Big Country Sports

Chapter 312: What is slap!

Ruda did not go to the women's basketball celebration, because the men's basketball team will also fight the American team at night.

In the afternoon, in addition to taking a nap to recuperate for the evening game, he also had to participate in the tactical arrangement before the game, and then conducted a warm-up training with high intensity.

China's four big **** like to do some warm-up training about three or four hours before the game, the intensity is greater than other countries in this era.

Of course, each sport will have some special features. For example, the men’s basketball team will also conduct very high-intensity shooting training the night before the game. More than one.

The intensity of this kind of pre-match training seems too great and very unscientific.

But in fact, the intensity of training before the game is low is not good, of course, too high will also have a counter-effect!

The intensity of the pre-match training for the Chinese team was designed by Wu Jie after absorbing the experience of the next 40 years.

This also includes seemingly excessive shooting training, which can actually greatly strengthen the player’s muscle memory during the second day of the game. In the future, the NBA’s **** pitchers will temporarily strengthen the intensity of the shooting training on the day before the important game, so as to be in the game. Have a better shot.

But if someone secretly learns, it will definitely thump the street, because Ruda and these Chinese players will not tell outsiders the tricks.

For example, the players who used high-intensity shooting training the day before these games must first be shooters, or shooting. Colleagues also have specific training amounts. They must ensure that the wrists are sour, and the wrists are a bit stiff during the next day.

This scale is not easy to master, because this stiffness can make the muscle memory get more exerted, but if it is excessive, it will cause muscle fatigue and even damage, and there is a fart muscle memory.

In addition, in the warm-up training three hours before the game, they will no longer conduct shooting training, otherwise the strengthening effect of the previous day will fail most of the time.

At this time, the shooters of the Chinese team will use ice packs to apply ice to the wrists, elbows, and shoulders. The effect is not only to accelerate fatigue recovery, but also to strengthen muscle memory.

But for players who are good at breaking through, their intensive training on the day before the game is different, and the subsequent treatment methods are also very different.

This is the same as this year's collective exchange of blood by the American Cycling Team to greatly enhance physical fitness. There are both scientific explanations and tricks that have been inadvertently summarized from generation to generation.

But these tips will certainly not tell you easily. Even if you spend money on tuition, such as Kuwaiti men’s football who still want to renew at high prices, they are also teaching half and hiding half, and it is impossible to teach each other.

It's a bit of a rumor that martial arts apprentices always have to keep one hand, or only teach you how to attack/defend, and not teach you how to defend/attack.

But Wu Jie is so insidious. He wants to hide his hands from foreigners forever. This is not only reflected in sports, but also in any field.

He was naturally the ancestor of the women’s basketball team, and he also attended the celebration feast of the basketball delegation with his mother at night.

Ruda's small eyes when he left were a little talkative, which was obviously not a relief to him.

"Huh, actually look at me like this?"

Wu Jie really doesn’t have any idea about Wang Xiaoqian. At first, this kind of chubby goose egg face is not his dish. Secondly, this face shape maintains a good weight when young, which is naturally amazing, but as long as one is fat If the two are judged, Yan will immediately pull the crotch.

Wang Xiaoqian is obviously obese, so Wu Jie will not consider this kind of beauty who is likely to pull hips at any time when he is old. Besides that, he is not very interested in the insignificant C.

But the most important thing is that for Asian women, he pays more attention to temperament and bone beauty.

So beauty like Li Jiaxin, Guan Zhilin, Wang Xiaoqian, Chen Hong are not his dishes, but Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Manyu, Jiang Wenli, Zhou Xun, Xia Lin (Wang Jingwen), this kind of beauty with unique temperament is in line with his aesthetic .

This is probably related to experience. When he was young in his last life, he also prefers to rush to the first class of beauties. Why do ordinary stars such as Gong Li and Zhou Xun be so red?

However, with the increase of age, especially after reading their young works, such as "Jing Ke Ting Qin Wang", Wu Jie's aesthetic concept was instantly returned, and it turned out that Lao Mouzi is not blind!


In the afternoon, another indoor competition venue in Los Angeles, "Pelli Ting Stadium", has set up a competition venue, ready to meet the women's volleyball finals at dusk.

This is another Sino-US contest. Today there will be three Sino-US confrontations.

But some colons who like to kneel, would actually feel that such frequent Sino-US confrontation will affect the friendly relationship that the two sides have just formed?

This kind of thinking has a slot in the first place. In the absence of the Soviet camp at this Olympics, Americans will inevitably have a single family, and the Chinese will certainly be the only ones who can challenge the existence of the United States in some areas.

This result is not unexpected, it should be expected.

As for whether anyone sees a deeper future in it, such as the sudden popping of a brain hole in the mind, "If the Soviet Union is gone, will the new world pattern become the same as this Olympic Games", Wu Jie will not know.

The second slot point is naturally to worry about winning the United States in the women's volleyball team and the men's basketball team, will it affect the friendship between the two sides, or cause the United States to be afraid of this idea.

