Big Manga

Chapter 1003: The Chess Players Visit

But he still has a long time to think about it, so there is no need to rush. Baidu Search Geili Literature Network

Back at Manga Island, Qin Ya saw Meng Huo who came to work that afternoon, and immediately said, "Teacher, you have a visitor to the island, and I have been waiting for you for two days."

"Who?" Meng Huo asked.

"Director Muto, you should be very familiar with it."

Qin Ya said that Meng Huo, the curator Muto, only knew one person, and that was the curator Muto of the Go Association in the Far East District. Other than that, he didn't know anyone with the surname Muto. However, when he heard the identity of this guest, Meng Huo immediately lost interest.

"If you came here because of the closure of "Soul of Chess", you should dismiss them for me and say that I am not free."

He told Qin Ya that the suspension of publication of "Soul of Chess" was already a certainty, and it was impossible for Meng Huo to change it again.

Qin Ya shook her head: "Although they came here for this matter, it's better for you to meet them, teacher. They have been waiting for you for two days anyway, and maybe... Teacher, you can find unexpected surprises in them .”

"unexpected surprise?"

Meng Huo looked at Qin Ya questioningly, but Qin Ya smiled slightly and never explained too much.

"Is this woman tricking me on purpose?"——This thought flashed through Meng Huo's mind. "Closed and (The Liar.

And this kind of lie is too fake, you can understand it as soon as you get in touch with Director Muto.

After a short thought, Meng Huo decided to trust Qin Ya once. He was a little interested in the so-called surprise, so he told Qin Ya to reply to them. An appointment was made to meet the visiting chess players at a hotel in the evening.

After get off work in the afternoon. Meng Huo went back and took a bath. Then he and Qin Ya set off to the hotel.

In the hotel, all the chess players headed by Director Muto have already sat down. Besides Muto, Meng Huo also met the director of Su Hua’s Chess Institute and several professional chess players who have known each other—most of the guests are acquaintances, only Rarely do not know.

"Why are you all here?" Meng Huo was surprised that there would be such a big crowd: "I'm sorry, I left Manga Island for something, and I made so many of you wait for two days."

"It doesn't matter,

This is our mistake. Director Muto smiled wryly. He Xi's movements in the past two days are actually not a secret. If they had paid a little attention, they would have known in advance that He Xi was going to Yanjing to defend.

"Teacher, Ms. Qin, please take a seat." The chess players enthusiastically invited Meng Huo to the table. Qin Ya is an assistant of "Soul of Chess", and she has a good status, so she will naturally be in today's meeting.

Meng Huo sat down and asked, "Is Manga Island okay?"

"Not bad!"

"It feels fresh these two days."

The chess players did not wait blindly for two days, and enjoyed the style of Manga Island to their heart's content.

"We came here this time to thank the teacher." After the greetings. Director Muto said: "Thanks to the launch of "Soul of Chess", the development of Huaxia Go in less than two years has exceeded the sum of the past ten years. The Go Association has also successfully turned losses into profits."

"Turning loss into profit?" Meng Huo was surprised: "Didn't the entry-level chess halls in your various places lower the price again this year?"

He has been paying attention to the trend of the Go Association. In the past two years, in order to increase the number of Go fans, the China Go Association has greatly reduced the cost of the "Chess Hall" that is the main source of income. Among the chess halls in each local city, The hourly consumption is 1 to 2 yuan cheaper than Internet cafes.

Thanks to the implementation of this plan, the number of Huaxia Go fans has indeed grown rapidly, reaching the highest growth rate in two hundred years. However, the daily maintenance cost of the chess hall is not low. While the low price attracts fans, it is far from turning losses into profits.

"I remember reading a local report a few months ago." Qin Ya also interjected, and said, "The daily maintenance cost of Su Hua's chess hall is still more than the income, and he has to seek subsidies from the association every month. Could it be that Am I wrong?"

