Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 317: Keeping An Appointment

Draco was discharged from the hospital the next day. According to him, it was the most peaceful sleep he had ever had, and he didn't even dream. This is why Acromantula's venom is used in many potions that have a drowsy effect.

Firenze was discharged from the hospital under the superb skills of Madam Pomfrey, but he was discharged at night. After all, he was not suitable for the students to see. At that time, Hagrid escorted Firenze out of the castle. This was also the first time that the centaurs entered the interior of the castle. The skills of wizards in architecture and magic made Firenze, a unique centaur, very interested. However, it was a pity that as a centaur he could only live in the Forbidden Forest. Whether it is a wizard or a centaur, it is impossible for Firenze to stay in the castle for a long time.

The weapons made by the centaurs are very simple. Solim received a letter from Gilvis on the third day, informing him that the first batch of bows, arrows and spears for the centaurs had been made. At this time, the superiority of the phoenix was revealed. Solim directly relied on the ashes to reach Orvis Manor. After all, the phoenix broke out of its shell here.

05 Contrary to Solim's expectation, Elrond is not here. Gilvais said that he needs to leave for a while due to work problems. Solim was still a little worried after hearing the news. Elrond's job was to deal with seals. It turned out that when he was not a grand wizard, he checked and strengthened seals with less risk, but after becoming a grand wizard, he needed to be responsible for the seals. Although the number is much smaller, the risk is greatly increased. However, Solim had nothing to do about it. There was no reason to shirk the tasks assigned by the Elders. Elrond could only keep doing it until his position was replaced by someone else.

Solim saw the weapons prepared for the horsemen. There were twenty sets in total, including bows, arrows, spears and matching arrows. Because they were ordered to be used by the horsemen, the weight of the bows and arrows was huge. Solim tried it, and even with The bow string is still motionless when the foot is opened. I think the centaurs will be very satisfied with these things. Solim threw everything into his suitcase, said hello to Gilvis, and then returned to Hogwarts through the Phoenix.

It didn't take Solim even half an hour to do the whole thing. If Solim hadn't taken the initiative to tell him, no one would have known that he had just left Hogwarts.

Solim still has to attend a lot of classes on Monday, but compared to other students, Solim has more time at his disposal. If possible, Solim naturally wants to finish the centaurs' things during the day. Even Solim doesn't want to do it during the day. Entering the Forbidden Forest at night.

During lunch, Reyna ate at Slytherin again. Although Beauxbatons students ate at the long table in Ravenclaw, the students were already used to it. Any student with eyes or ears knows the relationship between the two.

This is really wrong to blame Solim, he and Reina are really not a couple - at least not yet. But this does not prevent other people from seeing it this way, nor does it prevent people around Soli from seeing it this way. After all, Solim didn't refuse, right? Solim actually has a pretty good impression of Reyna, a French girl who is slightly two years older than him. The girl is very sensible and knows how to manage interpersonal relationships. Several people around Solim have a good impression of her, and judging from the announcement of the Warriors at that time, there are many people in Beauxbatons who are supporters of Reina. In contrast, Furong, who is also a warrior, seems to be very unpopular.

It's not that Solim doesn't have a good impression of Reyna, but he's not sure whether it's a good thing to establish a relationship with Reyna now. After all, the family's last warning is still fresh in Solim's memory. Although Roderick is a pureblood, in Selwyn's view, this emerging family is no different from Muggles. Without a strong backing and strong power, a family that started out as a businessman is not enough to make Selwyn Wen takes it seriously.

Without any illusions, this is Solim's attitude towards the Selwyn family. He has never had any illusions about this family. Selwyn is like a cold and ruthless machine, and all choices will be maximized. Solim thought that such a family would allow him to fall in love freely, get married and have children.

Solim's two brothers: Dax and Sabiantis already have fiancées, which Elrond told Solim after the last internal meeting of the Selwyn family. Arranged marriage - this has always been something that big families do. The top priority of a big family is definitely the family's interests. Personal interests are insignificant compared to the interests of the family, and naturally they are not within the consideration of those in power.

Although he is suspected of boasting, Solim thinks that the Selwyn family takes him seriously. The Phoenix, a creature that many people dream of, was given to him, which was enough proof. Judging from the importance the Selwyn family attaches to him, Solim is not naive enough to think that the immortals will not interfere in his marriage.

No one would object to arranged marriage, but can Solim resist?


But what are the consequences?

An arm cannot twist a thigh. The Selwyn family is an extremely strong thigh. Even if Solim counts his grandfather and all the people and families related to Solim, Solim can't see anyone who can match the Selwyn family. The hope of family confrontation, and for this kind of family's internal affairs, outsiders are not easy to interfere or will interfere. On the contrary, there will be many families who will add fuel to the flames. After all, except for a few 387 families, no one will want to fight with Sai. The Erwin family is related by marriage.

Unless one day all the high-ranking wizards of the Selwyn family collectively burp, Solim will find no way to resist this fate that will surely befall him. So Solim is too lazy to think about this issue now.

Solim, who came to the Forbidden Forest alone, didn't know how to notify the centaurs of his arrival, but since the centaurs leader was confident that he could do it, Solim didn't want to wait here.

In the special environment of the Forbidden Forest, Solim has his own eye. Various snakes brought the news to Solim. Just when Solim had just learned about the movements of a group of centaurs and was about to leave, Solim felt the vibration of the earth.

Indeed, just as the centaurs leader said, these centaurs learned the news as soon as Solim entered the Forbidden Forest. The temptation of iron weapons made these centaurs move extremely quickly, and they even arrived just after Solim learned the news from the snakes.

The centaurs surrounded Solim, and the expressions on their faces were no longer mixed with vigilance and contempt. Instead, he looked at Solim with eyes full of expectation and excitement, which is rare to see among centaurs. .

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