Big Country Sports

Chapter 311: What a must-see! (Big

The American team saw the hill-like center after playing, and the little **** who was not like an athlete but more like a star. The self-confidence in his heart was not very enough. This can be seen from their attitude!

In the last game against the South Baseball Women's Basketball, the black girls in the United States were talking and laughing while warming up before the game. That kind of relaxation and confidence does not need to be discovered through the attitude, it is reflected in the hands and feet.

But in the face of the Chinese women's basketball team today, the American girls were obviously a little bit tight when they warmed up, and they didn't have the usual giggles.

On the other hand, the Chinese girls were talking and laughing, their bodies were very relaxed during the warm-up, and Wang Xiaoqian even came with a two-handed dunk during the warm-up.

This time the slam dunk is OK, because the two-handed ball is more conducive to the bounce after the run, not as reluctant as last time.

Of course, this is just an ordinary two-handed dunk. When Wang Xiaoqian jumped to the highest point, he barely surpassed the height of the basket by half his hands, but the audience applauded and cheered!

American players are naturally more serious. The eyes of the audience and the live footage are immediately given to Cheryl Miller.

The core of the American women's basketball team, who is said to have performed a dunk in high school, was launched by various US media before the game to compare with Wang Xiaoqian.

Now the two really meet on the court. Wang Xiaoqian's dunk looks a little provocative. How does Cheryl Miller take the move?

Cheryl Miller's face is not pretty, she is not unable to dunk, after all, it is 10 cm higher than Wang Xiaoqian.

But she is a little worse than Wang Xiaoqian in both speed and bounce height. The most important thing is balance ability, and the core strength is not enough.

This makes her a lot better than Wang Xiaoqian in touching the height, but it is difficult to have enough stagnation ability when dunking, and it is more difficult to make smooth movements when jumping to the highest point. It often takes many attempts to find the jump. The right position, and the rhythm and angle of the dunk.

But this kind of reluctance is not only easy to be injured, but also inevitably inferior in terms of viewing.

This is also the reason why there are almost no dunks in the official games of the women's basketball team. Physical qualities like Cheryl Miller are easy to slam dunk when warming up. Isn't it determined when there is confrontation in the game?

Cheryl Miller hesitated for a long time, and finally did not dare to try to dunk back to color, because she felt that it would be embarrassing to complete a reluctance after several attempts.

If you are injured accidentally, it is really shameful!

But what hurts in this way is the momentum. Before the start of the game, the morale of the American team inevitably lowered its head.

Today's contest seems to the outside world that the overall strength of the Chinese team is obviously higher than that of the US team.

Although the two cores of the Chinese team are not very old, the strength of the women's basketball team is not high, so the impact of the younger is not very big.

The American women's basketball team is also not very young. This team is basically college athletes, and like the American men's basketball team, training began only in March, and it took three or four months before and after.

If you really speak about confrontation ability, the Chinese team has an advantage overall.

The Chinese women's basketball team has been established for four years. Except that Zheng Haixia and Wang Xiaoqian are not very young, most of them are 20-25 years old.

This is also the reason why the Chinese women's basketball team is very strong in its original position. In this era, European and American countries have basically no fixed national team in basketball, and they are often selected only a few months before the competition.

However, after establishing a national team, China has to conduct a training session every few months, and then select a few new seedlings through the performance of the training before each big game, and then send away a few levels of decline, or Old injured player.

However, it will not undergo a large-scale blood exchange every time like the United States. This has the advantage of ensuring that not only fresh blood is supplemented, but also makes the team's old and young players more reasonable, cooperates with each other, and has rich experience.

After the game started today, the Americans were surprised to find that the two Chinese cores they most feared did not seem to be very active. Instead, the role players who did not care before the game played very actively.

In the first 20 points scored by the Chinese team, Zheng Haixia and Wang Xiaoqian only added up to 6 points. The rest are the contributions of these unregarded Chinese players.

