Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 261 Behind The Scenes And In Front Of The Stage

Solim got what he wanted - an Australian opal eye. He will appear after Harry, who drew a Norwegian Ridgeback.

The order of appearance of the warriors has been arranged.

The first person to appear was Cedric, who had to face the Swedish Brachysaurus. The most talked about thing about this dragon is its unique blue dragon flame, which can easily burn stones. However, Brachysaurus is not very aggressive, so Cedric still has a chance.

The second person to appear is Fleur. She is the luckiest among the warriors. She got the Welsh Green Dragon, the most docile dragon.

The third one is Krum. He got the Fireball Dragon without eyelids. The Eye Disease Spell is perfect for dealing with the Fireball Dragon.

The fourth one is Jacques of Beauxbatons, who unfortunately drew the Hungarian Tree Peak. Fighting the tree peak on the ground... Solim even doubted that he could get close to the dragon egg.

The fifth person to appear is Harry, who drew the Norwegian Ridgeback. How can I put it... The Norwegian Ridgeback is definitely much easier to deal with than the Tree Peak, a quite satisfactory dragon species. The dragon's teeth are poisonous, but not as good as the Peruvian Venomtooth Dragon; its aggressive temperament, but not as good as the Tree Peak or the Black Dragon; it is huge, not as good as the Ukrainian Iron Belly, and slightly inferior to the Black Dragon, but other than these two dragons, Other dragons are not as big as it; its flying speed is slow, but it is a good opponent for Harry who is about to use a broom.

After Harry came Solim, who got the Australian Oval Eye as he wished - or rather got it. When Solim put his hand into the bag, he touched it carefully. He found the one with the longest neck by feel - the Australian oval eye. This is the most beautiful, best-looking, and most valuable of all dragons.

The last person to appear was the warrior with the darkest face today - Reyna Roderick. Her opponent is the largest Ukrainian iron belly. The venue is the same. The larger the size, the smaller the space for the warrior to move in the court. This is not good news. Solim thinks Reyna is finished.

After drawing lots to determine the order of appearance, Bagman hurriedly rushed out of the tent. He was now going to speak to the audience on behalf of the British Ministry of Magic. At the same time, he was also delaying a little time, waiting for the referees to take their seats.

Soon there were only seven warriors left in the tent. Cedric, who was first in line, had sweaty palms, and he kept wiping his hands on his school robe.

"I have a demulcent here, do you want some?" Solim asked Cedric, "You look too nervous."

"Oh my God - of course I will be nervous, I am the first to appear." Cedric forced a smile on his face, but it was more like a dry smile.

There wasn't much time for Cedric to adjust his mentality, and he was quickly called on to play. The other warriors stared at Cedric's figure until his back disappeared behind the door. The warriors were not allowed to leave the tent until their own game was over, and were not even allowed to watch other warriors compete. They could only stay in the tent until they came out.

The roar of the dragon and the shouts of the audience continued to enter the tent through various gaps, accompanied by Bagman's explanation. This was the only way for the warriors to understand the situation outside.

"Solim, why aren't you nervous?" Harry talked to Solim, trying to distract himself from thinking about the dragon he was going to deal with.

"Actually, you don't need to be nervous." Solim glanced at Harry, "The Norwegian Ridgeback's flying speed is not very fast, and the distance of its breath of dragon flames is not very far - at least not as far as the top of a tree. Its huge size means that it cannot fly very fast." Be flexible. You have a firebolt, what are you afraid of?"

"I know everything you said is right..." Harry licked his lips nervously, "But that's a dragon, I can't make any mistakes."

"Then don't make a mistake." Solim said, "Use the Flying Curse as soon as you come on stage. Once you ride on the broom, you will be basically invincible."

Then Solim pouted in one direction of the tent, gesturing for Harry to look over.

The two Beauxbatons warriors: Jacques and Reyna looked worried. Jacques is very aware of the threat posed by the Hungarian tree peak, let alone in such a regulated area. The super long fire-breathing distance can completely suppress him from the beginning to the end, and he might not even have a chance to get close to the dragon egg. Yes, I can only avoid the dragon flames sprayed from the tree peaks in embarrassment. The one with an even uglier face than his is Reyna. Maybe women are not as strong as men in their ability to withstand stress. Reyna’s psychological activities are all written on her face. Ukrainian Iron Belly is the giant among fire dragons. Fighting against such a giant beast in a stone field is simply asking for trouble, but there is no way, who told her to draw this one.

0…Please give me flowers…………

Cedric has already begun to fight against the fire dragon, which can be heard from the cheers of the audience and Bagman's commentary.

"Oh——it's dangerous, it's too dangerous."

"His move is really shocking!"

Bagman's commentary is often accompanied by huge cheers or gasps from the audience.

Harry dared to say that he had never suffered so much. As he listened to Bagman's explanation, terrifying pictures appeared in Harry's mind.

Compared to the other warriors in the tent, Solim was much calmer. He didn't even think about facing the fire dragon later. In fact, Solim has already made plans. Solim has different pit methods for different dragons, all of which are based on their shortcomings and weaknesses. This is the advantage of knowing certain things in advance: you can arrange and plan calmly. .

Solim's mind is not on the first project. What he is thinking about now is what he will say when he meets his grandfather later.

The two old men Elrond and Gilvais will be here to watch today, and even several uncles of Solim's generation are here at Selwyn's house. They are not here to cheer Solim. There was only one reason for them to come here - Richie and Remus Johnton were also here. They should have known by now that the descendants of their two families have disappeared, and loss sometimes means the same thing as death. What changes will happen when the time comes, what direction will things develop, and what kind of preparations do you need to make in advance, and how should you speak when the time comes - this is what Solim is thinking about now.

About fifteen minutes later, deafening cheers sounded outside the tent. There is no doubt that Cedric passed the fire dragon and he got the golden egg.

"It is indeed outstanding!" Bagman shouted at the top of his lungs, "Now please give the referee a score!"

"This is just the first warrior today! The carnival continues!" When the whistle sounded again, Bagman shouted, "Miss Delacour, please come to work!"

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