Big Manga

Chapter 997: Defense

On March 13th, the manga and animation of "Destiny" came to an end at the same time. The sensation caused by this short-lived work made many people amazed. Genius image of new manga artist Mirror Moon'.

But on this day, the most eye-catching news was not "Fate", but He Xi - he graduated from Suhua University. More precisely, today is the day when he participates in the thesis defense and takes graduation photos, which is the last process before graduation.

Suhua University's action this time was much faster than Yenching University and Huaxia Conservatory of Music. After Meng Huo handed in his graduation thesis in February, the teachers immediately reviewed it and fixed the time for the thesis defense on March 13.

This is an open defense, prepared exclusively for him alone.

"Teacher He Xi, I'm going to cause you some trouble this time, so early in advance." Before the defense, the principal personally approached Meng Huo to apologize. They only announced the news yesterday, but it immediately ignited the media. The media rushed over.

Suhua University naturally expected this situation, but they still chose to defend publicly, and some of them were suspected of advertising for their own school.

"It's okay, it's fine like this." Meng Huo also knew what they were thinking, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. The public defense has an advantage. It can prove that he graduated equally with everyone else and prevent the media from criticizing him for graduating early. Spread rumors and make trouble.

Before this defense, Meng Huo's thesis was announced to the reporters who came to the scene early in the morning. The defense time is two hours, far exceeding that of ordinary graduates, and reporters also have the opportunity to ask questions during the defense to ensure that Meng Huo's facts are real.

Phoenix Company paid special attention to this defense and sent a professional team to record it——He Xi's graduation is a very important event, and it will be a signature event in his life experience in the future. You have to make sure you don't get caught with pigtails.

Besides Phoenix Company and various media outlets, there were also densely packed students who wanted to see He Xi's demeanor inside and outside the defense venue.

"This scene is just like a concert..." Qin Ya, who was sitting in the venue, looked around. The scene of the sea of ​​people made her speechless, and then picked up the camera to take pictures: "I want to write down this scene. This is the most spectacular graduation defense ever."

Sitting beside Qin Ya were He Qian, Zhou Qian and others, and Ye Xiong also came over - they all came to join in the fun.

"I really didn't expect Mrs. He Xi to graduate from university so soon." Ye Xiong sighed, "I still remember when he saw me for the first time, he was still a child, and I didn't want him to study at first. !"

He recalled many young people when they met He Xi for the first time,

If it wasn't for the child's extraordinary high school entrance examination results, perhaps he wouldn't have helped He Xi contact the school, let alone the scene of his graduation now.

"After the defense is over, will the teacher graduate?" Qin Ya asked.

"After the defense and graduation photos are over, the only thing left is to get the graduation certificate." Zhou Qian helped to answer: "However, you can send someone to get the graduation certificate. After today, the teacher can be regarded as having graduated."

He Qian smiled: "I haven't come to the school a few times, and Mr. He Xi's diploma is really easy to get."

"No, this is the hardest thing, okay..." Qin Ya admired, "If I had this ability, I wouldn't have chosen to drop out of school."

She just didn't like school, not that she didn't want a diploma. He Xi's way of obtaining a graduation certificate is jaw-dropping and impossible to pick. Everyone is paying attention, but Qin Ya is so envious.

And there are three top universities. This is only the first one!

"When did Teacher He Xi learn?" Qin Ya thought, why he can always do things that others can't do, is it possible that he really doesn't have any talent defects?

Although curious. But Qin Ya soon fell asleep in the debate - she couldn't understand.

At the beginning of the debate, Meng Huo explained the thesis, which was full of technical terms and data. Qin Ya fainted halfway through hearing it. After finally waiting for Meng Huo to finish speaking and officially entering the defense session, the teachers of Suhua University asked more and more professional questions, and Qin Ya could hardly understand the questions and answers.

It was only when the reporters asked questions later that Qin Ya regained her spirits. These reporters' questions were not so professional, but one by one was trickier than the other. Qin Ya felt that most of the questions they would not be able to answer by themselves. But Meng Huo still answered them one by one.

