Big Country Sports

Chapter 406: Choose "two"

   Wu Jie's remarks are not a groan without illness, he is paving the way for a more colorful and legendary life in the future.

   He is only 23 years old this year, and he has perfected his football career.

   If it develops on a normal trajectory, there will be at most one goal for three consecutive championships in the future.

   If this achievement can be achieved, it will indeed make him surpass Pele and become the first person in football history.

   But to be honest, even if he calls himself the first man in history now, Pele's chances of winning are not great.

   Although he only has one World Cup trophy, it is definitely more difficult to lead the Chinese team to the championship than to lead Brazil to the championship.

   In addition, his performance in recent years is enough to make up for the gap between the two champions. It can even be said that the gold content of this World Cup champion is comparable to Pele's three.

   So if he wants to be more legendary, he can only go to the grave or retire!

  Imagine that at the age of 24, he is invincible in the world, no opponents and targets can be found anymore, only to retire early in the loneliness of loneliness and defeat. Does this sound more legendary?

   If you retire to play basketball, is it more legendary than legend?

   This script sounds familiar, of course, but it is his best script so far, at least better than going to the grave!

   It’s not that Wu Jie didn’t do this. The whole world knows that his favorite is not football, but basketball. This matter has been mentioned more than once after he became famous.

   Over the years, he has participated in many TV shows. Fans from all over the world have basically seen him show off his basketball skills on the show, and it is really a kind of style.

   So this is not a momentary thought, but a long-planned thought.

  The question now is: What kind of performance is he going to play in basketball?

   This really needs to be carefully considered, but he is not worried that he will play jokes like Jordan, because he was a basketball player in his previous life!

   Although he has devoted himself to football over the years, he has to use an advanced virtual training card for each additional tool to make it grow rapidly. He actually has nearly 20 virtual training times.

   This means that if you just practice football, the training time will have overflowed.

   So he has not only trained thousands of hours of basketball, but also boxing and free fighting, he has also practiced for hundreds of hours with the Luo brothers and sisters and Qin Jian, and even has the top amateur level in several shooting events.

   Even without special training at this time, his basketball skills rely on experience in previous lives and virtual training, at least there is no problem playing a starting point guard in a domestic league.

   If another training card is used to spend four or five hours to strengthen, and another one or two hundred high-quality basketball games are played in between, then a point guard superstar can make his debut.

   But the question is, is he necessary to become a basketball superstar?

   If his full-time job is too successful, is it necessary to return to the green field?

  Wu Jie just wants to make his legend on the green field more colorful, and by the way fulfill his dream of entering the national team to play the Olympics in his previous life, but he does not really want to become a full-time basketball player.

   The next World Cup, he will come back and continue to fight!

   In addition, he must be based on the premise of "realistic rationality", so the time to play basketball halfway without doing his job properly can only be two years at most.

   This time is not nonsense, he has to set aside a year as a pavement for the change of basketball.

   This year mainly reflects his psychological changes. During this period, he has to let the outside world understand why he plays basketball?

   Therefore, in the coming year, he must let the outside world feel the loneliness and loneliness after he is invincible on the green field, so that his transfer will become logical.

   Of course, this process seems a bit redundant, but in reality, we still have to pay attention to a reasonableness.

   In addition, doing so can also make the media become more legendary when reporting, and when fans talk about it, and the topicality will be higher!

   Then, he has to set aside a year dedicated to basketball training.

   This is also considered from the perspective of "authenticity". Basketball and football are two completely different sports. Just think about one using hands and the other using feet, and you will know how big the difference is!

   Although Wu Jie has been paving the way for the transition to basketball for many years, it is really unreasonable to seamlessly transform from the first player in football to a basketball superstar.

   So he has to set aside a year as a training period for job transfer, which is the minimum that makes people feel "reasonable".

   Finally, he still has to set aside a year to return to the green field for an adaptation period. This is also for the rationality of reality.

   Such a calculation, the time he can really devote himself to basketball seems to be only one year.

   But Wu Jie pointed out that if the time planning is reasonable, then this year's time can just cover the next Olympic Games.

   That means that if he follows this set of transfer procedures, he can just participate in the "Seoul Olympics" basketball event?

   But the question has returned to the original point. At what level will he "expand" and "end" his basketball career?

