Big Manga

Chapter 1000: Can't keep dragging on

At the end of March, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Awesome Literature Network

"Stones of Destiny's Gate" began a tepid serialization, but it did not affect Meng Huo's mood. While allowing it to develop freely, he was busy saving manuscripts for the comics-at the same time, Yenching University and Huaxia Music The college notified him of the time for the defense one after another.

The defenses of the two universities were only two days apart, both at the beginning of April, and they were also conducted in an open environment. Yanjing and Huaxia Conservatory of Music would not let go of the opportunity to show their faces.

Meng Huo decided to solve his academic problems once and for all. On the last weekend of March, he came to the hospital and applied to a director of the Suhua City People's Hospital who was in charge of the internship arrangement to end his internship.

"Are you sure you don't want to continue the internship?" The dean felt a little regretful about Meng Huo's choice, thinking that if the child could devote more time to medical skills, he would definitely become a famous doctor in the future.

"The internship time stipulated by the university has been fulfilled, and I am going to Yanjing University to finish my thesis defense." Meng Huo did not change his mind.

The dean stayed again: "It's okay after the internship is over, you can continue to come to the hospital for further studies, and you can arrange your time freely."

"..." Meng Huo thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, it's fine to finish here. For acupuncture, I will know how to continue my studies..."

He has learned everything he needs to learn in the hospital, and the foundation of acupuncture and moxibustion is very solid, which is not lost to most doctors. He also firmly memorized the experience talks of some senior doctors, relying on his powerful memory. Meng Huo has the ability to verify and absorb slowly in the future.

Now that he can independently explore higher-level skills, naturally there is no need to stay in the hospital anymore.

"Okay..." The dean saw Meng Huo's firm attitude. Sighing slightly, he pressed his seal on the internship form. After this seal is down, it means that Meng Huo's internship in the hospital is over, and he no longer needs to come here every week.

One of Meng Huo's worries has been let go. Without the internship in the hospital, he has a lot of time every week for painting.

After thanking and saying goodbye to the leaders of the hospital and the doctors who took care of me, the next day. Meng Huo set off for Yanjing. As soon as he left, Suhua City People's Hospital announced the secret of his internship, which caused a sensation.

Many fans of Su Hua were shocked by the fact that He Xi had practiced by his side for a long time without knowing it, and many people regretted it. At the same time, some patients were also shocked when they learned that the mysterious genius acupuncture intern turned out to be Teacher He Xi.

Su Hua blew a whirlwind, and the People's Hospital ushered in wave after wave of reporters.

The doctors, interns, and patients who had been in contact with Meng Huo were not able to escape the indiscriminate bombardment of reporters, and reports were soon published in newspapers.

However, this did not cause trouble to Meng Huo who had just left. After arriving in Yanjing, he found that the arrangements of Yenching University were much more orderly than those of Suhua University.

Although it was an open defense, Yenching University did not adopt an unrestrained 'openness'. They prepared a special teaching building for Meng Huo. Many security guards were called in to strictly control the reporters and fans who went in. Even the teachers and students of the school were not allowed to go in casually.

Rather than saying it was a public defense, this was more like a 'semi-public defense. '

The scene of Meng Huo's defense was a large classroom that could accommodate two to three hundred people. The classroom was full of people, and there were some bystanders standing in the corridor outside. But overall it doesn't look crowded and the atmosphere is relatively relaxed.

Xing Boxiang arranged a suitable environment for his defense. The process was similar to that of Suhua University, but in the questions asked by the reporters, some excessive and off-topic questions were rejected by the teachers of Yenching University, and Meng Huo was not as embarrassing as Suhua University.

At the end of the defense, some teachers accompanied Meng Huo to take pictures. The whole process was orderly. Meng Huo admired it from the bottom of his heart. It deserves to be the No. 1 residence in China, and the details were arranged perfectly. Meng Huo's eyes were also impressed by the delicate arrangements he received at the Huaxia Conservatory of Music a few days later.

The number of media flocking to Huaxia Conservatory of Music exceeds that of the previous two schools. However, this is an art academy, and there are many celebrities and idols. The school already has rich experience in public relations, and has arranged all the details in an orderly manner.