What he answered couldn't be said to be perfect, and he also showed embarrassment several times in the middle. But overall, the whole debate was very professional. Meng Huo responded in an orderly manner and could not find any weaknesses.

"Now you can rest assured." At the end of the defense, Ye Xiong heaved a sigh of relief. After this debate, no one should be able to question Meng Huo's academic level in the future. The reporters present were also full of admiration for him, and it was impossible to report on the issues that made Meng Huo difficult. In fact, if these issues were published, it would only make readers think that the reporters were deliberately looking for trouble.

In fact, all of Meng Huo's actions that day were broadcast live online with graphics and texts, and tens of thousands of fans watched online. This was an important public relations event. When Meng Huo was defending, every question and answer would be annotated online, and every difficult question would always arouse the anger of fans.

"Here again, this question has nothing to do with the paper at all!?"

"He is definitely making things difficult for Teacher He Xi on purpose!? Which reporter is this, sisters, take out other people's flesh and beat him!"

"The teacher is so pitiful, but he answered it, it's great...a good answer!"

"That's right, master students can't answer better... If anyone dares to bring up this question to slander Teacher He Xi, I will kill him!"

——In front of fans like this, even if some reporters don't believe in evil, they have to think carefully.

The two-hour public defense, as the final assessment of the university, is a more convincing proof than the transcript. After finishing his defense, Meng Huo received a bachelor's uniform specially given by the school, and then began to take pictures—same as the public defense, his graduation photo process was also made public.

Except for the teachers and leaders of the school, there were no other people around Meng Huo who took pictures with him. Most of the time, he stood alone at the school attractions. Filmed alone - and surrounded by a crowd of onlookers.

This is also the arrangement of the school out of desperation. He is in the same class as Meng Huo, and his de facto classmate is still in his junior year. And they don't know each other, and the senior graduates also need to take another month to take pictures.

After discussions with school leaders. In the end, I chose to let Meng Huo take pictures alone, and many artists and stars who debuted very early also arranged this way when they graduated from university. Naturally, Meng Huo had no objection to this arrangement, and he didn't want to delay until next month to take pictures with other people if he could solve it in one day.

However, his appearance caused unexpected effects...

Qin Ya followed the cameraman to take a few pictures, and suddenly said: "I always feel... Teacher He Xi looks a little lonely..."

Ye Xiong, Zhou Qian and the others immediately nodded in agreement, isn't it? It's not strange to take pictures alone, but why go anywhere. There are always hundreds of people watching around, but no one takes pictures with him. This contrast is too stark.

"Many girls on the forum cried."

He Qian took her mobile phone and saw that many sentimental female fans on the He Xi Family forum were made to cry by the live broadcast.

"Teacher He Xi is so pitiful!"

"It's so cruel, I never thought about what it would be like not to have classmates and friends around me."

"Yes, everyone has seen the talent of Teacher He Xi, but who can see his dedication... He dedicated his youth to bring us more works."

"From 15 to 21 years old, Teacher He Xi studied alone and graduated alone, why did she suddenly feel so cruel..."

"Don't say it. I have to cry if you say it, 6 years!"

"Six years...Wow..."

Looking at the screen on He Qian's phone, Ye Xiong, Zhou Qian and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. These fans are too sensitive - but in this way, wouldn't it appear that the Phoenix Company is very heartless and has caused He Xi to suffer?

"How about." Qin Ya rolled her eyes and said, "Shall we also take pictures with Teacher He Xi?"

Ye Xiong was taken aback: "This is a graduation photo, isn't it good!"

"No, I think this is a good idea." He Qian was eager to try: "Call some other employees on the scene, and let's cheer for Teacher He Xi together!"

Ye Xiong was still hesitating, but Qin Ya suddenly put the camera on her neck and dragged Zhou Qian to Meng Huo. When He Qian saw it, she cheered suddenly: "The company is here to join in the fun, don't be stunned. Give it to me!"

