Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1964: From then on

Afraid to spread it? Zhang Caixin snorted disapprovingly, "In the end it's still a woman, why can't you see him looking for someone else?"

Zhong Lijing's face value is indeed relatively beautiful among the newcomers.

"Cough," Sister Red coughed softly. "Okay, it's right not to pass it out, or someone might feel uneasy."

Everyone agreed not to spread it, how could it not be spread? Within a few days, everyone who knew should know.

Zhao Xia and Liu Yuting don't even bother. After hearing this rumor, Liang Siyu thought about it for two days, and still couldn't help looking for Zhang Caixin. "Cai Xin, did you have any special tips when you first entered the world?"

"I started in half a step, and you don't know," Zhang Caixin rolled his eyes helplessly and replied angrily, "Straight, what the **** do you want to do?"

In fact, she can basically determine why her girlfriends are here. This kind of thing ... she is also quite contradictory.

Liang Siyu took a look around and lowered his voice and said, "Well, I heard that your husband is very good at handling this kind of thing?"

She dared not say the word "boss" casually. Who doesn't know in the manor now? As long as these two words are mentioned, it will inevitably lead to the attention of the boss-unconsciously, boss Feng is so powerful?

Zhang Caixin sighed helplessly, "So, I have a girlfriend who misses my husband?"

"Borrow for a while," Liang Siyu said with a smile. "It's not bad, it will be returned to you after it's used!"

"You're not ashamed or ashamed," Zhang Caixin laughed at her with a smile, but the boss wasn't her alone, so she couldn't be angry about this, but she had a full face and spoke directly, "You and Xiaozhong don't Similarly, they have never talked about boyfriends. "

Zhong Lijing actually talked about her boyfriend. Everyone knows that she is Luohua who came after "broken relationship", so Xiao Caixin said "talking about boyfriend" is just a physical condition.

"Hey, you were young and ignorant at that time," Liang Siyu sighed quietly. "It's really too late to regret now ... However, I don't ask to go straight to the second floor of the declining wall, I just ask for the entry threshold. This is very simple. Right? "

Zhang Caixin shook his head, "I'm not sure, what is the proportion of his solid foundation, but I can be sure that I can't help you much."

Liang Siyu's face was wrinkled, and she took the initiative to send it to the door. Others still rejected it. This is really shameful. Although she is similar to Zhang Yunzhen, she is more beautiful than Feng Jun's 75-year-old ex-girlfriend. less.

But at the moment, she did not care about the shame, just said, "I said Caixin, the manor has recruited two batches of people in succession, only me is the one who paid the money to work, this is a good face for you? If I am late You ca n’t get into the world, where is your face? "

Zhang Caixin also knew that Liang Siyu was indeed the only one who paid to work.

The key point is ... Luo Hua's second person really cares about face. The person she introduced has been working hard for more than two years, but she has not lost her life. The new person introduced by Teacher Mei has been in the second floor for more than two months. !

Zhang Caixin pondered and said, "Half a year, for a period of half a year, if you are not into Mofan, I will find a way to help you ... Yu Qingzhu into Mofan, it took almost half a year."

Her remarks are actually a bit untrue. When Yu Qingzhu began to practice, the boss said that she would be difficult to get started. Later facts also proved that it is really difficult to step up the entry threshold, but the speed is also fast.

Zhang Caixin did not deliberately fool her girlfriends, but she really dared not make any promises, and where is Feng Jun ’s master, what can she do? Pushing it back and forth is serious.

In fact, she is very emotional, and she really tried hard.

After supper, she blocked the boss, whispered Liang Siyu's appeal, and said, "... already has a sense of gas, I guess she will soon step into the world, now you need the boss, you give Commitment may not be necessary. "

Feng Jun rolled his eyelids and said helplessly, "Do you really treat me as a toolman? Wait a minute ..."

He took out his mobile phone and swiped it twice, and found that Liang Siyu had stepped into the mortal world, which was probably four months, which is a total of eight months. So easy.

He thought about it and said, "It is impossible in six months. I suspect that she may not be angry now, maybe you are lying."

It's not that she lied to me, it was me who lied to you! Zhang Caixin knew very well, so she had nothing to say,

Feng Jun also guessed that there is such a possibility, but being a man, seeing through and not talking about it, considering Liang Siyu is indeed out of real gold and silver, he also said very simply, "You can quietly tell her that six months will not Into the world, I can give her a Yan Dan. "

In Yan Dan? Zhang Caixin raised his eyebrows and nodded with a smile, "Okay."