Meng Huo received an extraordinary courtesy here. Su Hua's and Yenching University's majors have nothing to do with his own work, but his major at the Huaxia Conservatory of Music is closely related to him. The webcast received a lot of attention on this day high.

He Xi's musical talent is well-known to everyone, and the media and fans have no doubts about his graduation from the Conservatory of Music. The defense and photos are just a process - with Meng Huo's music sales, even if he takes away the doctorate from the Conservatory of Music Not surprising.

The highlight of this day is not the defense. The Huaxia Conservatory of Music did not allow reporters the opportunity to question and make things difficult for Meng Huo. After the defense, they arranged a theater for Meng Huo to play a new piano piece in the theater, satisfying everyone’s expectations. At the same time, it also became the end song of his study career.


bsp; When I left the Conservatory of Music, it was raining misty spring.

Holding an umbrella, Meng Huo looked back at the academy for the last time. Although he didn't have much affection for this place, it was the last stop after all. After leaving this station, he was a social person through and through, and had nothing to do with the school. relation.

There were many people who came to see him off, and one of them was Huang Ye. This old teacher who has been watching Meng Huo since high school and single-handedly brought him here has witnessed Meng Huo's rise, and now he is also witnessing his departure.

He was silent for a long time on the road. The experience of this young man in the past six years is like a legend. Even at the moment when he was about to leave, Huang Ye still felt like he was living in a dream.

After Meng Huo and the others left one after another, they walked up to Huang Ye's side and shook hands with him.

"When you are interested in continuing your studies, you can tell me." Huang Ye finally said, "We can provide you with a postgraduate quota at any time, and the school's graduate and doctoral programs are open to you."

He is not the first person to say this. Both Suhua University and Yenching University have issued similar invitations. These schools have guaranteed research places every year. As long as Meng Huo is willing, he can directly enroll in the postgraduate degrees of the three schools without examination.

However, Meng Huo had no intention of continuing his studies.

"It's enough." He said with a smile, "I'm satisfied with my studies. I probably won't go any further in the future."

The importance of school to him was very low, and Meng Huo had no reason to continue his studies. He is quite satisfied with being able to make it to today and graduating from three top universities—whether it is for himself in the past or for Li Qin and others, this is a perfect score.

After bidding farewell to school and Huang Ye, Meng Huo returned to Ninghai with a relaxed atmosphere. He will spend the night in Ninghai. Li Qin had already prepared dinner at home. And Alice also took the time to run over.

"Welcome back." The moment she entered the door, Alice wearing a scarf surprised Meng Huo: "What are you doing?"

"Help Aunt Qin." Alice smiled.

Meng Huo put on his slippers and looked into the kitchen. Li Qin was busy inside, but there was already a table of dishes on the table. He went in and said hello to Li Qin: "What do you want so many dishes? Do you want to sleep?"

"Didn't you finish all three school defenses today?" Li Qin said with a smile, "This is to celebrate your graduation in advance, so eat more tonight."

"I haven't graduated yet!" Meng Huo picked up a washed apple and ate it, and said, "It will be several months before the graduation certificate is issued, Mom. If I go out for a trip by then, you have to help me get it." a bit."

Li Qin nodded, this matter is simple, she urged Meng Huo: "You go to the living room and sit down first. Don't stand here and get in the way, just let Alice help me alone."

Meng Huo glanced at Alice's strange movements: "Is she okay? I really don't need my help?"

"No need." Li Qin glared at Meng Huo: "I like her here, you go."

Alice also made a gesture to Meng Huo to go out. Meng Huo shook his head and had no choice but to turn around and leave.

He saw that the kitchen wouldn't get better for a while, so he went to take a shower first. When I came out of the bathroom, dinner was almost ready. Most of them are cooked by Li Qin, but there are also some strange dishes whose owners can be identified at a glance.

"...I think it's better for you not to take care of the housework." Meng Huo tried a few bites of these dishes, and felt that Alice was really not suitable for this kind of work.

Alice also took a few mouthfuls, nodded and said, "It seems so!"

"I think it's not bad, Alice is still a beginner." Li Qin looked at Meng Huo angrily, and then comforted Alice: "Everything should never start, don't be discouraged, try a few more times, in the future It will be done slowly.”

