Big Manga

Chapter 993:

After the holiday, Manga Island became lively one after another.

In addition to the employees of Phoenix Company who came back to work to shop, there are also many tourists who come here to take pictures under the cherry blossom trees. The winter has not completely subsided, but many new shoots can already be seen on the cherry blossom trees. , this year's spring may be earlier than in previous years.

Alice and Li Qin returned to Ninghai the day before, while Meng Huo and Shen Jie returned to Manga Island today. When Phoenix Company started work, most enterprises in China had not yet returned to work.

The reason why they started working so early was because they had too much business. Needless to say, the weekly serialization of comics had to be stopped, and the animation must not be empty. Then there are two major events to prepare for, one is the release of the game "White Album", and the other is the release of "Magical Girls Little Circle Theatrical Version [New Chapter] Rebellious Story".

The first is the game. It is only a few days before the release date. Meng Huo's first job is to go to the game department to learn about the situation.

The game department, which just started working, is the busiest department. The employees inside are busy in a ball, talking on the phone non-stop, and some agents are discussing the sale with He Qian here. came rushing over.

"Teacher He Xi!"

"Isn't this Teacher He Xi? You were not free when I invited you last time, so you have to have a meal with us today."

"Yes, Teacher He Xi, are you free at noon?"

Agents sent out invitations one after another, and they finally met Meng Huo. They were unwilling to give up this opportunity, but in the past Meng Huo always asked his secretary to attend the banquet, and it was really difficult for him to refuse the invitations of these people today.

"No problem, let me arrange the luncheon, and then everyone will go together." Meng Huo said, these people are dealer representatives who came to help "White Album". He couldn't neglect them.

"Is the teacher here to ask about the release of the game?" At this time, He Qian asked from the side.

Meng Huo nodded: "I want to know how the preparations for the sale are going?"

"So far, everything has gone smoothly." He Qian said: "The game has now completed 700,000 shipments. It is enough to deal with all unexpected situations after the release."

Meng Huo was a little surprised. It was still several days before the game was released. In the past, at the same time, the game’s shipments were around 400,000 to 500,000. This number can cope with the upsurge after the release, because this is not the final number, but just the preliminary preparation.

With sufficient preparation,

Through the popularity survey after the release, Phoenix can understand the follow-up shipments, and there is a lot of room for manipulation and the world. But seven hundred thousand copies. Before it goes on sale, at least millions of shipments are ready. This number...

"Isn't it too much?" Meng Huo was a little worried. The previous game preparation work was not so sufficient, and the amount of millions of copies was enough to match the total sales of some games in the past.

"Not much at all, Mr. He Xi." At this time, a dealer smiled and said, "You don't know the situation yet. Our branches in major cities have opened reservations since the Spring Festival, and now there are hundreds of thousands of them. Pre-ordered."

"We've also had incredible bookings."

"The sales volume of "White Album" may exceed 1.5 million. Now there is no 700,000 in stock, but it will be worrying."

Other dealers followed suit.

He Qian explained to Meng Huo. "White Album" has released pre-orders on the Internet and in many game stores, and its pre-orders and popularity are more than all previous games. And it's still rising, and the total sales will definitely surpass "ad".

In addition to the increase in the number of players in the game market itself, the large number of reservations this time is mainly due to Meng Huo's dubbing, which has caused a great sensation in various places, and the number of reservations for female players has surged , "White Album" has become the one with the most female players among the previous text adventure games launched by Meng Huo.

Of course, the factor of release time cannot be ignored. It is after the Spring Festival and before school starts. During this period, people are most free and young people have the most pocket money. It's always a good time for games to sell well. It is impossible for sales to increase.

Meng Huo was relieved, and a few days later. "White Album" was officially released. Before it was released, this game was reported by the media as "beautiful graphics, excellent music, and a street away from other text adventure games". Once released, it immediately caused a frenzy of buying.

