Big Country Sports

Chapter 405: Suddenly depressed!

   After the Chinese team announced their participation in the awards ceremony, the wait outside was 20 minutes.

   The podium on site has already been set up, and the whole world is looking forward to tonight's championship team taking the stage to receive the award.

   But under the eager expectation of FIFA officials, the Chinese team only sent one person to accept the award! ?

   This person is naturally Wu Jie, a man who should have taken the throne tonight, and officially became the king of green shade.

   "I know this scene is very surprising, but recalling the game tonight, I think everyone will understand the decision we are about to make!"

   Wu Jie didn't bother to pay attention to the ugly FIFA officials, and didn't walk to the podium with the Hercules Cup, but went directly to the media area. As a result, it was naturally overwhelmed by reporters.

   In this situation, the whole world knows that it is really "the big pill is coming"!

   "I know you have a lot of questions, but as you can see, we decided to postpone receiving the trophy!"

   The first words Wu Jie uttered in front of the media caused the facial muscles of the FIFA executives on the scene and in front of the TV to start twitching.

   "This is the most difficult decision we have made, but it is also a choice we made after careful consideration. We refused to receive this trophy that put football to shame."

   "But this decision is not to demonstrate to whom, on the contrary, we are seeking everyone's help."

   "We know very well that when a person rejects external discrimination, he is also rejecting external help, so I stand here on behalf of my team, in order to let people know our demands!"

   "It has not been long for Chinese football to embrace the world. We sincerely hope that we can contribute to the promotion of football in this big family. We also hope to participate in all football competitions fairly."

   "But for tonight's game, we all know what it means, so we can only helplessly refuse to receive this trophy, and let the world know the reason for our refusal."

   Wu Jie didn't have any drafts in his hand, but he said every sentence very firmly. Of course, it might be a word of words in the eyes of some people.

   "Now I have a few questions to FIFA on behalf of the whole team. You can also treat this as a protest. I hope that friends from the media who are on the scene today can help us convey these messages."

  Wu Jie paused when he said, then raised his hand and raised three fingers.

   "The first question: Did we receive a dirty, mean, and extremely racially discriminatory penalty for tonight's game?"

  "Second question: Will the Chinese team still suffer discrimination and be targeted everywhere in the future games like tonight?"

   "The third question: Does the penalty tonight come from the referee's personal inclination, or is it from the FIFA official mandate?"

   "We were mentally prepared before joining FIFA. There are many unreasonable things in this world. It will take a long time to gradually improve."

   "But all unreasonable things will have a reasonable explanation, and we hope to get an explanation even if it is, then we will try to accept this medal."

   Wu Jie's remarks were basically playing FIFA naked, and the various metaphors in the words almost became explicit.

   It's just that he didn't say everything completely after all, so the subsequent explanation and development direction depends on whether FIFA can meet their reasonable requirements.

   But don't think that they will choose to compromise, because even if they refuse to accept the award, not the Hercules Cup, their status as world champions has been accepted by the world.

   The current Chinese team is the championship team that can embroider a star on the jersey. They are veritable world champions and the champions with the most legendary attributes!

   So even if you don't participate in the World Cup in the future, there is no regret, you can really consider a new FIFA.

   "Wu, does the Chinese team think that everything that happened tonight is the instruction of FIFA?"

   "Wu, are you suggesting that this game has been affected by politics?"

   "The Chinese team is the first champion in the history of the World Cup to refuse to accept the award. Don't you worry about being punished by FIFA?"

   "Will the Chinese team withdraw from FIFA?"


   After Wu Jie's public speech, the media at the scene were naturally more excited than taking drugs, and all kinds of weird questions were thrown out.

   "We only want a fair and just treatment, even if it is relatively fair and just! As for whether tonight's game meets our minimum requirements, I think everyone can see it clearly, no need to say more."

After Wu Jie was stunned by FIFA, he saw reporters on the scene still making a mess of speeches and questions. He could only say loudly: "Although we refuse to accept the award, we will attend the post-match press conference later. If you want to ask. Questions, you can ask questions there."

   FIFA officials heard that the Chinese team would actually participate in the post-match press conference, so you don’t have to think about it and they will definitely continue to output high intensity!

   They definitely don’t want the Chinese team to speak to the media anymore. These guys are just like stunned young men without EQ and IQ. How can they dare to say anything?

   Do you really want to make a new FIFA come out?

   They will not have reached any agreement with the Americans and the Soviets?