This makes the defense of the United States team has been very passive, their defensive focus is entirely on Zheng Haixia and Wang Xiaoqian, but the Chinese team's two forwards Xiulijuan and Li Xiaoqin played very brightly, constantly using mid-range shots and no ball cut to score points .

Wu Jie thinks this scene is very familiar. During the two peaks of the new century, the Lakers can occasionally appear the situation of the role players returning to the gods, and once such a full bloom situation occurs, it will be a disaster for the other side. !

In the end, the US team could only call a timeout and was forced to flatten the center of gravity of the defense.

At this time, it was natural for Zheng Haixia to perform, which is also the main attack order under the guidance of Ruda.

Wang Xiaoqian's physical fitness is very good in the women's basketball. Not only can he play for 40 minutes, he will not be exhausted even if there is an overtime. This combat power is similar in another battlefield.

However, Zheng Haixia's physical fitness is much worse. If she has been letting her go all out on both ends of the offensive and defensive, then at this stage after the half, there is no strength.

Zheng Haixia's physical fitness can be improved to the point where the horsepower is fully maintained for 25 minutes, which is basically the same as Yao Ming in the men's basketball team.

Then naturally, when Zheng Haixia can play his best in the first half, try to hand over the ball to her to ravage the opponent, and then hand over the ball to Wang Xiaoqian in the second half.

In the first half, Wang Xiaoqian mainly put more effort on the outside defense, and at the same time used the break-through to help Zheng Haixia and his teammates get a better offensive space.

The second half was when she took over the game. At that time, her physical advantage could also play a better role.

Zheng Haixia did not know his situation on the team, and it was much better than Yao Ming, who was 20 years later.

At that time, Yao was really going to have to use the power of nine cattle and two tigers even to catch the ball. Under the targeted defense, it was difficult for the teammates to pass the ball to Yao Ming in time, even if it was difficult to get the ball. Most of the time, the position is not good, or the offensive time is not much, and then it is in the middle.

Yao Ming can play an efficient offensive performance in this environment. It really is difficult to be exhausted. The ghost knows how much pressure he bears.

But at the moment, Zheng Haixia is much simpler to get the ball. Cong Xuedi is an excellent point guard with solid pass and control in the world women's basketball team. Wang Xiaoqian's breakthrough points can make any team unable to contain Zheng Haixia.

In this case, the American women's basketball team couldn't find a way to restrict Zheng Haixia. After all, the defense around the front was not developed under the FIBA ​​rules of the 1980s.

It is not that there is no defense around, but no team has paid attention to this defensive tactic, and no one has improved it enough to deal with the super inside.

Therefore, Zheng Haixia can easily get the basketball near the penalty area, and there are not many ways for the US team to stop her.

This also led to the end of the first half, Zheng Haixia under the active feeding of the team, once again staged a good show of 15 points in the first half, only the American girl's penalty area was ruined.

The Chinese team relied on Zheng Haixia's unachievable layup and successfully created a double-digit lead in the first half.

After watching the first half of the game, Wu Jie had already had seven or eight points to win the Chinese women's basketball team.

The American women's basketball team is indeed excellent in sports ability, but it has not that great advantage for the Chinese women's basketball team.

If we count the two strong points of Zheng Haixia and Wang Xiaoqian, the Chinese and American teams can only say half a catty in physical fitness.

However, it is difficult for the American women's basketball team to win the victory because they can't dominate the body, because the Chinese girls are in a leading position in terms of basic skills and the number of skills they master, including physical fitness.

That's right, this Chinese women's basketball team is better than the US team in terms of technology and physical fitness.

In terms of tactics, the Chinese women's basketball team has benefited from the training time and the help of Luda's consultant.

The first half only led by 10 points, or the US team has a home advantage. Without the help of the referee's home whistle, the Chinese team will never lead by more than 10 points.

If there are any hidden dangers, it is to be careful that the referee gets worse in the second half.

If Zheng Haixia is caught in a foul crisis, then the Chinese team's advantage in the interior will not break through.

This is not poisonous milk. Wu Jie and Ruda believe that Americans will definitely launch more home whistle against them, because this is the only winning direction.

