Big Country Sports

Chapter 305: You can't make ends meet!

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Wu Jie does not value the Olympic champion very much, but the domestic media value it very much, and the body's lords value this Asian Olympic champion. In addition to a small number of football fans who only recognize the World Cup, most domestic people also Very much value this champion.

Especially after the Olympic Games reached the middle stage, the Chinese delegation's gold medals rarely moved. The next day, the Chinese media naturally made a big impact, exaggerating the significance of this gold medal!

CCTV took the lead in touting the great performance of this national football team, but most of the content of licking and kneeling is the "big gold master" Wu Jie, followed by Chen Haonan and Lin Yaodong. Ren Zhihui and Gu Guangming just mentioned it.

This is not a CCTV snobbish eye, but Wu Jie's three people are not just sports stars in CCTV's eyes.

Now CCTV's advertising revenues are basically all from these three companies. Among them, the "Sports Channel" is funded by three people's money to be established. Where can the state allocate funds to engage in sports channels when there are less than 10 million TV stocks.

In China, regardless of all walks of life, capital has become more and more important.

Since the three of them have capital in their hands, naturally CCTV has to provide them as uncles.

To put it bluntly, if the three of them withdrew their advertisements and no longer subsidized the sports channel, then the CCTV station director would have to replace them immediately.

So now CCTV will say hello when it wants to use Wu Jie's music. This is not because they have suddenly attached importance to "copyright", but they are afraid to offend these big money owners.

Lin Yaodong even recommended Hou Yuting, one of the two girlfriends he was talking to, to CCTV with only one phone call. In the future, a deputy director should not be able to run away. This is the power of capital!

Wu Jie naturally does not have a girlfriend like an announcer, but Lin Yaodong's two-foot boat is very necessary. CCTV still needs to have its own person to be completely assured.

But these are trivial things. After completing all the Olympic games, Wu Jie naturally turned his energy to Europe.

Now his various transfer news has become the focus of news in continental Europe, countless giants and top teams are actively exploring the news, and contact with MSM, ready to launch a vigorous campaign against this active first person Battle.

Bayern also began to change the way of playing, because it seems that it does not work to see the soft ones, and now it has gradually come to the hard. In a word: Wu Jie is a non-sale product!

What should I do if "the sky is going to rain and the mother will marry" after the contract expires?

Bayern's attitude is still tough, of course, it is determined not to let others go!

But this kind of toughness has no effect on Wu Jie. There will be no team at all to care about Bayern. They contact MSM to bypass Bayern and sign a contract with Wu Jie directly.

If Bayern wants to fight the lawsuit, it will be good, and accompany it to the end!

At this time, the sincerity of Real Madrid and Barcelona is very high. The latter is even willing to give Wu Jie a super contract for 5 years with 10 million US dollars and a 5 million US dollar signing fee.

If this news spreads, it will surely make you ready to prove that Maradona is very injured, because Barcelona is equivalent to using his transfer fee as Wu Jie's signature fee, which is too humiliating!

Real Madrid's price is almost the same, or the European giants, as well as those financially rich top teams, have now given Wu Jie a super contract that makes all active players jealous.

What makes Bayern angry the most is that these guys all intend to use Wu Jie's contract terms to make a fuss, in other words, they do not intend to give Bayern transfer fees at all.

Wu Jie wouldn't be so ruthless, but right now he is looking forward to the situation.

In the past few days, he has instructed the team behind the scenes to slowly release the news, preparing to use these black-handed teams to transfer Bayern's hatred.

In this way, as long as the news continues to ferment for a while, and when Bayern is incapable of anger, Arsenal will report a tens of millions of transfer quotations, it will be difficult for Bayern to refuse.

This method is very thick, but the effect is very good.

Bayern's tough attitude won't last long. When they finally face the situation of flying chickens and eggs, they must choose a team that does not threaten themselves and the price is high enough. Arsenal is naturally the best choice.

Bayern fans don't have so many ideas. As more and more news confirms the news that Wu Jie is likely to leave, their reactions are unwilling to lose this core that leads them to create a new history.

So in the past few days, a large number of Bayern fans have spontaneously come outside the team base, and then played various retained banners and slogans. They collectively sang two new team songs created by Wu Jie, hoping to impress Wu Jie to stay.

"I can't stay, but my son will definitely come back!"

Wu Jie was not willing to accept these fans. Although Germany has a serious atmosphere of rabbit arbitration, at least Bayern fans, including the city, are still friendly to him, although this is his treatment in exchange for strength.

