Big Manga

Chapter 1007: Disagree

Early in the morning, Meng Huo just came to the studio, and all the painters got the news.

"Teacher, is Xiangzi okay?" Qin Ya asked worriedly, "Is her injury serious? What about the dubbing in the future?" "It would hurt too much"

Although the heroine of "Stones;Gate" is also a tsundere, the agency asked Takashima Koko to match another supporting actress who is more in line with her personal voice. The dubbing of the supporting actress can barely be changed, but the dubbing of the heroine of Koko Takashima in "Shakugan no Shana" must not be changed at will.

The high popularity of "Shakugan no Shana" animation comes from its heroine Shana to a considerable extent. Once the voice actress is replaced, it will have a fatal impact.

"It doesn't matter, the firm will issue an announcement this morning." Meng Huo said, "Takashima Koko's dubbing will not be affected."

One night later, Takashima Koko's injury was very clear. Although she will not be able to move freely for nearly a month, relying on the help of a wheelchair and crutches, the animation dubbing every week will not be affected.

"Her parents have already taken her back to Tokyo, and they just took this opportunity to let her rest at home for a month."

Meng Huo went on to say that the Tokyo branch of the firm has been open for several months, and it can provide the same dubbing facilities as Ninghai Suhua, plus it is less than 100 meters away from Sakura Company, which is very convenient for Takashima Couple take care of daughter.

In this matter, Meng Huo felt apologetic to Takashima and his wife. He was the one who turned Takashima Koko into a voice actor, and he was more or less responsible for not protecting Takashima Koko. So this time Meng Huo agreed to all the demands of the Takashima couple, and also banned Takashima Koko from performing for a month.

"It's good that she's fine, but it's a pity..." Qin Ya said with a little regret: "Artists are most afraid of leaving the stage. Xiangzi has been on an upward trend recently. She can't show her face for a month. I don't know how big the loss will be."

"...That's not the case, one month is fast. Her fans are also very enthusiastic." Meng Huo went back to the apartment last night and looked at the comments on the Internet. Most of the fans were very worried about Takashima Koko and hoped that she would recover soon.

The firm has also formulated some countermeasures, and Takashima Koko's accident may become an opportunity for her to become even more popular.

Meng Huo was not worried about Takashima Koko's problem. He was more concerned about whether Alice could find any evidence in Yanjing today. It is very important to give Hu Yaotian a warning, so as to prevent similar things from happening in the future.

However, on Alice's side, the situation was far less optimistic than Meng Huo had imagined.

"...Shouldn't you give us some explanation?"

After talking with Hu Yaotian for a long time, Alice didn't get anything useful. And the other party's tepid attitude made her a little angry.

"Explanation? What explanation do you want?" Hu Yaotian said with a smile on his face: "If you want me to apologize, I promise to apologize to Miss Xiangzi. This was an accident. We will pay Miss Xiangzi's treatment expenses and compensation. Is it sincere enough?"

Alice was furious secretly, and she really couldn't grasp the other party's handle. Hu Yaotian's performance is almost impeccable, he is willing to apologize and compensate Takashima Koko, so what else can Fènghuáng Company do?

But in fact Hu Yaotian's loss is nothing, Takashima Koko's popularity is too high recently, such a blow. Several companies of Celebrity Dream were overjoyed, and promised to let several of their big-name stars come to perform, and they gained far more than they lost.

However, under normal circumstances, there is no problem for Alice to stop here. But this is not the first time Hu Yaotian has done this, if the voice actors from the firm still come here in the future

Alice believes that the same thing will happen the third and fourth time.

"Mr. Hu..." Alice suppressed her anger, and said: "Ming people don't speak secretly, our cooperation is probably over, and there will be no voice actresses appearing on your stage in the future. Of course, you may also won't care."

She paused. Then he added: "However, you can't do too much. Teacher He Xi has noticed what happened this time. He is more difficult to deal with when he gets angry... I can help you comfort him. I just hope that today's matter is here. End. Do you understand what I mean?"

