Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1963: Reason

In Li Shishi's group, there is no lack of flying instruments, but in the end everyone still drove the bus back.

Put down Wang Dapeng and several other Wudang disciples in the Xiuzhen small courtyard, and then entered the mountain gate, but was stopped by the guards-Di Aixin is no longer Luohua's person. This time, if he wants to enter, Feng Jun must nod.

Feng Jun rushed over and placed Di Aixin in a house next to the No. 1 pump, slapped the whole body again, and fed two pills, and then told Gao Qiang, within three days, you treat him like this, and then You can send him away.

Gao Qiang glared at Di Caring fiercely. "Are you confessing to the boss, can't you come back to Luohua?"

In fact, Di Aixin's heart also regretted it. Between the two Longmen conferences, two years later, he experienced many things, both joyful and unbearable. He deeply realized the words "Jianghu".

Relatively speaking, Luohua can really be called a piece of pure land, there is no intrigue in it, and it is not affected by the outside world.

Moreover, the rivers and lakes have gone a lot. He has heard of Luohua more than once from other people's mouths. Knowing that Luohua now, there is no one dare to provoke the existence, and many people even heard that he was from Luohua. Also begged him to introduce.

Of course, someone quietly laughed at him in the back, saying that he could be pushed out when he entered into Luohua. This man was so unbearable-these people didn't believe it, and some people might take the initiative to come out of Luohua.

Di Aixin gradually realized that he was impulsive.

However, he was unwilling to face this problem, and he would not choose to return to Lovat. He said very clearly, "Luohua is kind to me and the boss is good to me. I remember that I will definitely return in the future! "

Poetry Sister Longmen won the championship. Not only did he not get closer to her, but farther away, plus this time she owed the love of Poetry Sister, he didn't look back.

Feng Jun doesn't matter anymore. He doesn't have any objection to Di's love. Who hasn't been young? Society will teach him to be a man!

But generally speaking, this person is not related to Luohua, but it is a pity that he is born with divine power.

After arranging Di's love, Feng Jun flashed back directly to the villa, wondering what other tasks he would send to everyone-when the big troops came back, they could send a little scattered task.

Within a few minutes, the large army also drove back. Yang Yuxin heard the news and hurried over to see her daughter.

When we saw Director Yang, we were a little surprised, and the Zhang family sisters exchanged glances: Is this the seventh floor?

But think about it again, everyone is busy, and in a vacuum, Director Yang took the opportunity to work hard to improve a little, but it is normal.

But when Zhong Lijing appeared, everyone couldn't calm down. Sister Red's eyes narrowed, Yu Qingzhu's pupils enlarged, and Gu Jiahui shouted directly, "This is ... the second floor peak?"

Fortunately, the good scenery is currently in the small building, otherwise everyone will have to hold her referee to ask questions.

Zhong Lijing was a bit at a loss, she was not good at handling this situation, and Yang Yuxin did not say anything.

Feng Jun couldn't shrink, he had to recognize what he had done, so he coughed and spoke lightly, "She can practice."

Chang Yuqing also works in the villa, and there is a little helper Ge Mingxia. She had long wanted to ask why, but she did n’t have the courage. Can remain silent.

Then, the second figure of Luohua asked the question, "Boss, can you cultivate so quickly?"

Feng Jun was actually very fond of Xiao Caixin, but after hearing Yang Yuxin's conversation with Haojingjing, he felt that he couldn't spoil her too much, so he nodded and responded blankly, "Yeah."

Zhang Caixin was a little annoyed. Did you explain this? "It's only two months, why can she pass?"

Feng Jun laughed when he heard, "Ask if you have any questions. This habit is good, but ... are you questioning me?"

Zhang Caixin was accustomed to growing up smoothly, and she has always been a second person, so she answered without hesitation, "There is no question, but the manor should have the rules of the manor."

She is so choking, and it is not without reason-Liang Siyu has not fallen into the world until now, more than two months.

As a result, the newcomer came and went straight to the top of the second floor. When I was a little dishonest, I didn't want to lose face?

Feng Jun knew she had such a temper, but she was not angry, but just smiled and asked, "What is the rule of the manor?"

"The rules of the manor ... that's the rules," Zhang Caixin is actually not good at fighting wits, there are some smarts, but great wisdom ... With her own conditions, there is no need to work hard to open.

But she knows how to use people well and knows who is strong in this respect. "Light bamboo, please explain."

Yu Qingzhu forcibly suppressed the urge to roll his eyes-this kind of broken thing, what do I call my name for?

But she felt her cousin's gaze-that was to hope that she would do justice.

