Big Manga

Chapter 992: Collaborator

On the same day, Qin Ya from Ninghai received an invitation from her former editor and came to Qingwan Book City. Walking in the book city, Qin Ya looked at the book buyers passing by, and was attracted by the books in their hands.

"Oh my god, I've never seen such a beautiful cover!", "What book is this?"

Besides her, many strangers also attracted the attention of these novels with beautiful comic book covers. Of course, Qin Ya would not be too blind to recognize the covers of these novels, she knew their identities at a glance.

"Ms. He Xi's novel looks like a bestseller..."

Qin Ya was secretly surprised. She also saw a lot of advertisements for "ad" and "Shakugan no Shana" at the door just now, but she remembered that these two novels should have been released years ago, and there are a lot of new and popular works during the Spring Festival every year It is quite remarkable that He Xi's works can maintain their popularity for such a long time in the highly competitive market.

But not long after, Qin Ya found that she still underestimated two novels.

In the hot sale area of ​​the book city, a large group of readers gathered around the bookshelves of "ad" and "Shakugan no Shana", and Qin Ya was surprised by the enthusiastic discussions there.

"These novels are amazing, this is the first time I have seen such a novel!?", "The original work is by Mr. He Xi, no wonder it is so good... Just the comic pictures in it, I must buy it and keep it at home!", "The quality of these paintings is simply conscientious. They are so gorgeous that you can't put them down..."

"Painting?" Qin Yazheng was wondering, a mother and son passing by beside her suddenly stopped, and the boy took his mother's hand: "Mom, are there comic books in it?"

"This is not a comic book!" The mother bent down with a smile, and touched the boy's head: "Didn't I buy a lot of books for your dad yesterday? The ones you said were beautiful, they were bought from here." .Mom has already bought all of them...Let’s go, let’s go and look at the tutorial.”

The mother took the boy's hand and took him away.

Qin Ya felt even more strange. Painting, what painting is that? She was about to go to the bookshelf. Suddenly someone patted her on the shoulder, and a familiar female voice rang out: "Princess, I have been looking for you for a long time, and your clothes almost make it impossible for me to recognize you."

Looking back, Qin Ya found that it was the female editor who invited her here.

"Sister Wang Xin." Qin Ya turned around to say hello. She did some make-up, and it was indeed not easy to be recognized.

"Do you want to read Mr. He Xi's novel?" Wang Xin looked at the bookshelf in front of him. He smiled and said, "It's just right, in fact, the fact that I invited you here today is related to these novels.


Qin Ya showed doubts. Asking her to come here has something to do with Teacher He Xi's novel?

"Let's take a look at Teacher He Xi's novels first!" Wang Xin led Qin Ya to the front: "They are the best works sold by our company during the Spring Festival this year, but it is a pity that the release time was selected two days ago. , otherwise they are likely to be the best-selling titles of the year."

Novels released a year ago will be defined as last year's works, and naturally they will not be included in this year's list. But Qin Ya was still taken aback by Wang Xin's words: "The best-selling work? Didn't other teachers release new works this year?"

Spring Festival is the peak season for the release of new novels. Every year, dozens of novels, big, medium and small, publish books. The competition is extremely fierce. Why can't they become the best-selling one?

"No, this year is the same as before." Wang Xin smiled and said, "It's just that Mr. He Xi's works are too popular. It completely surpasses others."

"How is it possible..." Qin Ya's face was full of incredulity. She believed in He Xi's influence in the comics world, but how could he create such a miracle in the novel world. His opponents are all a group of popular writers!

Although "ad" has long been a super popular work and has gathered a large number of fans, and the animation of "Shakugan no Shana" is also on the air, the best-selling of the two novels is not surprising, but it should not be so popular that it surpasses other popular new works. what!

Furthermore, these novels were not written by He Xi himself. The writers took his original manuscripts and settings to modify them into drafts. Although these writers who have been selected by thousands of troops have very strong writing skills, there is no need to worry about the quality at all. But after all, it is impossible for every reader to think so, and it is normal for fans of the original book to ignore the novel.

As a result, their heat was beyond imagination. Why?