Sure enough, only two minutes into the second half, Zheng Haixia caught the third foul in a defense.

This is also the place where FIBA ​​basketball has mixed reviews. Players will be sent off after receiving 5 fouls.

If the referee maintains fairness, there are no major problems in the 40-minute game and five foul appearances.

But if the referee starts to double the penalty, then the blow to the victim side will be very big, especially for the team that wins the ball inside, after all, the inside line is the easiest place to foul.

Zheng Haixia's defense this time belongs to a category that can be judged or not judged. Under normal circumstances, it is not a top priority. Otherwise, a game does not know how many times to be interrupted.

But if the referee blows, you can't pick too many faults.

The Chinese team was not aware of the problem and did not replace Zheng Haixia in time after the foul.

A minute later, Zheng Haixia was once again penalized for a foul.

This time it was not a question of whether to blow or not to blow, Zheng Haixia used a very clean cover to take Cheryl Miller's layup down.

But the Brazilian female referee apparently didn't think it was a good hat, and decisively punished Zheng Haixia for the foul, which was already her fourth foul.

The Chinese girls naturally stopped. Instead, Wang Xiaoqian behaved the most calmly, and hurriedly pulled away the teammates who wanted to use Chinese to talk to the referee theory.

This is of course the right choice, basketball referees and football referees have always been so hateful.

Many times, you know that the referee is doing things, but as long as you are not too blatant, you can only endure it, because not calm will only give the other party an excuse to legally engage in you.

This is also a part of football and basketball, including that the Americans themselves have suffered losses on the referee. The Chinese only suffer more often, and it is the Chinese team who suffers almost every time.

If you can’t bear it, go for track and field, swimming, or play tennis, badminton, table tennis, volleyball, billiards... These are all sports that can basically guarantee fairness at this stage.

But if you choose big ball sports, then never think of absolute fairness.

"I think you have to be careful, this is a game played in the United States, as long as the opponent is the United States team, it will definitely have to lose on the whistle."

Wu Jie had long expected that Americans would write articles on the whistle, and even today it is a little lighter than he expected.

"How much is enough for a whistle, I can make them ten."

Lu Da knows that Qin Jian is now more crazy than him, but if the words are heard by Americans, then he must be a little more crazy!

But his madness, as well as Wang Xiaoqian's calmness on the field, are ultimately out of self-confidence.

Only then did the Americans start to be blatant, and in his eyes said bluntly: late.

If Zheng Haixia is caught in a foul crisis as soon as he comes up, the Chinese team really has to work hard to win.

But now it's the second half, and their offensive focus will have to be transferred to Wang Xiaoqian.

Zheng Haixia was not present at the moment, and his influence was limited.

After Zheng Haixia got off the court, Wang Xiaoqian officially entered the infinite ball mode.

At this time, Wang Xiaoqian already had 9 points in his body. If it rests on the average player, it is already full of firepower.

But for her, the real firepower is far more than such a voice.

In the next attack of the Chinese team, Wang Xiaoqian didn't even need a screen. She made a breakthrough in a single cross step change, even if the opponent was a black player with excellent athletic ability, she was still cleaned by one step.

At this time, Cheryl Miller, 192cm tall, hurriedly defended from the wing to the basket. Coupled with the black center Janis Lawrence, who was 198cm tall, Wang Xiaoqian was quickly defeated by his two Americans. The player was sandwiched back and forth.

The Chinese fans in front of the TV all raised their hearts in their throats, only to think that she might be capped under this kind of defense.

However, Wang Xiaoqian didn't take these two people's eyes at all. Not only did she not divide the ball, but she also leaped high towards Janis. Taking advantage of the full run, she made a fierce physical contact with the other party directly in the air. .

Janice didn't expect Wang Xiaoqian, who was shorter than himself, to dare to face the difficulties. If he knew that Wang Xiaoqian was indeed welcoming men when he was training privately, he should know that her body could not scare the Sailor Moon.

