Big Manga

Chapter 1016: Avoid


"Thank you, you go back first and pick me up in the evening."

In the Phoenix Building, Meng Huo asked the driver to drive away and walked into the company. He greeted acquaintances on the road and walked towards Alice's office.

Alice's office was actually his office a few years ago. Meng Huo was very familiar with the route, but when he arrived at the door of the office and told Alice's secretary that he was going in, the secretary showed a embarrassed expression.

"This... Teacher He Xi..."

"What's wrong?"

"Vice President Alice is not here now." The female secretary said a little nervously: "She just left and said she won't come to work today?"

Meng Huo was silent. He asked his secretary to step aside and look in the office. There was indeed no sign of Alice. The tea on the table hadn't been finished yet, and Meng Huo's cups were still warm. It was as if Alice knew that he was coming over in advance and deliberately avoided him.

"Do you know where she went?" Meng Huo asked.

"The vice president didn't say anything." The secretary replied, "But I think I should go home!"

If Alice wanted to avoid herself, she would definitely not go home, because that would be too easy to find - Meng Huo thought so, in order to prove his judgment, he thought for a while, and then walked towards the CEO's office.

Xu Jing was drinking tea in the office, and was taken aback when he saw Meng Huo coming in: "Why are you back?"

I came back to participate in an activity of the Weiqi Association, didn't Alice tell you? " Meng Huo asked after saying hello.

"She didn't tell me, sit down..." Xu Jing let him sit down and refilled him with tea: "Is there anything you want to say? Alice is in charge of the specific things now, and I'm almost treating this place as a retirement center." .”

Xu Jing's face was very happy. Since Alice returned to Ninghai, his work has become less and less. There is enough rest time every day. If it wasn't for Alice not wanting to take over, he would have considered handing over the company completely to her.

"I actually came here to find Alice, but she left just now." Meng Huo took a sip of tea and said, "The secretary doesn't know where she went, did she go home?"

Xu Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "No. If she plans to go home early, she should notify me."

Meng Huo thought that sure enough,

Alice must be avoiding him, and he asked calmly, "Then, has she felt unwell recently? Could it be that she went to the hospital?"

"It's impossible!" Xu Jing said with a smile: "She is in good health, and I don't see anything wrong. The last time I caught a cold was a long time ago."

"That means Alice hasn't been unusual recently?"

"No, it's the same as usual."

Xu Jing said that Meng Huo got the information from his words: Alice is not sick, and there should be nothing wrong with her daily words and deeds. If there is anything abnormal, the temptation just now should remind Xu Jing of something.

"Then do you have a way to find her?" Meng Huo put down his teacup.

"There is a solution, you two...argued?" Xu Jing noticed something.

Meng Huo denied: "I don't know either. She seems to be avoiding me. I want to ask what's going on."

"She avoids you?" Xu Jing's eyes widened in disbelief, and then his face sank: "What's wrong with this child, wait...I'll help you find her right away."

He got up, picked up the phone on his desk and called out.

"Binjiang Park." Soon. Xu Jing, who got the news, told Meng Huo: "The location displayed by the positioning system of Alice's mobile phone is there. I have someone send the signal to your mobile phone. You will receive it later."

As soon as the words were finished, Meng Huo's cell phone rang. He turned on the cell phone and saw a moving glowing red dot displayed on the map: "How do you know her positioning signal?"

"She's the vice president of Phoenix Company. I don't know how many people are watching in secret. Can I be careful?" Xu Jing said. But Alice herself didn't know that her whereabouts were controlled by her father.

But Meng Huo had no objection to Xu Jing's approach, he thanked him, drank the tea in one gulp and left.

Originally, Meng Huo planned to ask the driver to pick him up, but he thought it was too late, so he ran to Alice's office. He found a few masks and hats for makeup, which seemed to be used by Alice to hide her identity, and he took them away without hesitation.

Meng Huo put on his hat, then put on his mask after walking out of the building, and stopped a taxi by the side of the road.

"Binjiang Park."

