Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 274: Arrangements

"Oh my God, she's so beautiful!" Reyna stared at Hermione as did everyone else.

Hermione was indeed stunning today, but for Solim, seeing it meant seeing it, and he began to pay attention to other people's expressions. That's right, it's really interesting to look at other people's expressions when they see Neville as Hermione's dance partner, even more interesting than seeing a Hermione who is not so messy.

Hermione's dance partner was Neville, Solim had known for a long time. At that time, Neville, a little fat man, came to consult Solim for his opinion. Of course, Neville is not as fat now. His figure is now more even, but there is still some baby fat on his face...well, baby fat. .

Hermione and Neville blocked the warrior behind them, but Solim guessed that even if Harry hadn't been blocked, no one would have looked at him. Although he was one of the warriors, there was only one Hermione today.

Harry's expression looked strange: he was happy to have finally found a dance partner, he was also incredibly shocked after seeing Hermione's new look, and there was also a kind of--well, regret?

Compared with Harry, Ronald's expression was even weirder: Like Harry, he was also very lucky to find a dance partner at the last minute. He and Harry's dance partners were twin sisters.

One of the Patil sisters is in Gryffindor, and the other is in Ravenclaw. Although this feeling is more like buying one and getting one free, Ronald still caught the last train to the dance. The look he was looking at Hermione now was more accusatory? Maybe Ronald thought Hermione should discuss it with him first.

There is no doubt that the protagonists of tonight's dance are the warriors and their dance partners. Look at Roger Davis. Because he has Fleur as his dancing partner, he is now receiving as much attention as those warriors. If you want to attract attention, you must either be a warrior, or be the dance partner of a warrior, or be like Hermione - suppress the limelight of the warrior as soon as you appear. "But it seems that Hermione is the only one who can do it. .

Now Neville's chubby face was flushed. He had never experienced being stared at by so many people. Even if he had, Neville still couldn't get used to these gazes - especially the late ones, which were a bit hot.

Under Professor McGonagall's greeting, except for the warriors and their dance partners, the remaining students entered the auditorium and took their seats. The warriors and their dance partners lined up, entered the auditorium under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, and headed toward the front of the auditorium. Zhang walked towards the large round table where the referee sat, and the people in the auditorium applauded enthusiastically.

The walls of the auditorium were covered with glittering silver frost, and the ceiling was a starry night sky, hung with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe sprigs and ivy. The four college tables were gone, replaced by a hundred small tables lit with lanterns, with about ten people sitting at each table.

The warriors arrived in front of the guest of honor. Dumbledore smiled happily, while Madame Maxime looked at Roger Davis the way a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law. This silly guy would glance at Fleur's profile from time to time, looking displeased. Too smart Yazi. Karkaroff also looked at Krum's dance partner. The girl Solim didn't recognize, but she seemed to be a student of Beauxbatons.

Dumbledore looked at Reyna next to Solim, and then winked at Solim. The old man seemed to be smiling happily. Ludo Bagman was wearing a bright purple robe tonight with big yellow stars printed on it. He clapped his hands as enthusiastically as his classmates. Madame Maxime took off her usual black satin uniform and wore a flowing lavender gown. But the warriors noticed that Mr. Crouch did not come. Harry was surprised to find Percy Weasley sitting in the fifth seat at the round table.

The warriors and their partners came to the table and began to sit down. Harry sat next to Percy, while Solim took Reyna and sat between Dumbledore and Maxim. The other half of Madam Maxim's seat was Fleur and Davis.

Percy was wearing a brand new navy blue ceremonial robe, with a smug and conceited look on his face. As soon as I sat down, I heard his proud voice: "I have been promoted."

I am currently the personal assistant of Mr. Crow (afbd) Qi. I'm here to attend the ball on his behalf now. After all, Mr. Crouch is a busy man and he doesn't have time to attend the ball." Maybe Percy finally realized that it was a bit offensive to say this," - of course, I mean , he still has a lot of matters to deal with in the Ministry of Magic.

"Percy Weasley——just graduated last year from Gryffindor." Solim saw Reyna glance at Percy with confusion and began to explain to her, "But it's obvious that he doesn't know how to speak."

"Oh, Solim, I think people all need to grow up," Although Solim deliberately lowered his voice, it was obvious that Dumbledore, who was sitting next to him, would not miss a word. This time may be a good one for him. Experience - After graduation, he returned to Hogwarts to teach his juniors experience. "

Transferring experience? Solim glanced awkwardly at Percy across from him, who was currently chatting with Harry about his cauldron report, while Harry looked at Solim with a frown on his face, hoping he could do something. What could Solim do? All he could do was give Harry a helpless look.

"Forget it, Principal, I think you know the real reason why Weasley came to Hogwarts."

Solim glanced at Moody at the next table without leaving any trace. Of course, Dumbledore could read Solim's hints. If not, he wouldn't be Dumbledore.

Dumbledore also glanced at Moody at the next table. He now looked like a bear trapped in a trap. He was still wearing his usual wizard robe, which seemed a little out of place with the surrounding environment.

"Perhaps we could have a chat about this during intermission at the ball." Dumbledore picked up the menu from the table [and said to the empty plate: "Pig Bandit."1

The next second, the pork chop appeared on the plate in front of Dumbledore. Harry felt like he was being pardoned when he saw it, and he immediately started ordering on his plate like a master. He couldn't stand Percy's nagging anymore. It was completely nutritious, either about the topic of those cauldrons, or He was just complimenting Crouch, and Harry didn't understand why Percy didn't do it in front of him if he wanted to compliment Mr. Crouch.

The students' attention was all on their heads. Seeing Dumbledore and Harry's actions, they also understood. Start giving orders to your plate. The auditorium immediately became lively, and the students followed suit and ordered their favorite food on the plates.

The dance will start in about an hour, and the students need to fill their stomachs before then. .

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