Immediately, dozens of people ran towards Meng Huo. Ye Xiong was stunned for a moment, why are these employees so ignorant - but thinking so, he also ran inside.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

The photographer was shocked, but someone took a picture of this scene, and then it appeared in the live broadcast.

"I wipe, what are they doing!?"

"These are employees of Phoenix Company..."

"No, no...Look, there are also reporters and students running over!"

The filming scene at Suhua University was chaotic, and Meng Huo was taken aback. For some reason, many strangers suddenly appeared around him, and some girls rushed towards him.

"Asshole, don't touch Teacher He Xi, that girl!"

"Protect Teacher!"

At the end of the live broadcast, the scene was in chaos.

"...It's a big riot!" Xia Chuanzhen, who was waiting for the performance backstage in Tokyo, flipped through his tablet computer and looked at the live broadcast on the forum. The photos in the back were scenes of riots. He was pushed away by the employees of Phoenix Company.

In the last shot, He Qian and Zhou Qian stood beside Meng Huo, making victorious expressions towards the camera. Qin Ya snatched Meng Huo's bachelor's cap and put it on her head in a fair manner—below the photo A group of forum members were complaining.

"Princess, do you think wearing a bachelor's cap is a college student?"

"No matter how you cover it up, you're just a stupid high school student..."

"Ms. He Xi's last graduation photo, the highlight was taken away by the princess!"

In the last photo, Qin Ya caused more topics than He Xi, and Xia Chuan really giggled when she saw it, but she noticed that Meng Huo had a smile on his face, and he didn't seem to hate the last commotion.

There were no more photos after that, but after taking the graduation photos, He Xi also accepted interviews from several reporters, and the content of the interviews was also recorded on the Internet.

"Mirror Moon?" Xia Chuan really noticed that apart from the 'graduation', the focus of the interview was on 'Mirror Moon', a mysterious cartoonist.

This is not surprising at all. After all, today is the end of the animation and manga of "Fate". It can be said that apart from He Xi's graduation, the hottest topic today is "Fate".

"Sister Shen, the author of "Destiny", is Jingyue from the Far East? He looks very powerful!" Xia Chuanzhen turned to ask Shen Jie who was beside him. Shen Jie was also reading the forum, and the reason why she was here was also In order to attend the concert.

Just like how Meng Huo handled her personal affairs after graduation, Shen Jie began to perform in various places by herself during the busiest time of work after the end of the year—she wanted to maintain a certain amount of performances to maintain her popularity as a voice actress.

That's why Shen Jie didn't go to see Meng Huo's defense.

Hearing Xia Chuan's real question, Shen Jie also remembered the rumor she had heard about Jingyue being from the Far Eastern Region. Many people knew about that rumor, but she still shook her head: "I don't know where Jingyue is from, now It's just a rumor, his identity hasn't been revealed yet, and he's not particularly powerful."

"But my brother seems to be very interested in him, and said that he might be his enemy..."

Xia Chuanzhen further said, He Xi expressed his interest in Jingyue without concealment in the interview, which is a rare scene. The 'enemy' that He Xi admitted will undoubtedly have a motivating effect on increasing Jingyue's popularity.

However, in Shen Jie's opinion, Meng Huo is more interested in 'unknown things' than Meng Huo is interested in Jingyue.

"Really, you don't understand Meng Huo." Shen Jie smiled and touched Xia Chuanzhen's head: "He stands too high, and sometimes he can't see the direction. It may not be because he really regards Jingyue as an opponent, but because Meng Huo needs to find an opponent, and it happens that Jingyue is more in line with his expectations."

"An unexposed cartoonist is full of mystery, and you can place your expectations on him—but if Mirror Moon comes out, the situation will be different."

Once Jingyue's real body was exposed, Shen Jie felt that Meng Huo would definitely not continue to be interested in her. His interest was based on the 'unknown', rather than the opponent's strength that really made him feel threatened.

If you want to say why, it's because Shen Jie feels that the comic "Fate" can't surpass Meng Huo's debut work "Detective Conan"—and even the debut work can't surpass it, so how can Jingyue surpass He Xi! ? (to be continued)

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