Big Manga

Chapter 1004: Blood Princess

Phoenix Company has a total of four animation departments, including one in Suhua, one in Ninghai, and two in Tokyo. Even including Qinglong Studio, which is responsible for adapting text adventure games, there are only five in total. Awesome Literature Network

Of these five studios, three are already established: Text Adventure Games, "Pokemon" and "Detective Conan". One of the remaining two departments was handed over to Bai Yan, which generally produces short animations, and the last island studio has always been reluctant to produce long-form animations.

If the manga of "Soul of Chess" is to be adapted into an animation, it will naturally be a long-form animation. According to the current situation, it is difficult to see the possibility of its animation in at least four or five years. Because of this, the Go Association took the initiative to offer a Huiyue Studio, hoping to make Meng Huo agree to release the animated version of "Soul of Chess" earlier.

Meng Huo asked directly, "You want me to make an animation of "Soul of Chess"?"

"Well, if possible, we hope that you can animate "Soul of Chess" before the trip." Muto said: "We don't ask for any share or profit, as long as it can be animated."

The two-year serialization of "Soul of the Game" has already caused a great sensation. Assuming that it can become a more powerful animation without any compensation to Muto and the others, it will be a big deal for the Go Association and the development of Huaxia Go Fortunately, what a mere Huiyue studio pays for is naturally rewarding.

"Before the trip..." Meng Huo frowned. Although he is interested in Huiyue Studio, the time is too tight for him. It is not difficult to realize the animation of "Soul of Chess" before the trip. The difficulty lies in the animation after he leaves. How to proceed.

This is a feature-length animation, without a long time to get along and get in touch, how could he safely hand it over to an animation studio that just accepted it?

"This time is impossible!" Meng Huo immediately refused.

Curator Muto was a little regretful, but not disappointed—he heard what Meng Huo said, at least the cartoonist was interested in Huiyue Studio, and if it doesn't work now, it will be okay after the trip, right? He asked Meng Huo for his opinion.

"After the trip?" Meng Huo thought for a while. He also had a lot of work to do after the trip. I also plan to launch the animation of "One Piece", but I may not be able to produce "Soul of Chess" immediately: "Within a year, I will give you this deadline. I don't know if it can be produced immediately after the trip."

"One year?" Director Muto and the other players looked at each other. Although they were not very satisfied, the expected goal had been achieved with this deadline, and the players agreed separately.

"That's it." Meng Huo smiled: "By the way, where is Huiyue Studio?"

Although he has heard of this studio.

But don't know its exact location.

The president of Suhua Chess Academy replied: "Yang Jiang, if you use the high-speed rail, it will arrive in half a day."

Meng Huo's smile stiffened for a moment, and Qin Ya couldn't help snickering when she saw his expression.

"Is there any problem with this address? Teacher He Xi?" the director of the Chess Academy asked a little nervously.

"No, no problem." Meng Huo shook his head, come on, it takes four hours to take the high-speed rail, which is farther than Yanjing, and now he has another place to work. Perhaps he was born to work hard.

After dinner, Meng Huo returned to the apartment with the transfer documents of the studio.

He wants to hand over the documents to the secretary and send them to Suhua tomorrow. These documents have not been finalized yet, and Meng gets to ask Alice to send someone over to receive them. But when he thought about handing it over to the secretary, he felt uneasy, so he called Shen Jie over.

"Please help me go, no one is safer than you." Meng Huo handed the document to her and said, "Give the document to Alice, she knows what to do, and you ask her to investigate Can you transfer Huiyue Studio to Manga Island?"

Although he thought it was unlikely, Meng Huo asked Shen Jie to ask Alice to investigate the employees of Huiyue Studio. In the case that the relocation would not cause a big impact, Huiyue Studio should be transferred to Manga Island as a priority. The Manga Island is large enough, and it will also facilitate his work.

But Meng Huo himself thought it was unlikely. Relocating from a company is not such an easy task. The Phoenix Company had only relocated half of its employees after so long preparation, not to mention Yangjiang, which is farther away.

The next day, Shen Jie returned to Ninghai with the file bag. And a week later, Alice notified Meng Huo that the transfer procedures had been completed.

