Big Manga

Chapter 998: Personal Design

After the first rains in early spring, some small buds began to bloom on the cherry blossom trees in Manga Island. Awesome Literature Network

The cherry blossoms in the south bloom earlier than those in the far east. Although the first batch of buds have not yet fully bloomed, some people have carefully collected them. On the way to work, a female painter in the island studio picked up the cherry blossom branches that had been knocked down by the rain, and put them into the vases in the studio.

She is a rich lady who has received a lady education. Every time she inserts a vase, other painters will always be amazed. These cherry blossom buds are rejuvenated under her hands, bringing a breath of fresh air to the studio.

However, on this day, not many painters pay attention to her works.

The eyes of the painters were all attracted by He Xi who was sitting in the main seat. Early in the morning, this big cartoonist with a slight frown was thinking about the blank drawing paper, drawing a few pictures from time to time, and then posted the result Torn to shreds—the painters who watched it felt distressed.

Each of the paintings is a newly designed character image by Meng Huo, which is very valuable, but at this moment, no one rushes to disturb him, even Qin Ya moved her work to a painting table farther away, so as not to affect Meng Huo. gained thinking.

Meng Huo is making the final choice for the character setting of "Stones;Gate". The animation script, episodes, and even the future broadcast time have been arranged, and tomorrow the animation introduction and animation will be announced to the audience on the official website. The main characters—but until now, Meng Huo still has a few people who can't be sure

This kind of situation has never happened in the past. He Xi has always prepared the character design at the beginning of the animation preparation. Only this time, he only provided some female character designs in advance, including several key character designs including the leading actor and supporting actor. But it has not been confirmed yet.

"It's been two hours. Teacher He Xi hasn't decided yet?"

as time goes by. The painters couldn't sit still and began to discuss secretly.

"Looks like he's still thinking..."

"Everything is ready, only a few characters are missing...Strange, isn't this an easy task for Teacher He Xi? Why did it take so long?"

"The paintings that were thrown away just now are very good. The standard is quite high. What is there that Mr. He Xi is not satisfied with? Princess, do you know the reason?"

Someone asked Qin Ya, but Qin Ya didn't understand, so she said, "Wait a little longer. I think the teacher must have special considerations!"

After waiting for another half an hour, Meng Huo suddenly stood up holding a water glass. The painters immediately lowered their heads to work, but their eyes sneaked over. They saw Meng Huo pouring a glass of water next to the water dispenser, and he returned to the painting table. I didn't rush to sit down,

He raised his head and poured the water in.

"Bang!" After drinking the water, Meng Huo put the water glass on the table, making a crashing sound.

"It's decided!" Surrounded by many eyes, Meng Huo picked up the drawing paper on his desk. He took out a few of them, and swept the rest into the trash can next to him: "These are the remaining character designs of "Stones;Gate". Qin Ya, help me scan and print the pictures immediately and share them with everyone!"

"Yes!" Qin Ya quickly ran to Meng Huo, took the drawing paper impatiently, and looked at it.

"..." Her face became stiff all of a sudden, and her tone was a little suspicious: "Teacher, is this okay?"

The painters around were stunned, Qin Ya's expression was wrong—but before they could seriously speculate, Meng Huo waved his hand: "This is the final version, it won't change, you can post it!"

With a strange expression, Qin Ya came to the scanning machine with the drawing paper, and began to scan each piece of drawing paper into the system, and then pressed a few buttons, and the printers placed on the desktops of all the painters received orders to start printing. New persona.

The first drawing paper was printed out, and the painters picked it up one after another, and then everyone had an expression similar to Qin Ya's.


"Why is the new protagonist so frustrated?"

Many people wonder if their eyes are dazzled. They have seen all kinds of He Xi's character designs, but they have never seen such an ugly one. As well as various actions and dressing settings, it is strange no matter where you look at it.

The character of the male protagonist is a thin man with some stubble on his chin, wearing a white coat and looking extremely sloppy.

"Teacher, are you sure you didn't assign the wrong person?"

A female painter couldn't help but asked.