Her words made Su Hua's Chess Academy director laugh: "No, Miss Qin, you remember correctly. In fact, the operation of the chess hall is indeed a little bit of a loss. This situation may not be changed in the next one to two years."

"In order to maintain the current growth rate of Go fans, we will not change the low-price strategy within two years." Director Muto added two sentences, saying: "If the effect does not decrease greatly after two years, it may continue to be maintained. .”

"Then how does your association make money?" Meng Huo asked.

"Teacher, there are many ways to make money in our association, but they haven't developed yet."

Director Muto explained that with the popularity of "Soul of Chess" and the sharp reduction in the cost of chess halls in various places, the number of Go fans in China has exploded, which has also driven the development of all aspects of the Go Association's business.

First of all, there are many kinds of Go remedial classes. In order to increase their understanding of Go, a large number of enthusiasts and beginners are no longer satisfied with the elementary teaching provided by the chess hall, but have sought cram schools for professional players—the Huaxia Go Association can Fees are charged by introducing and conducting tutoring sessions.

Subsequently, the increase in fans led to an increase in various competitions, attracting many investors, the operation of the competition and the burden of prize money were shared. And the sales of various Go-related books and equipment have grown explosively in the past two years, becoming the main income of the Huaxia Go Association.

"Just talking about chessboards, we now sell more chessboards every month than in the past year." Muto sighed: "The price of chessboards with history and brands has risen even higher. The chessboards that used to cost 10,000 yuan are now sold for 30,000 yuan."

With the recovery of Go, the concept of Go brand is also recovering. The price of cultural relics with a sense of history is skyrocketing. Some players in the Go Association have sold some useless cultural relics at home, and many have been born. little rich man.

Qin Ya was taken aback when she heard this. Although she knew that "Soul of Chess" had brought great changes to the world of Go, she never thought that the changes would be so earth-shaking.

"You are not deliberately praising Teacher He Xi, are you?" She said suspiciously, "Why didn't I feel that the reality has changed so much, and there are not many people around me who go to cram schools because of "Soul of Chess".

Hearing this, Meng Huo looked at Qin Ya in astonishment. Just now he thought that the surprise that Qin Ya was talking about was just this matter. But look at Qin Ya like this. The surprise she said was something else.

Wu Teng laughed: "Miss Qin. What era is it now? Not everything can see its popularity from around. The biggest income of our association now does not come from reality, but from the Internet."


"Yes, the Internet!"

Muto explained that although offline tutoring classes and product sales are good, their online operations appear to be more successful. Nearly half of the tutoring classes are conducted online through video guidance, which greatly saves costs and makes it easier to match the time of Go lovers. Attract more people to sign up.

Similarly, the Go Association has opened a "Go Mall" on the Internet to directly sell various props. There are many merchants approved by the Go Association for sales. The quality and service are guaranteed, and the sales volume is quite good.

Moreover, the association operates a Go game platform, which combines online and offline, and often holds various competitions, and the game income of the platform itself is quite good.

"You guys play really modern." Meng Huo was speechless when he heard that, this Go Association is not simple. The marketing method is quite slippery, and Phoenix Company's comic layout on the Internet is far inferior to theirs.

And that's only two years away. The Go Association has already been able to connect online and offline. After they continue to play for more than ten years, this activity may really recover completely and become a national-level competitive activity.

"Because we have an excellent benefactor behind us..."

Director Muto said with a smile, he dare not say that everything today is the achievement of the Go Association, professional players generally do not have much business acumen. And what created today's miracle is the funder behind the association. As long as it provides an opportunity for its powerful think tank, they can reactivate any sunset industry.

As for Huaxia Go, the comic "Soul of Chess" is such an opportunity.

"Teacher He Xi, I heard that you plan to stop the serialization of "Soul of Chess"?" Muto slowly put away his smile, and his expression became more formal.

Sure enough, Meng Huo came to his heart, nodded and said: "That's right, but if you want to persuade me, I think it's better to die... This is something that has been determined, and I will not change this plan."

The dean of Suhua Chess Academy then asked: "Stopping serialization refers to stopping for a period of time, not permanently?"