She was very sure, only for this resident Yan Dan, Liang Siyu couldn't even fall into the mortal world, it doesn't matter-yuck, how can you think so? As a matter of fact, if Liang Siyu wanted to pass the cultivation method and advance to the next level, there would be other candidates without Feng Jun.

Yu Qingzhu, who is practicing not far away, frowned slightly--her skill of earth listening became more and more adept, but she was thinking at the moment, is this not a color blank, how could it be so repelled by Liang Siyu?

Sure enough, when Zhang Caixin talked to Liang Siyu about Feng Jun's meaning, Liang Siyu instantly petrified, "Zhan Yandan ... does this kind of thing really exist?"

"Yes," Zhang Caixin replied very positively, "but it's very rare, and I ate one a while ago."

"Your plastic girlfriend ..." Liang Siyu played with her again for a while, and then sighed leisurely. "Caixin, I don't think it is so different from Zhong Lijing. How could he not look at me?"

"The two of you are indeed similar," Zhang Caixin said from the standpoint of his girlfriend, "but, who made you a boyfriend?"

"Ah, that **** really hurt me," Liang Siyu said of this topic, and really gritted his teeth.

But soon, she adjusted her mood and even started to figure out, "Caixin, otherwise I don't have to practice in a hurry, first go for a facelift, and after recovering, just wait for Yan Yan ... what do you say? "

She is a beautiful woman, but she is also dissatisfied with some small flaws on her face. Since she may get Yan Dan, why not adjust to the most beautiful state?

"You dare!" Zhang Caixin completely refused this time, "I tell you, Si Yu, if you do this, I will definitely ignore the cultivation resources in the future ... Which is more important, appearance and cultivation?"

In the final analysis, Xiaocaixin also wants to be face-saving—Zhan Yandan is the compensation I won for you. How dare you fall off the chain?

Liang Siyu is really a little afraid of girlfriends now. They are the second character of Luohua. How many people need to act on her face.

But she thinks about it again, her age is not very big, after getting Yan Yan Dan, she will first step into the mortal world, then do a small facelift, and then take it again, without delay.

Then she took a very relaxed mood to practice, and the result was really a miracle.

Before her accumulation is almost the same, the relevant knowledge is not lacking, but she always compares herself with the rest of Luohua. status.

Such a relaxation, but it is in line with the state of Taoism and cultivation, actually one afternoon a week later, it naturally entered a layer of transformation.

The movement of her breakthrough was not big, and the people around her were not affected, but the good scenery felt keenly, she immediately stopped practicing and hurried to protect her.

It is a mysterious and mysterious feeling to enter the realm at the beginning. Liang Siyu vaguely felt that he might have touched something, so he carried the breath subconsciously, and could not stop it again and again.

At this time, when someone finished training and walked out of the room, he was shocked to see that Dean Mei was sitting at the door of Liang Siyu, making a "silent" gesture, and immediately knew what was happening, "This is ... a breakthrough Alright? "

It is not the first time for the cultivators of the small cultivation center to see someone break through, but they know that in that house is Liang Siyu of Luohua ~ ~ a hard time. Woman.

Someone came to arch his hand and spoke softly, "Once you enter the world, you will be refined!"

Because it was almost dinner time, more and more people came out, some people still wanted to talk about something, found that the atmosphere here is abnormal, quietly inquire about it, only to know that Liang Siyu has fallen away, and also congratulated remotely.

According to the convention, if someone advances, everyone will tacitly agree to disturb, and behaviors such as Tao will also shift places, but this time it is a vulgar atmosphere. Some people come to speak in a low voice and want to feel this breath.

In fact, normal voices will not affect Liang Siyu, and each room has an independent defense, but everyone is still willing to maintain certain respect for the advancement of Daoyou.

Dean Mei declined the request of everyone to feel the breath. She said that the breath of the people who first entered the world would not be very stable. You must go to each other first, and wait for her to come back and feel it later.

Liang Siyu consolidated his breath for a while, and vaguely understood that he was mortal, and for a time he was shocked and happy-I was not ready yet, so mortal?

When she pushed open the door, it was already the next morning. When she saw Dean May meditating at the door, she raised her hand and arched, "Thank you for the master's protection ... I am so mortal?"

Director Mei nodded, and someone next to him congratulated him, "Congratulations to Liang Daoyou, as soon as he enters the world, he will be refined ..."

Liang Siyu seemed to be in a dream. She returned the gift in a daze. I didn't know how many times she returned the gift. She suddenly remembered something and couldn't help wailing, "God, my face ..."

Fortunately, she was a little wary and didn't pronounce all three words, but the Taoist friends next to her were also a little curious, "What's the lead?"

Dean May gave a cold look at Liang Siyu and said softly, "Si Yu, are you too happy?"

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