Big Manga

Chapter 1006: Incident

"Xiangzi, Xiangzi!!"

Yanjing, the ongoing concert is unprecedentedly lively.

The auditorium of tens of thousands of people was empty, and the shouts were neat and orderly. Next to the stage, the staff handed the microphone to Koko Takashima: "Miss Koko, everything has been checked."

"Thank you." Koko Takashima smiled, and then looked at the crowded audience in a daze. Although it was not the first time she saw such a scene, every time she felt like she was dreaming.

"I've really become a big star!" She thought so, then took a deep breath, suppressed the tension in her heart, and walked towards the stage with a smile on her face: "Everyone, welcome to my dance...Yahah !"

The screams became the first and last tune of the concert.

Su Hua, Meng Huo, who was telling Bai Han about the next step of the "Shakugan no Shana" comic in the studio, suddenly heard the ringing of his mobile phone. He picked up the mobile phone and looked, and Alice's name was printed on the caller ID.

"Alice, what's the matter? I'm still working."

Meng Huo picked up the phone, drew a sketch of the new character for Bai Han with one hand, and said.

"Meng Huo, something happened. Xiangzi is in the hospital!" Alice said in a cold tone, "She fell off the stage and broke one of her feet."

The movement of Meng Huo's hands stopped: "When did it happen?"

"Just tonight, not long after it happened, I have already notified Mr. Takashima, and they said to rush to the hospital immediately." Alice said, "I think it's better to inform you about this matter."

"Is the injury serious?" Meng Huo frowned.

"The results haven't come out yet. Preliminary information says it's not very serious. It's estimated that the treatment will take about a month." Alice replied.

Meng Huo breathed a sigh of relief, so it seems that the injury is not particularly serious: "Why did she accidentally fall off the stage?"

"That's why I have to inform you.

"Alice said, generally speaking, Meng Huo is not required to be notified when a voice actor is injured, but this time the situation is quite special: "Xiang Zi fell in Yanjing, and the person in charge of that stage was Hu Yaotian. "

Meng Huo's heart sank, he remembered the name: "The one who caused trouble for Zhen Zhen last year?"

"It's him." Alice was not surprised that Meng Huo could remember this name she had only heard once, she had already gotten used to his amazing memory ability: "Xiangzi didn't fall by the side of the stage. She fell on the stage Yes, I suspect that man did something wrong."

Meng Huo put down the paper in his hand, picked up his mobile phone and walked out of the studio, and asked coldly, "Why did this happen again? After the real accident happened, why didn't the office remember him a little longer?"

"It is said that this time the other party warmly invited them, and the firm had already confirmed the situation of the microphone and playback equipment in advance. They did not expect that the other party would directly tamper with the stage."

Alice apologized: "Sorry, it was my mistake this time."

"No. I don't blame you." Meng Huo sighed, he didn't blame Alice, it was the firm's lack of consideration. Alice has a lot of affairs now, and it is no longer possible to pay attention to these details of the office like in the past. If I have to say it——Shen Jie's responsibility is slightly greater.

He rubbed his brows: "This is the second time, what kind of enmity does that man have with us?"

"I don't think there is any hatred, but there are always some people..."

Alice explained that after Xia Chuanzhen's voice loss happened last time, she had sent someone to investigate Hu Yaotian. In fact, he has no grievances with the Phoenix Company, but he is very close to Star Dream and other companies in the entertainment industry.

Hu Yaotian is a person who specializes in stage management. In order to please the entertainment company, it's normal for him to cause some troubles for the popular voice actor of the Phoenix Company—it's just that Alice didn't expect him to go so far.

"Many people have deliberately troubled us before." Alice said: "But the main thing is to make things difficult for some interactions and questions on the stage. No one has ever used such dark methods. He is not afraid of offending us at all."

"Of course he's not afraid." Meng Huo snorted coldly, "He'll just solicit customers for himself."