But anyway, he felt respect and affection for Bayern in the past four years.

So even if he left, he would have Helena pregnant with seeds, which is a kind of compensation for Bayern.

After Wu Jie decided on his future, he began to think about how to consume next.

Yesterday's women's handball championship only brought him 50,000 points of income. Counting the group stage and knockout games, as well as the miscellaneous awards, he received almost 70,000 points of total income in this project, which is very small.

But a gold medal in football alone is worth 100,000 Olympic coins, and each goal has a revenue of 1,000 to 2,000 points.

At this time, the group stage and the knockout stage, as well as the extra win bonus against opponents such as Italy and Brazil, as well as the selection of the best lineup and the Golden Boot Award...

He has earned up to 200,000 points of income from this project alone, so the impact of the two projects is really different.

Now he has saved more than 400,000 Olympic points, with 2 legendary cards, 4 diamond cards, 1 five-star physical talent, 1 five-star special talent, 3 four-star Physical talent, 2 four-star special talents.

Such deposits can naturally be consumed, he first bought a three-star resurrection doll, and then filled in the "sports type" track and field, "specialty" filled 100 meters to 200 meters, "age range Is 14-17 years old, and "sex" is naturally male.

Wu Jie has always felt that the three-star puppets are not cost-effective, but track and field sports have their own peculiarities. Even if the talent reaches the Bolt level, I really want to achieve results after 19 years old.

There will be a four-year interval for the next Olympics, so the age is too young to catch up, the minimum age of 14 is already the limit.

Then the problem is coming, although sprinting is slow and mature, but at the age of fourteen or five, it must show enough talent.

At this age, if you don't even have the talent of a three-star, you would have been dismissed that long. Such a person hardly exists.

He felt that if he was a two-star puppet, he couldn't explain the sudden improvement of his physical talents. In addition, it was estimated that the Seoul Olympic Games might not find a goal that meets the requirements.

After Wu Jie spent 100,000 points to activate a new toolbar, he spent another 30,000 points to buy a resurrection puppet, and immediately began to wonder whether he would consume another track and field player?

If there is only one track and field genius, then it is indeed monotonous and less of a big country style.

After thinking about it, Wu Jie simply activated a tool person field, and then bought a three-star resurrection doll, which cost another 130,000 points.

This time the information he filled in on the new three-star puppet became: "Sports Type"-Track and Field, "Specialty"-110m hurdles, "Age Range"-14 to 17 years old, "Gender" Still male.

It's not that he discriminates against women, but the sport of sprinting that challenges the limits of humanity. The records created by male athletes will definitely be more impactful, and the impact after breaking the records is much stronger.

If you don’t believe it, just count the ratio of Boulder and Lewis in the world, and then look at the ratio of Joe Ina to know the gap between male and female athletes in sprint influence.

Therefore, his first two track and field event toolkits all chose male athletes who maximized their profits, one for 100m and 200m, and one for 110m hurdles.

But male genius is not too good, so Wu Jie bought a one-star resurrection doll, this is naturally used to train female tool people, so this time filled out: "Sports type"-track and field, "specialty "-Sprint, "age range"-9 to 14 years old, "gender"-female.

This time he was not too harsh on his age, because this toolman was not trained for the next Olympics, so a one-star puppet would be fine. It doesn’t matter if he is younger, just to cover up the information of his poor talent.

These three tool people spent a total of 265,000 Olympic coins. The female tool person did not rush to train, so she did not immediately activate a field for her, so you can spend 100,000 points less.

After Wu Jie arranged the track and field events, he bought a two-star resurrection puppet, this time filled in: "Sports type"-swimming, "specialty"-short distance, "age range"- 10 to 14 years old, "sex"-female.

This is easy to understand. The swimming project grows faster, especially women are born earlier than Even if you start practicing at the age of 10, you can be a teacher in four years if you have good talent.

Of course, he cannot let Shen Lang be an orphan on the swimming team, so a swimming queen is a new member who has long planned.

This time, after he activated a field in advance, he spent another 115,000 points, and there was not much left for the deposit.

"For the first Olympic Games, it seems that you can earn four or five new members' points!"

Wu Jie originally wanted to continue to invest in tennis and basketball, but now it seems that even if the men's basketball team, women's basketball team, and women's volleyball team can win the championship, he will at most look for two new members.

This is because there are some physical talent cards and special talent cards in the backpack, otherwise it will be a huge sum of money when upgrading for new partners.

So he really earns more and spends more. It seems that his points will never be enough.

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