Big Country Sports

Chapter 306: Kiss the basket!

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Wu Jie looked at his deposit of only 100,000 points, and could only look at Ruda with his eyes flashing ¥¥.

Two of China's four major **** have now won the championship, and now there are basketball and volleyball.

The influence of basketball is obviously higher, especially when the opponent is the United States, the rewards given by the system are too much, of course, the premise is to win the championship.

The Chinese men's basketball game was scheduled again in the afternoon, and it was still the most tiring two o'clock. This time the ratings were undoubtedly the lowest.

The Chinese audience is very unhappy about this because China at this meeting is at five o'clock in the morning, and they have to wake up early to watch the game, which is really a Yankee Yankee!

Today's opponent of the Chinese men's basketball team is the Yugoslav men's basketball team. This team's strength has been playing the third role outside the Soviet Union and the United States before the Chinese team turned out. It can even let the two giants deflate occasionally.

But after all, it is just a spoiler. The strength of the Yugoslav men's basketball team is that the players are more balanced. They can't find a short board position. They have always been among the world's top echelons in technology and tactics. Cooperate.

Their problem is the lack of a truly talented player, and there is no superstar who can do his part.

This makes the Yugoslavs want to defeat the Soviet men's basketball team with the same attributes, but obviously a high-match version of the Soviet men's basketball team, or the American team with outstanding personal abilities, basically rely on the other party to make mistakes.

So what is the style of Chinese basketball?

Of course it is the middle way!

This "moderation" means that under the premise of the same discipline and teamwork that the socialist countries are good at, they also need a trusted star player as the core. To put it bluntly, it does not go to extremes and develops comprehensively!

China's four major **** are basically developed in this middle way, because Chinese talents with thousands of years of history have not been enveloped in black and white.

So they must maintain where socialism is good, and learn from where capitalism is leading.

This is the road to the development of social sports with Chinese characteristics and the best sports system in the world today.

This also caused the Yugoslav men's basketball team to encounter two troubles in the game. The first is the running and tactics that the Americans cannot cope with!

American players can at least use their athletic ability to carry them, but Yugoslav players are typical European style. Their inside players are tall and strong, and they have excellent skills in the hand, but they have a lack of running ability and mobility. The Chinese team was extremely awkward during the shelling.

The outer line of the Yugoslav men's basketball team is very similar to the Chinese team. The basic skills are solid, good at passing and shooting, but the breakthrough ability is not top, and the running and jumping ability is far inferior to that of American players. It is also passive in the face of the Chinese team's fast break.

Their style can restrain American personal heroism to a certain extent, but it is difficult to parry the Chinese team's outrageous offense, and even encounters the Chinese team's excellent wing protection and external pressure defense when attacking. .

The Chinese men's basketball team played so well at the Olympics that many people have forgotten their original defensive tight tactics, as well as the oppressive defense on the perimeter.

As for the inside defense, it is natural that Ruda can improve several grades by himself.

Mrs. Yugoslavia found that the defense of the Chinese team was definitely underestimated, especially the protection ability of the two wings, and the unexpectedly fast rotation defense, which almost made it difficult for Yugoslav players to get easy shots at medium and long distances.

But it is more inappropriate to play under the basket. The defender there is more difficult to deal with. Ruda, this guy is like an insurmountable barrier when defending. Anyone who hits it will break his head.

This was the first trouble Yugoslavia encountered. The Chinese's excellent performance on both offense and defense made them in trouble from the beginning.

The second trouble is naturally from Ruda's personal ability. The scary thing about this monster is not only the unsolved individual ability, but more terrifying is that he can integrate his personal ability into the team's offensive and defensive system.

At this time, not only will his personal abilities be magnified, but also the strengths that the Chinese team would have been unable to cope with will be greatly strengthened. This overall gain buff is a bad thing.

Mrs. Yugoslavia slowly discovered that they could not solve any trouble, then it was destined not to be the opponent of the Chinese team.

Ruda also played more integrated into the team today. Now is not the time to brush the data. He must use his personal abilities to drive the team to ensure that he can enter the final without fail.

Wu Jie promised him that the points earned by the men's basketball team, they will be divided into three or seven, most of them will flow into the men's basketball themselves, then he will naturally desperately earn points for the younger brothers.

But even without deliberately brushing the data, Ruda still scored 19 points and 8 assists in the first half and grabbed 14 rebounds. Basically, he still played alone!