  The **** of basketball?

   A superstar?

   Hall of Fame star?

  Ordinary star? National team starting? National team substitute?

  Wu Jie is very entangled with this, but the "national team substitute" should be the lowest optional standard, otherwise he will not have the opportunity to participate in the Olympics. He doesn't want to get the same script as the original Jordan.

   But the level is too high, because then there is no need to go back to play football.

   Wu Jiesi thought about it, and found it difficult to make a choice in a moment.

But the approximate range can be determined. The worst cannot be lower than the starting level of the national team, otherwise the legendary will be greatly reduced; and the highest, the best cannot reach the level of the Hall of Fame, otherwise it will be too unreal and will Let him return to football without excuses.

Then the two options that can be selected are "national team starting" and "ordinary star". This level range not only makes his entire sports career more legendary, but also not too much like Superman, but also improves Under the premise of the level of men's basketball, not to grab the limelight of Ruda.


   The Chinese team did not intend to stay longer in Mexico after a press conference that was enough to trigger a football tsunami. The whole team packed up and saluted the next day, and boarded the plane back to Asia that night.

   The routes between China and Mexico have been opened before the start of the World Cup, but the number of flights is really small. If the Chinese team wants to leave the next day, there is only one flight to Tokyo.

This is just on the way. They are carrying their newly released World Cup champion status and the first World Cup title in Asia. They can also become the aura of the king of green with yellow outsiders. Their influence has long been so high that even the Chinese team themselves could not even think of it. Degree.

  What is the real "Asian group" can be seen from the scale of the thousands of people picking up at the "New Tokyo International Airport", although most of these people are fans of the three kings of heaven.

   It's a pity that Wu Jie has no idea to increase his influence to collect money. His current global influence is also so high that he can't even estimate it.

   This will be a mess of FIFA's top management, at least half of it is due to his influence.

   After the game, he couldn’t suppress what he said. Not only the sports media are reporting crazy, but also the financial news on Wall Street and the gentleman magazines all over the world are also covering the topical World Cup final.

   Not only that, even FIFA’s headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, has been rushed by alien fans these days.

   This is not an adjective, but the FIFA headquarters was really rushed in by the protest team organized by the "ET House".

   The footage shot at the scene clearly showed that the FIFA headquarters was breached by a group of crazy protesting fans. There were hundreds of people in this group. They easily broke through the guard line and entered the building.

   FIFA staff hurriedly ran into the basement, some of the unlucky ones who had no time to run even got under the table in fright and did not dare to move for several hours.

During this period, the doors and windows of many rooms and offices were broken. Naturally, many people took the opportunity to buy at zero dollars. After all, there are many exhibits and souvenirs in the FIFA headquarters that are of great value to fans. It is said that even FIFA The office of Co-Chairman Avelange was occupied and bloodbathed. Even his computer was taken away.

   Wu Jie admitted that he himself underestimated his influence, not to mention that his fans in Europe would be so crazy that he actually dared to attack the FIFA headquarters spontaneously.

   This matter is still in turmoil. The Chinese team will stay in Japan for a few days, and then they will have to travel around Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Hong Kong and other places, the purpose of course is to take the opportunity to collect money.

   Wu Jie and others are not short of money, but the Football Association is still very poor.

Their money for selling players and local tyrants, even with various subsidies from the sports fund, is used for national echelon training, professional and amateur stadium construction, logistics, and various personnel training. Not enough.

   The football association of the original plane is much poorer than it is now, but the current football association is even more short of money than the original plane. The reason is of course that the football association of this plane has too many things to do, so it has to spend too much money.

   So in addition to Wu Jie going back to discuss with his laozi how to pit FIFA, first return to home and abroad from Japan alone, Chen Haonan and Lin Yaodong had to tour Asia with the team.


On July 14, the fifth day after Wu Jie’s disappearance from Japan, the fourth day after the FIFA headquarters was hit, and the third day before the Chinese team was almost destroyed, Xinhua News Agency conducted Wu Jie’s visit at his residence in Beijing. Interview.

   "If you can't solve the problem, then solve the speaker. This has always been the favorite choice for Westerners!"

   Wu Jie said in this interview that it will definitely not be published. This naturally refers to the crash of the Chinese team's flight three days ago.

