Big Manga

Chapter 995: Gate of Destiny Steins

The craze for movies is still going on. After the school season arrives, the university town is bustling again. The theaters in Manga Island are crowded with college students who come to watch "[New Chapter] Rebellious Story" every day.

On the other hand, "Blue Love Opera" achieved an unexpected high box office, and two consecutive animated films were successful. Zhongxia Company immediately announced the production of the new film—almost at the same time as Phoenix Company.

As expected, Zhongxia Company's next film will be the theatrical version of the hit animation "Fate", while Phoenix Company's next film will be the theatrical version of "Detective Conan". "When it premiered, the script and planning were handed over to DreamWorks.

According to the future plan of Phoenix Company, DreamWorks will produce a theatrical version of "Detective Conan" and "Pokemon" every year, and will not add new film studios within two years-so when Meng Huo wants to produce other theaters When the animation was released, DreamWorks had to reschedule.

DreamWorks, which was established last year, has produced three animations in a row. However, these three animations were completed after all employees worked overtime and worked very hard. It is impossible to maintain this speed for a long time in the future. In order to increase the quality of animation, DreamWorks' annual production speed must also be controlled at about 2 to 2.5 movies.

That is to say, Meng Huo may release a film other than "Detective Conan" and "Little Fairy" in two years-of course, this is based on the fact that DreamWorks is no longer expanding, and Meng Huo at least It is not planned to be expanded during this year.

He has been working for several years, and he has long planned an instant trip after graduation this year. At least until he came back, he wouldn't put an extra burden on himself. As for this matter, no one in Phoenix Company can force him.

The income of two movies a year is already very satisfactory, and now the entire Phoenix Company has a consensus that their greatest wealth is not movies or animation. But He Xi this person.

He Xi's health and inspiration are the most important things to ensure the company's future development, so after the Spring Festival, when Meng Huo officially stated in a high-level meeting that he would go on a trip during the summer vacation. All chose to support.

Meng Huo expects that his trip will last from several months to half a year this time, and he will arrange all the main business before the trip. Of course, the serialization of one or two comics may also be stopped. This incident is not a good thing for Phoenix, and they will usher in a cold period.

Even so, everyone approved his plan. It was a loss for He Xi to leave, but he was able to choose to relax, which is also a rare blessing-you must know that for many years, what everyone worried most was that He Xi would not relax.

The time for Meng Huo's trip is determined to be between June and September, but the specific date has not been set for the time being, because all departments have to discuss with him and prepare for work after leaving.

Therefore, a relatively generous choice has been set.

"June if it's fast, or August if it's slow." Sitting in the island studio, Meng Huo said to Qin Ya: "When I left, you might be in charge of the work here."

Qin Ya suddenly felt a lot of pressure: "I said teacher, let's just take a vacation... a few months vacation!"

She doesn't think she can maintain the operation of the island studio. Of course, the daily management is no problem. The problem is that she can't guarantee that the animation quality will remain at the same level for several months-this is He Xi's job.

"A few months off..." Meng Huo thought for a while. Island Animation Studio has always been diligent. Not releasing new works for a few months will not have much impact on their brand. The problem is to give the painters a few months off. This is unprecedented.

"I have a suggestion for you, teacher." Qin Ya looked at Meng Huo's thoughts, and said, "You give vacations to those who want vacations, and arrange new jobs for those who don't—send them to work in other animation departments. "

Meng Huo's eyes lit up. That's a really good idea. The strength of the artists in Island Studio is strongest in Phoenix Company. Arranging these artists to work in several other studios, those studios will obviously welcome them very much - and in this way, he doesn't have to worry too much about other animation studios after he leaves. Time for animation quality.

"That makes sense, um... your suggestion is very good!" Meng Huo thought more and more rightly, nodded and said, "I'll ask them what they think after a while, there's enough time for them to make a choice before I leave, Qin Ya, do you have a place you want to go? I will arrange it for you first."

Qin Ya immediately waved her hand: "No need. Teacher, you should give me a vacation!"

Meng Huo smiled: "That's right, you have comics to draw. And the animation of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva". After I leave, I'm not afraid that I won't have anything to do!"

