Big Manga

Chapter 1017: Movie

"Please keep the two copies of "Love in the Sky"."

Twenty minutes later, Alice bought a movie ticket from the theater box office.

This is a love story adapted from a true story and described on an airplane. It tells the story of a couple who have broken up their relationship and took the opportunity to return to their hometown in order to get divorced. On the way, they encounter hijacking. During the crisis, the two subdued the gangster together with other passengers, and in the process, they recalled their love for each other, and finally reconciled as before.

Of course it doesn't matter what the story is about, what matters is that this is a love movie.

Alice happily took the movie ticket and came to the place where Meng Huo was waiting, but she became strange after seeing Meng Huo's expression: "What happened? Why do you look like you are thinking?"

Meng Huo looked up at her: "My mother and I called just now, and she said that she couldn't inform Qin Ya because she had something to go home suddenly—strange, didn't she say she wouldn't go home?"

"Just because of this?" Alice disapproved: "Then leave Qin Ya alone for now, she might have some reason, let's buy some snacks and go watch a movie!"

Alice reached out and picked up Meng Huo who was sitting, and then took his hand to buy snacks like popcorn beside him. "Love in the Sky" will start in twenty minutes. She hugged Meng Huo's hand, With a sweet face, he walked into the screening room.

Qin Ya in the back nearly popped her eyeballs——

"Teacher He Xi... When did he and Miss Alice become so close?" This was the first time Qin Ya saw Meng Huo and a woman watching a movie alone, and the movement of Alice holding his arm was incredible It's not like an ordinary relationship.

What exactly is going on? The two of them are clearly separated from each other, when did they become so close?

And this situation made Qin Ya even more confused. She originally thought that Meng Huo and Shen Jie might have new developments, and it would not be a good thing for him to meet Alice—but now it seems that things are just the opposite?

"Mr. He Xi's relationship with Shen Jie is not getting closer... but Miss Alice?" Qin Ya patted her head, but what happened to Mr. He Xi's changes a while ago? ? There is no way to explain this situation. She felt that her brain was not enough.

Seeing Meng Huo and the two walk into the screening room, Qin Ya immediately ran to the ticket office: "Are there any tickets left for "Love in the Sky"? Give me one!"

"Okay." The ticket sales lady quickly gave her a new ticket.

Qin Ya carefully walked into the screening hall with the ticket,

Meng Huo and Alice just sat down and were still chatting. Coupled with the dim lights, they didn't notice Qin Ya coming in, and then sat in the third row behind them.

Only 60% of the seats in the screening hall were occupied, and many people sat casually scattered. There was no staff to interfere either.

"There are not many people, is this movie good?" Meng Huo asked.

"Online reviews are mediocre." Alice replied: "The routine is very old, but the overall production is pretty good. You should have a look."

She didn't have high expectations for the movie, but she needed the feeling of a love movie to cheer herself up. To prepare for the night's battle—in fact, she was still a little flustered in her heart.

The movie started, and the sound of the screening hall fell silent.

As Alice said, "Love in the Sky" is a very routine and well-regulated movie. There is nothing surprising about the content. The method of hijacking is still the same, and the gangster is also a very ordinary gangster. The plot of everyone working together to subdue the gangster is very exciting and dangerous, but it actually brings a lot of novelty.

Compared with movies, Meng Huo found that the environment around the projection hall has a greater influence on people.

The separated seats are basically filled with young couples. From the middle of the movie, many people don't know whether they were infected by the tense plot or deliberately, and they slowly leaned together. He stretched his arms around the other's waist in a very intimate gesture.

The entire projection hall became ambiguous because of the black shadows of such a pair of close couples. Everyone seemed to feel the atmosphere and gradually fell into each other's small world.

"I really want to burn these people..."

Qin Ya chewed her snacks, feeling aggrieved. In order to avoid Meng Huo's sight, she purposely sat behind a tall couple. The couple would lean their heads together from time to time, although their voices were covered by the sound effects of the movie. , but what are they doing. Qin Ya knew it clearly in her heart.