And she also has calculations, so she spoke out, "It is the rules, no matter whether it is assessment or practice, it must be done step by step. With more and more people in Luohua, it is necessary to establish a system so that it will not be chaotic ... Sister, am I right? "

"Yes, very well," Zhang Caixin nodded, saying that I really chose the right person.

"That's right," Feng Jun nodded with a smile. "So I want to ask ... Can this rule restrain me?"

The scene was suddenly silent, and no one dared to speak out.

It stands to reason that since there are rules, the rules are the greatest, and the old saying is good—the prince committed the same crime as the people.

Zhang Caixin also wanted to answer in this way, but when it came to her lips, she suddenly realized that she couldn't say it.

Why did the prince break the law and sin with the people? Because not dealing with the prince will make the people dissatisfied and will shake the foundation of rule.

Because the whole Luohua is Feng Jun's, the benefits he brings are top-down, there is no exploitation, nor rely on the support of the bottom-resting in Western mythology, this is the general existence of the creation **** .

In this case, why should he be required to abide by the rules?

Feng Jun can leave, no matter where he goes, he is still the boss of Feng, but without Feng Jun, Luohua or Luohua?

Of normal people, no one likes a chaotic world. The pursuit of order is inevitable, but ... what is the world will?

If the world is gone, what is the point of order?

At a critical moment, Yu Qingzhu still said, "Boss, you are so powerful, you are the founder of Luohua, and no one can restrain you, but I just said that Luohua's system will become bigger and bigger. It ’s a rule so that it does n’t get messy. ”

"Even if you say 'There must be light', light will appear, but the premise is: you want light, not to say ... light appears inexplicably, everyone does not know why it appeared, this is contrary to human cognition , May cause panic. "

Yu Qingzhu's sense of the overall situation is really much stronger than that of Zhang Caixin, and she is born in a physique, even a top family, but she knows awe, she can usually look at all beings, but when she encounters force majeure, she also knows to consider it all .

Hearing this, not only others, but even Yang Yuxin couldn't help but glance at her: This child ... is amazing.

In words that ordinary people can understand, to clarify the essence of the rules, Director Yang may not be able to do it himself-not because of lack of ability, but she is used to expressing herself in the language of the system.

Feng Jun couldn't help but glance at her. This was the goddess in his mind. His mentality towards her was really complicated.

But no matter how he said it, he was also amazed by the first impression-starting from Yan value!

Later, he also knew that Yu Qingzhu was very good in business. As for the others ... he didn't know much, but he was sure that this girl was definitely not simple.

It's just that in the contacts that followed, especially during the time at Luohua Manor, he really didn't feel how extraordinary she was, but he still had a bit of obsession in his heart-a man likes face value, what's wrong?

But now her performance made him a little amazing, he asked with great interest, "What is your cognition?"

"The boss thinks she can practice, then she can practice," Yu Qingzhu looked at Zhong Lijing lightly, "We are willing to support unconditionally, but ... it would be better to give a reason."

Zhong Lijing couldn't help but have a chill ... What did I do, you are so hostile to me?

Feng Jun thinks that ~ ~ Yu Qingzhu's request is okay, but he won't answer directly-if you let me say, I will say, who do you think you are? So he turned around and left, "Go ask Gazi ... remember, don't tell me!"

Go ask Gazi? Everyone was stunned, Gu Jiahui had the quickest response, and he laughed out first, "Ha, Luo Yuhuan must also be anxious."

The young man's reaction was indeed quick, but she actually laughed because of the fun.

Everyone thinks about this, but it is the same reason, so when Ga Zi came back, Zhang Caixin greeted him to the backyard.

Gazi had asked Feng Jun before, and he did get the answer. When everyone asked him, he also sighed with regret, "Aren't Brother Jun holding Dan soon? He wants to polish his foundation."

Feng Jun used this reason to answer him at that time, instead of breaking apart and tearing it up like a good scenery-for different people, different reasons must be given.

Ga Zi didn't make any mistakes and couldn't find a reason to help Luo Yuhuan apply for advanced cultivation.

Others listened to him, and it seemed a little unbelievable, but Red Sister nodded. "If it is really such a huh, he is embarrassed to tell others that it can be explained."

Zhang Caixin said disapprovingly, "Neither is this an outsider, what can't I say?"

"Sister Xin," Gu Jiahui said aloud, "I am still a baby, you must pay attention to the flowers of the motherland!"

That being said, she didn't mean to leave at all.

However, Ga Zi coughed and said in a straight voice, "The boss said, once the truth is told, and the hearts of the people in the manor are floating, it will be bad."

(It is another three shifts. The double time is less than thirty hours, and friends with monthly tickets. Hurry up and vote, in case you forget it tomorrow?)

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