Wu Jie said: If winning a few sports games affects the relationship between the two countries, is this relationship not as weak as paper?

It is estimated that even the relationship between the United States and Cuba, or the United States and North Korea is not as good as that, is it necessary to maintain it?

As for causing fear, this is even more ridiculous.

If it is really daunting, how could the United States sell Blackhawks? Why would you sell you a weapon upgrade package?

In fact, Americans really don’t have too much suspicion about China today. This would be eager to lend you usury to sell you more weapons, but the rabbit has no money and refuses to lend it.

Fortunately, apart from the Ministry of Culture who has a small colon that is good at thinking about others, not many people in this body have similar thoughts, and there are even some old men who have been transferred from the army. They can't wait for the Americans to die.

Wu Jie was very satisfied with this. In the past few years, there was also a small group of black sheep in the body, but under the influence of his various cards, the body of this society was already overwhelmed by the east wind.

This women's volleyball final is also the Chinese team's more optimistic before the game, the reason is also old-fashioned, the historical record in recent years, including the performance of the Olympic Games, is basically China in the riding position, even if the United States accidentally was against the United States Pressed once, still can't stop the outside world from optimistic about the Chinese women's volleyball team.

American audiences will naturally be more confident. This is the result of looking at things from different angles.

The Chinese football and basketball in the original plane are no longer good. Many people still feel that there is a chance before each big game, including people who think about the dream team.

But this kind of blind optimism has no slot at all, that is, it reminds me of some distressed them, then the national football team and the men's basketball team will not be worthy of such a good fan!

At present, there is not such a big gap between the American women's volleyball team and the Chinese women's volleyball team, so the American audience thinks it is normal for their team to open at least five or five.

Wu Jie did not come to the scene to watch the game. Lin Yaodong and Chen Haonan, including Qin Jian and Li Ning, came to the scene together.

There was one less Shen Lang inside, and he had already returned to Shanghai a few days ago.

This new king in the world of swimming has always been so lonely, not to mention that the swimming team can't manage it. The body leader let him participate in the closing ceremony and then go, Shen Lang still said to leave.

Generally speaking, this kind of people who don't give face to the leaders often get better off in the end.

But Shen Lang is really no one to control, he is anxious to go back to participate in the production of the new comic "Dragon Ball", and the production of the first part of the animated version of "Soccer Boy".

This is his current work plan for "Inspur Animation". The "Football Captain", which has been created by him, has finished the first part of the comic version. Several protagonists will soon graduate from elementary school and begin their junior high school career.

At the same time that "Inspur Animation" is launching the second comic version, it is also producing the animated version of the first one.

The second part of the comic book version of "Soccer Boy" is still created by Shen Lang.

But this time he will only provide the outline and detailed outline, as well as the original paintings of the characters. The specific content will be collectively created by the painters recruited by the company, and then he will check it. Basically, he will grasp both the producer and the screenwriter.

As for the new comic "Dragon Ball", he also wrote the outline and outline, including the customization of the style, and the original painting creation of the main characters. The rest is for the subordinates to play freely, have good ideas and modify him Will accept, but he will correct the bad ideas and directions.

This is his main method of plagiarism in the future. The reason is of course not so pleasant, because he is the only one who plagiarizes, and he cannot plagiarize so many gods at all.

Take this "soccer teenager" as an example. Even if he loses contact, it will take a few years to complete the squad. Then, "Dragon Ball" has already come out, and "Slam Dunk" is coming out soon.

So in the future he will only provide creative ideas and styles, after setting the outline and detailed outline [Military Novel Network], the rest will be handed over to the genius.

This will not only accelerate the speed of plagiarism, but also train more and more talents who can be unique.

Now his "Inspur Magazine" and "Inspur Animation" are used to tap talents, cultivate talents, and lazy companies.

"Lang Chao Magazine" is a comic magazine he founded. Currently, there is only one weekly magazine with the same name. The first issue is officially released after the Spring Festival this year. At this stage, it is mainly to promote the in-house animation of Inspur Animation and to tap outstanding domestic animation creative talents. Provide a platform for the Chinese to display their talents.

This magazine has been distributed in major capital cities in China. Although it has not yet tapped into a real genius, as the only comic magazine in the country, it has achieved good sales and word of mouth, and has established a qualified for the animation magazine field. Benchmarking.

"Inspur Animation" is the animation company he founded, which is mainly composed of animation department, manga department and movie department.

These departments also know what they do from their names, one is responsible for creating television animation, one is responsible for creating physical cartoons, and one is responsible for creating animated movies.

Now the employees in the company are part of the Mesozoic talents he dug from the Meiying Factory, part of the old painters and directors who were forced to switch during the catastrophe, and the descendants of these older generations.

Before the catastrophe, Shanghai’s Meiying Factory was comparable to Disney’s Asian animation shrine. Japanese animation would be a younger brother in front of China, and basically only worshipped.

Japanese animation began to rise in the 1970s, but after all, the beauty film factory has a deep foundation. Even after being affected by the catastrophe for ten years, there are still a large number of talents who can be reactivated in a short period of time.

