Big Manga

Chapter 1015: Doubt


"Ah, I don't play anymore!"

Within a few minutes, Qin Ya suddenly yelled, and stood up with a displeased face: "Stop playing. Net"

A look of pride flashed across the face of the girl sitting opposite her, Qin Ya turned to look at Meng Huo: "Teacher, help me avenge, finish this game!"

Meng Huo was taken aback, looked at the time, and thought it would only take ten minutes, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

He walked over to change places with Qin Ya, and the expression of the girl opposite became tense.

"Teacher He Xi!?" The girl looked at a loss. She was calm when she faced Qin Ya just now, but she became nervous when she saw Meng Huo—this is normal, even if you don't talk about your identity, He is also a beautiful young man.

Both Qin Ya and Meng Huo looked good, and the boy who played chess with her just now was also very nervous, but the nervousness was the nervousness, and the boy still defeated Qin Ya.

"Can I play this game instead?" Meng Huo asked.

" can." The girl hesitated a little: "Is it better to start over..."

"No need." At this time, a chess player next to him said: "Just play, Xiaotao, don't underestimate Teacher He Xi. Although he has not passed the professional exam, his chess ability is no less than that of a professional third-dan player." .”

Another veteran chess player also said: "Seize this opportunity well. This is an opportunity to play against high-level players. It will be very helpful for you to see how Master He Xi reverses the game."

Meng Huo suddenly felt the pressure increased. The Go Association seemed to know his chess skills thoroughly, and praised him so highly before he could speak. It seemed that this time he couldn't relax, he could only win but not lose.

"Teacher He Xi, do you have three paragraphs?"

The girl looked at Meng Huo curiously.

Meng Huo sat down opposite her and said, "I don't know the exact number of stages, but they say it's three stages, so it should be about the same!"

"But teacher, haven't you just learned chess?" The girl looked surprised.

"I have about half a year longer than you..." Meng Huo replied, he started learning chess before the serialization of "Soul of Chess", but it was only more than two years ago. This year's chess strength hasn't changed much, but it should be enough to deal with this girl.

"Can we start?" Meng Huo picked up the chess pieces.

After the girl nodded, she put it down, and Qin Ya excitedly stood by and watched, waiting for Meng Huo to help her save face.

Qin Ya is at a disadvantage in this mess, but it's not that there is no chance of recovery. Meng Huo hadn't played chess for a long time, and he took every step very carefully. But his thinking speed is much faster than ordinary people, often before the girl plays chess, he has already guessed the places where she might put the chess pieces, and he has figured out the countermeasures in advance.

The external manifestation brought about by this speed of thinking is that Meng Huo's chess skills are very fierce, and he doesn't seem to give the girl a chance to react at all. Every time she put down the chess pieces, within a second, Meng Huo's chess pieces were put down—the girl was particularly nervous by this fierce attack, and felt that she could not think at all.

As if being chased by Meng Huo to play chess with a gun, sweat appeared on her face, and her steps gradually became chaotic.

"After all, they are children..." the chess players watching this scene thought to themselves. After all, they are too young to be confused when they are under pressure. Meng Huo's style is indeed extremely fierce, but Go is a skill that allows careful consideration, no matter how fierce he is, as long as the girl keeps her heart. She can think about it slowly by slowing down her chess playing speed.

A mature chess player would never be taken away by his opponent when faced with such a situation, but this girl quickly fell into Meng Huo's trap. In order to keep up with his speed, her speed also slowly changed. Soon, the result is several mistakes in a row.

In just three minutes, after Meng Huo had finished playing a new chess piece, the girl was about to make a move when her eyes swept across the whole chess game, but she couldn't help but stop.

"...What's the matter?" Meng Huo saw her stop the chess pieces, and asked, "Aren't you going to continue playing?"

"...No need." After all, he is a professional chess player. At a young age, the girl also knows the ending. At first glance, her advantage has been completely lost in this game of chess. Before he knew it, Meng Huo had turned defeat into victory.

"Teacher, you won this game of chess." She bowed her head to Meng Huo with a trembling voice. Qin Ya made a victory gesture and was very happy, but she immediately covered her mouth to prevent herself from laughing. Don't want to hit the girl too hard.

