Barrow's words put Solim in a bad mood. If Riddle has absolute control over Basque, that means, as long as Riddle gets in touch with Basque, then Basque will be under his control. Even Parseltongues like Harry and Cyrna can no longer exert any influence over Basque.

"Is it possible to dissolve this contract? Or can this contract be re-established? Solim immediately asked Barrow two very critical questions.

If the contract can be dissolved, then just find a way to dissolve the contract between Basque and Riddle. If the contract can be re-established with other people, then let Silna re-establish the contract with Basque, so that she can also re-establish the contract with Riddle. Del checks and balances each other. When there is only Riddle alone, even if Basque is unwilling, he can only follow Riddle's instructions, but if there is another contractor who issues instructions that are in line with Basque's wishes, then Basque will favor another person.

Solim looked at Barrow, hoping he could give him a satisfactory answer, but it's a pity...

"Once the contract is established, you can't go back on it..." Barrow said, "This contract is a contract to protect Hogwarts. The dean will not agree to protect Hogwarts." flinching, so.....can't...."

"However, as you said, it is possible to re-establish a contract with another person." But from Baro's tone, he was not very sure.

"Is this contract a whole or separate?" Solim asked another question.

Magic contract, in the eyes of many wizards, this is a very high-end thing. Because the magic contract that most wizards know is the famous "Unbreakable Curse". Once the two parties establish an unbreakable contract, it must not be broken, otherwise the party who breaks the contract will end in death as a punishment for breaching the contract.

But there is more than one way to sign a magic contract, and there are other ways to establish a contract. For Hogwarts, it establishes a large number of magical contracts every year, but many people ignore it.

Freshmen will receive letters from Hogwarts before they enter school. When Hogwarts receives a reply from the freshman, a contract will be established. When the freshman enters Hogwarts, the contract will be take effect. Within the scope of Hogwarts, magical creatures that have established a contract with Hogwarts will not harm these students. The same goes for the professors of Hogwarts, who also established such a magical contract with Hogwarts.

Not all magical contracts are as extreme as the Unbreakable Curse. The Hogwarts contract is very gentle. When the professor leaves or the student graduates or is expelled, the contract will be terminated and will not endanger life.

The questions Solim asked were questions that would be involved in complex magic contracts. According to Baro, does the contract established by the so-called heir include the control of the basilisk, or does it require another contract to control the basilisk.

Solim's question actually asked whether he had to be the heir to control the basilisk, or did he not need to be the heir, as long as he established a contract with the basilisk.

This question stumped Barrow, who actually didn't know. Mainly when Riddle established more than one kind of contract, some with Hogwarts, some with Slytherin College, and some with Slytherin himself.

"Then tell me, what needs to be done to establish a contract with Basque? We can try first, whether the contract that controls Basque is separate, or the contract with the heir is a whole, just try it out. "

"To establish a contract with Basque, you must have a Parseltongue, you must be a student of Slytherin, and you must meet one of Basque's requirements, and then the contract can be established-under the leadership of the Basque Party, Barrow said.

When Barrow died and returned to Hogwarts, Salazar Slytherin hadn't left Hogwarts at that time. Compared with living people, ghosts can naturally exist for a longer time, and Barrow was naturally at the will of Salazar Became the role of the guide, he knows many secrets about Hogwarts.

"Then this one is very easy. The first two are all in line. Basque's wishes are not a problem. He certainly doesn't want to be controlled by Riddle again, and then go against Slytherin's own wishes to hurt the students in the school. Then there is the last one. : Basque request." Solim looked at his sister, "Sirna, you ask him, what he wants, it's better to be simple, such as food, a warmer nest, or go out to bask in the sun or something .”

"Let's just bask in the sun." Barrow said on the sidelines, "Basque is bound by the contract and cannot leave the castle on his own initiative."

Silna and Basque hissed and hissed, and after a while, they turned their heads and said to Solim: "He said he smelled food, his favorite food, and he hadn't eaten it in a long time He wants us to get some for him."

"Basilisk's favorite food?" Solim thought for a while, "Ask him if it's an acromantula.

"There is no term 'Acromantula' in Snake Language." Silna said, "He just said 'favorite food'"

"Then ask him if he has eight legs." Solim resisted the urge to complain.

"What did Riddle bring?" Solim asked curiously.

"That damned liar didn't bring anything." Barrow said angrily: "He lied to me and Basque, he said he would bring Basque to fulfill the dean's wish

Then it will give Basque a better environment than here, so that he can bask in the sun or something..."

After hearing Baro's words, Solim looked at the basilisk speechlessly, he was still hissing and hissing with Sirna. This is really simple and fatal, but is it no wonder that Barrow and the Basilisk Riddle have fooled a lot of people? Dumbledore was fooled by him at that time.

"Finally figured it out," Sirna hissed for a long time, her mouth was dry, "it should be the acromantula, that's right, he asked us to get him a few, and then he will be with me Create a contract."

……ask for flowers…

"How many?"

"Yes, just a few."

"No, I mean, how many does he want?"

"It's fine to just get a few of them. Sirna looked at her brother strangely, it's not a big problem.

"How can this kind of thing be done casually!" Solim yelled, "It's a contract, what if he is not satisfied if we bring less? Why don't we make another trip? You should ask the exact amount, not too much, too much My suitcase couldn't fit any more.

Solim stroked his head speechlessly. From Solim's point of view, a magic contract is no different from a contract. It is an agreement to establish the rights, obligations and responsibilities of both parties, but Muggles use paper documents and laws to Constraints, and wizards use magic, essentially no different. So....... Magic contracts also have loopholes that can be exploited.


"Okay, it's finally done." Selna licked her lips, "Seven he said was his master—that is, Slytherin himself's favorite number."

"Well, we'd better act now, and now is the time to race against time." Solim looked at the basilisk whose eyes were still closed, "Sirna, make an agreement with him, except you, me, and Baro, Anyone else who comes here does not need to close their eyes. I think except us, only Dumbledore or Riddle will come here, and Dumbledore will not fall in the sight of the basilisk. Riddle, huh, you tell Basque , If he doesn’t want to be controlled to hurt the students again, he can either hide or directly subdue the comer.”

"Uniform?" Sirna turned her head and looked at Basque. "How can he be 'subdued' with his body size? It's almost killing him."

From Sirna's point of view, with Basque's body size, people can be crushed to death. Just a slight twitch of the tail, as long as the twitch is hit, it is basically an amputation below the eyebrows, and even a high paraplegia .

"Hmm..." Solim looked at the stagnant water on the ground thoughtfully, "That's good."

Solim drew his wand.

The accumulated water on the ground pooled and turned into two circular sheets of ice under Solim's control.

"Although the degree is definitely wrong, the basilisk is not only observed by the eyes, and it can't be worn for a long time, so there should be no problem."

After speaking, Solim tore off a part of his robe, lengthened it, and tied up the two "lenses" created by transfiguration, blocking Basque's eyes.

"This way it won't kill you...well...should..."

While it's safe to say that as long as you don't look directly at the basilisk, Solim himself isn't sure if looking through that lens counts as looking directly.

"Okay, tell Basque to be careful. We're going to the Forbidden Forest right now." After Solim said to Baro, he dragged Sirna and left the secret room knife. .

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