Different from Solim's composure and calmness, Sirna was too nervous to speak when she saw the giant snake slipping out of the statue's mouth. Solim noticed Sirna's nervousness, and he patted his sister's shoulder, "It's okay, trust me, you know, you will be my translator later, don't worry, it... Well, he shouldn't will attack us."

"Are you sure?" Sirna finally felt better, but her voice was still trembling.

"Come on, let's meet this amazing living fossil." Solim licked his lips, pulled Sirna and walked towards the basilisk. "Keep your eyes on the ground, don't raise your head yet." Solim reminded, if the basilisk hadn't closed its eyes just after it came out, they and the basilisk's eyes met...it would be too wrong.

Baro over there was hissing and talking to the basilisk, and Sirna whispered to Solim at the side: "Baro asked him to close his eyes. And he was still asking him...... Not hungry.....This big guy won't eat us, will he?"

"Okay, Basque won't hurt you now, you..." Baro turned his head, and what he saw was the brother and sister counting ants with their heads down, "...you can raise your head up gone."

Solim glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that the basilisk's eyes were indeed closed, then patted Sirna and told her that she was fine.

"Baro's Parseltongue has not passed level 4, so you will translate it later, Sirna." Solim said casually while looking at the basilisk.

"Huh? What?" Sirna understood all the other words, but the 4th level didn't understand 117. "What level 4?"

"Ah, it's nothing, just ask him first." Solim pushed Sirna forward.

If people who don't understand the situation see this, they will think that the evil wizard Solim is going to feed a lovely girl to the basilisk to eat.

"You......Hello...." Sirna wiped her hands and said nervously. She was too close to the giant basilisk, and the smell of the basilisk was also very strong. It really doesn't smell good.

Solim slapped himself on the face: "My good sister, you speak English, not Parseltongue..."

No wonder Sirna, Solim has visually observed that this basilisk named Basque is nearly 30 feet long, or even longer. Part of it is 3 to 4 meters high, which is too oppressive for Sirna, not to mention Sirna, in fact, Solim is also a little panicked, this has nothing to do with courage, this is human It is an instinctive fear in the face of huge creatures that are absolutely deadly to humans.

While Sierna and Basque hissed and hissed, Baro was also talking to Solim. The usually taciturn Slytherin ghost became a little talkative now.

"Basque hasn't been this happy for a long time." Barrow said, "Every time he wakes up from a deep sleep, I can only communicate with him briefly. Your sister is doing very well."

As an intelligent creature, the basilisk naturally also has a personality. Locked in this dark secret room, all the basilisk can do is sleep, eat when it wakes up, and go back to sleep after eating, it's pitiful to think about it.

"Huh? Wait, where does his food come from?" Solim thought of a question.

"I regularly ask the elves in the school to send them over, but usually when Basque is about to wake up, Basque will not touch any living creatures when he wakes up.

"That's really pitiful. I can only stay here for such a long time. I can only sleep and eat." Solim thought about it, and found it incredible that the basilisk didn't go crazy.

Solim, who had been paying attention to Sirna, found that his sister had let go. She was no longer afraid, and even a little...excited?

"How is it? What are you talking about?" Solim walked a few steps and came to Sirna's side and asked.

"Basque said that no one has spoken to him for a long time, except for the person last time." Silna looked at her brother, "Who could that be?" Then looked at Barrow, "Basque said definitely Not Barrow."

"Voldemort, he opened the Chamber of Secrets when he was sixteen, and caused the death of a student." Solim explained.

After hearing Solim's words, Silna hissed and chatted with Basque again. At this time, Baro floated over and said, "I'll go find the elves and ask them to bring some food. Basque hasn't been there for a long time. eat something.

After speaking, Barrow floated away through the wall.

"Boom!" The sudden loud noise startled Solim, and he hurriedly looked over, it turned out that Basque's tail was slapping the ground.

"What's wrong?"

"He seemed very angry," Sierna said, "when I just told him about the guy who opened the Chamber of Secrets.

"Okay, please translate the next words for him." Solim said.

Under Sirna's translation, Solim was surprised (cfba) to find that this basilisk named Basque had a high level of intelligence. Judging from the fluency of Sirna's translation, Basque's thinking was surprisingly clear. For a cold-blooded animal, Solim thinks this is extremely rare.

This is not discrimination or prejudice. There are not many intelligent magical creatures, just like centaurs or goblins. They have almost no barriers to communicating with human wizards, almost, because no one can understand the centaur's nagging words about astrology , Excluding these, there is no obstacle to the communication between the horses and humans. But no matter whether it is a centaur or a goblin, they are all warm-blooded animals.

There are also some cold-blooded animals with intelligence, such as the mermaids living in the Black Lake of Hogwarts, they have their own language, but the mermaid language is extremely simple, which makes it difficult to express many concepts clearly, and there is the Forbidden Forest The same is true for the acromantids living in the forest. Instead of saying that they are intelligent creatures, Solim thinks it is more accurate to call them intelligent creatures.

But Basque felt completely different to Solim from these cold-blooded animals. If language and appearance are not considered, this basilisk that has lived for thousands of years is completely like a man in snake skin. Of course, Basque is indeed a bit simple, but Solim believes that this is entirely caused by the environment. Since he stayed here, he has no contact with anyone except Slytherin, and he still sleeps most of the time, which makes this thousand-year-old basilisk have no chance to gain cognition in all aspects.

The poor fellow had only come out of the Chamber of Secrets three times, and Voldemort had done one of them. Solim knew about the other two times, one in the thirteenth century and one in the fifteenth century, which he saw in a wizard's handbook, but the specific reason was not explained. However, Solim didn't care much about these minutiae issues. He wanted to ask these things. There would be plenty of time in the future. The most important thing now was how to ensure that Basque would not be controlled by Voldemort again, or in other words, by Riddle.

Heir of Slytherin - that's more than just a title. After Barrow came back, he explained to Solim in detail what this so-called "Slytherin inheritance specifically refers to.

Slytherin has two meanings, one refers to the Slytherin College of Hogwarts, and the other refers to the founder of the college, Sarah Slytherin herself. So what exactly is this so-called heir inheriting? The Academy? The will of the Slytherin himself? Or something?

According to Barrow, the heir should inherit Slytherin's will to protect the school, and the basilisk was left by Slytherin to protect the school, but the 16-year-old Riddle went against Slytherin's will, and it can even be said to run counter to it. .

Since it was protecting the school, Slytherin must leave something to his heirs. He not only left the basilisk, but also a contract. Before Hogwarts became Hogwarts, the castle belonged to the Slytherin family. No one knows the castle better than Slytherin himself, the secrets in the castle, the defenses in the castle, and the spells that activate these facilities , he left it all to his heirs. With this contract, the heir can enter the principal's office without even saying a password, and this heir has absolute control over Basque, which is why in the original book, Riddle didn't worry at all that Harry, who also had a Parseltongue, would control him. Basilisk.

Hearing that Riddle had absolute dominion over the basilisk, Solim's expression turned ugly. .

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