   He is really a little frightened now. He didn't expect that a team that had been training for six years would almost get beaten up overnight!

   Four days ago, he broke up with the team from Japan, and when he arrived in Beijing, he received news that the plane on which the Chinese team was travelling had crashed midway.

   Of course, the Chinese team did not appear on the crashed plane.

   This is also the news that continued to make a global sensation after the FIFA headquarters was hit in the last two days. In short, the football chaos in the past few days has become a pot of porridge.

   This also indirectly made the people of FIFA arrived in China today.

   Wu Jie now feels that FIFA is also very miserable, because this matter is hard not to be linked to the World Cup finals, and even many Westerners think it is revenge after the impact of the FIFA headquarters.

   As for the Chinese team did not get on the midway crash, a total of 175 people including the crew were killed. Of course, it was the credit of the system card.

This is what Wu Jie is grateful for. After he led the team to the semi-finals in Mexico, he felt that his team was in a very dangerous situation, so he did not hesitate to pay the three of them, and he used it in several important starters. Warning card.

   This is why the Chinese team banned the players from eating food in the hotel before the final, and even the drinking water must be brought to drink.

   This is because he was picking up food from the hotel, and the system rang a fierce alarm.

   The system's alarm is not directly prompted by text or voice, but this kind of warning sound is enough to let them know where the danger is coming from.

   When Chen Haonan and Lin Yaodong left the hotel for the airport that day, the same warning sounded like an air strike.

   Do you still need to say, the plane for a while is obviously too hard to ride.

   So the two hurriedly found an excuse and dragged the team to miss the flight.

   Now that the plane has been sleeping forever on the bottom of the sea, the black box has not been found, and it is estimated that it will not be found in the future.

   But the cause of the accident he found from the system was that the guard strip of the static pressure hole was not removed.

   This is an accident caused by humans, at least it is a serious human error.

   But Wu Jie doesn't believe that Japanese airlines will make such a low-level mistake, and it is the plane they were going to fly on.

   Don't say he doesn't believe this, the whole world doesn't believe that there would be such a coincidence.

   So the FIFA executives have been suffering from insomnia for a few days, and this account will definitely be counted on them.

   But Wu Jie knows very well that FIFA definitely does not have such a big energy, and they will not be so stupid to do this kind of thing that must be done without success. This is not a crime!

   The Japanese are also unlikely. They can at best be sour the achievements of Chinese football, but they absolutely cannot use such drastic means.

Besides, it is not a matter of the past few years that Japanese football is rubbed under the body by Chinese football. They have endured their star slave status for nearly a century. Even during the Republic of China, they did not use such obscure means. They are playing like this now. The probability is too low.

   As for who did this, he can find out through the system with tens of thousands of points.

   But Wu Jie didn't want to know who it was, because it didn't matter. Once the opponent missed, he wouldn't do it again. Secondly, he was more guarded now, and it was impossible to do it again.

   The most important thing is that there are too many forces in the world that have this kind of motive, including the Japanese who actually have motives. They just won’t be so stupid as to use their own company.

   So even if you find out who did it this time, you can't tell who will do it next time, so there is no need to entangle who it is.

   But in the future, he must use warning cards for himself and the tools for a long time. He believes that this kind of thing will happen in the future.

   This is not unfounded worry. When he was young, he also thought that political conspiracy, commercial wars, family battles, these things must be like in novels and movies, all of them are turbulent undercurrents, there is no gunpowder, no blood, and high IQ plots.

But as a person who has returned from 2025 and is actually over half a hundred years old, he is well aware that there are turbulent undercurrents in the real political and business wars, but there are more unimaginable dog blood, and even subvert you. Imagine.

  The most commonly used one here is the unsatisfactory "body elimination"!

   But the good thing for him now is-as long as this is not done, it will be absolutely good news for China. At least for some time in the future, China will no longer suffer discrimination in the field of sports.

Whoever discriminates against China openly at this stall can be done by anyone, but anyone who can’t afford to bear the scapegoat will have a chance to buckle him, and even China can take the initiative to throw it at people who are not pleasing to the eye. Well.

   So this kind of thing should continue to happen in the future, and the more complicated and confusing, the better.

  Wu Jie is creating more chaos. He has already sent sentences to the Swedish referees. Among them, the chief referee has received a diamond-level [Fate Card].

