Big Manga

Chapter 994: The wolf is coming

The animation film produced by Zhongxia Company is adapted from "Blue Love Song", but unlike "Flame Boy", the subject matter of "Blue Love Song" is not suitable for making a copy-style theatrical version of the movie, so the creative method is also different from the last time.

"Blue Love Opera" does not use an animated protagonist. In fact, the love between the male and female protagonists is very clear in the original work. After experiencing TV dramas and animations, it will not feel fresh when made into a movie.

So Zhongxia Company chose a popular supporting role in the animation to tell her love story. This is equivalent to adding a side story to the original work. Although it has been expected by many audiences, the overall form is still far from that before the release of "The Legend of the Sword".

As for the release time of the new films of the two companies and the last exchange, this time the Phoenix Company broadcasted seven days earlier, and the Zhongxia Company's film followed closely.

"What is your box office target this time?"

On the first day of work at Qinglong Studio, Meng Huo asked Jiang Tianshi about "Blue Love Opera".

"700 million is enough."

"700 million? So little?" Meng Huo was surprised. The requirements for "Strike of the Sword" last time were much higher than those of "Blue Love Opera".

"Of course, this time is a transitional film." Jiang Tianshi didn't hide anything from Meng Huo, but he felt that Meng Huo must also know that this time the animated film "Blue Love Opera" is just a transitional film, the focus of Zhongxia Company Put it on the third movie "Destiny".

Therefore, the box office target this time will not be too high. In fact, the box office of 700 million is not bad.

"The box office requirements for "Magical Girl Little Circle [New Chapter] Rebellious Story" should be quite high?" Jiang Tianshi looked at Meng Huo and said with a smile: "It's up to you whether our movie can be popular this time. The market is not in a good shape, and if you can open it up, we will benefit too."

He knows that animated films have been severely suppressed by traditional films recently. Several films were taken off the shelves one after another, and the defeat of Waterloo made the importance of Phoenix's new work more and more apparent. It must restore market confidence.

"Leave it to us."

Meng Huo nodded, he has confidence in "Magical Girl Little Circle Theatrical Version [New Chapter] Rebellious Story". This confidence comes from the response to last year's movie, and the quality of "Magical Girl Little Circle [New Chapter] Rebellious Story" is higher than the previous two movies.

"[New Chapter] Rebellious Story" is about a brand new plot that took place after the ending of the TV version of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica". This movie was in his previous life,

It was still the box office king of the late-night animation theater version when it was released.

The premiere was held two weeks later, and it was arranged in Yanjing according to the usual practice. In addition to the top executives of Dreamworks and Phoenix, Meng Huo also invited representatives of some cooperative enterprises, experts, and reporters—but this time, no employees from Zhongxia were present.

"I'm sorry, Teacher He Xi, I have caused you trouble this time!" Xing Boxiang also attended the premiere, bringing her husband, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter with her. There are 4 family members in total. This is her request—Meng Huo generously gave her five votes considering the number of votes.

"It's okay, I'm very happy that you like DreamWorks' movies, next time if you have any requests, please let me know." Meng Huo smiled at him.

"Of course, I am very interested in every new movie of yours." Xing Boxiang said happily: "After the premiere is over, I will definitely help you promote it!"

This was the only help she could give Meng Huo, but the president of Yenching University helped promote it, and the effect was much better than ordinary media—Meng Huo was very grateful. In fact, Xing Boxiang has been taking care of him for many years.

"For this movie, I specially re-watched the animation CD of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica." When he walked into the theater, Xing Boxiang asked: "The movie follows the ending of the animation. The beginning is Aren't there only three remaining magical girls?"

"No...there are five." Meng Huo shook his head: "Sayaxiang is also here, and there are new characters. The movie revolves around their adventures, but the development and ending of the plot may surprise you."

Xing Boxiang smiled: "I don't hate being surprised."

She took her family to sit in the back seat of the screening hall, while Meng Huo sat with Xu Jing. Xu Jing was also very interested in "[New Chapter] Rebellious Story", and even his wife attended this time.

After the lights were turned off, the movie premiered.

