Big Manga

Chapter 1001: Time

"Ah ah!"

Alice was thrown on the bed, the familiar smell on the quilt made her body stiff, her face flushed and she was a little at a loss.

"What should I do... Is it really necessary to..."

Seeing that Meng Huo was already taking off his coat with his back to her, Alice couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. Why did this guy act like nothing happened when she was troubled? Didn't he consider Shen Jie's feelings?

In terms of courage, Alice is not inferior to Meng Huo, but this is really not the time to show courage recklessly!

She quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket and asked Shen Jie for help.

"Give the phone to Meng Huo." Shen Jie said to Alice, and Alice nervously handed the phone to Meng Huo—in fact, she had a vague hope in her heart that Shen Jie would not be able to persuade Meng Huo to continue the conversation tonight. action.

She couldn't take a step forward without reaching a consensus with Shen Jie, but Meng Huo's actions were not under their control. If he made a strong request tonight and Alice had already informed Shen Jie, then whatever happened would be Meng Huo's fault responsibility.

"If his attitude is tough, I won't be able to resist..." Alice thought, although it was a bit selfish, but she believed that Shen Jie would definitely be the same as herself when encountering such an accident.

But after all, Meng Huo is not the kind of person who likes to force others. After talking with Shen Jie for a few minutes, he chose to compromise.

"I'll give you another month." After finishing the call, Meng Huo returned the phone to Alice and said, "Shen Jie has already said that she will give me an answer within a month, and the negotiation between her and you is only for one month." .”

This is also the bottom line for him not to do anything tonight. Meng Huo didn't want to procrastinate. Alice and Shen Jie didn't give him a deadline before. Make him fairly passive. But now that there was a one-month deadline, the initiative was in Meng Huo's hands.

And with this deadline, Meng Huo also had reason to persuade Li Qin not to be angry tomorrow.

"One month..." Alice frowned slightly: "Is this time a little rushed?"

Meng Huo shook his head,

Sitting on the edge of the window, he said: "In addition to the previous few months, I have given you a long time."

"What if we don't get the result within a month?" Alice asked curiously.

"Then it's up to me, you have to listen to my arrangement." Meng Huo raised his brows. Said: "Believe me, no matter what the conclusion is, it is better for you to draw your own conclusions than mine... You will not like my way."

Alice didn't ask Meng Huo what his method was. She could guess a thing or two, so it was really not a good idea.

"I see." She sighed, then stood up and walked out.

Meng Huo pulled her back: "What are you doing?"

"Go to sleep outside?" Alice said, Meng got a one-month deadline, and she will definitely not do anything tonight, so she doesn't have to stay here.

"Didn't you hear my mother say that there is no quilt in the guest room? She would lie about this kind of thing. It must have been planned early in the morning-the sofa is not easy to sleep on, so you can just stay here." Meng Huo said. Anyway, it wasn't the first time he slept with someone else, and it wasn't a problem to be lying next to someone.

But soon, Meng Huo regretted his words. Alice didn't refuse his proposal, but she did something that surprised Meng Huo before going to bed - undressed.

"I'm used to sleeping like this at home..." she said, Meng Huo's fiery body made Meng Huo feel more uncomfortable than sleeping with Shen Jie. He was tortured both mentally and physically throughout the night, even for an hour. Neither fell asleep.

And until dawn, Meng Huo didn't know whether Alice really had this habit or was teasing him on purpose.

Alice slept well, but when she woke up, Meng Huo had already left the room. She put on her clothes and went out, and heard Li Qin's questioning voice from a distance: "Really? You can take them two in a month? Didn't you lie to me?"

"Mom, when did I ever lie to you!"

"...Then I will trust you once."

Li Qin seemed to have passed the test. Alice was relieved when she heard the conversation. She was really afraid that Li Qin would not let go of this matter.

After breakfast at home, Meng Huo said goodbye to Li Qin, and then got into Alice's car. Alice postponed her work time in order to send him to the train station.

"Go directly to the station?" Alice asked while driving, "Do you want to buy something on the way?"

"No, wait..." Meng Huo looked at his phone, and suddenly saw a message saying, "I won't go to the station for now, take me to Jiahao Hotel, I have to receive a guest."