This is an empirical issue. The impact of "vertical take-off" and "run-up take-off" can hardly be compared. Even if Janice has a certain body advantage, this collision will also suffer a big loss, unless she has a pair of Zheng Haixia.

Therefore, after the two collided in the air, Janis made a very uncomfortable cry for children, and was directly knocked out by Wang Xiaoqian.

But at this time Cheryl Miller also arrived from the side and rear, will Wang Xiaoqian be attacked by her from behind?

The Chinese audience, especially the Nanbang audience, had just raised their worries and saw that Wang Xiaoqian crashed into Janis, and then made a nearly unique big lever in the women's basketball in the air, not only perfectly avoiding Cheryl. Miller's sneak attack also shot the ball into the basket!

"Flying in our airspace!"

Although Wang Xiaoqian's tie-rod is beautiful, although he was still a little embarrassed after landing, he didn't stand and fell a big butt.

This made the American audience on the scene intend to make fun of it, but she stood up and imitated the words that Ruda said. Immediately, the American audience in front of the scene and on TV could not laugh, and her face became very ugly!

The face of the American team members is even more ugly, not only because of Wang Xiaoqian's nonsense, but also because the point difference has been expanded to 12 points.

But the most troublesome thing is the Chinese team's next defense. Wang Xiaoqian and her teammates didn't retreat immediately after scoring a goal, but launched a forced **** on the US team.

Chinese spectators will immediately call out the words "full court press". In fact, Americans also know the defensive skills of Chinese men's basketball players.

Now many teams are learning this kind of full-court pressing tactics, but they are used less than the Chinese team.

But in the past this kind of tactics were used exclusively for men's basketball. No one expected that the Chinese women's basketball team could actually use this kind of defensive tactics.

Although this kind of tactics that require tight defense no matter where it is, the effect is amazing, but the disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of energy, and the requirements for athletic ability and coordination are also very high. It stands to reason that the level of the women's basketball team should not reach this level. Tactical requirements.

But the Chinese women's basketball team not only used this set of defensive tactics, but also successfully plunged the American women's basketball team into chaos.

The US team's point guard Pamela McGee couldn't adapt to this high-intensity snatch. Without any defense, he almost dribbled the ball and could only pass the ball in a hurry.

After Cheryl Miller reluctantly received the pass, she immediately fell into a desperate situation.

Although her physical fitness is good, it is still difficult to cope with this sudden high-intensity rush. The panic pass was directly intercepted by Wang Xiaoqian.

Wang Xiaoqian launched a counterattack immediately after stealing the ball. In the face of Pamela McGee's misplaced defense, she completed a remarkable turn in a dashing turn in the breakthrough, and then lowered the ball to advance.

The United States hurriedly called a timeout, because the Chinese team is still using full-court tactics after scoring a goal.

But the effect of this suspension is not good. The American women's basketball team has never thought of this kind of defensive tactics that are extremely rare in the men's basketball team. It will actually be mastered and used by the Chinese women's basketball team.

Now they not only have no precautions, but also have no countermeasures at all, expecting to come up with a one-minute timeout to come up with a solution, which is of course impossible.

Both Wu Jie and Ruda laughed happily at this time, this is the killer of the Chinese women's basketball team!

In order to let the women's basketball master this set of defensive tactics, Ruda was really a free coach for half a month.

In order to practice this set of defensive tactics, the women's basketball girls also paid unimaginable hardships and sweat.

Wu Jie also naturally contributed. Although the Chinese girls have trained this set of tactics to a level that can be used in women's basketball games, they still have some difficulty in consuming physical energy.

So his cards played a key role. Today he used platinum and gold cards for the starters of the Chinese women's basketball team, as well as the main substitutes.

If Zheng Haixia is not in a foul crisis, she can still play a high-level performance of at least ten minutes with the blessings of the card in the second half.

But the biggest effect of these cards is to allow Chinese girls to use the full-time press defense for about three minutes intermittently. He also believes that the US team will definitely split when encountering this set of tactics, because three minutes is enough to end the game.

After this timeout, the US team did not find any way. In the face of the Chinese team's prepared defense, they were again blocked all passing routes, and eventually made mistakes due to huge defensive pressure.