Alice smiled: "But I don't think no matter how hard I try, I can't compare to Meng Huo and Shen Jie, right?"

She is self-aware that housework and cooking have never been Alice's forte, and even if she can learn it slowly, she is definitely not as good as Meng Huo and Shen Jie—Shen Jie's cooking is quite good, and Meng Huo inherited it. Li Qin's talent, the food he cooks is better than blue.

"It's better for me to fight first, or wait to eat." Alice said.

Meng Huo nodded in agreement: "That's right, you don't have to do things you are not good at."

Not only did he feel that Alice had no talent for cooking, but he also knew that Alice was actually not interested in this aspect, at most it was just an occasional whim. Her job is in a more important position, and it is very important to get the right people in the right position.

Li Qin was a little angry at Meng Huo's ignorance. She actually hoped that Alice could become like Shen Jie, so that she would have more interactions with herself in life. but

But Li Qin also understands that she can't force others to make things difficult for her, and Alice will not become Shen Jie.

"What you are not good at, when we are together in the future, I will help you make up for it."

However, it didn't take long for Li Qin to cheer up when Meng Huo said the next sentence. She glanced at Alice. Alice didn't expect Meng Huo to say such explicit words at the dinner table, and her face turned red.

"This kid is enlightened!" Li Qin looked at his son happily, he could actually talk about love. However, thinking about the recent situation, Li Qin became a little dissatisfied again - it sounds nice to say that they will be together in the future, so why did they take so long to act.

The relationship between these three children has been confirmed for several months, but Li Qin tested Alice and Shen Jie, and they didn't seem to have any further development with Meng Huo, which made Li Qin anxious to death. As the saying goes, nights are long and dreams are many, they have not proceeded to the next step, who knows what will change in the future.

"I have to help them..." Li Qin thought, and then found an opportunity after dinner, and said to Alice: "It's so late, and it's still raining outside, I think you should stay here tonight! "

Alice hesitated, but nodded: "That's good."

She hasn't seen Meng Huo for a long time. He will leave early tomorrow morning, and Alice wants to spend more time with him.

However, when they chatted until eleven o'clock, when the three of them were about to go to bed, when Li Qin returned to her room, she suddenly turned her head and said to Alice: "By the way, I took the quilts from the guest room and Shen Jie's room. Go wash, go to sleep in another room."

Alice was taken aback, other rooms? Except for the guest room and Shen Jie's room, only Meng Huo's room remained.

"And Xiao Huo..." Li Qin didn't wait for Alice's response, then turned to Meng Huo and said, "It's easy to catch a cold in spring, so don't sleep on the sofa."

Meng Huo was dumbfounded. This Li Qin blocked his escape route, and he was not allowed to sleep on the sofa, and Alice, a woman, would not be able to sleep on the sofa—it was clear what Li Qin was thinking at this moment.

"I said Aunt Qin, shall I sleep with you?" Alice reacted, and immediately found a new countermeasure: "I want to talk to you."

She didn't mind sleeping with Meng Huo, but not in this situation. If Alice shared the same room with Meng Huo tonight and did nothing, Li Qin would not know how angry she would be - but Alice and Shen Jie haven't settled yet, so it's really hard to hurry up now.

Alice looked at Li Qin, hoping she would change her mind.

But Li Qin's attitude didn't change, instead he became firmer: "No need, I want to sleep alone. You two have a good rest today, so don't waste your time."

She walked a few steps towards her room, felt as if she hadn't made it clear, and added a few words back: "Xiao Huo, the quilt in your room should also be washed... I will help you tidy up the room tomorrow morning."

Meng Huo and Alice were silent at the same time, Li Qin's words can no longer be said to be a hint, but definitely forced the palace! After Li Qin left, the two looked at each other, then looked away in embarrassment - what should we do now? Li Qin will have to do a ward round tomorrow.

After staying in the living room for another half an hour, Meng Huo got up.

"Let's go!" He held out his hand to Alice.

Alice was taken aback: "Really?"

"I can't keep dragging on..."

Meng Huo said, without waiting for Alice's objection, he picked her up and walked towards the bedroom. (To be continued. (.))


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