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and dialed out—"You are very well informed, I came back last night.", "I have time now.", "Then I will see you in Jiahao later."

Alice didn't hear Meng Huo's name for the other party, but only heard some key points he said, and she couldn't help being curious: "Who is it?"

"..." Meng Huo put down his phone, hesitated for a while, and then said, "Dong Ding, he got the news of my return and sent a message in the morning asking if I have time to meet today, and I agreed."

Dong Ding - Alice's eyes widened upon hearing this name.

"What does the president of Zhongxia Company want from you?"

And it seems to be very important, otherwise Meng Huo would not be able to change the itinerary temporarily, but he bought the high-speed rail ticket yesterday. The departure time was just forty minutes away, and there was no time to meet customers at all.

"Is it related to the company's business?" Alice asked.

Meng Huo shook his head: "It doesn't matter much, but it can't be said that it doesn't matter at all. This is a private matter between me and him."

"Could it be..." Alice remembered: "Is that in the past?"

She remembered a very important thing, not many people knew about it, only a few. The main insiders are Meng Huo, Xu Jing, and Dong Ding, and Alice also got a lot of information from Xu Jing.

"Is it because you and Dong Ding bet on the three chapters of the contract in the future of Zhongxia?" Alice asked.

Meng Huo nodded. If it was half a year ago, he might still have concealed some of the content. But now since Alice is already his girlfriend. Naturally, Meng Huo didn't have to hide it anymore: "Dong Ding and I agreed that if Phoenix can suppress Zhongxia. Three years later... that is, next year. He and I can jointly acquire Zhongxia Company."

"Join together?"

"Yes, join forces." Meng Huo nodded. Of course, Zhongxia Company can't be acquired by anyone who wants to buy it. Even if Meng Huo has enough money after betting all his family fortune, Zhongxia's shareholder meeting is not easy to deal with.

In fact, the agreement between Meng Huo and Dong Ding gave Dong Ding time. The shareholder structure of Zhongxia Company is complicated. Dong Ding hoped that Meng Huo would let him gradually increase his equity in the company, and wait for him to have the best say. when. Meng Huo's acquisition will also become much easier.

"Does he want to be the same as my father?" Alice understood as soon as she heard it. Dong Ding hoped to have the same status as Xu Jing of Phoenix Company, and maintain the right to speak in Zhongxia Company.

Once Phoenix and Zhongxia unite, China's animation industry will enter a long period of monopoly, and besides He Xi, the two that will benefit the most will be Xu Jing and Dong Ding.

Because of this, Dong Ding reserved three years for himself. In fact, he knew from the beginning that Zhongxia's chances of winning were slim, and he never expected to turn defeat into victory. Dong Ding was only serving himself—Zhongxia was suppressed by Phoenix, so he had the opportunity to take over the shares of other shareholders.

"He really is an ambitious man..." Alice sighed.

"But he is very capable." Meng Huo laughed. It was not easy to realize Dong Ding's ambition, when he made an agreement with Meng Huo. His position in Zhongxia Company is actually just a puppet of the shareholders. If he has no performance, he can be banned at any time.

Therefore, there are two prerequisites for Dong Ding to realize his ambition. One is to ensure the performance of Zhongxia Company and satisfy the shareholders. At the same time, he feels that no one can do better than him, so naturally he will not be banned. The second is to hide his ambitions. Once it is known that his real purpose is the shares of Zhongxia Company, or the agreement between him and Meng Huo, the shareholders will not let go easily.

"He is very powerful, and most people can't reach his level."

Meng Huo praised that he had also inquired into the internal information of Zhongxia Company and found that some shareholders had indeed sold their shares in the past two years, and Dong Ding took over their shares one by one, not only did not arouse the suspicion of other shareholders, but created He created the image of a president who dares to act and is dedicated to Zhongxia.

He didn't know what clever trick Dong Ding used, but the shareholders who left were happy to give up their shares to Dong Ding, and many people even regarded him as a successor.

"Dong Ding has always been regarded as the top professional manager in China, and ability is of course not a problem." Alice said, Dong Ding's ability and network are tempered by rich experience, and there are not many professional managers in China. Better than him.