He can see through Hu Yaotian's thoughts. It's actually very simple. Although his actions offended Phoenix Company to death, the more he offends, the more favorable he will be to companies like Celebrity Dream. Maybe there will be more stars Choose his stage presence.

But again and again, Meng Huo would not allow it to happen again and again. He was already a little angry last time, if he didn't help Takashima Koko this time, then others would have to treat him as a fool - what should they do if they follow suit in the future?

"Alice, send someone to investigate." Meng Huo said, "Show the evidence. Sue him in the name of the company!"

"This..." Alice hesitated: "It will be very difficult for me to get the evidence."

She doesn't think she can find evidence. People who have been in the entertainment industry for many years are all as clever as foxes. When doing such things that cannot be exposed, they will be fully prepared and will not leave any clues.

"You investigate first. If not, I'll go and have a look by myself." As Meng Huo said, Alice immediately heard the inevitable thought in his words—Meng Huo was angry, and he must do something to Hu Yaotian lesson.

Alice was overjoyed, because of her special liking for Takashima Koko, her anger towards this matter was not weaker than that of Meng Huo. He couldn't find a chance to make a move, so if he had Meng Huo, he could let go.

"I see, I'll go back to Yanjing tomorrow." Alice said, she hadn't shown her presence in Yanjing for a long time, and since she stopped working in the firm, the voice actors have encountered a lot of troubles. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she wanted others to weigh the price of offending Phoenix Company.

The next day, Alice set off for Yanjing, and she was accompanied by Shen Jie besides a few subordinates.

Shen Jie set off from Suhua in the morning and met Alice directly at Ninghai Station. She didn't ask Alice why she called her. One month was coming soon, and the two of them still had a lot to say.

However, in Yanjing, the man who was stared at by Alice was also staring at Alice. Not long after she left, Hu Yaotian got the news in the office.

"The witch is coming back." He put down the phone and asked a middle-aged man beside him, "Is the person you arranged okay? I asked you to give her a meeting gift, so don't miss her! "

The man clapped the photo on his hand and said with a smile: "Do you think we are blind? How many people would not recognize her with such obvious features?"

"But is it really okay?" The man looked at Hu Yaotian: "I've heard about this witch before. She has a lot of contacts. She knows a lot of celebrities. If you offend her, why don't you lose customers in the future? manage?"

Hu Yaotian sat down, poured tea for the man and himself, and said, "It's different today. Among celebrities and entertainers, there are quite a few people who have objections to her. What's more, being a celebrity has never been a problem, the problem is the celebrity company."

He narrowed his eyes: "Star Dream and other companies still took care of her in the past. She was a very talented woman. After she left, many companies wanted to win her over. Therefore, she will not offend her and give others a chance—but it is different now , everyone has seen that she will not return to the entertainment industry."

Alice's current status is the vice president of Phoenix Company. With such an ambitious company in her hands, how could she return to the entertainment industry to work for others? After realizing this, the value of this woman in the entertainment industry is also huge. It will be greatly reduced.

In addition, she is still an opponent, which makes many established star companies feel uncomfortable.

"As long as you teach her a lesson, you can earn hundreds of thousands." Hu Yaotian sighed, "Where can I find such good money!"

The man scoffed, hundreds of thousands is not a big deal, if it wasn't for the friendship between the two, he would not do such a thing: "Let me say it first. That woman is fine, but I don't want to offend Teacher He Xi." ...Afterwards, if there is any problem with Teacher He Xi, you have to bear all the responsibility for me."

Hu Yaotian nodded, but frowned again, and asked curiously, "Why are you so afraid of He Xi? What is his background?"

This friend of his is a well-known figure in a certain way in Yanjing, and he has always been fearless, so why is he so wary of He Xi?

"I don't know the origin, but there was a rumor in the past that the boss of an obvious company caused a small accident for Mr. He Xi in Tokyo, but it didn't work. He was locked in and hasn't come out yet. .”