This is the same as Jordan said when he was pretending to be the first triple crown in the plane: is it very difficult to average 30 per game? It made two midrange shots in one quarter, plus four free throws.

After the first half, the Chinese team happily returned to the locker room with a 10-point advantage.

Ruda was stopped by an American reporter for an interview. Naturally, he was embarrassed to be too impersonal, so the audience around the world saw him spread his hands, and said in a very annoying tone: "I know my Scoring more than 40 points per game, but is it difficult?" Ruda shook his head to the camera and shrugged. "Several shots in one section, completed several layups or dunks, plus A few free throws are enough. If FIFB also has a 3-pointer, I will average 50 points per game!"

These words were crazy. The reporters on the scene regretted coming to interview Luda who was pretending to be full and humming a little song to the player channel.

But his average points per game for the current Olympic Games did exceed 40 points, including shots as far as the NBA three-point line. You can't really say that he is 13!

Yugoslavia still couldn't find a way to deal with the Chinese team during the halftime break. Although they had been thinking about the strategy for the Chinese team before the knockout began, it is a pity that the gap between "inference" and "reality" is not a little bit.

The Chinese team's fast break has enough routines to break through Yugoslavia's defense. Some of the latter's arrangements are not ineffective, but just like deep martial arts often have several different changes in each move.

If you only see one or two of the changes, and after going back to research, you think you have found a countermeasure, then in the actual combat, the other party will most likely sacrifice the third change, which will still make you full.

This is why Ruda is confident that their shelling tactics are difficult to thoroughly understand in three to five years. Besides, opponents can keep on studying their style of play, and they can keep improving and adding more routines.

In the second half, the Chinese team took the initiative to change the style of play, began to intentionally increase the number of singles of Ruda.

Their artillery attack will not continue to fight, so the physical strength can not be consumed, so often they will be interspersed with plan B, plan C, plan D...

This is the benefit of training several times a year. In addition to the few stunts at the bottom of the box, the Chinese team has also equipped a lot of other killing methods.

For example, they often use the "internal and external connection tactics" developed by Ruda in positional battles.

To put it bluntly, the players on the field quickly form a clear strong side and then let Luda on the strong side receive the ball smoothly and can complete the low singles without being caught early.

In the course of execution, it is natural to require players responsible for pulling the strong and weak sides to have a certain outside shooting ability, so that they can force their opponents to dare not easily include Ruda, and provide Ruda with a loose singles environment.

There are just a few players in the Chinese team who are not good at shooting, so once pulled away from the perimeter, it can make the opponent in a dilemma.

If Ruda is included in the low post, then the Chinese team's outside players will quickly pull away to find the free time.

Everyone knows that the Chinese team's transfer of the ball is very fast, and the defender has a certain ability to hold the ball. It is easy for them to get an outside breakthrough or shooting opportunity.

But if you don’t go for Ruda, this guy will score 40 points per game in one-on-one situations, and it’s not impossible to score 50 points per game.

After three consecutive offenses after the start of the second half, the Chinese team quickly pulled away after landing and freed the low post to let Ruda play alone.

The Yugoslav team did not dare to defend Ruda alone in the first two defenses, but the price of the double-entry was that the Chinese players quickly moved the ball on the outside line, combined with mobile pick-and-roll or no-ball screen, basically creating a big air with three turns and two turns. Bit.

On the third defense, the Yugoslav players dared not wrap up Ruda ahead of time.

At this time, the Chinese player immediately sent the ball to the inside after pulling away. Ruda displayed his dream footsteps immediately after receiving the ball. After three shakes, the opponent stunned to complete the layup.

In the fourth defense, the Yugoslav players adopted a fast pace that was neither fast nor slow.

Chinese players obviously also responded, immediately destroying Yugoslav's defensive formation through non-stop rotations and breaking points.

In this way, after three turns and two turns, three blocks and two dismantling, it is basically a messy mess.

But I'm sorry, the Chinese players are best at fighting chaos, the chaotic the scene, the more they can play the characteristics of their smart, but the tall Yugoslav players are not good at this kind of play, this belongs to entering China Go to the team's favorite rhythm.

Only three minutes after the start of the second half, the Chinese team played a wave of 10:0 attacks after changing the style of play, widening the point difference to 20 points in one fell swoop.

This caused Yugoslav players to start to feel desperate. They hadn't figured out how to crack the Chinese team's fast break, and in a blink of an eye, they found it difficult to cope with their position.

This situation really hurts morale. Being continually scored easily and being attacked beautifully with tactics and coordination will inevitably affect your own offensive performance and form a situation of collapse across the board.