However, within two days of its release, there was a burst of crying father and mother on the market.

"Don't play if you have a bad heart-be careful not to play if you have a bad heart--", "A game with a stomachache! Whoever plays it will seek abuse!", "Sure enough, I can't play Teacher He Xi's game. I cried miserably. "White "Album" is a nightmare, it broke my heart when I played it!"

——The first batch of players who cleared the level sent out friendly reminders on the Internet with heavy hearts. This game is too scary. The heart is tangled, no matter which heroine is chosen, it will make people feel painful.

"Haruki is not a bad man, Yukina is not a bad woman, and Kazusa is not a bad woman—but this is the most extreme part of "White Album"!! Obviously everyone cherishes the other two as much as possible, but why always Are they going the wrong way? Their actions will always hurt other people... This is just like in reality, real and cruel... It's really too cruel!"

Heartbreaking work——The plot and music of "White Album" can be called a masterpiece level, but the plot is too sad, and it is different from "ad", it does not give you candy after the abuse is over, it is completely after the abuse You haven't been healed yet.

Many people on the Internet began to complain, "I'm just playing a game, do I need to write so cruelly?"

"Torturing to the point of dying." ——Among the players who played the game for the first time, some girls who are lovers of romantic dramas can't stand it anymore. It's too cruel, but the details are so delicate that it is difficult to reduce the damage do it.

"Isn't the writing sunny? It's written like a romance drama. It's really painful. I regret buying it!"

There is no way for female players to have female players. Some fans can find something that is enough to comfort themselves in "White Album"-the dubbing of idols.

"Mr. He Xi's sad voice is so well matched, come I'm not Hesha or Xuecai, even if I'm hurt, if I can hear Mr. He Xi talking to me so gently. I agree. Already!"

"While my ear is pregnant, I have been repeating the key lines endlessly. It's really enjoyable!"

"I just went for Teacher He Xi's dubbing. It doesn't matter how cruel I am, although I cried a lot. But Teacher He Xi's voice is really cute. But the script is really amazing. I didn't expect the text adventure game to be Such……"

Among them, some female players were frightened by the high-quality plot of "White Album". The delicacy and emotion of this game are even better than that of romance dramas. Some people even changed their prejudice against text adventure games because of this.

"It turns out that text adventure games are such a touching game type, I thought they were just for men!"

"I'm starting to be interested in this kind of game, it's actually pretty good, the emotional description is really delicate!"

Of course, after the opinions of these female players come out. Immediately, someone kindly reminded them that not every text adventure game is He Xi's text adventure game.

"Teacher He Xi's text adventure game is not a product of the same dimension as other people's."

"Most of the text adventure games are actually for boys to vent, only Mr. He Xi and a few manufacturers are exceptions. I will introduce these game manufacturers suitable for girls. They..."

A few days after the game was released, the media concluded that "White Album" was very successful, and its sales created a new height for text adventure games. And most of the reviews are positive. Although He Xi's game is abusive, it has long been known by everyone, except for those who are new to the game. Veteran players generally appear very calm.

The key is that the plot quality of "White Album" is quite high, and it ranks among the ratings of many media. It has become the top three games in He Xi's previous text adventure games, and in the past year, the scores of hundreds of text adventure games released by Huaxia can't be compared with it, and the sales volume is even worse. .

"White Album" is the best text adventure game in the past two years. This point has no suspense in the eyes of the media, and the old players are also very satisfied with its quality: "It's worth waiting so long, it's worth it! "

He Xi has not released a new work in the text adventure game industry for a long time, and its influence has been slowly declining, but there is a "White Album". He once again proved his unshakable position in the industry, making many text adventure game developers hate and love.

The reason for the hate is naturally needless to say. The reason for love is also very simple, after the appearance of "White Album". Text adventure games with love triangle elements will definitely become a hot topic, and many developers have already begun to look for love triangle scripts.