Meng Huo nodded again. He just stopped serializing during his travels. When he came back from the outside world, "Soul of Chess" would soon resume publication. It is unlikely that the entire serialization period would stop for more than half a year.

"Sure enough." The dean of the Suhua Chess Academy showed a relieved expression, and said, "We did want to prevent Mr. He Xi from suspending publication. "Soul of Chess" is very important to our association. will have an impact.”

"But after learning about Mr. He Xi's plan, we found that there is no reason to stop you."

Director Muto shook his head. In the final analysis, the Go Association has nothing to ask for in the comic "Soul of Go", but He Xi has nothing to get from the Go Association - the identities of the two parties are not equal, and the Go Association is in the negotiation They have already received a lot of care, and now they are not qualified to ask for further improvement.

What's more, after passing the investigation, they also discovered the reason why He Xi did this. This cartoonist worked so hard in the past that when the Go Association wanted to ask the editors of Phoenix Company to persuade He Xi, no one agreed to do so.

The comics that have been suspended this time are not limited to "Soul of Chess", and the most influential one may not be the Go Association, but the Phoenix Company. However, even so, Phoenix Company is still willing to bear the loss and risk, and give He Xi some time to rest.

After investigating these inside information, the Weiqi Association found that it was powerless, and it was too shameless to forcefully ask He Xi to change his mind—so the biggest goal of their trip was another matter.

Meng Huo realized that the topic was coming, so he couldn't help cheering up.

However, Mu Teng did not say the purpose immediately, but first took out a thick document bag and handed it to Meng Huo.

"What is this?" Meng Huo curiously opened the file bag, pulled out the files inside, and then the title of the top file caught his attention: "...Huiyue Studio Transfer Agreement?"

"Yes, Huiyue Studio is the only animation studio among China's top ten animation studios that does not belong to Phoenix and Zhongxia." Director Muto nodded and said, "We bought it, and we want to I want to give it to Teacher He Xi, and I hope you can promise us one thing."

Huiyue Studio, Meng Huo remembers this studio - this is an animation studio established by a group of very talented painters, the standard is quite high, and several ordinary-level comics have been produced into popular animations with high returns.

He knew this studio because both Shen Jie and Alice had mentioned it in front of his eyes, and it was also the old employer of the voice actors in the studio besides Phoenix Company, and Zhongxia Company also wanted to acquire it several times.

However, Huiyue Studio's performance is quite good, and there are many people who are willing to invest. It is said that there are big forces behind it, and the founders of the studio stated early on that they would not sell to others, so it is still thriving until now.

"Is this the surprise?" Meng Huo turned to look at Qin Ya, who nodded slightly at him, it seems that she knew this in advance.

Meng Huo turned his gaze back to Director Muto: "How did you buy Huiyue Studio?"

"We have some connections with this studio." Director Muto knew what Meng Huo was thinking, and explained: "Teacher, you don't have to worry about them not cooperating after you get it. We used normal means to obtain the consent of Huiyue Studio. I bought them later."

The reason why he thought of buying an animation studio as a gift to He Xi was because the Go Association had no choice but to do so. He Xi never liked to receive gifts. In the past, it was so troublesome to give a chessboard, so they had to consider it from his point of view and give him something that would help him.

Huiyue Studio does have a lot of attraction for Meng Huo. He has specially seen the works of this studio. Potential activated, its effect could be another 'island' studio.

"..." Meng Huo tapped his finger on the table and thought for a moment, "What do you want me to promise?"

When Wu Teng heard Meng Huo's words, he immediately knew that they had chosen the right gift this time. He breathed a sigh of relief, then straightened his sitting posture and said, "Mr. He Xi, I wonder if you have considered the animation of "Soul of Chess"... ..."

The animation of "Soul of Chess" is their dream. However, no one knows how long it will take to animate a certain manga—it's better to fight for it earlier. (To be continued...) WWW.GEILIWX.COM happy reading every day

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