"Thank you, what about the relocation?" Meng Huo asked.

"This estimate is not good." And just like he guessed before. Alice gave an unacceptable answer on the phone: "The painters in Huiyue Studio are generally from Yangjiang and its surrounding cities. I investigated their wishes, and few of them are willing to relocate."

Although Manga Island is the workplace that many painters yearn for, family factors are more realistic factors. If they relocate forcefully, Huiyue Studio will inevitably suffer serious damage, and the gains outweigh the losses. Meng Huo felt a little pity, but he could only accept this reality.

"Huiyue's manager will go to Manga Island to introduce their studio to you in the next few days, and then discuss follow-up matters." Alice also gave Meng Huo another notice that Huiyue's person in charge will come to him and relieve him. I ran to Yangjiang to understand the troubles of the situation.

Meng Huo was a little happy: "I'll let someone receive him. What's his name?"

"Qin Ming, Qin Chao is Qin, Ming tomorrow, you don't have to worry about this, I will pass the information to your secretary, just let him pay attention." Alice said, and then ended with Meng Huo call.

Shen Jie didn't come back after returning to Ninghai this time. Meng Huo guessed that the two women should be hurrying to discuss his affairs.

There are still three weeks before a month, and Meng Huo is not in a hurry. It is enough to worry them during this period. He concentrates on saving the manga for the trip in a few months, and at the same time continues to produce "Stones;Gate" ".

Several episodes of "Steins;Gate" have been aired, and the response has been mediocre, and there are still many people who can't understand it. However, the number of viewers has greatly increased compared to last year's "Wine of Eternal Life"—after what happened last year , Meng Huo's audience became more patient.

Not only the audience, but the patience of the media has also increased a lot. Although most of the voices are still unfavorable, there are also quite a few newspapers that have expectations for "Stones;Gate", and occasionally conduct in-depth analysis of the plot And predictions, unfortunately, with scarce information, no one really guessed the future development of animation.

But despite this, the point of "world line conversion" was still grasped by ardent fans, and they gradually discovered the most important theme of this animation. And this theme also gave them a lot of motivation, which proves that "Steins;Gate" is not as simple as people think.

Of course, apart from this incident, Meng Huo was also attracted by Qin Ya's movement.

"You want to publish a short comic?" When the new issue of "Weekly Girl" was released, Meng Huo saw the notice in the magazine that Qin Ya was going to publish a short comic. And he had never heard of it before, so he couldn't help being a little curious: "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Teacher, you are not my father, I don't need to tell you everything." Qin Ya said with a smile, and then explained that this short comic is her experimental work. It is not her work alone, but a work in collaboration with another person.

"I want to try to create short comics with her first to see if I can succeed." Qin Ya's collaborator is naturally Ye Feimeng, and the two decided to cooperate to launch a work, but Qin Ya naturally didn't dare to play too much at first. Great, it's best to try the short comics first.

Looking at the names of the two writers on the trailer, Meng Huo suddenly remembered something, and said, "The paintings you asked for last time were for this woman, right?"

"Yeah." Qin Ya nodded: "Teacher already knows?"

"Alice told me, because the name of the illustrator was written in Ye Feimeng's new novel..." Meng Huo recalled the doubtful tone in her voice when she heard this from Alice—Ai Li Si couldn't remember when Meng Huo knew such a woman.

In fact, Meng Huo did not know him. He hasn't met Ye Feimeng until now, but seeing that Qin Ya is not only sending paintings, but also cooperating with her in drawing comics, he can't help but become interested in Ye Feimeng: "Speaking of which, "Galaxy Song" The recent comic style of "Legend of Ji Ji" has also changed a bit... Is this also due to her?"

Qin Ya opened her eyes wide in surprise: "Teacher can even see this?"

This is a secret, but "Legend of the Galaxy Diva" has indeed added some new elements in recent issues. With Ye Feimeng's suggestion, Qin Ya discovered her own shortcomings and fine-tuned them.

But even though it was just fine-tuning, Meng Huo was very familiar with her. As an old comic, "The Legend of the Galaxy Diva" has already taken shape in its style and style, and Meng Huo can see the subtle changes.

