. It has yellow eyes, bronze horns, and a long tail with almost bronze spikes protruding from it. Hagrid said that the fire-breathing distance of the tree peak is the furthest among the fire dragons. It can be imagined that the warriors who face it will definitely not be happy.

To be honest, after learning some knowledge about fire dragons from Hagrid, Harry felt that none of them were difficult to deal with.

The heaviest and largest one is the Ukrainian Ironbelly, which Hagrid said weighs six tons; the Peruvian Vipertooth is said to be the most venomous, and anyone scratched by its fangs must be treated immediately, otherwise the least severe consequence will be amputation. The Swedish Brachysaurus has the highest flame temperature, and the flames it spits out will burn you without even touching you. The Norwegian Ridgeback is the most familiar to Harry, because Harry has seen this kind of dragon. The cub, and his friend Ronald's hand was bitten. Similarly, the Ridgeback is also a poisonous dragon. Although it is not as poisonous as the Venomous Dragon, its aggressiveness is among the best.

Other dragons that didn't sound that dangerous were not easy to deal with, and Harry himself knew exactly what Hagrid was comparing with when he said "not that dangerous."

After finishing breakfast, Harry stopped Cedric in the corridor outside the Charms classroom. Cedric let his friends go first, and he was pulled aside by Harry.

"Okay, Harry, what do you want to tell me? Professor Flitwick's class is about to start."

410 "Fire Dragon." Harry told Cedric bluntly, "The first task for the warriors is to face the Fire Dragon and grab the dragon egg."

Cedric thought for a moment that Harry was kidding him just like his friends. Letting underage wizards deal with fire dragons? Isn't this a joke? But Harry doesn't seem to be that familiar with him.

Cedric looked at Harry blankly, and after making sure that he was not kidding him, fear flashed in Cedric's gray eyes.

"Are you sure?" Cedric lowered his voice.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes." Harry also lowered his voice, "There are nine in total, one for each warrior. They are in the Forbidden Forest now. And the warriors from the other two schools already know about them."

"Okay, Harry." Cedric accepted the reality. "Do all the warriors know? Including the Hogwarts warriors? You know, I mean..."

"Yes, we all know, you are the last one." Harry said quickly, because the bell had already rang, and Solim had already known it. "

"Okay, Harry, I owe you a favor." Cedric also knew that the conversation had to end, "If you need help, you can come to me. I mean...if you haven't found a way to deal with the fire dragon."

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