Meng Huo put the chess pieces he had picked up to deal with into the flag box, and said, "Your chess skills are very good, but you are not calm enough. If you can calm down, maybe you will win this game."

This is not social entertainment, but the truth. Although there is a gap between professional third-dan players and professional chess players who have just started, they can't get cheap in Qin Ya's mess. In Meng Huo's opinion, the girl's chess skills were quite high, and she and Qin Ya even let the water go when they played.

In fact, it can't be said to be a release, but Qin Ya can't force the girl to show 100% of her chess strength. Although she seemed to be hasty in the process of playing against Meng Huo, most of her reactions were brilliant. If every move can be thoughtful , The outcome of the two is still unknown.

"Okay, that's it!" The chess players around applauded. Although the girl did not perform very well, this game will definitely let her understand the importance of mentality, which is also a good thing.

Of course, the most important thing is that Meng Huo won, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Although the chances are not high, if he loses, the Go Association really doesn't know how to deal with this situation. And Qin Ya also took revenge, and her sulk was much less.

The two walked out of the venue amidst the enthusiastic farewell of the chess players, and the driver of Meng Huo's family was already waiting at the door.

"Are you really not planning to go home?" Meng Huo asked after getting in the car. Qin Ya returned to Ninghai this time but didn't want to go home. The two returned to Manga Island in the evening. Some other assistants chat about comics.

"I won't go back in such a short time. Many people will come to see me when I go back. It's troublesome." Qin Ya smiled and said, "Why, teacher, you don't want me to visit your house? Is there any secret that you can't see?"

Meng Huo shook his head: "No, I welcome you over."

Hearing that Qin Ya would be a guest, his assistants were very happy. Qin Ya's recent short story was a big success, Hua Meng and Wang Yanmeng liked it so much, they both planned to come to learn from Qin Ya in the afternoon.

Li Qin was also very willing to have Qin Ya as a guest. Meng Huo guessed that she wanted to ask Qin Ya about her usual work.

"Teacher, do you still have work in the afternoon?" Qin Ya asked at this time. Meng Huo said that he would go to the company after going home for a meal, and would come back in the evening. This made her very curious: "I don't have any work recently, right?"

Of course Meng Huo didn't go to work, he just planned to go to Alice. But it was impossible for him to leak it to Qin Ya, so he casually found a reason: "I want to talk to Mr. Xu about the arrangements for the next few months."

He is about to leave for a trip. There is not much loophole in this reason, Qin Ya was fooled by it.

In Jiayuan Community, Li Qin and the others prepared lunch for the two of them early, and all the assistants were present. Tomato and Xi Wenlin, who no longer had to be in Tokyo to help produce "Detective Conan", also seized the opportunity to have a good talk with Meng Huo.

The food for lunch made Qin Ya yell. She has an outgoing personality, and she is not a stranger, so she quickly got to know other people well.

"Then you guys talk. I'm going to the company." After eating, Meng Huo saw that Qin Ya had already chatted with the assistants, so he said something, and then left the community.

As soon as his back disappeared, Qin Ya looked at Li Qin and Hua Meng who were washing the dishes, and then asked Tomato, "Hey, have you noticed any changes in Teacher He Xi compared to the past? "

"Change?" Tomato looked suspiciously: "I don't feel it anymore, what about you?"

"I don't feel anything either." Shaking his head, he felt that Meng Huo was the same as usual.

"Why do you suddenly ask this, princess?" Wang Yanmeng asked. Her belly was slightly arched, and she looked as if she was pregnant.

"I'm just asking, I always feel that Teacher He Xi is a bit strange recently..." Qin Ya frowned, thinking about how to explain it better, but it seemed that she couldn't explain the feeling clearly: "I don't know how to express it, how should I say it?" Well... the teacher seems to be a bit manly?"

Wang Yanmeng couldn't help laughing: "Teacher He Xi has always been very manly."

"It's not that masculine." Qin Ya scratched her head and said at a loss for words: "How should I put it, I'm not talking about the feeling that he has become more manly, but that he... is more like a man, Especially his attitude towards women. In the past, his eyes and attitude towards women were no different from those of men!"