"It's not for this reason..." Qin Ya muttered. She looked at Meng Huo with a smile, then took out a notepad from her side, and handed it over: "Teacher, let's not talk about what will happen in a few months, now would you mind drawing some pictures for me?"

"What painting?"

Meng Huo took the notebook.

"Simple, it's a caricature of a character..."

Qin Ya pointed to Meng Huo to open the notepad, which had recorded the characters' appearances, temperaments and characteristics of several characters. Qin Ya believed that Meng Huo could draw them into caricatures only by expressing them in words.

"Where are these characters from?"

Drawing pictures is not difficult for Meng Huo, as long as he draws the prototype in his head, he can draw these pictures in a few minutes - but he wonders why Qin Ya doesn't draw them, and these characters don't look like Characters in "Legend of the Galactic Diva".

"I can't tell you where they are now." Qin Ya said with a smile: "Teacher, draw quickly, don't forget that I have to help you with work today! If you don't help me draw, I will be perfunctory It's over."

Meng Huo was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head. Although he didn't think Qin Ya would really play it off in front of him, it was just a few paintings, and he had nothing to shirk.

After the paintings were finished, Qin Ya took a look at them, and almost couldn't help but kiss them: "It's so beautiful, teacher, you are really better than me, and my paintings are not as temperamental as yours!"

"You also painted?" Meng Huo noticed the important point.

Qin Ya nodded. The reason why she didn't bring her own drawings was because she was worried about giving Meng Huo a preconceived impression of the character's image. And simply relying on the original text description, Meng Huo was able to draw the character in his mind.

As far as the result is concerned, Qin Ya believes that this teacher's adaptation of novels into comics may be unmatched. He can describe the image in the text very well.

"What are you going to use these paintings for?" Meng Huo asked curiously, Qin Ya put the paintings away carefully, and then said: "This is a secret. But teacher, can I use these paintings freely?"

Meng Huo nodded. Since it was drawn for her, how to use it is naturally her business, the prototype of the character was not conceived by him.

In the end, Qin Ya didn't tell him what he was going to use these words for, because in fact, she was only entrusted by others——after get off work, she hurried back to her apartment and found the girl who was sitting in the living room playing games. that person.

"..." Seeing her, Qin Ya couldn't get angry at all: "I said...Miss Feimeng. Is this my home or yours?"

The whole living room was in a mess at the moment, and there were snacks everywhere. Ye Feimeng was sitting on the ground, holding the handles in both hands, and was enjoying herself playing with the TV. Hearing Qin Ya's voice, he didn't stop what he was doing, and said : "You have so many snacks here, if you don't eat it, it will be wasted..."

"If I take a picture of you like this and post it online, all your fans' dreams will be shattered." Qin Ya sat down angrily, and threw her bag on the table: "The painting you want. I let He Xi The teacher drew it!"


With a "bang", a car on the TV crashed into the railing, and the words 'challenge failed' appeared on the screen - Ye Feimeng didn't care. She threw the handle, quickly got up, ran to the table, and opened Qin Ya's bag.

"Wow! Wow!!" After taking out the drawing paper inside, Ye Feimeng exclaimed in surprise: "This one is so beautiful, and so is this one! Teacher He Xi is amazing, the image of the heroine is exactly what I imagined Same!"

She glanced at Qin Ya: "It's much prettier than someone else's."

"What did you say!?" Qin Ya jumped up and reached for the drawing paper: "I still don't want to give it to you. Teacher He Xi helped me draw it. I have the right to dispose of it!"

"You have a good idea!" Ye Feimeng hid away, holding the painting. Quickly ran to the study: "You can't go back on the things you said in advance, borrow the machines in your study. I'm going to pass them on to the editors!"

With a bang, Qin Ya's study door was closed.

Qin Ya sat down with some headaches, she was still at odds with Ye Feimeng. In fact, those paintings were made for Ye Feimeng, and the characters in the paintings were also characters in Ye Feimeng's new work. Ye Feimeng agreed to help Qin Ya adapt "Legend of the Galaxy Singer", so of course Qin Ya had to do something paid off.