As he said this, the taxi had just left, and another taxi followed behind——Meng Huo's appearance could deceive others, but he could not deceive Qin Ya, who had seen his disguise. Qin Ya had just arrived when she saw Meng Huo going out, so she let the taxi follow without hesitation.

And in Riverside Park, Alice parked her Porsche on the side of the road, reading comic magazines at the open-air booth of a coffee shop.

"Although it's to avoid him, it's good to come out to take a rest once in a while." Sitting on a bamboo chair, feeling the sunshine and listening to the laughter of customers around her, Alice felt relaxed and felt that a lot of hard work on weekdays had disappeared. .

She has no other plans, as long as she has a comic magazine in hand, she plans to stay here quietly for an afternoon.

However, she had only turned a third of the way through the magazine, and when Alice was about to ask the clerk to refill her desserts and drinks, she suddenly saw a taxi stop in the distance, and a familiar figure stepped out.

Although it was just a glance, Alice's heart skipped a beat—"Meng Huo! How did he find me?"

She recognized the figure, immediately put away the magazine, got up to check out as if she didn't notice, and then walked towards her car as if nothing had happened. The distance between the two was far enough, and there were many people in the middle, so she was confident enough to run away before Meng Huo caught her.

But Alice's height is too prominent, Meng Huo just glanced at it, and immediately found the target among the many women, and he walked towards her quickly. And Alice noticed that his speed was accelerating, so she couldn't help but also stepped up.

Fortunately, her Porsche was parked on another street. Alice avoided the collision with Meng Huo, rushed to the car, opened the door and got in.

At this time, Meng Huo was still tens of meters away from her. After realizing that Alice was about to run away, he accelerated sharply. The figure rushed over like a leopard. Alice was startled when she saw this scene. After inserting the key in a panic, she stepped on the accelerator and wanted to speed up to leave.

"Alice, stop!" Meng Huo made an angry voice through the mask. He wanted to cross the road to stop Alice, but suddenly a black car drove up from the other side, and with a 'bang', Alice could no longer see Meng Huo.

"Meng Huo!" She turned pale with fright, stepped on the brake, opened the car door and before she got out, she heard many people exclaiming: "That's amazing!"

Qin Ya in the distance took out her mobile phone and quietly took a picture - it was so cool, she was shocked when she saw the car driving towards Meng Huo just now, but she didn't expect Meng Huo to have known this car would come. He didn't care at all, he put his hands on the car cover, his body flipped in the air, and easily jumped over him.

The whole process was like flowing water, and he even used his other hand to hold down the hat while making this dangerous movement, so that his face could not be recognized.

"Teacher He Xi must have learned some martial arts!" Qin Ya thought excitedly, and then looked around strangely, when the car appeared just now. It seemed that a few men in black appeared beside her with guns, but Meng Huo easily passed by. Those people disappeared again.

Because the speed was too fast, Qin Ya wondered if she was hallucinating.

Alice got out of the car and stared dumbfounded at Meng Huo, who fell from the sky so suddenly that she didn't know what happened. But within a few seconds, Alice realized that her face was pale. Nervously checking Meng Huo's body: "Are you okay? Why are you so impulsive!"

"Aren't you hiding from me?"

Meng Huo snorted coldly, then turned around and apologized to the driver of the black car that stopped - this car didn't intend to hit him on purpose, it was actually driving, and Meng Huo was in a hurry.

However, he also anticipated the arrival of the car, so he responded in a timely manner.

The driver, who was still in shock, saw that Meng Huo was safe and sound. Complained a few words and left. And Meng Huo pulled Alice, stuffed her into the Porsche, and then sat in the driver's seat by himself: "I said, what are you hiding?"

"I... I didn't hide..." Alice had calmed down, her eyes wandered, and she smiled wryly, "Meng Huo, why are you here?"

Meng Huo took off his mask, breathed in fresher air, and said, "I'm here to look for you knowingly, tell me, why are you avoiding me recently?"