The man said indifferently: "I can't figure out the inside story of this matter, but there is a consensus on the road, it's better not to offend Teacher He Xi."

Hu Yaotian frowned. Sneering: "What did I think it was, but it turned out to be a rumor! You guys are sometimes suspicious... Well, don't be angry, it's okay if I don't say it... This time it's just a woman, so be careful and you won't have any problems."

Seeing the man's displeased expression, Hu Yaotian immediately changed the subject: "This woman's family background is not something you can't offend, right?"

"I have investigated the Xu family. There is no threat to us." The man nodded: "Don't worry, I have arranged two groups of people, one group will miss, and the other group will not miss."

"That would be great, drink tea."

Hu Yaotian happily added new tea to the man. The two chatted, waiting for the good news to arrive. Two hours later, a phone call came to the man.

"It should be here to announce the good news." The man said with a smile: "Looking at the time, that woman should also be here now."

When he connected the phone, Hu Yaotian looked at him expectantly—only to find that the man's expression became worse and worse, then he hung up the phone and stood up: "Yaotian, I won't play with you this time!"

"What's wrong?" Hu Yaotian was surprised.

"The two groups of my men were found by the police, they said they were wine racks, and now they are in trouble!" The man said angrily, "I specially reminded them not to drink too much, how could it be a wine rack! You Don't tell me it was accidental, both groups of people went in!"

"Ah?" Hu Yaotian was dumbfounded: "Impossible."

"The phone calls are coming, how could there be fakes!" The man said, suddenly the phone rang next to him, his expression changed, and he quickly picked it up: "...What, what's the matter? I'll be right back! "

Hu Yaotian had a bad premonition: "What happened this time?"

"...I'm convinced this time, and I can't participate in this matter anyway." The man hung up the phone, turned around and gave Hu Yaotian a hateful look: "Suddenly a large number of police raided outside my hotels Check, when is it bad, but this time!"

He walked towards the door quickly, but before he went out, the man turned his head and said: "Yaotian, for the sake of our childhood playmates, let me remind you, let's forget about this matter, I think there is no regret at all." The teacher has also intervened, he really is not better go and apologize to him before the incident gets serious!"

Having been in the dark side of society for many years, men have a keen sense of smell. What happened today is extraordinary. The police station has their informants, so it is impossible to attack them for no reason. The only reason is that other forces have interfered, and they are quite powerful forces.

"It seems that the rumor is true..." The man walked quickly outside, thinking that he should never touch the people around He Xi again—no, not even about the Phoenix Company. put one's oar in.

At Yanjing Railway Station, just as Alice and the others walked out, some policemen on the side of the road were pushing a dozen young people into a police car.

"What's going on here, why are so many people arrested?"

A subordinate said strangely.

Alice noticed that several young people were staring at her viciously, and couldn't help frowning slightly, and then quickly showed a relieved expression.

"I may have brought you a leucorrhea..." she said to Shen Jie.

Not far away, in the building opposite the station, a man put down his binoculars and said, "I don't know if I saw it wrong. Her expression seems to have sensed something."

"Perhaps you read that right, that young lady with blond hair is a very powerful person." There was a woman sitting next to the man, who calmly trimmed her nails, and said, "She and the young master are two different people, the young master Just like people outside the world, they have great power and are dismissive of others. And this young lady knows how to control people, so she should be a good hostess."

The man smiled: "What about the other young lady?"

"The other one, she..." The woman looked at her shiny nails and said, "She is a character in a martial arts novel."

If it hadn't been for half a year ago, the old lady had ordered them to protect the two young mistresses for a long time, so she wouldn't have stood up and meddled in the business - even without their bodyguards, as long as Shen Jie was present, Alice wouldn't have any accidents, right?

"Well, but maybe it is..."

The woman thought of what happened a few years ago, and could understand why the old lady was so cautious.

No matter how powerful Shen Jie was, she was still only a mortal child. (To be continued.)

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