"No." Meng Huo replied from a distance, and the voice could be heard by the whole studio: "That man in white who looks like an uncle is the leading actor."

"No, no, no... Teacher He Xi, this doesn't look like an 18-year-old at all, right?" Another artist couldn't help standing up. Zhang's character looks like a man in his twenties to thirties, not to mention a little youthful, more like a sloppy scientific researcher working in some research institute.

Meng Huo laughed: "Don't you think this image is more in line with his personality?"

In fact, this character design is the original male protagonist setting of "Stones;Gate". Meng Huo only made some minor revisions, but the overall situation remains unchanged. He considered for a long time to replace the male lead, but in the end he felt that this was the best and best able to show the image of the male lead as a severe secondary school mad scientist.

If the male lead is replaced by a handsome guy, his ability to express himself in various words and deeds will have to decline.

"But it's too ugly! Teacher, are you sure animation audiences can accept such an ugly setting?"

Qin Ya couldn't help interjecting, Island Studio's works have always been known for their gorgeousness, but this character design can't be considered gorgeous no matter how you look at it.

Meng Huo frowned. He didn't think it was ugly, but from Qin Ya's point of view, it was normal to have such thoughts. The island studio has been spoiled by him for a long time. The painters are used to all kinds of beautiful characters and images. The sudden appearance of this kind of alternative setting will indeed give people an ugly feeling.

"It's not ugly, it's just different." Meng Huo explained: "Don't worry, the painting style in all aspects of the animation will maintain a high standard. As long as the protagonist gets used to it, it's actually quite interesting-of course, the fat man is also the same. "

The eyes of the illustrators immediately turned to the second printed character design, which was a very unlovable fat man's character design, which was also very different. At first glance it may seem a bit overwhelming.

Meng Huo considered a lot when he made this decision. He has done too many beautiful roles. Creating such an alternative image will be very stressful. After all, whether the audience can accept it is a big question.

But in the end, Meng Huo still felt that the image in the original book was better, because it matched the character of the protagonist in the text setting best. The animation might make the audience a little uncomfortable at the beginning, but after watching it, Meng Huo believed that they would like it more. set up.


The painters looked at each other.

"Since Teacher He Xi said so..."

"That's the only way to do it."

Although many people had doubts in their hearts, when Meng Huo had already made a decision. It was difficult for others to refute him—Qin Ya also knew that this was a difficult task, so she simply gave up.

In fact, she thinks it is interesting to create a different kind of protagonist, and it may bring different effects.

This effect seems to come unexpectedly early. After a day of practice, the artists suddenly found that these character designs are not as ugly as imagined. After getting used to seeing them, they still have a special feeling—especially when the protagonist is holding a mobile phone haha When laughing, that kind of alternative breath really stands out.

The next day, Phoenix Company's official website released the introduction and character settings of "Stones;Gate".

"Oh my god. Am I dazzled? Why is the protagonist disabled!?"

"Eighteen? Don't tease me. Thirty, I think..."

"Haha, this is the ugliest male protagonist in the island studio. Let's talk about the dark area in your heart right now?"

"Suddenly I don't want to watch it. Last year's "Wine of Eternal Life" had a much more handsome protagonist than this one!"

"Upstairs, which one is the protagonist in "Wine of Eternal Life"? I still don't know..."

"Everyone, calm down. I believe that Mr. He Xi gave such a character design, there must be an amazing script behind it!"

The bustle of the forum also attracted the attention of many media, and soon Meng Huo saw a newspaper published a report on the character design of "Stone of Destiny", but he was not annoyed, as long as this kind of thing that is equivalent to a disguised advertisement does not touch Bottom line, the more the merrier.

After the day's work was over, Alice also chatted on the phone about why Meng Huo made these characters. Of course, this had nothing to do with work, it was just a topic that the two of them suddenly brought up during the chat - and because of trust, other people in the company did not question these people's schemes, at most it was just a joke.

"Island Studio's report said that such a persona is more in line with the character's personality, but this is too general." Alice laughed on the phone: "I'm wondering if you want to change the character image to show The charm of the script?"