   FIFA is going to be a little panicked, the more and more the Chinese team seems to have premeditated!

   Will there be a bear and an eagle standing behind them?

At this time, the Mexican Football Association and the on-site staff don’t care what the Chinese team will say. It doesn’t matter whether the Chinese team accepts the award or not. Even if the Chinese team does not participate in the post-match press conference, it is their own business. Just follow the process.

FIFA hopes to prevent the Chinese team from continuing to speak in front of the media. Unfortunately, things have developed to this point and they are no longer in charge. Even the Western media will not choose to help FIFA at this time. They just want to Make the pill bigger.

   Therefore, the Chinese team successfully appeared at the post-match press conference, and the press conference site that could accommodate nearly a thousand people was already crowded to the point of squeezing people into pregnancy.

"We can see what kind of unfair treatment the Chinese team has suffered tonight. The Swedish referee Ron Dahl in this final will definitely be a shameful example of being nailed to the refereeing circle forever in this game." This is a Japanese media. "But what we want to know more is how did the Chinese team finally overcome everything and complete the legendary battle in such an impossible situation?"

No one was appointed to answer this question. Wu Jie was naturally unmoved. Lin Yaodong picked up the microphone on the table and said: "This world can limit one person. In fact, it is because your will is weak. The real strong can complete ordinary people. It seems that the impossible mission is the same when changing to a team, such as 10 players against 15 players."

   The first half of this answer is still normal, at most it has some secondary atmosphere, but the last sentence is meaningful.

   This is almost a clear indication that not only the referee will be nailed to the shame of the referee tonight, but the entire referee team must be nailed.

   The Japanese reporter's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked, "Excuse me, what exactly is meant by '10 against 15 people'?"

Lin Yaodong sneered: "Of course it means'if the world can't give you justice, then you need to be fair to yourself'. The specific method is-we want the championship, and the trophy is reserved for them. The winning side, we are not rare!"

   Chen Haonan coughed. He felt that Lin Yaodong shouldn't say the phrase "we are not rare," because it was tantamount to not leaving any room for the other party. It would be better not to speak too much.

   So he added: "We think FIFA is fair in general, but evil will always go ahead of fairness, and the fairness of Asian teams will always come later."

   Chen Haonan's words seem to have helped FIFA save their respect, but after careful analysis, they have to make people secretly slander.

   You are saying good things to others, you are obviously giving FIFA another layer of eye drops.

   At this time, a CBS reporter from the United States asked Wu Jie: "We can all see that you and your team are in an unprecedented and abnormal predicament tonight. Do you agree with Lin's way of winning?"

   "No, I think it is the heart of a champion that really leads us out of the predicament. Please never underestimate the heart of a champion!"

   When Wu Jie saw that it was an American TV station, he took this famous saying as his own.

   As soon as this famous saying in the future sports world was exported, of course, the reporters present couldn't help but applaud, and the headline of tomorrow was counted.

At this time, the British media couldn’t help it. A tabloid reporter from Sky Sports asked Wu Jie: “You and Lin both think that tonight’s game has lost fairness and justice, but if it’s really not fair and just, you guys How can we achieve the final victory?"

   Wu Jie cursed inwardly, you really know how to ask!

Of course, this question cannot be answered positively. He decisively focused his answer on fairness and justice, saying: "This world has always been unfair, but the World Cup should not be the same as because The meaning of the existence of this event is "fairness and justice." Once these are lost, it means that it has the inevitability of death."

   "Why do you say that? Do you think the World Cup will lose its authority because of tonight's game?"

   "I don't know what other people think of it, but this champion is in my heart and has lost its original weight at this moment."

   These remarks caused an uproar at the scene, but Wu Jie rarely made such offensive remarks? !

   If you think about his position in football after tonight, FIFA is really overwhelmed!

At this time, a reporter from his family’s "Daily Mirror" asked him: "If you exclude all the injustices in the penalty tonight, what does this World Cup champion mean to you? This is the highest honor every football player dreams of. !"

Wu Jie seemed to be lost in thought after hearing the words, and only after a long while with a somewhat confused expression, he said: "I didn't really think about this, but after winning, I suddenly had an unprecedented feeling-maybe the champion is for me A desire, or life itself is a process of constantly satisfying desires. So when you can’t satisfy it, it will be painful, but when you are satisfied, you will feel bored. Now I have a kind of confusion after losing my direction. Can't think of where to go next?"


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