"You'll know after reading these books." Seeing Qin Ya's surprise, Wang Xin smiled and led her to the bookshelf.

Qin Ya immediately took down the nearest "Shakugan no Shana". She turned a few pages, and quickly understood why people around her couldn't put it down. The content of this book was different from ordinary novels. There were many beautiful illustrations on the cover and inside pages, which brought a strong visual effect.

"Is it because of these paintings?" Qin Ya wrote the pages of the book, and the comics and text fit together unexpectedly perfectly.

"Yes, these paintings and content are perfectly integrated. No one would have thought that novels could be published like this before!" Wang Xin said. Comics in this world have only emerged in recent years, and naturally there has not been a real one. The concept of graphic novels, light novels have not yet been born - in fact, Longteng Company has never heard of the word 'light novels'.

Qin Ya was surprised. No wonder these two novels are so popular. Its style and template are different from other novels, and it looks more pleasing to the eye. Leaving aside the content, this novelty can bring money out of many people's pockets. up.

"Is this Teacher He Xi's idea?" Qin Ya asked.

"Of course." Wang Xin nodded: "Before Mr. He Xi said, no one would have thought that novels could be made like this. We were also surprised that novels and comics can be combined so well."

"It's really beautiful." Qin Ya looked at this book, and she felt a desire to collect it: "I remember that there were some novels with pictures in the past, but everyone thought that pictures should not steal the charm of words, No matter how the novel is based on words——after looking at it now, it’s not bad!”

If you just include some images in the content, in fact, there are always, especially in magazines. But there are never any pictures in novels, and everyone thinks that this will hinder the fluency of reading the text. Unexpectedly, He Xi's method has cracked this point.

In fact, both of them don't quite understand that the illustrations of light novels are not simple pictures. Both the content and the format have strict regulations and particular attention, with great emphasis on the coordination of illustrations and content, and it has to be a comic - photos and other images are not suitable.

"You let me see these." Qin Ya's heart moved: "Could it be..."

"Well. I want to ask if you are interested in writing novels?" Wang Xin nodded, and said the purpose of this invitation: "It seems that the cooperation between comics and novels is becoming more and more extensive, and there may be more A lot of potential that we don't see."

"Your "Legend of the Galactic Diva" is also an excellent work. After this experiment by Mr. He Xi, we are sure that it will definitely sell well after being adapted into a novel." Wang Xin said to Qin Ya: "You take it How about handing over your novel to us for publication? Just like this kind of illustration can be used.”

Wang Xin picked up a copy of "ad". The hot sales of He Xi's works will bring other comics (animations) to release novel versions in the same way. Illustration novels are likely to become popular in the future - Qin Ya's "Galaxy Song" "Legend of Ji Ji" can also be used as one of the catalysts, and it can also bring her additional royalties.

Qin Ya was a little moved, but remembered her work. She still shook her head: "No... I don't have the time." Phoenix Company already has a lot of work, and even if she intends to publish the comics and develop two lines, she may be unable to do so.

"Time doesn't matter, we can arrange other people to help you adapt it." Wang Xin said: "You usually follow your usual work, just provide us with some illustrations before publication, and we will take care of the rest."

After saying this, Wang Xin saw that Qin Ya hesitated, and immediately added another sentence: "You have a good foundation in the novel market, and some readers miss you very much. There is no need to worry about the sales of "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" .”

Qin Ya nodded immediately: "Okay, but who do you want to arrange to help me adapt? Most people don't agree!"

"Absolutely no problem...she just came." At this moment, Wang Xin saw a petite figure walking slowly at the door. He quickly said to Qin Ya: "I haven't told her about it yet, you should be smarter later."

"Her?" Qin Ya looked back, she was a woman dressed in fashion, but her face was like that of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl—she recognized her right away, thinking that it would be impossible for this person to help her adapt the novel.

The woman had already walked over, she greeted Wang Xin, and then looked at Qin Ya: "Wang Xin, who is this? He has a shabby face!"

"My name is Qin Ya, Miss Ye Feimeng!" Qin Ya said angrily. She knew it would be like this, and every time she saw this woman, she acted as if she had forgotten her. But in fact Ye Feimeng was just expressing his disdain for her in this way.

