Glancing at Lucius with frightened eyes, Solim nodded and said, "That's right, it's a Horcrux. In fact, I know he made more than one Horcrux."

Hearing that the Dark Lord had made multiple Horcruxes, Lucius finally couldn't hold back and collapsed on the armchair.

Sure enough, the things he handed to himself were not the only ones. He also made an unknown number of them and put them in some unknown places. He really conquered death. Even if he failed again after returning this time and was killed again, as long as there are these unknown Horcruxes, the Dark Lord will not die completely, and the Malfoy family will not be able to completely get rid of him. The Malfoys are the tools of the Dark Lord. Lucius is very clear about this. If the tools are easy to use, continue to use them. The end is dangerous.

"Actually, Uncle Lucius, you don't need to be so desperate." Solim said, "His condition is still very bad now, even if he wants to return to the wizarding world, it will take a few years at the earliest, and this time is enough to do something gone."

"I don't quite understand," Lucius settled his mood and sat up again, "You are a Selwyn, these things have nothing to do with you, and he can't affect your Selwyn family, you Why are you doing this to these things..."

Nodding, Solim said that he understood what Lucius wanted to express, and responded: "If it is to other people, I should answer like this: 'That devil destroyed the prosperity and stability of the wizarding world and hindered the development of the wizarding world. And construction, as an out-and-out native of the UK, I want to make my own contribution to the prosperity and stability of the wizarding community in the UK. But for you, Uncle Lucius, I think this answer may not be Satisfy you. Then let me put it another way, I like this feeling, this feeling of participating in something familiar to me. Maybe you can't understand, uncle, but things are like this."

Spreading his hands, Solim continued: "Besides, his Horcrux is not without trace..."

After hearing Solim's words, Lucius leaned forward slightly.

"In the last semester, I found one. I believe you must have heard of this thing, and that is the ring of the Gunter family.

"Resurrection stone?" The rings of the Gaunt family are famous, and there is no one in the pure-blood family that doesn't know.

"That's right, it's the Resurrection Stone. He made that ring into a Horcrux. I handed him over to Headmaster Dumbledore. Although you may not agree with some of his actions, Uncle Lucius, you have to admit that it is The best great wizard you have come into contact with."

The Malfoy family, or it should be said that Lucius Malfoy is very disgusted with Dumbledore. In fact, many pure-blood families don't have a good impression of Dumbledore. There is no love for no reason in this world, and there is no hate for no reason. A large part of the antipathy towards Dumbledore from these pure-blood families comes from profit.

Not only do these families give a large amount of Galleons to the Ministry of Magic every year, but the Malfoy family, which is one of the members of the Hogwarts school board, also gives a large amount of Galleons to Hogwarts every year. These two expenses are quite a lot, and these families usually turn a blind eye to Dumbledore's embezzlement of public funds. After all, no one wants to have any unpleasantness with a prestigious wizard over this kind of matter. Besides, how much can Dumbledore be greedy? That point of Garen is nothing to these pure-blood wizards who have a lot of property.

In the past, they and Dumbledore got along quite happily, but since Dumbledore and Nicolas May jointly released the twelve uses of dragon's blood, the relationship between pure blood wizards and Dumbledore began to deteriorate.

The dragon industry has always been an important source of income for pureblood families. Dumbledore's actions were harming the interests of pure-blood wizards. Although Dumbledore and Nicolas May announced the twelve uses of dragon blood, the price of dragon materials, especially blood, has been rising all the way, but in the eyes of pure blood wizards, these are completely justified. If Dumbledore doesn't publish that report and make this kind of thing known to everyone, the pure-blood family can completely monopolize this kind of knowledge and technology, which will bring them greater benefits.

However, the conflict of interests between Dumbledore and the pure-blood family is only a matter of interest, and Dumbledore's status is very high, so they have only been stumbling each other all year round, which is relatively restrained. Especially Malfoy, they often make trouble for Dumbledore, in Solim's view, this is more like a show, more like a statement: You see, although we Malfoy are not like those relatives imprisoned in Azkaban , but we have not betrayed the Dark Lord, we have been causing trouble for the Dark Lord's rival Malfoy hopes to use this method to reduce their punishment after the Dark Lord returns in the future.

"Uncle Lucius, you...have a lot of contact with that person, so do you have any news about the Horcrux?" Solim said these words slowly.

As soon as these words came out, the struggling look in Lucius' eyes became more obvious. He doesn't know how to make a choice now, he can now be sure that the diary is a Horcrux of the Dark Lord, but he gave it to himself, which means that Malfoy (cfaf) still has a certain place in his heart As far as status is concerned, he still has a lot of trust in himself, so...if he finds that he has failed this trust after he returns...but Malfoy really wants to get rid of the Dark Lord's control over the Malfoy family , then this diary is something that must be dealt with. Lucius was caught in a dilemma for a while.

"It seems that you, Uncle Lucius, know something." Solim said softly: "He failed at Hogwarts this time, and his servants are finished. No one will help him now. If someone really wants to If you want to help him make a comeback, you have to go to him so early, and he has come back a long time ago, and the group of people who most want to go to him and have the ability to find him are all locked in Azkaban now. Uncle, why don’t you What's there to worry about?"

As Solim said, if anyone in the wizarding world really wanted to bring Voldemort back, Voldemort would have been back long ago. But during these eleven years, Voldemort hid alone in the Albanian jungle, and no one came to find him. If someone really wants to find him, there are still many clues. You see, Peter Pedilou hid in the Weasley's house for eleven years, and when he was exposed, he went straight to find Voldemort. So they Death Eaters, if they really wanted to find Voldemort, they would definitely find them. But the Death Eaters who wanted to find Voldemort were all locked up in Azkaban. Those who were still hiding outside, or escaped by chance, no one wanted to find him, they would rather live their lives Nervous, he would rather run away to avoid the pursuit of the Aurors than return to Voldemort's command.

"I... do know that there is such a thing," Lucius weighed, "but will he feel it? There is a connection between the Horcrux and its owner. If it is destroyed, will he feel it? will know?"

"If he really comes back, he might feel it, but he is just a wandering spirit now, a wandering spirit without a body, how does he feel?" Solim continued to persuade: "I understand your concerns, uncle, but Now is the time to make a choice, either follow Voldemort and be slowly played to death by him, or die in the battle with the Order of the Phoenix; or while he is still weak, decisively weaken him, before he returns Destroy all his Horcruxes in the past few years, and get rid of him once and for all when he comes back."

"Well," Lucius sighed, "well, he handed me a diary once, and I think that's one of them."

After speaking, he walked to the side bookcase and took out a black diary.

Solim knew at a glance that it was the culprit who confused Ginny and released the basilisk.

Taking the diary from Lucius' hand, he opened it and saw that it was blank, with nothing in it.

"It was like this when he handed it to me. There was not a word on it." Seeing Solim flipping through the diary, Lucius explained: "I thought it would record some powerful black magic, but it was just a blank book."

Satisfied with closing the diary, Solim knew that as long as he didn't write on it and didn't open his heart to the soul inside, this Horcrux wouldn't affect him. keep this horcrux

Solim stood up and said to Lucius with satisfaction: "Uncle Lucius, if you want him to stop taking action against the Malfoy family, the best way is to let Malfoy become a contract family again. Of course, we all know that in your This generation is basically hopeless. If you really want to save the Malfoy family, then it is better to explain some things clearly to Draco, so that he can be psychologically prepared. After all... become a contract You are also aware of the conditions of the family, Draco's talent is not bad, whether he can succeed in this generation depends on whether he works hard or not.".

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