Alice was embarrassed, this is the end of the game, Meng Huo said so bluntly, but she didn't know how to fool her.

"I... I'm just... a little unprepared..."

"Not ready for what?" Meng Huo asked.

"..." Alice blushed, and circled her golden hair with her fingers: "Then what, didn't you bully Shen Jie very badly? She didn't go to work for two days... I think I should make more preparations... ..."

Meng Huo was speechless: "Just because of this?"

"I also have self-esteem." Alice muttered: "My body is no better than Shen Jie, but I don't want to lose to her... What if you think I'm not good enough if I'm not prepared at all?"

"Don't listen to her nonsense." Meng Huo was annoyed and funny: "She lied to you on purpose, you would be stupid if you were fooled."

He understood the reason now. Although he didn't know what Shen Jie said, he must have added fuel and vinegar to put the responsibility on him—and then scared Alice.

"She doesn't seem to be lying to me. You have never been like a normal person." Alice glanced at Meng Huo angrily. She was not worried about herself, but she was afraid that she would not be able to satisfy Meng Huo and make him feel disappointed in herself. Especially in the comparison with Shen Jie, she felt that she was doomed.

Meng Huo stretched out his hand to hold Alice's hand: "You don't have to think too much. Things that don't exist in the first place, you will have everything if you think about it this way."

Seeing that Alice was still a bit unrelieved, he sighed in his heart, and then hugged her with his hands, Alice's face immediately turned red: "Why are you doing this here? What if someone finds out?"

"No one will find out." Meng Huo said, this Porsche car and boat are very hidden, and the inside cannot be seen from the outside. And because of the sunlight and the angle, the people in front of the car can't see it unless they are very close.

Alice felt relieved, and was hugged honestly by Meng Huo.

Meng Huo didn't say anything, but Alice's heart gradually warmed up: "Will you mind if I can't meet your needs?"

"Nothing, I don't want you because I want to do that." Meng Huo said softly: "If you don't believe me, I can give you more time to think about it, but you have to promise me, don't hide like this I."

"I believe, I believe you..." Listening to Meng Huo's heartbeat, Alice felt that she was an idiot. She had been waiting for such a long time, but she actually flinched at the critical moment—Meng Huo was not a flood beast, she was worried what.

" stay tonight?" She made a decision, her face was a little hot.

"Tonight? But I've already bought an evening ticket, and I'm with Qin Ya. If she changes her mind temporarily, Qin Ya may suspect..." Meng Huo frowned slightly: "How about next time, I'll wait in Manga Island You, come back after you finish your work."

"No." However, after the knot was untied, Alice was unwilling to wait: "I want today, Qin Ya, you should find a way to get rid of it!"

Meng Huo sank.

"Sure enough, you still think I can't handle you..." Alice stretched out her hand and twisted Meng Huo's hand, provoking him with this sentence: "What you said just now is so nice, but it turns out that you look down on me?"

"you win……"

Although it was a crude stimulation method, Meng Huo chose to surrender—he thought that no man would throw away the meat that reached his mouth, especially if he didn't eat Alice. it is good.

"Then where are we going now?" Meng Huo let go of Alice, helped her cut her hair, and said, "Should we not go to work in the afternoon?"

"Yeah." Alice nodded and said with a smile: "Let's go to the movies first, have dinner together in the evening, and then I will arrange the hotel."

"Is the hotel suitable?"

"It's nothing bad, my house and yours are inconvenient today..." Alice said: "The hotel environment is very good, and the measures are complete, I don't mind."

She said so, and Meng Huo naturally had no objection. While starting the Porsche, he said: "Then you call my mother and tell her to find a way to fool Qin Ya, just say that I am very busy at work, and I will decide tomorrow gone back."

"Let me fight?" Alice thought to herself, isn't this self-inflicted? How embarrassing it was for me to tell Li Qin: "No, no, you should talk about it!"

Seeing her flushed face, Meng Huo said with a smile, "Okay, I'll call again later, which theater shall we go to?" (To be continued...)

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