Shen Lang even recalled a group of seniors with experience in ink painting production, for which he also set up a separate ink painting production team to prepare them to use their waste heat to make China's fifth ink painting movie.

In addition, he also hopes that these 50- to 60-year-olds can bring out a group of newcomers. Chinese ink painting films must not be broken down like the original plane.

Fortunately, it is the early 1980s. If you come to clean up the stall ten years later, it is estimated that there are not many babies that can be recovered.

It is not too late in terms of time. In the 1980s and 1990s, the country was particularly open to literary creation. They can use this best and worst era to quickly return to the right path, thus restoring Chinese animation to the past in one fell swoop. Glory.

In fact, the newly-growing animation masters in this book still have great respect for Chinese animation, and they simply cannot find the disdainful attitude that they will have decades later.

What Shen Lang wants to do is to keep this attitude forever, and even make the world pay tribute to Chinese animation.

Now in addition to swimming in his mind, only this idea exists.

Therefore, of course, he will not stay like Wu Jie and others to watch the game, although this will not delay much time.


At 5:30 pm Los Angeles time, the final of the Chinese women's volleyball team VS the American women's volleyball team finally began.

The China of this meeting is 7:30 am, which just happened to broadcast the morning news.

Shen Lang was originally planning to watch the game live on TV, but he got up late today, because yesterday he talked with the production team responsible for the creation of "Dragon Ball" all the way to the middle of the night, and was finally persuaded that the protagonist Sun Wukong should not have one too prominent. Origin.

No matter which generation of young and middle-aged people, his subordinates do not think that the protagonist has a prominent background, or that the prominent father is a good idea.

In particular, this kind of looks very silky at first, but finally found a setting with a prominent background. Everyone feels very naive and has no educational significance. In short, it is superfluous.

Shen Lang actually thinks that this setting is very boring, but if the entire script is removed from the Saiyan background, it will be difficult to develop the plot.

In the end, he could only make certain compromises. He simply turned Sun Wufan into the first Saiyan who came to earth, and then made Sun Wukong really his grandson.

This modification made Sun Wukong a Saiyan-Earthman hybrid, or a kind of little one with only a quarter of blood.

The only effect of this change is the short plot of the original Sun Wukong's father, but this can be moved to Vegeta's father, and it also gives readers a sense of substitution. After all, the original earthman is too weak.

But from another angle, Shen Lang can see from this group of faceless subordinates that the Chinese people have no Japanese-like admiration of bloodlines, leaving Asia and entering Europe, and there is a plot behind the fantasy.

It's the style that the Chinese like to be the super-savvy Laozi, the earth people are crazy Saiyans.

When Shen Lang yawned in front of the TV, the women's volleyball girls were working **** the other side of the world!

Before the game, American spectators thought it was a head-to-head contest, including Chinese spectators, who also felt that they would not beat the powerful United States too easily.

But sorry, the Chinese women's volleyball team made a perfect start with a clean 15:7 in the first game.

The most tragic thing is the host USA team, which has occupied the time, the geographical position, the people and the people. Today, the scene is almost completely crushed by the Chinese team. There is no movie or novel plot in which you come and go, reverse the reverse and reverse the plot. .

There is only one rhythm in today's game: the American team is madly beaten by the Chinese team!

After the cruel Chinese team took away with a small score in the first game, the Americans died even worse in the second game, and were directly scored a blood abuse score of 15:5!

Under the existing rules, this score is indeed blood abused.

Before 1999, the volleyball rule was not "per-ball scoring system", but "replacement scoring system".

The "scoring per goal system" is easy to understand, that is, every time a ball is served, one side must get a point.

However, the previous rules are different. The current "change-for-serving scoring system" rule is: the side that gets the right to serve can only score after winning a goal.

If it is the receiving side who wins the ball, it is to change the serve, not to score, but to regain the ball.

So this is the 15-point system, because under this rule, there are often repeated exchanges of serving rights, and the game time is always difficult to control, which is prone to endless This pair Athletes' physical energy consumption is naturally great.

Today's US team is very tragic. Every time it takes back the right to serve, it will be taken back by the Chinese team immediately. As for scoring, you can only see the Chinese team scoring continuously.

The American women's volleyball team was hung up and beaten by the Chinese team for two consecutive games, or it was utterly frustrated in front of his hometown father and old man. In the third game, both mentality and morale had fallen to the bottom!

This made the imposing Chinese women's volleyball team play a real blood abuse. They directly used a 15:3 to make countless Americans never want to watch the volleyball game. 1

Especially in the women’s volleyball game, you all go for it!

After the Chinese women's volleyball team turned the US team into fans with a 3:0 they didn't expect, it was naturally under extreme excitement and ecstasy. Before the award, they sang a team song written by the male **** Wu Jie for them.

But to be honest, this song is still a little far-fetched as a team song.

Ruda was already thinking about it now. Was he kindly helping the women’s volleyball team to update the team song?

Also, he can also be a male god!

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