"Who is stronger between you and him?" Meng Huo asked.

"Now I can't compare to him. On my own, I will have the chance to reach his level in twenty years, maybe it will be longer." Alice glanced at Meng Huo: "But with you by my side, this man will never be as good as him." The time will be shortened to ten years."

Ten years is also an understatement. At Meng Huo's current pace of progress, he would already be a very remarkable figure six or seven years later, and Alice, who was by his side, would naturally be pushed to a similar height—and it was not up to her to decide.

The stronger the Phoenix Company, the more important the people and matters Alice contacts and deals with, not only her, but everyone in the Phoenix Company. A few years ago, their eyes were fixed on the comics, and they could only focus on the comics, but now, animation, movies, games - countless related companies and businessmen came to them on their own initiative.

When the company was weak, Alice had to find her contacts one by one, but now, people who used to look up to come here one by one. She believes that in a few years, the person she looks up to today will come over on her own initiative, and because of this, within ten years, Alice is sure to surpass Dong Ding.

Of course, there is also a premise here that Dong Ding has no nobles to help. It's a pity that Alice has seen a noble person now, and the young cartoonist sitting next to her is obviously helping Dong Ding realize his ambition.

"Why do you want to help Dong Ding?" Alice asked. The Phoenix Company had the upper hand in the past two years, but they didn't hit Zhongxia hard, and they even cooperated with them—Alice felt that Meng Huo was showing mercy .

He has many powerful cards. For example, as soon as "One Piece" is released, Phoenix Company will skyrocket, while Zhongxia Company will be pulled away, and all businesses and influence will sink*.

The reason why Meng Huo didn't do this was obviously to give Zhongxia Company—more precisely, he was giving Dong Ding time and opportunity.

"Even without that agreement, as long as you beat Zhongxia Company to its knees, it won't be difficult to acquire it, right?"

Alice believes that as long as Phoenix Company has an absolute advantage, once Meng Huo releases information about the acquisition, the shareholders of Zhongxia Company will immediately rush forward, and each of them will allocate some shares to Meng Huo, so as to realize the realization of the relationship between Phoenix and Zhongxia Company. of the joint.

As long as the combination of Phoenix and Zhongxia is successful, this new company will be a monopoly—it will be good for all shareholders, and none of the shareholders of Zhongxia will reject such a pie.

So no matter whether Meng Huo and Dong Ding have an agreement or not, Meng Huo is actually the same. He is strong enough, so strong that Zhongxia Company must integrate him to obtain the maximum benefit in the future, otherwise, if they fall out, they will be completely suppressed by Phoenix.

That being the case, why is Meng Huo so soft-hearted? He can suppress the situation with a large army now, and force Zhongxia to surrender as soon as possible—but he keeps procrastinating, the purpose is to give Dong Ding time. Alice thought to herself, maybe Meng Huo chose to travel this year to let Zhongxia Company take a breather, so as not to be pulled too far by Phoenix Company.

He gave Dong Ding too much time, enough to make Alice wonder if there was any special relationship between the two of them.

"Don't think too much..." Meng Huo saw through Alice's thoughts and said with a smile, "I just don't want too many shareholders' Zhongxia."

He did give Dong Ding time. One of the reasons is that Dong Ding is very powerful, and the other reason is simpler-Meng Huo does not want to divide too many shares. If possible, there is only one Dong Ding left in Zhongxia Company. It couldn't be better.

The shareholding structure of Phoenix Company is very simple, but Zhongxia Company's shareholding structure is very complicated, but Meng Huo has no idea of ​​getting to know dozens of shareholders, and he does not want to see some people like Li Tianhui appear in the future.

"And I didn't give him a lot of time."

Meng Huo added that he didn't give Dong Ding a long time. It was only last year that Phoenix Company surpassed Zhongxia. They developed too fast, and they needed to slowly absorb and strengthen their foundations, so it was not suitable for them to continue to soar.

And next year is when the agreement with Dong Ding expires, and Meng Huo will start to work hard in the first half of the agreement to completely suppress Zhongxia Company.

Strictly speaking, he felt that the time he gave Dong Ding was only during the few months of his travels. After he came back, "One Piece" and other masterpieces should come out. (to be continued...)

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