Alice looked at Hu Yaotian carefully, the subtext was obvious, she just hoped that Hu Yaotian would not spread this matter with embellishment, so as to have more follow-up effects to the outside world. What Alice is worried about is that Hu Yaotian's behavior will attract followers, but she really lacks a way to directly attack Hu Yaotian now.

"You speak too vaguely, I don't quite understand what you mean."

However, Hu Yaotian's rejection of his reaction was under Alice's judgment.

In fact, it was not easy for Alice to accept this loss. She just set a trap, if Hu Yaotian promised not to cause trouble afterwards, then it would be difficult for her to do it, and she might suffer the loss.

However, Hu Yaotian thought that he was completely different from the animation industry, and Fènghuáng Company had no way to deal with him, so he rejected Alice's suggestion as expected. He was still not satisfied, and added a sentence later: "The mouth is on my body, and sometimes I can't control it." it."

His words clearly told Alice that I understand what you are talking about, but I will not listen to you, and I can do whatever I want.

Alice sneered at the corner of her mouth: "Really? Very good, then I will take my leave today."

Hu Yaotian was a little surprised by her sneer, and then frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy. But after thinking about it carefully, he felt at ease again, his arrangement was foolproof, now that he refused to admit it, what else could Fenghuáng Company do?

"Pretentious woman..." Hu Yaotian watched Alice leave, took a sip of the tea on the table, and felt refreshed in his heart: "Last time Xia Chuan really saved her from a catastrophe, and this time there is another Takashima Koko Made me a success."

As the brightest new star of Fèng Huáng Company in recent years, what Hu Yaotian did to Takashima Koko will definitely win the joy of some artists and star companies, how could he give up the opportunity to promote himself.

Hu Yaotian wants everyone to know that Fènghuáng Company is actually a paper tiger, a river lies between them and the entertainment industry, how could they fly over suddenly, there are still many ways to design Fènghuáng Company.

Alice went back to the car.

"How's the investigation going?" she asked a female subordinate.

"No one let go." The female subordinate replied: "All the employees said that what happened last night was an accident, and the related videos were also deleted by them on the grounds of failure, and there is no evidence left."

Alice was a little surprised: "How could this be, your money is not enough?"

"I don't think it's a question of money." At this moment, Shen Jie spoke. She was wearing a hat and sunglasses. When Alice was in contact with Hu Yaotian before, she accompanied the others to investigate quietly.

Alice looked at her: "What did you find?"

"Lian Jiazi." Shen Jie replied very simply: "I saw a few Lian Jiazi, and they don't look like ordinary employees. I wonder if that Hu Yaotian is related to gangsters. If so, how can we investigate? It's no use either."

Black x Alice thought of the scene she saw outside the airport, and she immediately understood.

; Definitely right, that's it. No wonder there is no evidence for such an obvious act of manipulation on stage, if there are those people behind it. Even if some employees know it, they will never tell it, and spending money to lure them will not have much effect, because everyone has to consider the consequences of telling the truth.

"No wonder he refuses to eat hard..."

Alice frowned, it was difficult now. She is not afraid of hackers, but she doesn't want too much contact with them, and those are all professional guys. The evidence on the stage must have been wiped out. Although there is still a chance to find it, there are still many troubles to face.

Alice didn't want to make things so troublesome, and she felt that Hei X definitely didn't want to have anything to do with them at the moment, and she couldn't run over to provoke them.

"People from the Meng family can use it..." Alice suddenly thought of this, but immediately denied it in her heart. In fact, she didn't care about borrowing the strength of the Meng family at all, but it seemed that Meng Huo was not interested in the Meng family, so it was better for her not to worry too much at this stage.

Moreover, the current situation of the Meng family is good. Ever since the super bodyguard met the old lady, Alice knew that as long as she and Shen Jie did not leave Meng Huo, their safety in this life should not be a problem.

But apart from the role of the super bodyguard, the rest of the role had to wait for Meng Huo's attitude change.

