Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 262 The Game Is In Progress (Today Ig Is Really Cooking, And Tomorrow Blg Will Be The Winner

What happens at Hogwarts this year will surely go down in school history. Hogwarts has not hosted a large-scale event like the Triwizard Tournament for many years. A few centuries ago, dueling competitions, potion competitions, or simply academic exchanges between schools were very frequent, but I don’t know what caused the exchanges between magic schools to gradually decrease. This year's Triwizard Tournament is seen by many as a signal to strengthen communication.

The grandstand built by magic accommodated thousands of wizards. In addition to all the teachers and students of Hogwarts, many wizards from outside the school came to watch this rare event. The stand directly opposite the referee's seat is a special place. The wizards here are all pure-blood wizards with status and status——Elrond and Gilvis are sitting here.

Unlike the lively environment around them, the area around Elrond and Gilvis seemed quite quiet, as if there was an invisible curtain that isolated the sounds.

"Little guy, did that brat really not tell you anything?" Elrond looked at Flagg next to Gilvis.

"You old thing, my grandson already told you this when you came here."

"Solim really didn't reveal any information to me." Flagg sat up straight and looked very energetic, but he asked me about the two people's work and rest time. "

"Huh, it seems that he did it." Gilvis looked at Fleur who was waving her wand in the field, "Huh? This little girl...seems like -"

"Wipe your saliva, that little girl does have Veela blood." Elrond mocked Gilvis, "Has your old eyes become dim? Can't you tell? Didn't you have one when you were young? ..........Ahem." Elrond finally remembered that there was a minor here and stopped talking in time.

Gilvais did not reply, and snorted rather uncomfortably.


Flagg sat there as if he hadn't heard anything and didn't even turn his head.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and even the shameless ones like Elrond and Gilvais couldn't stand it. As people mature with age, looking at Flegg's look, these two old men knew that this kid understood what they were talking about just now.

"Ahem...Tell me, did my incompetent grandson entertain you well?"

"Yes, yes, let's talk about your life at Hogwarts. How was it with Durmstrum?" Gilvis quickly added.

"Hogwarts is pretty good. I remember having dinner next to Solim on the first day I came here..." Flegg was very sensible and started talking about his time in Hogwarts. Gwartz's knowledge and feelings also revealed the incident of Solim drugging Richie and Remus John at the welcome dinner.

"What a fool!" Elrond slapped his thigh, "Is he afraid that he won't attract other people's attention?"

"The opportunity is a good opportunity, but if we really kill someone at the dinner party, he will not be able to escape his involvement. In my opinion, this kid is the kid who wants to beat up the Rich family." Gilvis turned to look at his grandson, "I'm right."

When it was mentioned that Richie and Remus John would never come to Hogwarts to eat from now on and would only have three meals a day on Durmstrang's big ship, Gilvais laughed and began to praise them.

Elrond didn't look very happy with Solim's actions.

"I think he did the right thing." Gilvis said, "It's not like you don't know the virtues of the Ritchie family. If you don't give them some clues, you might end up doing something wrong. "

While Elrond and others were gossiping, Fleur passed the fire dragon in a thrilling manner and successfully obtained the golden egg. However, her hair and clothes were burned by the dragon's flames and she was given a lot of points by the judges.

When Krum in the tent heard that Fleur had successfully passed the fire dragon, his already gloomy face became even gloomier. It wasn't that he and Fleur had any issues, but that it was his turn next.

Harry watched Krum leave the tent, and Jacques, who came out behind Krum, looked pale. Harry knew that his face was not much better either. Harry felt like these warriors were like prisoners waiting to be sent to the execution ground, lining up to be beheaded one by one.

After Richie and Remus Johnton disappeared...well, after their deaths, Krum was the only warrior left in Durmstrang, whether it was from the honor of the school or from him. From a personal point of view, he must win this game, and he must win beautifully.

The cheers from the audience after Krum's appearance were earth-shattering - he is much more popular than the previous two warriors...

Solim in the tent is a bit bored. He does not have a heavy psychological burden like other warriors. Even if you are facing a fire dragon, as long as you find the right method. They are no more difficult to pet than a cat.

"Very bold!" Bagman roared, followed by the excited roars of the audience that entered the tent.

What followed was the painful roar of the fire dragon.

"The Eye Spell is perfect for dealing with the Celestial Fireball Dragon!" Bagman said loudly.

"Oh no!"

Hearing Bagman's wailing, the warriors in the tent felt nervous [Did something happen?

"Points will be deducted for broken dragon eggs. Krum is unlucky. But his bold performance will definitely leave a deep impression on the judges."

Harry saw that the warriors were relieved. It seemed that they, like him, thought something had happened to Krum. Now any sound outside the tent can make the warriors startled.

It seemed that Krum had passed the fire dragon, and the remaining people in the tent all looked at Jacques - he was next. And his opponent is the extremely dangerous Hungarian tree harvester

Reyna was talking to Jacques, and they seemed to be cheering each other up, but Solim felt that they were saying goodbye to each other.

"Now we have the next Warrior 4.0! Jacques - Tefler - Pikocui, also from Beauxbatons! He will face the dangerous Hungarian tree peaks! Let us welcome this warrior! Let’s see what surprises he can bring us!”

Bagman's voice sounded outside the tent, and Harry watched Jacques stumble out of the tent.

"Is he going to be okay?" Harry asked Solim.

"Do you still have time to worry about others?" Solim shook his head, "To be honest, I think something will happen to him - but with so many wizards here, his life should be preserved.

Solim is right.

Bagman's surprise turned to horror. Jacques failed to finish the game. If it weren't for the quick rescue by the wizard outside the field, Jacques would have burned like a candle on the spot, but that's it.

He was also severely burned. Later they learned that Jacques had been sent to St. Bavar for emergency treatment.

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