"[New Chapter] Rebellious Story" begins with five magical girls fighting monsters side by side. There is no Madoka among them, but the new characters are equally attractive. The battle scenes are pretty awesome. The film style is also very clear, and the beginning feels good.

With the development of the plot. Homura slowly became aware of the incongruity in the world around her, and she began to investigate the cause of this incongruity. Then they learned that they were in a false world. It is equivalent to Chubby observing them in a cage, which is not the real world.

And Homura also discovered the abnormality of her body and soul gem. She knew that she had turned into a witch, and Chubby was using her to find Madoka.

After Homura knew the truth, she decided to give up the chance of redemption and accelerate to become a witch in the false world. And in this way, she can hinder Chubby's plan and sacrifice for Madoka. However, under the joint efforts of other magical girls to save Chubby's cage, Homura returned to the real world before being destroyed, and Madoka, who became a god, successfully found her and came to greet her.

However, just when Homura was about to accept redemption, she suddenly blackened and grabbed Madoka and drew her power. She separated Madoka's godhead from her personality and created a new world. In this world, Madoka's memory is sealed and she lives as an ordinary person, while Homura becomes the god of this world, and she can also Said to be the flame demon that devoured the god.

——This is the ending of "[New Chapter] The Story of Rebellion".

After sitting and watching this two-hour animation movie, there was no sound in the theater for a long time-everyone was stunned by the development of the plot.

No one would have expected such a miraculous reversal of the plot. The ending of the TV series is that Madoka became a god, and the movie uses the principle of Homura swallowing the ring to turn Madoka back into an ordinary Madoka, becoming a witch. The ending was completely ruined.

"Good... great!!"

"Wonderful, as expected of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica", this plot is simply a magical twist!"

Come to yourself. There was applause in the theater, and the reporters were boiling—"Magic Girl Madoka Magica" is indeed the most magical, exciting, and unique work, not only the various magical twists in the animation. The plot of the theatrical version of the movie also exceeded everyone's expectations.

"This is definitely not a theatrical version of the movie, it is a continuation of the story of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica"!"

"Homura becomes a demon. "[New Chapter] The Story of Rebellion" has no ending, this story is just the beginning, Mr. He Xi played a good game!"

""Magic Girl Madoka Magica" didn't end!?"

Amidst the excitement, spoilers for the premiere flooded the Internet and readers. The unprecedented plot development, the theatrical version with no ending, and Homura who turned into a demon all of a sudden detonated the media all over the place like a bomb, and fans flocked to the theaters frantically.

"Chairman, good news!" On the first day of the film's release, Xintiandi, one of China's three major theater operators, headquartered. The secretary broke into Dong Yuming's office: "Our movie theaters are overcrowded, and the movie tickets for "Magical Girl Little Circle [New Chapter] Rebellious Story" are in short supply!"

"I guessed it a long time ago!" Dong Yuming smiled: "Immediately change the schedule of "Shangriba" with it!"

""Shangriba"?" The secretary was amazed: "It is a very popular movie recently, and its box office has taken up the fifth place in our theaters!"

"It's okay, change it for me." Dong Yuming waved his hand and said, "With Teacher He Xi's appeal, the box office of "Magic Girl Little Circle [New Chapter] Rebellious Story" will not be worse than that of "Shangriba" !"

He Xi's previous animated films were very popular. This time, Dong Yuming was a little worried that "[New Chapter] Rebellious Story" would be hit by the sluggish market. Now it seems that this worry is completely unnecessary.

"According to the situation of the last movie, the box office of "[New Chapter] Rebellious Story" should be able to maintain more than one billion..."

Dong Yuming thought about it, and two days later, the secretary rushed in again.

"Chairman. No way, the supply of movie tickets for "Magical Girl Little Circle Theatrical Version [New Chapter] Rebellious Story" is still in short supply in the past two days, and the audience is queuing up. The theater asked us to reschedule for a better schedule!"

"What? Is there such a thing?" Dong Yuming was a little surprised. It seems that the total box office of "[New Chapter] Rebellious Story" may exceed the previous two animated films. He Xi is really getting bigger and bigger.

He thought for a while, and said, "Then change the schedule of "Eastern Conquer the Devil" for me!"

