The first person to retrieve the Warrior was Miss Riderick from Beauxbatons. This was something that many people did not expect. In the eyes of the audience, the three people who set off at the end looked too ordinary, especially Solim, who was actually wearing a wizard's robe, and they did not transform themselves like Krum or Jacques. The speed of people They were more optimistic about these two people, and the other warriors who used the Bubble Curse also set off earlier than them. No matter how they looked at it, the last three people who set off could not complete the task first, but that's what happened. Moreover, only half of the scheduled hour has passed. Unless they knew the location of the hostages, it would not be possible so quickly.

For a moment, the students in the stands were shouting and cheering together.

Solim could speak in the water under the Bubble Charm, but his voice sounded strange to Harry. "Seven Sixty"

"Don't worry about them, they will be fine. Dumbledore's magic will ensure the safety of the hostages." Solim was treading water with Silna on his back, otherwise he would sink. To be honest, Solim regretted wearing a robe and was a little too active. not very convenient.

Seeing that the two warriors were not ready to leave after rescuing their hostages, and were pointing at the other hostages, the mermaids gathered around with bone forks in their hands.

Although Solim didn't pay much attention to these mermaids, he didn't want to cause trouble for no reason. Seeing that Harry was dragging Ronald and still not ready to leave, Solim didn't bother to care about him. He turned around and carried Sirna upstream.

Sirna woke up as soon as she came out of the water.

"It's a very strange feeling." This was Sirna's first sentence as soon as she opened her eyes.

"Okay, let's talk after we get ashore."

The second warrior who successfully rescued the hostages appeared, and he was a Hogwarts warrior. As the home team, Solim received a lot of cheers. The lake water was still very cold in February, and the hostages were kept underwater. Under the influence of Dumbledore's spell, they did not need to breathe, but the impact of the cold lake water on them could not be ignored.

As soon as they landed, Madam Pomfrey wrapped Silna in a blanket. Solim didn't even have a chance to dry Sirna with his wand. Sirna frowned and was forced by Madam Pomfrey to drink the potion. At this moment, her ears were steaming out.

"Let us congratulate the second successful warrior! He is from Hogwarts!" Bagman was still shouting loudly on the wooden platform, "His time was only thirty-three minutes, which was only slower than Miss Riderick." Four minutes! Let us congratulate this warrior again!"

Hermione had now made her way through the crowd.

"Solim, how is Harry? Why didn't he show up?" After saying that, Hermione stretched her neck and looked at the lake.

"Don't look," Solim waved his hand vigorously towards Madam Pomfrey, indicating that there was nothing wrong with him and there was no need to drink the potion to dispel the cold. "I don't think he will be able to come up for a while.

"What's going on?" Hermione looked at Solim, "What happened to you down there?"

"Harry, he can't wrap his head around it for a while. When he comes up, you can ask him directly." Solim shrugged. To be honest, Solim really looked down on Harry's stubbornness. Could it be that after you left, what will happen to him? Will the remaining hostages die? I can't understand what Harry is thinking at all.

"Where is Mr. Potter?" Reyna also came over to join in the fun at this time. She and the hostage she had rescued were undergoing a physical examination, and now the two of them came together.

"Let me introduce: This is my cousin - Reyna Lopez, yes, her name is the same as mine." Reyna said with a smile, "If it weren't for you, I think I would have to give up so quickly. She fished it out of the water.”

"Oh, hello, Miss Lopez." Solim nodded.

"Nana just told me, I didn't expect that you actually dared to do this. Aren't you afraid that the referees will say you cheated?" Lopez said with a smile on his face as he fought back and forth between his cousin and Suo Lim.

"There is no rule that says warriors cannot cooperate with each other." Finding loopholes in the rules is Solim's forte, and the rules of the Triwizard Tournament are completely full of loopholes in Solim's opinion.

"Where is another warrior? Nana said there are three of you." Lopez looked around, seemingly looking for Harry.

"What were you two doing in the water just now?" Reyna asked, "It seems he hasn't come up yet.

"Forget it, that kid's brain is probably flooded. He was actually worried about the safety of the other hostages, so he finally decided to stay and look after the hostages who had not been taken away by other warriors."

"This is really..."

"...novel ideas..."

After hearing Solim's words, the two sisters didn't know how to evaluate Harry's behavior. But fortunately, another warrior returned with a hostage to break this embarrassment.

"Krum completed the mission third!" Bagman started yelling again, and then glanced at the hourglass next to him, "His time was forty-seven minutes. There is no doubt that his transformation technique helped He is very busy!"

Solim discovered just when he was underwater that the person Krum rescued was his dance partner at the dance-a sixth-year girl from Hogwarts. After a while, Katsuya came back with his hostage, but he looked a little embarrassed. Apparently he was besieged by Grindylow underwater. Finally, Cedric and Harry emerged from the water together. In addition to dragging Ronald, Harry also brought Fleur's sister Gabrielle with him. As the only warrior who did not complete the project, Fleur's hostage obviously would not be cared about. But Harry finally managed to get the little girl up with Cedric's help.

All the warriors came back, the judges began to whisper, and Dumbledore walked to the shore and talked with the ten mermaids in a harsh voice.

"Oh - you saved her!" Fleur, still wrapped in a blanket, rushed to Harry who had just landed, "Gabriel - are you okay?"

"I think she's fine——" Before Harry could finish his sentence, he was pushed aside by Madam Pomfrey 3.1, who was pouring potion into the mouths of the hostages who had just landed.

"It's Greenlody...those Greenlodys are attacking me...Oh, Gabrielle, I thought...I thought..."

"You all come here," Madam Pomfrey said. She grabbed Harry, pulled him over to Hermione and the others, and wrapped a blanket around him so tightly that he felt as if he were wearing a straitjacket used to restrain prisoners and lunatics. Madam Pomfrey also forced a burning potion into his mouth, and heat immediately came out of his ears.

"Harry! Why didn't you come back earlier? Solim and the others were back long ago." Hermione squeezed in as well.

"Don't mention it -" Ronald said, wrapped in a blanket, "Harry said he had been staying underwater to pay attention to the safety of the hostages, so he didn't come back, otherwise he would have been the first

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