Ye Feimeng—with a romantic name, she is the pillar of Longteng Company, if Qin Ya is a romance princess. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she is today's romance queen. Of course, Ye Feimeng is not willing to inherit this title. In the past, the person who had the title of "Queen of Romance" was her respected teacher. Ye Feimeng felt that she was not worthy of this title.

But even so, she is still the best-selling romance novelist in Longteng Company, and the sales volume of each work is much higher than that of Qin Ya. And one of the reasons why Qin Ya knew how to draw comics back then was because Ye Feimeng was always standing on her head, she couldn't get ahead under her, and wanted to save the country with curves—but now she is completely bent and can't go back.

"Oh, Qin Ya... No wonder it looks familiar. Wang Xin, you asked me to come because of her, right?" Ye Feimeng looked at Wang Xin: "I came here because I heard that you had Teacher He Xi's souvenir. !"

This woman's airs are still so big - Qin Ya thought to herself, Ye Feimeng usually doesn't pay much attention to the editor, no wonder she came here, it turned out that she was targeting Teacher He Xi's souvenir. She knew that Ye Feimeng had been a fan of He Xi's for a long time, and when she was drawing comics, Qin Ya also had the idea of ​​defeating He Xi and disgusting her.

"You are so old, why are you still chasing stars?"

Qin Ya said sarcastically that this woman looks younger than her, but she is actually ten years older than her, and her children are all in junior high school. This is also one of the reasons why she is extremely upset. Many readers are obsessed with this old woman, and they always like to compare the two of them, making Qin Ya flat out worthless.

"Oh, there is no age difference in chasing stars, as long as they are better than me, I am willing to chase them." Ye Feimeng covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I am not like some people who can never see their own strength clearly. Be the first."

"You!" Qin Ya was in a hurry, but she quickly thought of something, and snorted coldly: "You are only rampant now, I will surpass you sooner or later... No, my popularity is about to catch up with you now."

Ye Feimeng frowned suddenly, and clicked her tongue in displeasure.

It is undeniable that Qin Ya's popularity has greatly increased after her transformation, and now that "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" animation is popular, her popularity has already caught up with Ye Feimeng. Although Ye Feimeng’s works have changed many TV series, the adaptation of novels to TV series is a big transformation after all, while the transition between manga and animation is very smooth. The audience has no impression of the original author of the TV series’ novel and the original author of animation The impression is so high.

"Well, stop arguing." Wang Xin looked at the interaction between the two with a smile, and then said, "You are both excellent writers. I asked you to come because I have a suggestion for you?"

"What advice?"

Ye Feimeng asked.

"Suggestion for cooperation...Miss Feimeng, you are a writer, and Qin Ya is now a cartoonist—you are no longer rivals." Wang Xin said: "Qin Ya, you can help Miss Feimeng adapt her works into comics, and she I can help you adapt comics into novels... You still have the opportunity to launch works together, if you two combine your talents, who else in China can compare to you in the market for girls' works?"

"Joke, why should I cooperate with her?" Ye Feimeng dismissed it, and Qin Ya was also a little unhappy: "Sister Wang Xin, you should give me another helper."

But Wang Xin's smile didn't fade, and she first said to Ye Feimeng: "Miss Feimeng, if you cooperate with Qin Ya, you will be able to see Teacher He Xi often in the future, and it is nothing to ask Teacher He Xi to draw illustrations for you." Impossible..."

"I agree!" The woman said decisively.

Qin Ya was taken aback by the sudden change, she looked at Ye Feimeng: "You have changed so fast... But, I haven't spoken yet?" It's impossible not to vent your anger at all times!

"You don't want Miss Feimeng to adapt "Legend of the Galaxy Diva"?" Wang Xin looked at her with a smile: "Then change to someone else?"

Qin Ya was immediately at a loss for words. In fact, Ye Feimeng's talent was genuine, and there was no better partner than her. And if the two can conceive the work together, maybe the next comic will surpass "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" and make Qin Ya's status in the animation industry to a higher level.

"Well..." Qin Ya let go: "It's not impossible..."

She was a little worried that their personalities would not match. (to be continued)

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