The secretary was taken aback: ""Conquering the Demons in the East"? Isn't it a movie that we focus on? It ranked third in the box office of our theater's New Year's Eve. Chairman, you promised them more time slots!"

"It doesn't matter whether it promises or not." Dong Yuming said loudly: "I will take responsibility over there, you go and change the schedule of the two movies!"

Although it is not good to break a promise, Dong Yuming is more interested in He Xi's potential. This guy has released a best-selling movie in half a year. The producer of "A Journey to the East Conquering the Demons" is far behind him, so Dong Yuming decided to bet on He Xi.

However, it was only two days later. The secretary barged in again.

"Chairman, something is wrong! The movie ticket for "Magical Girl Madoka Theatrical Version [New Chapter] Rebellious Story"..."

"Fuck. Isn't it enough?" Dong Yuming stood up and asked in shock, what kind of box office monster is "[New Chapter] Rebellious Story"? Why can't it be satisfied after changing gears twice!

The secretary wiped off his sweat: "The audience of "[New Chapter] Rebellious Story" is overwhelming...The theater hopes that you will adjust the schedule again!"

"It can't be done, I already made a slip of the tongue last time, and I can't adjust it anymore!"

Dong Yuming answered with a straight face, and he would have to give the best treatment to He Xi if he was transferred again. He couldn't lose his word to other producers twice.

"But the chairman, because of the continuous adjustment of the schedule, many audiences came to our place, and now we can't control it... The audience blocked the entrance of some theaters to protest, and had to adjust!"

The secretary said nervously.

Dong Yuming was dumbfounded, and quickly made a phone call. After asking the truth of the matter, he fell into a long silence.

"Then...then transfer the number one "British Joy" to them!" But in the end, Dong Yuming chose to compromise. He felt like hell, how could "[New Chapter] The Story of Rebellion" become so popular?

However, a few days later, the secretary barged in again.

"Chairman, "Magic Girl Madoka Theatrical Version [New Chapter] The Story of Rebellion"..."

"Nimma, isn't that enough!?" Dong Yuming's cup fell to the ground.

The secretary took a deep breath: "Yes... and some viewers went to the court to sue us for the low rating, and they couldn't buy tickets..."

"..." Needless to say, Dong Yuming was already desperate. He waved his hand: "Then remove the schedule of "Shangriba" and increase the number of films for "[New Chapter] Rebellious Story"!"

The same scene appeared one after another in different movie theaters and private movie theaters, and the movie theaters adjusted their schedules quickly. After a week, almost all theaters showed "Magical Girl Little Circle Theatrical Version [New Chapter] Rebellious Story" In the most important time, it has an astonishingly high daily film schedule, and the box office is still high.

Movie fans fell into a carnival because of this movie. Many fans who have already watched "[New Chapter] Rebellious Story" are also very excited when they are working. Many fans pulled friends and family members into the theater again after watching it.

The peripherals and BD of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" are selling well again, and the Internet search index has ranked first for a week, and spoilers, comments and analysis posts about "[New Chapter] Rebellious Story" can be seen everywhere on Internet forums, Many people even began to discuss the religious significance of its content.

This steaming scene affected the next broadcast of "Blue Love Opera". Fans' enthusiasm for He Xi's animated film made Zhongxia's new work also achieve amazing box office benefits. Magical Girl Little Circle Theatrical Version [New Chapter] Rebellious Story" is so popular, but it is also ranked by many theaters as an important time.

The traditional film industry, which has just passed the grand Lunar New Year file, is all dumbfounded at the moment. Under the attack of the two animated films, those popular films have been retreating without even a chance to catch their breath. Not as brilliant as before.

The animation film industry just ushered in a period of disappointment, and in the blink of an eye, "[New Chapter] Rebellious Story" brought them prosperity again—investors who were about to run away turned around at this moment and invested their funds in this place again. thriving industry.

For a while, the Chinese media was in turmoil. The reporters and experts were dumbfounded, and their thinking was a bit unable to keep up with the rapid changes in the situation. After they reacted, the first thing these people did was to exclaim.

"God, this is a wolf!" (to be continued)

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