Meng Huo did not deny that he also had such thoughts.

""Steins;Gate" doesn't need handsome handsome guys." He replied that handsome characters are easier to attract the audience, but "Steins;Gate" is not a work of selling face, the original intention of this animation should be in on the plot itself.

These current characters are undoubtedly the most suitable for plot development and can be most integrated into the animation story.

"Actually, it's not as bad as the first glance. After watching too much, maybe the audience will fall in love with these settings!" Meng Huo said as he opened the elevator door. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator with one foot, his voice stopped: "Look. Come on, I can't continue talking with you."

"Is she back?" Alice had expected.

"Yeah, just like a lonely kitten." Meng Huo looked at Shen Jie who was standing at the door of Alice's apartment, hung up the phone after saying a few words, and asked Shen Jie curiously: "Where's the key? "

Shen Jie shook her head helplessly: "I'm too busy these days, I don't know where to throw it."

She performed outside for more than half a month, but she accidentally threw away the key of Alice's apartment. Alice also knew about this, and planned to send someone to change the lock of the apartment door in two days.

"I can only stay with you tonight." Shen Jie said to Meng Huo. Meng Huo shook his head inwardly, it would be difficult to fall asleep again tonight - every time Shen Jie stayed overnight in his apartment, it would be a lot of psychological and physical torture for him.

Meng Huo turned to open his apartment and said, "Come in!"

After walking a few steps, he realized that Shen Jie hadn't followed, so he looked back.

"I just came back, I'm a little tired after a day's driving..." Shen Jie stretched out her hand: "How about you carry me in?"

Meng Huo was stunned for a while, her coquettish attitude was quite rare, could it be that Shen Jie felt a little lonely after being separated for only half a month?

He guessed right, Shen Jie was indeed a little lonely - although it was only half a month, it was the honeymoon period with Meng Huo after all, and the parting of the honeymoon period made people very sad. After half a month of performance and hard work, the moment she saw Meng Huo again, Shen Jie felt the urge to act like a baby.

Meng Huo turned around and hugged Shen Jie by the waist: "How about this?"

"Hey..." Shen Jie didn't expect him to be hugged by her princess, she was taken aback, and blushed: "This... you'd better let me down, I can't stand it!"

"Then go in and let it go!" Meng Huo walked into the apartment and closed the door with the rest of his strength: "You are different from what you look like, and you are really light."

"Girls are like this, it's not that I'm light, it's that you are too strong." Shen Jie smiled.

Meng Huo rolled his eyes: "Have you discussed that with Alice?"

"It's a pity...still in the dispute." Shen Jie shook her head and said with a smile: "Why, are you unhappy with the things you can't eat?"

Meng Huo nodded slightly: "I'm ready."

After a few months, he was no longer as bewildered as he was at the beginning, and he also adjusted his mind. At this time, progressing to the next step will not trouble him, but the lack of progress makes him a little worried.

Meng Huo wanted to take down these two people early, which would make him feel at ease. At least it would reduce the chance of unexpected incidents causing problems between the three of them.

"If you can't win or lose, why not just draw lots?" Meng Huo asked.

Shen Jie was not happy: "Such an important matter is decided by lottery, thank you for thinking it out."

"I really think this is a good idea." Meng Huo said, when the two of them would have to wait for a compromise, and the winner would be determined by drawing lots, then no one could blame the others.

"Actually, I don't mind two people." Meng Huo muttered.

Shen Jie patted his head: "Good idea, I don't agree with this kind of thing, okay, let me down."

She urged Meng Huo to let her go, this posture was too embarrassing. However, Shen Jie also wanted to speed up the progress between them. Alice and her had been stalemate for several months, and the two of them did not want this situation to continue.

It was hard to achieve the current situation. The longer the time dragged on, the more obstructive factors would increase. If it is only maintained at the verbal level, there is no guarantee that there will be no changes.

Shen Jie and Alice were no more relaxed than Meng Huolai. (To be continued...) WWW.GEILIWX.COM happy reading every day

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