Each of He Xi's games can always set off a wave - but this matter is no longer important to him and the game production department. After the sales of "White Album" broke through the peak, Meng Huo held an event for the game department At the celebration party, everyone distributed red envelopes to encourage them to make persistent efforts in the new year.

The game department has a happy new year, and for a period of time to come, in addition to doing some simple work for the follow-up activities of "White Album", the employees will focus most of their energy on the development of "Pokemon". In this year's carnival, a new work of "Pokemon" was launched.

That's a big deal, in fact Phoenix's best-selling game is Pokemon, and The White Album outsells more than any text adventure game, yet it's still not a third of what Pokemon did.

The portability, simplicity, and fun of the "Pokemon" game has already attracted an astonishing number of players in China. Every month, some cities hold offline player gatherings, and the number of participants is even more than that of comic exhibitions. This is a great opportunity for Phoenix The company and its partners have brought benefits and influence beyond imagination.

The update of this game involves the interests of dozens of companies. Now, the game development process of "Pokemon" has been listed as a key point by Phoenix Company, and there are several game companies to cooperate. Even Meng Huo cannot easily It's delayed.

But in fact, he is very happy to see this kind of scene, because "Pokemon" has gradually become a serialized industry, and countless people are carefully caring for this brand. This is a good thing, and Meng Huo doesn't need to pay too much attention.

Of course, apart from "Pokemon", He Qian managed to get more information about "World of Warcraft" from Meng Huo during the celebration - she and her staff still did not give up on the development of this game , always looking for ways to speed up the process.

For Meng Huo, as long as they can complete the company's tasks normally, he will turn a blind eye to the "World of Warcraft" matter. Those employees who work overtime for this game will not ask for a raise, so what reason does he have to refuse?

He hoped that these people could make progress. Once there was a big progress, Meng Huo would push this game into a formal work project without He Qianduo. In fact, rumors of "World of Warcraft" have slowly appeared in Phoenix, and many employees are full of curiosity about this mysterious masterpiece.

Meng Huo used to worry about the age gap, but now he finds that "World of Warcraft" is still very attractive to people in this world.

After the release of the game was resolved, Meng Huo's work focused on the upcoming "Magic Girl Madoka Theatrical Version [New Chapter] Rebellious Story", which is the third movie to be released after the establishment of DreamWorks. The production efficiency is astonishing.

Compared with the game of "White Album", the movie "Magical Girl Little Round Theater Edition [New Chapter] Rebellious Story" obviously caused more topics in the media circle. Although it has the title of "animated movie", the movie After all, it is a movie, and the media are keen to compare it with other movies released during the Spring Festival.

Movies during the Spring Festival have always been known as Lunar New Year's films. "Magical Girl Madoka Theatrical Version [New Chapter] Rebellious Story" did not catch up with the Lunar New Year's film due to the production progress, but was regarded by many media as an escape—because The Spring Festival that just passed was full of blockbuster movies, and it was the Spring Festival market with the highest box office in recent years.

During the past Spring Festival, there were also several highly anticipated animated films released. Most of these animated films are follow-up works made after seeing the popularity of the films of Phoenix Company and Zhongxia Company last year. They wanted to make a fortune during the Spring Festival, but because there were too many popular blockbusters, they were all sold out soon after they were released. Stand up.

This phenomenon was widely reported by some media, and it was ridiculed as "animated films are vulnerable to traditional films", which also caused a very big blow to the entire animated film industry.

There is a tense atmosphere in the Phoenix company. Whether "Magical Girl Little Circle Theatrical Version [New Chapter] Rebellious Story" can achieve the same success as last year at the end of the Lunar New Year file, including some employees of DreamWorks, have no idea. end.

But Meng Huo is not worried at all, because in addition to Phoenix Company, Zhongxia Company's new movie will also be released at the end of the Lunar New Year file. Two big companies have launched animated films, and he believes that the market effect will not be bad. (to be continued)

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