"Does the teacher think the style change is good or bad?" Qin Ya continued to ask, in fact, she still has no way to confirm the effect of Ye Feimeng's adjustment.

Meng Huo nodded: "It's not bad. Originally, the style of the manga was a bit heavy, but it became active after adjustment... I think this is a good thing."

"Your new partner is still very good at TG." Meng Huo said with a smile: "Maybe your short comics can kill the "Blood Princess" of Zhongxia Company."

"Blood Princess", this is the most popular comic of Zhongxia Company recently. It is the second comic released by the rookie cartoonist 'Jingyue' after "Fate". The quality is not worse than the debut work. It caused a great uproar.

However, although there is a name for a long comic. "Blood Princess" is also a short and medium-length comic, and its expected serialization time is only a few months, no more than half a year. Phoenix Company seems to be using the short and medium comics to create a kind of comic that is extremely risky but can quickly become popular. Way of the Mirror Moon.

The effect of this method is very prominent. Compared with a full-length comic, after a series of high-quality medium-length comics, the strength of the cartoonist can be quickly read and deeply recognized by fans, cultivating diehard loyalty. Coupled with the serialization of "Blood Princess", animations and movies of "Destiny" have also been broadcast one after another, and the wave of Mirror Moon will never stop.

Meng Huo believes that after the end of "Blood Princess", Jingyue will launch a new novella soon, and the animation and movie of "Blood Princess" will also be on the road during the period. At that time, Jingyue's popularity will not be lower than Angel's - because the quality of her works is indeed very high.

Whether it is "Destiny" or "Blood Princess", Jingyue's comics are full of thrills and thrills, full of suspense, people can't put it down after reading it in one bite, and are extremely eager for the following plots. That is indeed a genius cartoonist.

Continuously launching short and medium-length comics to create popularity has great effects, but it is also very risky. Once the quality of any of the works in the middle drops, the entire star-making process may be wasted. But putting such a big risk on Jingyue doesn't seem to be a big risk.

"I don't intend to compare with that pervert." Qin Ya laughed when she heard "Blood Princess", "Besides, the genre is different, it's a juvenile manga."

The name of "Blood Princess" is a shoujo manga, but it is actually a juvenile manga, so Qin Ya was relieved more than once. She was really worried that there would be such a high-yield and high-quality monster in the shoujo manga world to challenge herself.

"I recently thought that Jingyue might be a woman." Meng Huo said suddenly, "You should regard her as your opponent."

"Woman?" Qin Ya was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Impossible, could a woman draw such evil works."

In her eyes, Jingyue's works are evil works, the style is mainly fierce and tense, no matter how you look at it, it is something that boys are good at, and the tenderness and warmth that girls are good at can't be seen in Jingyue's hands.

However, Meng Huo was not kidding. After reading several Jingyue comics, he felt that she might be a woman.

"If she is a woman, then she will be more successful than you..." Meng Huo looked at Qin Ya and said, if Jingyue is a woman, and she is also a good-looking woman, when her identity is revealed, It will definitely be the top dg cartoonist in China - even angels can surpass it.

This is not surprising. Originally, the audience of Huaxia juvenile comics far exceeds that of girl comics. If a female manga artist achieves success in the juvenile manga industry, she will be more attractive than the average male manga artist. Once Jingyue is proven to be a woman, Her fans are going crazy.

Those readers of juvenile comics now naturally believe that Jingyue is a man like them. If their guesses are wrong, the effect of Jingyue’s exposure will be far greater than that of Meng Huo back then. In fact, female cartoonists have a great influence on the readers of juvenile comics. attraction.

Meng Huo once wanted Qin Ya to become the number one female cartoonist in China, but now it seems that she is still unable, or unwilling to transform into juvenile comics that maximize readers. Although "Legend of the Galactic Diva" is for both men and women, it is only a manga among girls' manga that can be liked by male readers-it does not break away from the restrictions of the genre.

And Jingyue aimed at juvenile comics from the very beginning, and her ambition is not small. (To be continued.) WWW.GEILIWX.COM happy reading every day

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