Now Yugoslavia is about to collapse, and as morale gets weaker and weaker, their offensive efficiency begins to decline.

Since then, the mentality has become more irritable and lost. The judgment and teamwork on the field have lost control. The **** situation of the Chinese team has been formed.

Ruda naturally sees that Yugoslavia is already on the verge of collapse. At this time, the last straw of the camel is crushed. The best option is to use the audience to press against a wave of offensive shortages, and at the same time take advantage of your own morale. Another climax came.

But he chose another way, he was going to destroy the fighting spirit of Yugoslavs with a passionate dunk show!

In the 15th minute and 12 seconds of the second half, Luda, who had been looking for opportunities, finally completed a goal at his free throw line.

The Yugoslav team's point guard hurriedly wanted to take back the basketball, but it was knocked out by Ruda under physical contact.

Ruda took advantage of the situation to shoot the basketball forward, but the tank-like body rushed out like a hurricane!

At this moment his explosion was fast and fast, as if the rest were still.

The audience only felt the flower in front of him, Ruda had already rushed from his own free throw line to the midfield, and in a blink of an eye he was already close to the opponent's free throw line.

After Ruda took the ball to the position of the three-point line, he immediately smashed the basketball forward. This action naturally made fans all over the world mad!

But he quickly told people with an amazing bounce, what is it: the sea is wide and the bird is flying.

The basketball that Ruda bounced on the ground rose extremely fast, giving people the illusion of sparks.

But the speed at which he then rose into the air was even more amazing, just like the flying swallows. All players on the field couldn't help but stop at this moment, and then looked at the already-flying Dawei Tianlong with a look up!

Ruda soared up and picked up the falling basketball with both hands in midair, then quickly came a 180-degree turn to form a back-to-rim posture.

This set of actions has been very ridiculous in the 1980s. Fans on the scene and in front of TV all opened their mouths in preparation for enjoying another wonderful performance of the "king of slam dunk".

But they didn’t notice that their mouths were opening more and more, because after Ruda turned back to the basket in the air, he actually folded his body greatly on the way up, and the whole body quickly looked like back to the basket. The basket was sitting in the air, the basketball was held in his arms by his hands.

However, this is still not the end of all the movements. When Ruda's body rose to the highest point, he actually raised his head and made a kissing gesture against the almost flat-framed basket above. Then he reopened his body and used a The slam dunk with both hands in mind is a legendary dunk to conquer the world!

"God, is he kissing the basket!?"

"Damn, what's the name of this slam dunk? Toss the ball, bounce it 180 degrees, turn around and fold your hands back."

"He is not kissing the basket, he is kissing our soul, he penetrates our soul!"

"Audience friends, Ruda is not only dunking, he is also driving the fog. This time he dunked to the world to show the limits of the human body can reach, we can not help but think of a sentence-the sea is flowing, Fang Xian The true character of a hero. The implication of this sentence is that only those who do things that others cannot easily do are real heroes!"


At this moment, the world's commentary has chosen to send the most exaggerated praise to Ruda's shock!

Although his buckle against the sky has already stepped into the free throw line, the whole process is more exaggerated than the previous air walk against the US team, and it also has visual impact!

In particular, the last action of kissing the basket with his head up is absolutely incredible. What exaggerated balance and stagnation ability can he make such an anti-sky movement at such an extreme height?

At the moment, the American player who is watching the game is also crushed by the inhuman dunk of Ruda again. Self-confidence in Jordan has become even more unconfident. Can this kind of dunk really be made by humans?

At this time, even Wu Jie was envious. Although his physical talent is the same monster in the football field, he actually wanted this five-star talent in the basketball field.

As for the Yugoslav players who witnessed all this, they naturally collapsed completely!

Ruda's slam dunk hit them as much as a big Ivan!

After this, the Yugoslav players never picked up the fighting spirit of the game But what hurts was that Ruda dunked even his teammates this time, so the two sides launched a steel-like contest in the second half!

In the end, the score was 49:37 in the first half. The two teams did not change the score to 72:55 until the end of the game.

Although Ruda had some pain, she was still more happy.

After the Chinese men's basketball team defeated Yugoslavia, they made it to the finals. It is time to watch the match between the US team and Spain at night.

He naturally hopes to meet the American team again, because they have prepared many gifts for the Americans.

The most important thing is that the points you can get from playing in the United States far exceed that of other teams except the Soviet Union.

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