   Unless it is a politician or celebrity from all walks of life, can a doom card of this level offset most of its power through its own influence, and at most it will cause a bloodshed.

   But even a small well-known public figure who eats such a card of bad luck is at least the end of lack of arms and legs.

The influence of the referees has become negative after the game, and the effect of the cards will be stronger in the notorious state, so the assistant referees are at least completely paralyzed. As for the referee, it can basically be scheduled. A coffin is out.

   He knows that once this person enters the grave, plus a few assistant referees are dead or disabled, it is undoubtedly more beneficial for the Chinese team. At least one conclusion of the destruction of the dead will not run away.

   As for the current benefits, naturally the body side can scam FIFA a lot, but it is more appropriate to describe it as a "deal".

   Wu Jie hopes that the body can knock one or two more seats on the board of directors from FIFA, which means that China will greatly increase its voting rights in important FIFA events in the future.

   This is a very important thing. Why can Korea, in the original plane, be able to do such annoying things in the World Cup?

   That is not just something that can be done with skin and money. At that time, South Koreans were much stronger in FIFA than Japan.

   He didn't want to learn from the Koreans, but to learn that the Germans have the ability to replace the referees who are not good for him before the game. Otherwise, even if things like this year are no longer so outrageous in the future, they will eventually have to play a disadvantaged role.

   In addition, more funds are needed for the development of football in developing countries. They really need this money to train echelons, coaches, referees, officials and team doctors, and build sports facilities.

   If it weren't for the current Chinese football, no one would be eligible to run for the chairman of FIFA. This is what he really wants.

   Of course, it is too difficult to do this. He must be like Pele who helped Avilange become the president of FIFA with his personal influence before he has the opportunity to run for the Chinese in the FIFA family.

But the problem is that Chinese football must first have a sports figure who is respected by the world like Avelange, and this is really not easy to do. Maybe he won’t have the chance to stand for election, but this is him again. Reluctant choice.

   After Wu Jie's interview with Xinhua News Agency, there was another CCTV interview and many international media interviews.

   This CCTV interview was arranged by him in the training hall of the Bayi team, and he even brought together several international media. The famous name is that he met Ruda, an old friend, to reminisce about the past with the help of the interview.

  Also, after he reached the top of the World Cup, he suddenly wanted to play a game of basketball.

Of course, CCTV will not refuse his request, and the international media are too late for joy, because this is equivalent to interviewing two god-like figures at one time, and even seeing Wu Jie and Ruda’s cross-border basketball game. This is simply A big pie fell from the sky!

   "Don't come here!"

   Luda was reluctant to Wu Jie running over to play basketball. Of course he knew Wu Jie’s "legendary plan". This CCTV interview was one of the foreshadowings for a future job change.

   But as a tool man, he can only perform with Wu Jie reluctantly.

   Luda's current fame is naturally far from being compared with Wu Jie.

   Originally, Jordan could have the same status as Pele and Maradona in the sports It was with the help of the American media and the influence of the NBA.

Ruda has actually achieved the same achievements as Jordan’s original plane, and his personal dominance in the basketball field is not inferior to Wu Jie’s football. In addition, leading the men’s basketball team to win the World Championships and the Olympic Games is no less significant. Wu Jie led the national football team to win the World Cup.

But the problem is that the influence of the Chinese media is too small. The influence of the Chinese Basketball League is far inferior to that of the NBA. The most important thing is that the influence of basketball is far inferior to that of football. This makes Ruda, who is already a **** in basketball, is far less famous than Wu Jie. .

Of course, this is also relatively speaking. In fact, Ruda’s name has long been known to everyone around the world. Even those who don’t know much about basketball now know at least that the first person in the basketball field is a Chinese. Mention the name "Ruda" and everyone knows who it is.

   "Don't behave, I'm here to play basketball, I am actually fulfilling you!"

In the training hall of the Bayi team, Wu Jie’s first sentence after meeting and hugging Ruda was to let this guy not get cheap and behave. The biggest beneficiary of his doing this is definitely Ruda, because this is equivalent to pulling the world. Of football fans come to complete Ruda.

  PS: I know that most of the book friends who read this book don't like watching basketball, so this part will not be too detailed.


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