Her eyes lit up, and she suddenly knew how to express herself.

What was strange about Meng Huo was not his extroversion, but some changes in his words and deeds. What impressed Qin Ya the most was that she felt that Meng Huo cared more about women than before. In the past, although he didn't take care of it. But men and women are basically viewed in the same light.

But now he has a feeling of 'difference between men and women'.

"You mean that Teacher He Xi suddenly became enlightened and found that men and women are different, right?" Tomato concluded.

"Yes, yes, this is it!" Qin Ya clapped her hands and said happily: "Today, my teacher and I went to the Go Association, and he took the initiative to help me block the reporters... It seems that he has never been so active before."

She looked at Qin Ya delicately: "Princess, don't you..."

"...Don't get me wrong." Qin Ya blushed. Said: "I'm just curious. Teacher He Xi seemed very mysterious for a while, but then it changed a bit. I wonder if something happened to him..."

She had a flash of thought: "By the way, has Shen Jie been here recently?"

"This..." The assistants vaguely sensed what she was probing. They looked at each other, and they all understood that there were some things that they couldn't say - although they didn't know anything, it was better not to gossip in this situation.

"Princess, you must be thinking too much." Wang Yanmeng said, "Teacher He Xi is the same today as before. I don't think there has been any change."

"Me too." Xi Wenlin said coldly at the side: "If you're here to gossip about the teacher, it's better to ask him directly."

Qin Ya heard the displeasure in his voice, and immediately stopped the topic wisely. In this case, it is indeed not easy to gossip about Meng Huo.

But her skepticism didn't diminish by half. Meng Huo's change was absolutely real - she could guarantee this, although it was only a small change that no one else noticed. But she was the one who had been with Meng Huo the longest, and she could detect it with just a change in her eyes.

"Ms. He Xi really looked at me and other female painters with more polite eyes than before..." She muttered in her heart, Meng Huo's awareness of the 'difference between men and women' seemed to have risen, and sometimes she made some intimate movements, his The performance is also rustier and stiffer than in the past.

Coupled with doubts about Shen Jie, Qin Ya kept her eyes open to examine Meng Huo during this time, and she believed that her judgment would not be wrong. However, the main reason for such gossip was not that Qin Ya wanted to gossip, but that she knew that if Meng Huo and Shen Jie got together, another person would be injured.

The delicate relationship between Shen Jie, Alice and Meng Huo naturally cannot be hidden from Qin Ya, she has always regarded them as a triangle relationship, and she used to enjoy watching them. In the past year, her attention has decreased, but after Shen Jie came back last time, Qin Ya's vigilance immediately rose.

The relationship between these three people is not as simple as a simple triangle relationship. The three of them are very important roles in Phoenix Company, and each of them is as important as Qin Ya. Shen Jie, who has the lowest weight, is also one of the signs and pillars of Phoenix Company. If she is poached by other companies, it will be a devastating blow to Phoenix Company's seiyuu career.

Meng Huo and Alice are even more serious. One is the core of Phoenix Company, and the other is the helm of Phoenix Company. Problems with either party may shake the foundation of the company.

It was based on this consideration that Qin Ya was very nervous after noticing Meng Huo's abnormality. If it was what she expected, Meng Huo and Shen Jie would get together, and Alice would be out of the game—the Phoenix Company would definitely fall into chaos in the future .

Alice is not only the heir to Phoenix Company's shares, but also the vice president in charge of all businesses. Qin Ya doesn't want any accidents to happen to her. In fact, if she had to choose, she would rather have Meng Huo and Alice together, and let Shen Jie out.

But the wind seems to be heading in the opposite direction lately...

"Mr. He Xi went to Mr. Xu today, so he must have a showdown with Miss Alice, right?" Qin Ya suddenly thought about it, and felt even more uneasy.

"I, I suddenly remembered something." She stood up and said, "I'd better go home, I want to go home and get something."

She decided to follow Meng Huo and stop him if he really met Alice.

The assistants were stunned: "Then you don't draw anymore?"

"No, let's discuss it with you next time!" Qin Ya picked up her bag, turned around and left: "You don't need to tell the teacher, I will come back here before he comes back." (To be continued.)

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