Several conclusions were immediately formed in Alice's mind: the Meng family cannot be relied on; the evidence on the stage is not suitable for investigation, it may lead to the black x; as long as no evidence is found, the black x has learned the lesson of the train station and will not show Hu Yaotian again In summary, the matter is still on both sides of Feng Huáng Company and Hu Yaotian.

"What should we do now, Alice?" Shen Jie interrupted Alice's thinking. Said: "It's better that person is completely stubborn, but now he is willing to apologize to Xiangzi, so what else can we do? If we continue to care about this matter, wouldn't it be too petty?"

Alice recovered. He nodded and said, "There will be influence in this respect, but Meng Huo wants to teach him a lesson."

"Why?" Shen Jie wondered, "Meng Huo is not such a stingy person."

"This is not the first time. The main reason is that after someone finds out about Hu Yaotian's blatant actions, we will not have any countermeasures, and other people will follow and provoke us." Alice explained: "Meng Huo wants to travel. Leave such a pimple."

Shen Jie understood. After talking for a long time, it is actually a matter of travel. The seiyuu agency is the department that makes the most enemies in Fènghuáng Company. Meng Huo is worried that after he leaves, the entertainment circle will hit the seiyuu even more. In fact, this is what will definitely happen: He Xi will leave Now, if you don't suppress the seiyuu now, when will you suppress it.

With this in mind, Meng Huo was particularly vigilant about Hu Yaotian's matter. He couldn't let the situation get worse, so he wanted to act first. Now if he could use Hu Yaotian's problem to warn the entertainment industry, he would also I'm not afraid of falling out after I leave.

"Then what should we do?" Shen Jie hesitated to speak.

Alice gave her a strange look, and then said, "Call Meng Huo later, I'm hungry, let's go eat first."

She asked the driver to drive to the hotel, and after dinner, she and Shen Jie returned to their room. Once back in the room, Shen Jie did not hide her words: "Alice, let's solve some troubles first." Right, you don't really want Meng Huo to leave alone, do you?"

"No, I understand what you mean..." Alice looked at Shen Jie with a smile: "We can't let people hinder our honeymoon, right?"

Shen Jie nodded. Although the two had never discussed Meng Huo's travel, they both knew that the other party would definitely not let go of this opportunity to play with Meng Huo. Maybe they only have this chance in this lifetime


So Meng Huo's trip affected not only him alone, Shen Jie and Alice, especially after Alice left, the management of Fènghuáng Company would become more vulnerable than ever. If there is any trouble, it should be dealt with now, so that no one will disturb the trip of the three of them. This is the common view of Alice and Shen Jie. Alice has more important goals.

"If possible, I would like to leave this matter to you." She said to Shen Jie: "I want to complete one thing in the next year, and there may be many inconveniences. Even if I come back from the trip, I may not be like Work like this now."

Shen Jie opened her eyes wide: "Do you want to..."

"I went to his house a few days ago, and then I made a decision." Alice smiled wryly: "You know what Sister Qin is thinking, I don't think I can escape you, but you still have the burden of being an idol. You can't do this... so I will take the first step and relieve your pressure."

Shen Jie's expression suddenly became complicated, a little disappointed and uncomfortable but also seemed relieved.

"Does Meng Huo know your plan?"

"No, he doesn't know yet." Alice shook her head: "I don't want to tell him for now, let's talk about the matter first."

"You really know him, you can kill him if you know the established facts..." Shen Jie frowned, and suddenly remembered something, her eyes lit up again: "Alice, you don't want to take such a big advantage for nothing, do you?"

Alice knew her thoughts a long time ago, nodded and said, "I'll leave it to you."

A smile appeared on Shen Jie's face: "I still won."

"No, I let you win this time." Alice was a little unhappy this time: "You didn't convince me."

"Anyway, the result is everything." Shen Jie clenched her fists: "How about this, don't look for any evidence, I'll go directly to teach Hu Yaotian a lesson, demote him painfully, and let him lie in the hospital for a year We can leave Yanjing early and go back in half a year."

Alice thought it was a good idea, but she disagreed with the last sentence. To be continued.


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