The Chinese team launched another counterattack after the goal was intercepted, and it was Wang Xiaoqian who finished the goal at the basket!

The offense and defense of the two teams changed. This time the US team couldn't even serve the ball, and only once again requested a timeout.

In this era, FIBA ​​is a 20-minute game in the first and second half. The suspension rule is that you can call two in the first half and three in the second half.

The US team called for two consecutive timeouts in one minute, and it can be said that it was really forced to a desperate situation.

But this minute still has little effect. Although the US team obtained the opportunity to shoot by relying on the lore tactics, this tactic is obviously not used to break the pressure.

The passing and shooting of the US team are carried out in a hurry. This does not use the Chinese team to exert pressure. They themselves missed under huge pressure.

After getting the rebound, the Chinese team immediately reacted quickly.

Under the influence of nervous psychological and physiological conditions, the American players failed to complete even the most basic defense against fast breaks. Actually, Wang Xiaoqian once again staged a single-player show!

This time the point difference came to 16 points, and all Americans smelled a big defeat!

After the Chinese team moved to defense, they naturally continued to use full-field pressing tactics.

This time Pamela McGee rushed out of the press with a bumping motion, but looked around but couldn't find a point where he could pass the ball. As a result, Cong Xuedi was overtaken and brought close.

The head referee stood up at this time. Instead of penalizing McGee for hitting and walking, she ruled Cong Xuedi to stop the foul.

But this still can't help the American women's basketball team out of the predicament, but it makes the US team's out-of-bounds almost impossible.

In the end, the ball was finally handed over to the core Cheryl Miller, but the latter had already received the ball to the bottom corner position, and he could only shoot before the encircled front. The result was naturally an angry hit!

This time the American team retired in time, but they faced Wang Xiaoqian who played completely on the offensive end.

This time Wang Xiaoqian didn't hold the ball to attack, but used a wonderful anti-run + teammate's ballless cover to cut into the bottom line. After successfully receiving Cong Xuedi's pass, he again greeted the opponent's 195cm power forward Carol Shao. Tak jumped high.

When Carol Shaod jumped up, she knew that she would certainly not be able to prevent the ball, because she clearly saw that the Chinese man folded his body in the air, launched a glide movement, and then used his excellent aerial work ability Crossed his own defensive range.

She didn't know what happened after that, because she didn't have long eyes behind her head, so she couldn't see Wang Xiaoqian's use of the extremely exaggerated air gliding distance in the women's basketball, not only passed through Carol Shaud's defensive range In the face of Cheryl Miller's defense, the ball was scored with a pull-back layup.

Today, Cheryl Miller has been staring at Wang Xiaoqian, and this time he rushed to make up the defense, but the result was once again shown. How can she think of this opponent can use the means of this male player to score the ball?

"This waist and abdomen strength, as well as this body's flexibility and balance..."

Wu Jie made a half-talk in an envious tone, but this aerial gesture really had Kobe's taste.

There is no such player in the Chinese men’s basketball team. Although Ruda has already achieved a combination of rigidity and softness, his skills and elegance are mainly displayed on the ground of the offense. Once lifted off, it is more like a big one. Carter's exaggerated speed and bounce height, perfect aerial posture, impeccable body extension, and a sense of power to destroy all these are characteristics that other people can't match.

This style of Wang Xiaoqian is obviously more elegant and more elegant, mainly using the unsolvable breakthrough ability in the women’s basketball, first inserting into the hinterland with speed, and then using the top bounce ability in the women’s basketball, folding after the lift-off and A wide range of gliding, directly through the defensive players in a mess to complete the attack.

If there are still people under the basket to make up defense, then she will use your superior waist strength and balance ability to give you a lever to avoid the block and complete the layup.

This is of course Kobe's style. Even the nickname "Peter Pan" can feel the sense of elegance. In fact, Corvo's dunk has never been violent or power, but elegant and elegant.

At this time, the "Great Western Forum Forum" sounded Americans who were not very willing, but could not help but applaud!