She regretted coming in with Meng Huo a little bit, this place is like hell, surrounded by bastards who should be burned to death.

"But Teacher He Xi and the others are not unusual. Could it be that I am overthinking?" But Qin Ya also noticed that Qin Ya and Alice did not get closer. They sit and watch the movie as if unaffected by their surroundings - they don't look like a couple.

However, in fact, it wasn't that Meng Huo and Alice didn't sit down, but that they both paid attention to the occasion, and couldn't bear to make intimate gestures in front of others. In addition, Meng Huo still had a mask on his mouth, so he was worried that others would find out if he took it off.

Although Alice has a heart, she also knows how to measure it. Once Meng Huo's identity was discovered, the consequences would be unimaginable.

And her goal has been achieved. By the end of the movie, Alice's heart was already immersed in the feeling of being in love, and coupled with the movement of the couple around her, her worries had completely disappeared, replaced by a nervous and excited heartbeat. up heart.

"After the meeting is over, we'll go eat." Alice whispered beside Meng Huo, "Go to the hotel after dinner."

"Don't you want to go shopping elsewhere?"

"No." Alice felt that the atmosphere was about the same, as long as the two went to the couple's restaurant to have a meal, the feeling would definitely come out 100%.

Meng Huo didn't object: "That's good."

At this moment, his eyes narrowed suddenly, and he saw a figure on the side of the projection hall walking towards the bathroom.

"Alice." He patted Alice's hand from below calmly: "Speak quietly, we may have a little trouble today."

"Trouble?" Alice lowered her voice: "What trouble?"

Meng Huo saw that the other party had entered the bathroom, and said, "Someone is following us."


Alice's head suddenly became clear, and her body tensed up.

"Don't worry, don't be so nervous, that's not a bad person." Meng Huo said, "I recognized her... She is Qin Ya. Recently, I feel that she often observes me, maybe she suspects me..."

"Qin Ya? Where is she!" Alice quietly looked around, but did not see Qin Ya's shadow.

"She's in the bathroom, don't look around, she will find out later."

"The bathroom?" Alice responded. He breathed a sigh of relief: "She probably won't come out before the movie ends."

Meng Huo thought the same thing, Qin Ya should have turned off the lights when she entered the arena just now, so he didn't notice. But the lights in the auditorium are turned back on when the movie is over. Then you will be able to see clearly with the people around you, Qin Ya can't hide at all in this situation.

So she hid in the bathroom now, probably because she wanted to wait for Meng Huo and Alice to leave at the end of the movie before she came out.

"But why is she here? Didn't you say she went home?" Alice looked at Meng Huo suspiciously.

But Meng Huo didn't know what was going on: "My mother said she went home, who knew she would follow me." He frowned. Xin Dao is in trouble now, if Qin Ya has been following him, wouldn't she be paying attention to the interaction between him and Alice?

"I don't think this is right." Alice thought for a while and said, "Why did she follow you? Could it be that you provoked her again? Is she interested in you?"

She stared at Meng Huo, who was startled: "What are you talking about, I didn't do anything."

He shook his head: "She's been very vigilant recently, I suspect she knows something...Maybe she guessed my relationship with Shen Jie, and then you're worried that I'll get into trouble with you!"

Although it was just a guess, Meng Huo unexpectedly guessed the truth. He didn't know that his guess was completely correct, but he also understood that Qin Ya's stalking must have something to do with her suspicion of him a while ago: "I didn't expect her to be so sensitive. She must have noticed that something was wrong."

Alice calmed down, and her expression gradually became serious: "This is not a good sign, Meng Huo... Are you and Shen Jie being too obvious?"

Meng Huo shook his head. Although he and Shen Jie had been crazy for nearly a month, their daily work was basically not affected, and they were very careful not to be discovered when commuting to and from get off work-this performance was not obvious.

"But it can't go on like this!" Alice frowned: "You and Shen Jie have just established a relationship, and Qin Ya has noticed the anomaly and followed you. It may be more difficult for the three of us to hide our relationship than imagined. "

Meng Huo was silent, Qin Ya realized something was wrong so quickly, the others were considered stupid. But it does not rule out that someone has already smelled the smell.

