Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 68: Spider's End Alley

Solim and Cyrna have vacated their room at the Leaky Cauldron, and they now live at Malfoy Manor. When Lucius learned that the two brothers and sisters of the Selwyn family lived in a place like the Leaky Cauldron, he immediately said: We have nothing else in Malfoy Manor except that there are too many rooms. Without heavy samples. Unable to accept the hospitality, Solim and Silna just stayed in Malfoy Manor. Anyway, they each have a suitcase, which is very convenient to pack.

Now that he lived in Malfoy Manor, Draco's daily life began to be difficult. After talking to Solim, Lucius had another in-depth conversation with Draco. It can be said that Lucius did not hide anything this time, and told his son everything about the current situation of the Malfoy family.

Now Draco didn't want to play around anymore. He already knows now that the best way to get rid of the Dark Lord's control over the Malfoy family is to become a great wizard himself, and then become a contracted family of the Presbyterian Church again under the operation of his father. In this way, the Dark Lord will not Maybe the Malfoy family could be moved. At that time, the Malfoy family was truly safe. At the same time, they also fulfilled the expectations of their ancestors. Malfoy once again stood at the top of the wizarding world.

But if you want to become a great wizard, you can't do it just by thinking about it. Draco's vacation this time is even busier than when he was at school, and he is now spending every morning with Sierna

Accept Solim's theoretical guidance. Solim, who had studied at Skull for several years, taught them both more than enough. And the afternoon was the part that Draco was looking forward to and resisting: practical training. Solim would sometimes teach him new spells, but after learning these spells, Solim would test the results of his learning, and the best way was to test it in actual combat, for which Draco was often beaten. But since the price has been paid, it will naturally be rewarded. Draco's use of magic spells has become quite impressive now. Although compared with those adult wizards who are good at fighting, it is just a show, but for a boy who has just turned twelve years old, this is already very valuable~ .

However, during this period of time, Malfoy Manor was not very peaceful.

People from the Ministry of Magic came in and out several times, and every time someone from the Ministry of Magic came, Lucius' expression turned ugly. Apparently, Voldemort's presence at Hogwarts hadn't been hidden from the Ministry of Magic—or rather, the Auror Department, who were obviously here to find Voldemort. The Aurors have never let up in their pursuit of Voldemort. It has been going on for eleven years. Not everyone is like the current Minister of Magic who scoffs at the news that Voldemort is still alive.

That's all for the Aurors, Lucius can bear it, after all, from a certain point of view, Malfoy and the Aurors are now in the same trench. But when Lucius learned that Arthur Weasley had come to Malfoy Manor to carry out the so-called black magic item search, no one would doubt that if Weasley was in front of him now, he would definitely throw a slap in Weasley's face. A white glove.

Lucius has been relatively busy during this time, in fact, Lucius has always been busy. Even though they don’t have any serious jobs, they have a lot of property. Dragon Farm has shares, Gringotts has shares, Potion Store has shares, Out of the World Clothing Store has shares, and Prophet Daily has shares. As long as they are involved Malfoy has to deal with shareholders' affairs.

Therefore, a successful wizard family must have a small number of people. Why can a family like Selwyn have several great wizards? It is because they have a clear division of labor and they also have industries. Those who manage these industries have special people in the family. However, Selwyn's direct descendants can explore the mysteries of magic with peace of mind, without being distracted by these mundane things.

But there are only two people leading the Malfoy family, and one of them is a minor. Everything in and out of the family is on the shoulders of Lucius alone. It would be hell if he had the time to calm down and study magic! Lucius is not so much a wizard as he is a magician. A businessman and politician in wizard clothing. There is no way around this, if the influence of the Malfoy family in the wizarding world cannot be guaranteed, then it is empty talk to want to reproduce the glory of Malfoy. Lucius sacrificed himself in order to give Draco a good external and internal environment. If Draco can live up to his expectations, then the Malfoy family can still be saved.

In mid-June, Solim received a letter. The headmaster of Hogwarts was finally free, and he invited Suo and his maid to No. 19, Spider's End Lane.

Spider's End Lane is a suburban street in Cokeworth, and the surrounding environment is very dirty. There is a big chimney in the town, indicating that there is at least one factory, and the streets are full of workers

Head of Solim: Professor Snape's home is also here.

When Solim arrived at the destination, he saw a dirty river with overgrown weeds and rubbish on the banks. There is a tall and huge chimney left by the abandoned mill, which looks very eerie. Except for the murmur of the black river, the surroundings are dead silent, and there is no sign of life, only a skinny fox sneaks down the river bank, sniffing hopefully at a few pieces of leftover fried fish and chips in the grass strips of wrapping paper.

"Oh, it's really miserable." Solim looked at the mess nearby and shook his head.

As a potion master, Snape must have no shortage of Gallon. In fact, no potions master would ever be short of money. If a potion master is willing to let go of his reserve and his bottom line, then he can become very rich. The treasured potion, the potion for saving people, or the poison for harming people, these are not big problems for them.

But such a potion master lives in this kind of place. Snape could have afforded to move to a better place, but he didn't because this was where he met Lily.

……ask for flowers……

For those who are not familiar with this place, Spider’s End Lane is a very easy place to get lost. The houses all look the same, they are all red brick houses, the only difference is the house number. Solim can only count, row by row, but fortunately, the number 19 is not very big, so Solim doesn't have to go deep into this depressing place.

A mottled wooden door, the paint on it was almost peeled off, although it was extremely inconsistent with Snape's status as a master of potions, but this was indeed his home.

Solim dropped his hand that was about to knock on the door - it was already open.

"Come in." Dumbledore greeted Solim cheerfully, as if this was his home.

Once inside, Solim began to look around. The only feeling Solim feels about the small space here is that it is oppressive, which is aggravated by the furnishings and layout of the entire room.

Solim looked at Snape, who was sitting on the sofa, and at Dumbledore, who had just closed the door.

"So...can we begin?" Solim asked.

"Then what are you waiting for!" Snape stood up abruptly, "I'm locked in the basement, and the ring is with the headmaster, let's hurry down, don't dawdle.

Looking at the obviously different Snape, who had become a bit talkative, Solim looked at the smiling Dumbledore.

"Ah, Severus obviously can't hold it anymore, well, let's go together." Dumbledore said, and Solim walked side by side to the basement behind Snape.

"I heard," Dumbledore said, looking at Solim, "that you and your sister lived at Malfoy Manor recently?"

"Ah, yes, Headmaster, and... I think you'll be delighted to know I've brought you this news." Solim smiled at Dumbledore.

"Oh? I'd be interested [what you learned from Malfoy] then," Dumbledore said with interest.

"How about something similar to that ring? Would you be interested in this matter, Headmaster?"

Dumbledore's face became serious: "Another Horcrux? In the Malfoy Manor?"

"That's right, Uncle Lucius offered to give him to me. Of course, I think it's better for us to discuss this matter after dealing with Professor Snape."

"You surprised me again, Solim." Dumbledore was much taller than Solim, and he couldn't see Dumbledore's expression now.

"This is the second one..." Dumbledore sighed, "Who knows how many more he made and where he hid them.

"It can be investigated clearly for me." Solim said heartlessly: "Bi Huang can be said to be the person who knows him best."

Except me, of course. .

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