Wang Xiaoqian's folded body in the air, a wide range of gliding, and a pull-up layup are not only unique in the women's basketball. It is really hard not to be fascinated by her ornamentation after matching her face value.

As for the self-confidence of the US team, it is naturally that Wang Xiaoqian was completely defeated by this picturesque drawbar layup!

Cheryl Miller is already the best player in the physical and personal strength of the US team, but she can't beat Wang Xiaoqian at all. The difference between the two of them is not a little bit.

This is no way. Wang Xiaoqian, under Ruda's training, is basically the level of the All-Star in the WNBA 40 years later.

Even if she got the WNBA at that level, she is at least a giant.

But the level of the world women's basketball team is still in a very low position, and the American women's basketball team is not much stronger.

Cheryl Miller's talent is not bad, but it is estimated that even half of his own potential has not been realized. Then, in the face of Wang Xiaoqian who was personally tuned by Ruda, naturally he only has to be beaten.

After Wang Xiaoqian scored this Tianxiu goal, the Chinese team finally put away the magical power of the audience.

But the difference between the two teams has reached 18 points, the Chinese team is equivalent to a climax of 8:0 in one minute.

The most desperate thing about the American team is that through this wave of offensive, the Chinese girls have finished their morale suppression, and their status has also increased to the level of fire.

In this state of trade-offs, the fiasco of the American women's basketball team is inevitable!

Halfway through the second half, the scores of the two teams have reached 68:48.

The Chinese team replaced Zheng Haixia again. As for Wang Xiaoqian, who had not rested in the second half, she had already increased her personal score to 25 points and again played MVP.

Both Wu Jie and Ruda know that the MVP of the women's basketball team at this Olympics is definitely Wang Xiaoqian.

Although Zheng Haixia has a greater role in both offense and defense, including tactics, she is also incomparable to Wang Xiaoqian in personal data, especially in style.

Although those judges may not see this, but the promotion effect brought by the red Wang Xiaoqian for the women's basketball is naturally unmatched by Zheng Haixia.

Therefore, the result no longer needs to be considered. In the future, the first person in the international women's basketball team must be Wang Xiaoqian sitting firmly in the first place.

The American team still wants to regain the best, but when Zheng Haixia returns to play, the thickness and height of the Chinese team's inside line, as well as the offensive force, have once again improved to a higher level.

The head referee saw that the Americans were not content with themselves. Of course, they did not really adopt the punishment scale of not vomiting bones.

After all, the Chinese women's basketball team has many fans all over the world, or Wang Xiaoqian is already an international sports star.

In this case, she really forcibly hacked the gold medal of the Chinese team, and the aftermath of the work is almost impossible to start.

Once the referee didn't do anything, Zheng Haixia's role at both ends of the offense and defense was indeed too great, and Wang Xiaoqian could also break free to the inside. At this time, even if she was besieged by three people, she could choose to pass the ball to Zheng Haixia.

After that, she broke into the penalty area several times and encountered a wonderful ball after the helped Zheng Haixia get a chance to hit the blue several times under the basket. This kind of shooting is basically equivalent to sending points to the Chinese team. .

By the last five minutes of the second half of the game, the difference between the two teams had reached 25 points, and the suspense was completely scratched.

The Chinese team took the lead in replacing the two cores, which gave the Americans a face, otherwise the score difference must break through 30 points.

At this time, the camera gave the two Chinese cores chattering on the bench, but soon the focus of the camera was completely focused on the beautiful girl soldier wearing the No. 8 jersey.

This is actually not Wang Xiaoqian's favorite number, but the number she likes is already occupied, so Ruda suggested that she choose number 8, and the real reason certainly did not say.

At the moment, the audience in front of the TV quickly saw the data she had obtained today-32 points, 7 rebounds, 8 assists, 4 steals and 1 block. He shot 24 times and scored 13 goals in total.

This kind of performance can't pick out any faults naturally, but a problem appears involuntarily in the brains of many brain powder: what kind of nickname should their goddess deserve?

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