Originally, Ye Fei dreamed of meeting Meng Huo, but Qin Ya didn't want her to have anything to do with him. If she and Meng Huo became acquaintances, wouldn't Qin Ya have no confidence to speak in front of her?

She wanted to maintain her confidence, and the only card in Qin Ya's hand was the 'He Xi card'.

Ten minutes later, after Qin Ya cleaned up the living room again, Ye Feimeng also came out of the study, and said happily: "It's done, with Mr. He Xi's paintings, my next novel will definitely be a bestseller. .”

"Ah, yes...but don't forget "Legend of the Galaxy Diva." Qin Ya snorted coldly.

"Don't worry, what I promised will not change." Ye Feimeng said with a smile, and then rubbed her stomach: "I'm a little hungry, take me out to eat, the dessert shop I went to yesterday is good, But I want to go somewhere else today."

Is it possible that this guy treats me as a babysitter? ——Qin Ya thought so, but she was also hungry, so she waved her hand and said, "Wait, I'll go to the room to get the camera first, and then I'll take you out."

Ye Feimeng looked at her curiously, and when Qin Ya came out with the camera, she asked, "What are you doing with the camera? Taking selfies?"

"It's fine to use a mobile phone for selfies, and do you think it's necessary for us to take selfies?" Qin Ya gave Ye Feimeng a blank look, and didn't think about who they were. Selfies are usually shared online for others to see, and their identities are not suitable do this kind of thing.

Ye Feimeng became even more curious: "Then what are you going to do?"

Qin Ya led her into the elevator, and said, "Take pictures, after dinner, let's look around in Manga Island and take pictures along the way."

"Don't you have a lot of photos of Manga Island?" Qin Ya has a special room for storing photos. Ye Feimeng went in and looked. There are various travel photos in it, and there are many scenery of Manga Island.

"Those photos are not acceptable." Qin Ya shook her head and said, "Mr. He Xi has prepared a new animation, and the animation stage is arranged in Manga Island and Suhua. I want to take more professional photos according to the needs of that animation, and then use them as refer to."

"New animation?" Ye Feimeng blinked: "The next work of Island Studio?"

Island Studio's new work is about to start. This is Meng Huo's last animation work before his trip. Phoenix Company attaches great importance to it - because its main stage is placed on Manga Island, the promotion of Manga Island may have huge impact. * Great effect.

"What's the name of that animation?" Ye Feimeng asked.

"I can tell you, but you can't tell others." Qin Ya said to Ye Feimeng. After seeing her nodding, she put her head next to her ear and whispered, ""Stones Gate"."

"Huh?" Ye Feimeng thought her ears were blurred, and when Qin Ya confirmed it again, her face was full of astonishment: "What's this name? I can't guess the content from the name at all. It doesn't matter if it's confidential or not." ?”

"Steins;Gate", if you can guess the content and theme of the animation from the name alone, that person must be abnormal - Ye Feimeng thinks so.

Qin Ya seemed to be the same when she thought about it, she would not guess what the animation was about just by listening to the name. In fact, this name has no meaning, and has nothing to do with any person, event or object, it is just a keyword in the animation.

However, secrecy is a rule set by He Xi. The movement of the island studio is too eye-catching, and Qin Ya habitually abides by this rule.

"It won't be related to "Fate", right?" Ye Feimeng continued to ask, "It's the Zhongxia Company's "Fate", the one that will be filmed recently...I've heard of it too."

Qin Ya shook her head: "It doesn't matter, the stories told by the two animations are different... But if they insist on being tied together, "Stones;Gate" does have the meaning of telling fate. Teacher He Xi said that the subject matter is a hypothetical science... Hypothetical science, in fact, I don't quite understand the meaning of this word..."

"It's fictional science, right?" Ye Feimeng took it literally, which is not difficult to understand.

"Maybe!" Qin Ya shrugged: "Anyway, I read the script and think it is no different from real science."

The script of "Steins;Gate" made her unable to understand the setting after reading it. It's not her fault. Qin Ya dropped out of school early, but she has no knowledge of science and engineering, and the setting of the script is enough to fool most people up. (to be continued)

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