These talents are a big *trouble*, especially in the near future Meng Huo will leave the Phoenix Company, and even leave Huaxia, and Shen Jie and Alice will follow by his side - although the old lady supported some strategies, but The three left their posts at the same time. It is obviously impossible to hide from the eyes of interested people.

"...I think it's better to forget about today..." At this moment, Alice said suddenly: "Today is not suitable for continuing."

Meng Huo looked at her: "Is this okay?"

"It doesn't matter... Now the first thing is to solve Qin Ya's suspicion. She is indeed sensitive." Alice replied, she knew Qin Ya's sensitivity, and she kept the delicate relationship with Shen Jie and Meng Huo before. Yes, but Qin Ya noticed it early.

Alice and Meng Huo watched a movie together today. There is still room for explanation, but if it continues, for example, the two entered the hotel under Qin Ya's nose, Qin Ya would be surprised if she didn't know what happened.

"Is it useful for us to find a way to get rid of Qin Ya?"

Meng Huo asked.

Alice shook her head: "It's useless, she has doubts now, even if she doesn't see the two of us together, as long as we don't go home tonight, she can form a conclusion - I think you should go with her according to the original itinerary Return to Manga Island!"

She's a bit lost, but that's the best option until things get big. It wasn't that Alice didn't trust Qin Ya, but if her affairs with Meng Huo and Shen Jie were exposed, there would be too many issues involved, and Alice didn't want anyone to find out so early.

Meng Huo sighed: "Sorry, I should be more careful."

"It's okay, it's not your problem." Alice cheered up and said with a smile: "That's fine, it seems that God wants me to give you the first time at a more suitable place and time, don't worry... You won't be waiting long."

She paused, and then said, "I'll finish work in a week, and then I'll go and live with you."

Alice thought of an idea that would kill multiple birds with one stone. Meng Huo had about three weeks to go on a trip, and she found a reason to resign from Phoenix Company two weeks in advance—the two avoided the embarrassing situation of resigning at the same time.

Although the time interval is very short, there must be doubts, but it is better than leaving at the same time. And if the reason is right, maybe Alice can completely disown her relationship with Meng Huo.

Resigning early will also give Alice more than half a month to spend with Meng Huo. Although it is a little less than Shen Jie's time, she can hang out in the apartment all day, and the time is not lost at all.

"I have no problem, but what about your dad?" Meng Huo asked. The one-week wait was fleeting. Alice's suggestion was good news for him, but he was worried that Xu Jing would not want Alice to leave early. .

"Originally, he had to work hard for a few months, and it would be fine for two more weeks." Alice said with a smile: "It's just for him to lose weight, and I will let him agree."

In fact, if he knew that Alice was going to stay with Meng Huo for two more weeks, Xu Jing would not stop Alice from leaving, maybe he would take the initiative to send her here - he was also very worried about Alice's affairs.

After hearing Alice's answer, Meng Huo was relieved: "Then I will call my mother later and tell her not to tell Qin Ya about changing the itinerary."

He has decided to follow Alice's suggestion and return to Manga Island with Qin Ya today. But he felt that if Qin Ya was following him, she might find a way to return to Jiayuan community earlier than him in order to avoid being exposed. In order to prevent Li Qin from leaking information, he had to remind her first.

After the movie ended, Meng Huo and Alice walked out of the theater.

The two stopped in front of the Porsche, and Meng Huo saw Qin Ya's sneaky figure through the rearview mirror. He made a look at Alice, and Alice immediately responded with a louder voice.

"Thank you for watching the movie with me. I've been very busy at work recently. After watching the movie, I feel much better now..." Alice said, her voice was deliberately heard by Qin Ya, and then she talked to Meng Huo Shake hands and say goodbye, and drive home alone.

Meng Huo followed on to a bus, which also disappeared.

"Strange..." Qin Ya leaned over to the platform and took a look. The route of this bus is to return to Jiayuan Community. Teacher He Xi is going home? (To be continued.)

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